
Chapter 87 Burning Poisonous Insect

The road ahead is completely blocked by the bushes, and it can't be seen where the original road is. Ye Jiu is also getting more and more anxious. If he can't go out, it will be sad.

Looking at more and more worms under his feet, Ye Jiu suddenly became a little timid. Although he was not afraid of ghosts, he was helpless about these bugs. He didn't know why he loved to recruit bugs so much. Was it because of practicing witchcraft?

Shocked by his own ideas, Ye Jiu had no choice but to turn around and walk out of the bushes. Lan Jian and Nanzheng also knew that Ye Jiu was upset, so no one dared to complain about this part of the road, for fear that he would be silenced by Ye Jiu if he was not careful.

Although the Southern Expedition was the first time to see Ye Jiu, he could feel a sense of potential terror from Ye Jiu, which was very dangerous, which made him dare not approach Ye Jiu too much.

Although Lan Jian likes to joke, he will also look at the timing. He knows Ye Jiu's methods. It's really too simple to die alone, so he dares to joke when Ye Jiu is angry, for fear that he will be silenced by Ye Jiu if he is not careful.

The three can't continue to move forward, so they have to choose a place with few bushes to move forward. At present, the sky is also dim. It seems that they will welcome the night in a short time, with dark lights everywhere. If something incredible happens, they can only wait to die.

"Xiao Jiu, what should I do? There are more and more of these bugs. How can I feel that they all come for us?

Lan Jian was very optimistic. He thought he could go out through these bushes, but he found that the deeper he walked through the bushes, and there were more and more bugs.

"It's impossible to go back now. You can only keep moving forward."

Ye Jiu didn't like to go back, so he refused to go back.

Nanzheng was silent all the way. It seemed that he didn't like to talk very much. Seeing that Ye Jiu did not intend to turn back, he also bravely walked forward, and Lan Jian became depressed.

seemed to see Lan Jian's dissatisfaction. Ye Jiu snorted coldly, "Lan Jian, it's getting dark. If you think you can go out now, you can go back and don't have to follow us all the time."

Lan Jian heard Ye Jiu's dissatisfaction, so he smiled quickly.

"What are you saying? I don't want to go back. Since we are a group, we should be united. Don't worry, I will always be on your side."

Lan Jian smiled awkwardly. He was a little unnatural, but he was always thick-skinned and didn't care much about anything. Instead, Nanzheng despised Lan Jian a little. Obviously, he didn't think so, but he said something against his will. This kind of person can't make friends deeply, otherwise he will betray you one day.

"Xiao Jiu, what do you think is that glowing thing?"

Nanzheng stared at the grass in front of him with a nervous face. After Ye Jiu saw that thing, his face also changed.

"What's wrong? What is that?"

"That's a bloodsucker. As long as you smell blood, you will attack immediately. Once attacked, there is no possibility of living."

Ye Jiu's serious appearance surprised Nan Zheng and Lan Jian. They quickly checked whether there were any wounds on their bodies. Ye Jiu was not happy. It seemed that tonight was destined to be an extraordinary night.

"Xiao Jiu, what should we do? Do you really want to go through the bloodsucker?

"What do you want to do? This is the only way out.

Nanzheng frowned and coughed twice, as if cleaning his throat.

"Xiaojiu, I have also seen the bloodsucker, but it's the first time I've seen the glowing bloodsucker. Are you wrong?"

"No, this blood-sucking bug has perished thousands of years ago, but it suddenly appeared here, indicating that there is a tomb thousands of years ago. These insects are all in seclusion in the tomb and will only come out if there is an accident."

"What accident do you mean?"

"I don't know. You can go to the tomb and have a look."

Ye Jiu stared at Lan Jian angrily. This boy has too many problems! It's better to go to the south. Although there are problems, there are not many problems. Ye Jiu is not an encyclopedia. In fact, he only reads those problems from books.

"Well, if you want to go back, you can leave. I won't force anyone to go with me."

After saying that, Ye Jiu strode forward. When he stepped on the bloodworm, the bloodworm made a sneering sound. The sound was very harsh and frightening, but Ye Jiu didn't care too much.

The bloodworms that Ye Jiu trampled to death were soon eaten up by the living bloodworms. Seeing those who ate the same kind of insects, Nanzheng and Lanjian sweated coldly. Their legs and feet trembled, but no one refused to retreat.

In the hearts of Lan Jian and Nan Zheng, they can only be relatively safe when they are with Ye Jiu. Without Ye Jiu, it may be difficult for them to leave the Xiangxi generation. Although Lan Jian always complains, he still has his own ideas.

" hiss..."

When Lan Jian stepped on the bloodworm, a hiss came, like a snake, but not very similar.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the sound?"

Lan Jian's voice trembled. He was afraid that he would be drained of blood accidentally. He didn't want to die like this. He hadn't enjoyed his good youth.

"Come on, I guess something more powerful than a bloodworm is coming."

Ye Jiu is not alarmist. He is telling the truth. This voice reminds him of that kind of thing. Although he has only seen it once, it has been unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Once, Ye Jiu and his master Xuan Tianzi found a black poisonous snake in the back mountain of Wushan. As for what snake it was, no one knew. He only knew that the snake was very powerful. Even the python was not its opponent, and its venom was very strong, and the general poisonous insects would be volatilize by its venom.

Speaking of its venom, it is comparable to sulfuric acid, and the object of its attack has no conditions. It seems that it depends on the mood. As long as it is in a bad mood, no matter what it is, it will launch an attack.

Lan Jian saw that Ye Jiu was taboo about this kind of thing, so he didn't dare to talk about it. He ran straight forward.

"slow down, don't be scratched by the branches, and be careful of those bloodsuckers."

Although he doesn't like Lan Jian very much, Ye Jiu still kindly reminds him that he doesn't want his team to sacrifice here. Even if he really wants to sacrifice, he must choose a good place and choose a good way to die.

"Xiao Jiu, it seems that Lan Jian is afraid."

Nanzheng looked at Lan Jian's back with a smile. He probably turned up his voice, as if he was afraid that Lan Jian would not hear it.

Lan Jian heard the sarcastic voice of the Southern Expedition, slowed down, then turned his head and roared to the south: "Bastard, who do you think is afraid? Who are you talking about..."

"Oc's it, don't shout. Do you still think your life is long? If you don't want to leave here, I will fulfill you."

Ye Jiu was the most annoying and noisy, so the appearance of Lan Jian's shrew made Ye Jiu very irritable, so he scolded them. After being scolded by Ye Jiu, Nan Zheng and Lan Jian calmed down.

At this time, there are more and more bugs under his feet, and Ye Jiu feels that something is faintly wrong. It seems that he still needs to use spells this time, otherwise it is really difficult to go out, but there are not many runes on Ye Jiu's body. If he can't go out by then, what should he do?

"Forget it, I'd better burn it with rune paper! If it goes on like this, I don't know when it will end.

Ye Jiu saw the black worm under his feet, and he couldn't stand it, so at this time, he couldn't take care of the future. He took out two rune papers from his arms. Ye Jiu directly shook his hand and burned up. Then Ye Jiu bit his middle finger, drew a few words on the rune paper and threw them at the insects.

As soon as the rune paper advanced, the insects immediately burned, but those fires could not burn Lan Jian and Ye Jiu. It seems that this rune paper is also recognized.

All the insects under their feet were burned, but there was no pungent smell. Instead, there was a faint fragrance, which made Lan Jian and Nan Zheng not smell for a while. They felt that the fragrance was very refreshing.

"Take good care of these flavors. Although bloodworms are very poisonous, they are also treasures all over their bodies. These fragrances have a refreshing effect. What we need to rush is a lot of physical energy, so now take advantage of this to supplement them."

After saying that, Ye Jiu also began to stand still to raise himself. With the help of the current rune paper, he had to quickly recover his skills. Looking at this situation, he could not reach the next day, otherwise he would die.

"Xiao Jiu, didn't you only burn two runes? Why are the insects burned from front to back? Lan Jian asked curiously.

"These two runes have spells, so as long as they burn, the surrounding poisonous insects will be burned, otherwise it will not be extinguished."

With Ye Jiu's explanation, Lan Jian also understood a lot. It seems that this rune paper really works very well. Lan Jian plans to sell rune paper after he goes back, but Nanzheng has another idea in his heart.

After Nanzheng wanted to go back to receive his son, he learned from Ye Jiu. He planned to worship Ye Jiu as his master. Although he is much older than Ye Jiu, this is not important. Learning from teachers cannot be divided by age.

"Okay, let's hurry up now, and the bugs in front of us are almost burned." After Ye Jiu recovered a little physical strength, he greeted Lan Jian and Nan Zheng to continue their journey. Without blood worms, it was much easier for them to travel.

"There is a light in front of you. It seems that someone should live there."

As soon as he walked through the hemorrhagic insect bush forest, Lan Jian saw the light not far away. Now he was very excited. It seemed that they had chosen the right way. Although they had experienced some terrible things, it was all over.

"Don't worry, how can someone live in this wilderness? Take a closer look, is the light green?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Lan Jian looked at Ye Jiu with a puzzled face. Although it was already dark, Lan Jian could still see the solemn look of Ye Jiu's face through the moonlight.

"That's a guide lamp, which is specially designed to attract people's souls. As long as you are led away by it, you will be reborn in the next life."

"So serious..."

Lan Jian's heart is chilled. He just walked out of a dangerous area, and now there is another danger. Where is this place? If he had known that it was so dangerous, he would not have come here even if someone put a knife around his neck.

"So what should we do now?"

Nan Zheng also asked. He didn't want to die here. Even if he really wanted to die, he had to see his son. His son was the most sorry person in his life.

"Go around. If we can't get around, we can only wait for dawn. As soon as it dawns, it will automatically disappear."

"This is a good way."

After paying attention, the three began to take a long detour again. It seemed that they were taking a long detour and did not know when they would return to the right path. If they had known that they would have chosen to take a car during the day, they would not have been as embarrassed as they are now.

But what's the use of thinking so much now? Since he has chosen this road, he must grit his teeth and stick to it. Ye Jiu doesn't like to go back, and he also knows that he has no room to turn back at all, so now he can only take a long detour.

Time is still walking slowly. Lan Jian and others are already physically and mentally exhausted at this time. If they can't get out, they will really die here. Although Ye Jiu practices magic, he also knows his physical condition at this time, which is not much better than Lan Jian and others.

If something happens now, he doesn't even have the ability to save his life, and now he has to take care of the other two people. At this moment, he feels that he is really under a lot of pressure. He can't even take care of himself. How can he take care of the other two people?

"Xiao Jiu, if I die here, you find my son and tell him that his father is sorry for him."

The Southern Expedition has planned to die, so he left a last word for Ye Jiu. Lan Jian's face turned pale as soon as he heard Nanzheng's words. It seems that he is really desperate now.

"You'd better keep this and go back and tell him in person!"

Ye Jiu is a little unhappy. Although they are not safe around now, it hasn't come to the end yet? How could he give up like this? This really made Ye Jiu very unhappy. The most irritable person in his life is the kind of person who gives up before trying.