
Chapter 88 Unexpected Gain

The three finally bypassed the guide light. At present, there was a brilliant scene of lights. Seeing that they came out, Lan Jian and Nan Zheng were excited, and Ye Jiu could not suppress their enthusiasm.

"Great, we finally came out and thought we would die here..."

Lan Jian cried as he spoke. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of grievance. If it hadn't been for Ye Jiu this time, he would have died in that grave. How could he have experienced so many thrilling scenes?

"I hope it won't be another scary scene."

Ye Jiu said this lightly, but it shocked Lan Jian and Nan Zheng, thinking that something incredible had happened again.

"Xiaojiu, do you mean you want to go and have a look?"

"If you want to stay here, please. I won't force you to do anything."

When Nanzheng saw Lan Jian being reprimanded, he felt funny. He didn't like Lan Jian, so he wanted to see Lan Jian frustrated. Now Lan Jian has been repeatedly reprimanded by Ye Jiu, which also avenged him for being deceived.

"There is nothing dangerous there, just an ordinary residential area, but you have to keep your mouth shut. We must not tell anyone about what happened in the mountains, even the people closest to us."

Ye Jiu warned Lan Jian and Nan Zheng. He didn't want his things here to spread outside. After all, what happened here was not so coincidental. Ye Jiuming felt that someone deliberately targeted him this time. As for Lan Jian and Nan Zheng, they were just a coincidence.

Why can't you tell others? Things here are so wonderful and exciting that it's really a waste not to talk about it.

"Okay, then go and say it. Be careful that you will die before you finish."

Lan Jian felt that Ye Jiu's warning was a little big deal, so he did not pay attention to Ye Jiu's words, but the Southern Expedition always remembered Ye Jiu's words. Since he did not allow him to say it, he would certainly not spread it everywhere. After all, his identity was a little special, and he could not say anything casually.

The three continued to drive, and the lights in front of them were getting closer and closer. It seemed that they came out safely, but Ye Jiu was annoyed again, that is, how to go back and ask the master about it. What if he doesn't admit it?

Seeing that Ye Jiu was unhappy, Nan Zheng was curious: "Xiao Jiu, we are all out. Why are you still unhappy?"

"I'm thinking about something. After I go back this time, I'm going back to my hometown. You can wait for me in the city. You can call me if you need anything."


A few simple words made Nanzheng feel that he had joined Ye Jiu's team. Although he had not yet been a teacher, Nanzheng had already regarded Ye Jiu as his own person, and Ye Jiu was the same. He regarded Nanzheng as his own person.

"Hey, why don't we go back and have fun?" Lan Jian said to Ye Jiu and Nan Zheng with a smile, but Ye Jiu and Nan Zheng ignored his words and seemed to regard Lan Jian as a transparent person.

"Hey, aren't you giving face too much?"

Lan Jian is angry. He really can't stand others ignoring him. Although he sometimes speaks without thinking, he also has self-esteem.

"How much is your face worth? Give you face, then who will give us face.

There is no threat to life for the time being, and Ye Jiu also began to joke. As for how to ask the master in the future, then wait until you go back and think about it. Now the most important thing is to recover your skills quickly, otherwise tomorrow will still be very sad.

It has been a few days in Xiangxi, and it's time to go back. Moreover, Tangmen still has something to deal with by himself. After thinking about it, Ye Jiu feels that he is really busy. If he has been busy with these trivial things, when will his witch gate be expanded?

"Xiaojiu, do you have any money?"

Nanzheng's face turned red. Since he fled, he had no money in his pocket. Every time he ate, he picked up the leftovers. Later, when he came to Xiangxi, he ate some wild fruits and lived on the grassroots. At present, he lives in a hotel, and he has no money to pay the room fee.

"Don't worry! I won't let you live alone in the wilderness.

"Thank you, Xiaojiu."

It is rare for Nanzheng to show a smile, but because it was too dark, no one saw his smile.

"I feel so happy!"

Lan Jian said that he was happy several times. Naturally, he was very happy about the journey without danger. There was no pressure or anything. Lan Jian felt that he was really free.

After walking for about ten minutes, the three finally arrived at a hotel, but there were not many people in the hotel, which was a little lonely. Ye Jiu looked at it in detail and felt that there was no problem, so he took the crowd in.

"Hello! Welcome, how many people are there, sir?

As soon as Ye Jiu and the others entered, a girl about 20 years old greeted them sweetly.

"Three, three rooms!"

Ye Jiu is very generous. He has always been very demanding about food and accommodation. He now has this ability, so he doesn't think it's anything. However, Lan Jian and Nan Zheng are a little dumbfounded when they hear it. They can't spend so much money, can they?

Suddenly, Ye Jiu became a prodigal son in the hearts of the two of them, but they didn't say anything. After all, they didn't spend their own money.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The girls soon opened*. Of course, Ye Jiu's ID cards were also registered. Although the identity of Nanzheng had been changed, the waitress of the hotel did not see anything wrong.

The three soon went upstairs to rest. Ye Jiu was stunned in the room for a while, and then went into the bathroom to clean it. After taking a shower, he felt a sense of sleepiness. Ye Jiu immediately lay down on ** to rest. He would not wrong himself.

Lan Jian and Nan Zheng also fell asleep beautifully. There was no danger, and everyone slept peacefully. Ye Jiu's spiritual power also recovered quickly in his sleep. It seemed that he could fully recover as before without waiting for the next day.

"Xiaojiu, Xiaojiu..."

In a daze, Ye Jiu suddenly heard someone calling him, so he opened his eyes and saw the little golden snake in his abdomen appear in front of him.

"Damn, do you want to scare me to death? You don't sleep in the middle of the night. Why did you run out?

"I wanted to give you something a few days ago, but I fell asleep, so I forgot to give it to you. Now I wake up and give it to you by the way."

"What else do you have to come out in person?"

Ye Jiu is a little curious. Usually, the golden snake has something for itself to make that thing appear in front of him, but now it sends it to itself. It must be something valuable.

"In fact, it's not a good thing, just a book that can see through the past and present life."

"Dizzy, how dare you handle this kind of book?"

The golden snake was not angry with Ye Jiu's contempt. It took out the book of his past and present life and handed it to Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu was still on the table without reading it, which made the golden snake a little unhappy.

"Hey, at least take a look. Don't waste my good intentions, okay?"

"Okay, okay, can I watch it tomorrow? Look, it's all in the middle of the night. I want to sleep, Daxian. You are always a snake. I'm a human, and everyone wants to sleep.

Ye Jiu didn't know how to explain to the golden snake, so he moved out the truth that he was a human, which made the golden snake despise Ye Jiu a little. In the heart of the golden snake, people are the lowest animals.

"Golden Snake Fairy, your old books have been delivered, just go back to bed!"

Ye Jiu complained again, and then ignored the golden snake. He covered his head with a quilt alone and fell asleep. Seeing this, the golden snake could not say anything more. He directly dodged and disappeared into the room, and no one knew where it had gone.

Lan Jian was in a daze and felt that his whole body suddenly became very cool. He wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't open his eyes. He was a little anxious and wanted to shout for help, but his heart was willing but weak.

After a night's rest, Ye Jiu and Nanzheng felt much more comfortable and relaxed, but Lan Jian felt sore and weak all over, as if they had been fighting all night.

"Lan Jian, why are your dark circles so serious? Did you have insomnia last night?

When Ye Jiu saw Lan Jian's depressed appearance, he cared curiously, and Nan Zheng also stared at him curiously.

"Alas! I don't know what happened. In the middle of last night, I felt very cold around. I remembered to see it, but I couldn't move. Later, I fell asleep in a daze and woke up now.

"So how do you feel?"

"I feel sore all over. It seems that I've been working hard all night and I'm very uncomfortable."

Ye Jiu thought for a moment, and then explored Lan Jian's body with magic, but he didn't see anything, but one thing he was surprised about was that Lan Jian's lower body was a little swollen, which seemed to have done something with a woman.

Seeing Ye Jiu's strange look, Lan Jian was shocked and thought that he was possessed by something unclean.

"Xiao Jiu, am I hopeless..."

"It's hopeless. It's really hopeless. Lan Jian, you too. You have been tired for so long. You asked women to release their desires in the middle of the night last night. Aren't you really afraid of dying?"

Ye Jiu's speech Nan Zheng also guessed what it was. Lan Jian was really confused. He went to bed early yesterday. How can there be a woman to release her desire? Have you really been hit by a ghost girl?

Thinking of this, Lan Jian sweated coldly. He had never touched him, but was actually touched by the dead. He had been a virgin for more than 20 years. Unfortunately, he no longer existed last night and lost his life to the female ghost.

"Xiaojiu, I think I should have been forced by a female ghost..."

Lan Jian looked at Ye Jiu with a sad face, but Ye Jiu shook his head helplessly, while Nan Zheng was watching jokes. If this boy can be what he is today, he deserves to be unlucky. Whoever doesn't let him learn well, and he can't blame others for losing this time.

The three left the room. This time, they did not choose to walk. Because they had arrived in the town, they chose to take the car. Of course, Ye Jiu could have been transmitted back directly by array, but he temporarily changed his attention.

Last night, the golden snake told him that this time it was for Ye Jiu's training, so he can't rely on magic to solve problems every time. When necessary, he should rely on his own brain and team cooperation.

Although Ye Jiu is now alone, he will have to reorganize Wushan in the future. If he doesn't understand the team spirit, it is useless for him to be strong alone. The Southern Expedition is already half a disciple of Wumen, so Ye Jiu also intends to take him to practice well this time.

"Xiaojiu, are you really not going to do antique business when you go back? I feel that you are very talented in this area.

Lan Jian did not give up and still encouraged Ye Jiu to work with him. Unfortunately, he muttered Ye Jiu's ability. If Ye Jiu really chose to do the antique industry, his ability would be completely useless. Ye Jiu's ideal is not an antique dealer.

When Nan Zheng saw Lan Jian talking nonsense, he really wanted to slap him to death. Thinking of the scene that he had been framed by Lan Jian, Nan Zheng's heart was unbalanced. If it hadn't been for Ye Jiu's face, he would have turned against Lan Jian long ago. How could he be allowed to talk here at this time.