
Chapter 159 Order instant noodles in a five-star hotel

After eating a meal silently, Ye Jiu went back to his room with the rabbit cat in his arms. Ye Tianqi sat alone at the table and looked at the table in a mess. Ye Tianqi's tears flowed out.

"Alas! My son has grown up, that's all..."

Ye Tian used his hand to wipe his tears, and then got up and cleaned up the table. Ye Jiu was stunned in the room and looked out of the window. The little rabbit cat called him several times and he didn't hear it.

"Hey, Xiaojiu, what's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you are very unhappy? Didn't the food just now have your appetite?

"Don't talk nonsense. If the food my father cooks doesn't have my appetite, who else can cook the food that can meet my appetite that day?"

Since it's not a matter of food, what is it? Your father is right. There must be something hidden from us in your heart.

The little rabbit cat did not intend to let Ye Jiu go easily. Ye Jiu was also entangled by it, so he took out a letter and handed it to the little cat. The letter was seen in his room on the first day Ye Jiu came back.

"What is this?"

With curiosity, the little rabbit opened the envelope. After reading the words on the letter, its eyes widened.

"Xiaojiu, how could this happen?"

"I don't know. I saw it the day I just came back. When I saw this letter, I had the same reaction as you."

"Have you checked where this letter came from?"

"I found it. It came from a killer organization."

Ye Jiu's words made the rabbit cat strange. Ye Jiu had a connection with the killer organization, which made it difficult for anyone to imagine.

"Xiao Jiu, when did you have contact with the killer organization?"

"How can I get in touch with that group of people? I also want to know what's going on."

"Why don't we go to the appointment and have a look? Maybe something unexpected will happen to us."

The funny expression of the rabbit cat made Ye Jiu feel chilly. He suddenly found that the rabbit cat was doing more and more, and the gossip was serious. He had never found that the rabbit cat had this shortcoming before.

"Little thing, you are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"Xiaojiu, don't always be so serious. In fact, it's good to play. Besides, we have nothing to do now. Just go and see what those people have their intentions."

"If you like to watch it, I'll take you to play." The little rabbit cat is happy. It can't be quiet. It is its nature to play, and it has been busy these days. Now it finally has a chance to play. How can it be easily let go?

Ye Jiu is a quiet type. He doesn't like crowded places, let alone noisy atmospheres, but he still endures for the sake of the rabbit cat.

"Xiaojiu, when are we leaving?"

"Night! We will leave after my father goes to bed.

"Why don't you leave now?"

Ye Jiu frowned. He also wanted to leave now, but he knew that Ye Tianqi did not like to go out of the door. If he left now, Ye Tianqi would definitely break the casserole and ask to the end, and it would be more troublesome at that time, so Ye Jiu chose to leave when Ye Tianqi was asleep, so that he would not be questioned.

"Little thing, take care of your own mouth and don't say anything."

"Xiao Jiu, I think you and your father can actually communicate, but you have closed your hearts, that's why the father-son relationship is as cold as it is now."

The tone of the rabbit cat is a little similar to that of the past. Ye Jiu glanced at it, but he did not deny the words of the rabbit cat. In fact, Ye Jiu understood everything, but there has always been a grudge in his heart, so he has been in a cold war with Ye Tianqi until now.

"Okay, get ready. It may take us a few days to go out this time."

After saying that, Ye Jiu picked up his backpack. Changing clothes is a must-have, and there are also some spiritual charms that need to be used. The little rabbit cat is lying ** with its legs crossed, as long as it has a mouth.

"Xiaojiu, Xiaojiu..."

Ye Jiu was packing up. Ye Tianqi suddenly knocked on the door outside and called him. Ye Jiu quickly stuffed his backpack into the cabinet, and then opened the door.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"I'm going out for a while. Uncle Zhang needs my help with something. I may not come back tonight. You can go out for dinner by yourself!"

"Well, okay, be safe."

"Well, I'm leaving. Keep an eye on the door."

Ye Tianqi left after saying that. Ye Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no need to wait until the evening. The little rabbit cat also cheered up at this time. As soon as Ye Tianqi walked out of the house, the little rabbit cat ran to the living room to open the refrigerator and packed food.

"Hey, are you a pig? Why did you take so much food?"

Seeing that his backpack was stuffed with food by the rabbit cat, Ye Jiu sweated coldly. He completely felt that the rabbit cat was a pig.

"Xiaojiu, the food outside is not hygienic, and no one knows how it tastes, so I think it's better to take your father to cook it. This is hygienic and tastes good."

The little rabbit cat opened a ham sausage and ate it. Ye Jiu was really speechless.

"Little thing, this ham sausage was bought in the supermarket, and the things in the bag were all bought. My father made it. You are simply unreasonable."

"Well, I just want to save some money for you. Besides, there are so many things in the refrigerator that your father can't finish it alone! If it's broken there, isn't it a waste?"

The little rabbit cat began to preach again. Ye Jiu knew that she could not speak the little rabbit cat, so she stopped saying anything, but silently packed her clothes and props.

It's not early at this time. After Ye Jiu packed up everything, he picked up his backpack and carried the rabbit cat to the address left in the letter. Ye Jiu didn't like to go to that address, but the rabbit cat wanted to play, so Ye Jiu could only reluctantly take it to play.

Gu Anran watched TV irritably at home, then changed to this channel, and then to another channel. Several bodyguards around him stood there motionless, as if they were like tombstones.

"Isn't it annoying for you to stand there? Get out of here..."

Gu Anran finally got angry and vented his anger on those bodyguards. The bodyguards dared not talk back and could only silently leave the room. Their eldest ladies have always had this temper, so they are used to it.

"Baby, why are you angry again? Tell Dad, who made you angry? Dad asked someone to help you get out of him."

A fat and strong man came in. Looking at his bare forehead, it reminded people of the light bulb.

"Dad, come back!"

Gu Anran looks a little better. Although she is more spoiled, she is still a good girl in front of her father, because she knows her father's temper.

"If I don't come back, you will overturn this family."

"Dad, I don't look like what you said. That woman sued you again!"

Gu Anran was angry. Since her father raised a little honey, she hasn't lived a day in peace. If it hadn't been for that little honey always bothering her, Gu Anran would not have gone to Wushan. If she didn't go to Wushan, how could she know Ye Jiu and not know Ye Jiu? How could she be angry? Therefore, in the final analysis, it is still caused by the little honey her father.

"Well, can't you two get along peacefully? Your Aunt Xiaoxiao is so docile, and it's not difficult to get along with.

"Let's go! She is still docile. That's just meek in front of you. You don't even look at how she treats your subordinates. Besides, she is not as old as me. Let me call her aunt in the next life!"

Seeing his daughter's angry face, Gu Xiliang's face changed: "Pay attention to your attitude."

Hearing his father's stern tone, Gu An'an's heart sank and knew that he had just said too much, so he quickly coaxed Gu Xiliang with a smile.

"Dad, don't be angry. At worst, I will get along well with Aunt Xiaoxiao in the future. As long as she doesn't bother me, I won't take the initiative to talk about her or anything."

"This is my good daughter. All right, you can play by yourself! I have important people to meet tonight, so I won't have dinner at home. You cultivate feelings with Xiaoxiao.

"Well, I know Dad."

Gu Anran kissed Gu Xiliang's face. Gu Xiliang walked out of the room with a smile. As soon as he left the room, Gu Anran's face pulled down and let her live in peace with Xiaoxiao. Let's live in the next life!

At this time, Ye Jiu had taken the rabbit cat to the place mentioned in the letter. It was a five-star luxury hotel. After getting the door key, Ye Jiu's face was a little dignified.

"What's wrong with Xiaojiu?"

"I think this person has a smell that I am familiar with."

"You haven't seen that man yet. Why do you smell him?"

The little rabbit cat is curious and has been guessing Ye Jiu's words. Is it possible that Ye Jiu's ability has grown again?

"This letter has the smell of that person, and this breath is mixed with a smell that I am familiar with."

"Isn't your nose too **? I doubt if you have a dog nose."

The rabbit cat was so angry that Ye Jiu completely stormed away. He directly knocked on the rabbit cat's head. The painful rabbit cat grinned and did not dare to scream.

"Xiao Jiu, just abuse me! Be careful when I go to the Zoological Association to complain about your abuse of small animals.

"If you have the ability, you can go now. I won't stop you."

Ye Jiu threw the little rabbit cat on the ground and sat alone on the sofa. The man said that he would be there in half an hour, so Ye Jiu was not in a hurry and just made a cup of tea and waited slowly.

The rabbit cat went to the bathroom to freshen up. The rabbit cat cherishes its hair very much and cares about it, so it will comb it carefully every time.

"Little thing, I want to order something to eat. What do you want to eat?" Ye Jiu saw the rabbit cat playing in front of the mirror.

"I want to eat pasta, steak, and I also want lobster and abalone chicken wings..."

"Stop, I know. You continue to be busy with yours."

Ye Jiu stopped the rabbit cat's words, then picked up the room phone and called the front desk. After whispering a few times, he hung up the phone.

After cleaning up, the little rabbit sat next to Ye Jiu and waited for food. After ten minutes, the door was knocked. Ye Jiu walked over and opened the door. The waiter was waiting outside the door with two buckets of instant noodles.

"Hello, sir, the instant noodles you ordered."

"Well, thank you."

Ye Jiu paid and took the instant noodles and went into the room. As soon as the rabbit saw the instant noodles in Ye Jiu's hand, it was immediately dumbfounded. Which one was this song? It's shocking to live in a luxury five-star hotel and order instant noodles!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the little rabbit with a depressed face, Ye Jiu couldn't help laughing and asked.

"I also asked what's wrong, and I also want to ask you what's wrong? Xiaojiu, aren't you a brain tease?"

The angry look made Ye Jiu smile. Ye Jiu did not reply, but took out the food stuffed in by the rabbit cat from his backpack, and then opened the package and put it on the table. The rabbit was speechless at this time.