
Chapter 160 Join the Underworld

Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat ate instant noodles silently. Fortunately, they brought a lot of food from home. Otherwise, this bucket of instant noodles would definitely not be enough for them to eat. This time, Ye Jiu felt that the rabbit cat was not so disgusting.

"Little guy, you are really wise this time. If you hadn't brought so much food from home, I guess we would really be hungry."

"Well, it's all your fault. There are so many delicious food, why do you order instant noodles?"

The little rabbit was very angry. Seeing the little guy angry and cute, Ye Jiu couldn't help laughing. In fact, he didn't want to do this, but in order to paralyze the enemy, he could only be so wronged.

Gu Xiliang arrived at the place agreed with the man. When he first knocked on the door, he found that the other party was eating instant noodles, and there was also a pet with him who didn't know whether it was a cat or a rabbit.

"Mr. Gu, please sit down."

Ye Jiu put down the instant noodles in his hand and invited Gu Xiliang to sit down. The little rabbit cat just looked at Gu Xiliang and lowered its head and continued to eat, regardless of the identity of the person sitting opposite him.

"Mr. Ye, how do you eat this? Come on, go and prepare a seafood dinner for Mr. Ye.

"Yes, boss."

A cold man with sunglasses went out. Ye Jiu saw the evil spirit from the man. It seemed that he had been fighting the industry for a long time, and the little rabbit cat also frowned.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter with you inviting me here this time?"

"Ha ha... I won't beat around the bush with you. I heard that Mr. Ye knows magic, but I don't know if it's true?"

Gu Xiliang did not be polite to Ye Jiu and asked directly. Although he knew a little about the magician, he didn't believe it when he saw that Ye Jiu was so young.

"Really? What about fakes? Mr. Gu, it's not just to detect whether I'm a warlock or not!"

Ye Jiu despised Gu Xiliang in his heart, but he didn't say it. After all, he was under the roof.

"Then I won't be polite to you. I have an enemy, but there are many warlocks around him, and my subordinates have also suffered many times. I heard that Master Ye is famous, so I hereby invite Master Ye to help me eradicate my diss."

Gu Xiliang directly changed Ye Jiu from Mr. Ye to Master Ye. For warlocks, he has always been thirsty for talent, so he does not hesitate to listen to this simple compliment, but Ye Jiu is a little numb.

"Mr. Gu, I'm different from those warlocks. I won't help if anyone asks for help."

"This is easy to say, come on, bring me the things I prepared for Master Ye."

Gu Xiliang waved his hand, and the person behind directly took a safe, put it on the table in front of Ye Jiu and retreated to the back. Gu Xiliang opened the box, which was full of dollars.

"Master Ye, this is a small matter. As long as Master Ye helps me eradicate dissidents, Gu will hold another 100 million as Master Ye's hard work."

"It's easy to say."

Ye Jiu received the money. Anyway, don't want it for nothing, and Ye Jiu also figured it out. The dissident mentioned by the other party is not a good person, and he will trouble Ye Jiu in the future, so this time he also used Gu Xiliang's hand to deal with the trouble first. The money was also earned and the trouble was eliminated. This is simply a beautiful thing of killing two birds with one stone. .

"Master Ye, please, Gu went back first. Your food and accommodation here are all counted on Gu's account."

"Then you're welcome."

After sending Gu Xiliang away, Ye Jiu deposited the cash in the bank. The rabbit cat ate the seafood called by Gu Xiliang, but Ye Jiu did not move a bite, but just fiddled with the cards on the table at will.

"Xiao Jiu, why don't you eat it?"

"If you are not hungry, you can eat by yourself! I'll go out for a walk."

"What are you going out for so late?"

"Talk more."

Ye Jiu snorted coldly, and then went out without looking back. The little rabbit cat had been eating the big meal on the table. It was not strange to Ye Jiu at all. Maybe it was not surprising!

Ye Jiu walked on a strange street and looked at the streets where people came and went. Suddenly, he felt a little sad. He didn't like urban life very much. He liked the world of mountains, because the world of mountains was very pure, without any pollution, and there was no intrigue, so this was also the world that Ye Jiu had been yearning for.

"Big brother?"

Ye Jiu was thinking about something when a girl appeared in front of him, Gu Anran.

"Why are you here?"

"Well, it's really strange. This is my hometown. How can I not be here? If I'm not here, where else can I go?"

Gu Anran's words were full of thorns, and Ye Jiu felt a little uncomfortable, so he didn't continue to talk to her and turned away directly.

"Hey, do you hate me so much?"

Gu Anran angrily grabbed Ye Jiu who was about to leave, and Ye Jiu pushed her hand away. Don't pull it. It's not good to be seen."

"Ye Jiu, what are you awesome? It's just that it's a little better than me. What's the big deal? I warn you that I'm a local snake in this place. Although you are a strong dragon, you should also understand that a strong dragon can't beat the local snake.

"If you really think so, I don't mind fighting with you."

Ye Jiu's voice also became cold. Gu Anran knew that he had said something wrong and immediately apologized to Ye Jiu.

"Well, don't say that you are a disciple of Wumen in the future. From today on, you will be retaken as a disciple of Wumen."

Ye Jiu said coldly and left, leaving Gu Anran in a dumbfounded place. This time, she really outweighed the gains and losses, and even her identity was taken away.

The grievance in his heart made Gu Anran squat on the ground regardless of her image and burst into tears. The passers-by around him came and looked at her, but no one came to comfort her, as if they were avoiding her.

Gu Anran cried for a while. After being a little tired, he wiped his tears and stood up. Seeing that the people around him were pointing to him, Gu Anran snorted coldly, then turned his head and ran away. The people around him saw that there was no excitement, and then all of them dispersed.

In fact, Ye Jiu didn't go far at all. He just hid in a deserted corner and looked at Gu Anran quietly. For this girl, Ye Jiu was also full of contradictions and said he didn't love her! But I keep thinking in my heart, say love! But I want to be angry as soon as I see her.

The contradiction played vividly on Ye Jiu. He didn't know what was wrong with him and didn't dare to say this to others, so he silently endured this contradiction alone.

The sky is already dim, and the remaining moon in the sky is more bright red. Seeing the dazzling light, Ye Jiu suddenly feels so comfortable all over, as if the blood-red moonlight can bring him strength.

"Strange? Didn't you say that the black moon will die? It should be a rotten force. Why do I feel comfortable when I absorb these forces?

Ye Jiu was a little curious. He felt that what he knew was suddenly full of doubts. It seemed that he had to go to hell sometime to ask his grandfather and his master. After making a good idea, Ye Jiu went back to the hotel.

The rabbit cat had already eaten a round stomach. When it was burping, Ye Jiu opened the door.

"You came back so early? I thought you would wander around a little longer."

"Small things, eat so much, and you are not afraid to hold on. Do you want to digest it?"

"Let's forget it! I'd rather hold on than digest it.

Ye Jiu said that digestion and digestion is to fight, so the little rabbit cat directly refused. At this time, it is a good time to rest. As soon as you are full, you can digest them. That's too sorry for these delicacies. Anyway, you have to leave these delicacies in your stomach for a while, unless you have to go for the next meal. Digest this meal.

"Little guy, what kind of person do you think Gu Anran is?"

"You'd better listen to your heart about this! I believe you must have an answer in your heart. By the way, when are you going to start the person that Mr. Gu asked you to destroy?

The little rabbit cat didn't want to join Ye Jiu's emotional problem, so he directly opened the topic. Ye Jiu saw that the little rabbit cat was unwilling to mention this matter, so he simply didn't think about it. As for feelings, let it be!

"I'm going to do it tonight. At 12 o'clock at midnight, the two of us will start a formation and then deal with that man with blood."

"Blood? How to use this poisonous spell?

The little rabbit cat shivered. It is very clear about the bloodshed. As long as it is hit by that kind of spell, it is difficult to remove even no matter how superb the spell is, and it will also make life worse than death.

"Actually, I also eradicated that dissident for us. I have calculated that that person will be unfavorable to us in the future, so now I have to eradicate him in advance so that he won't harm us in the future."

"No wonder you promised so simply. I really thought you were for that money."

The little rabbit cat rolled his eyes and made Ye Jiu laugh. Seeing that Ye Jiu laughed, the little rabbit cat jumped into Ye Jiu's arms and then lay directly on Ye Jiu's shoulder and rubbed Ye Jiu's hair.

"Okay, don't move my head. Be careful that I spank you."

Ye Jiu gently patted the rabbit cat's buttocks, and then the rabbit cat calmed down and hugged Ye Jiu's neck tightly. Xiaojiu, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, we are good friends.

"That's natural. We are good friends for life and are unswerving."

"Well, I'm determined."

Ye Jiu smiled faintly, scraped the rabbit cat's nose, then went to bed with the rabbit cat in his arms and lay **. Ye Jiu soon fell asleep. He didn't think about the person he dealt with in the middle of the night.

As soon as Ye Tianqi got home, he found that Ye Jiu had left, and his heart became empty again. It seemed that his son was no longer the same as before. It was impossible for him to keep him to stay at home.

"Forget it, if you want to go further, then you can't fall in love with home. Son, your future path can only be seen how you go. Dad can't control you, alas..."

Ye Tianqi shook his head helplessly, sighed and closed the door. When he was upset, he found that there was one more person in the kitchen.


"I dare not come back until he leaves."

"I wronged you."

"I'm not wronged, I'm sorry for him..."

Ye Tianqi took the woman in the kitchen into his arms. This woman was none other than Ye Jiu's biological mother. It was only because Ye Jiu came back at the beginning that she had no choice but to leave. Now when she saw Ye Jiu leave, she dared to come back secretly.

If Ye Jiu knew that his mother was afraid of his anger and hid in him, he didn't know how he would feel, but this is not the most important thing in front of him. For Ye Jiu, the most important thing in front of him is to eradicate dissidents.

12 o'clock at midnight came quickly. Ye Jiu also opened his eyes on time and woke up the rabbit cat when he saw that it was still sleeping.

"Little guy, don't sleep, it's time to work."

"I'm so sleepy, Xiaojiu, why don't we do it tomorrow! I want to sleep."

The little rabbit yawned and then turned over. It was not going to get up. Ye Jiu was a little helpless, but there was no other way, so he could only lie down again. Since the little rabbit cat wants to sleep well tonight, it will be satisfied. Anyway, it will happen sooner or later to kill that person.