Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 195 The relationship between Liu Laosan and Chen Yishan

She suddenly found that there were so many mysteries in her life. There seemed to be a trace of connection between them, but she had never found it. Until now, the strong uneasiness, like a hammer, kept hammering her thoughts that had been blank, as if to hammer out a continuous and staggering picture. .

Xiaoxiao sat next to Liu Laosan, thinking nonsense and always felt that he had caught something, but when he thought about it again, he found that he had caught nothing.

I don't know how long it took. With the sound of the hospital door being pushed open, Xiaoxiao also came out of her thoughts. She decided to find an opportunity to ask Xia Lei.

Looking up at the person, he said "Lei!" and found that Hong Li, Chen Ming, Tan Ru and Ning Shuang also appeared behind Xia Lei.

What's the situation and when did they come?

"Why are you here?" Xiaoxiao asked doubtfully.

Among the four people, they looked relaxed when they saw this. Although the other three were not as dignified as Xia Lei just now, they could not hide their inner turmoil.

"We heard that Liu Xi's father was ill and there was nothing to do, so we wanted to come here to see if there was anything we could help!"

It was Tan Ru who spoke. Her face was as gentle and quiet as usual, but her slightly restrained eyelids revealed her inner uneasiness at this moment.

If she used to smile, she would never doubt what she said, but now she is sure that the other party is telling lies.

She knew that they didn't want to let themselves know something.

Only then did I want to answer Tan Ru's words, and I saw Ning Shuang jump to my side, put my arm in my right hand, and said affectionately, "Cousin-law, it turns out that you and my cousin are here. The annoying Hong Li didn't tell me that I was here to see Uncle Liu just now!"

Ning Shuang's nature was originally simple. In the past, she was a little estranged from laughter because of her elders. Now that the other party is with her cousin, she is naturally enthusiastic, and she has just got an order!

Smile smiled at the frost around him, and then looked at the crowd and thanked him, "If you are careful, Uncle Liu is fine now. I'm really sorry to let you go here like this!"

"What are you talking about? As long as you don't think we are noisy! Look, this girl Ningshuang is not in a good shape. I don't know if your cousin is in a bad mood now!" Hong Li looked at Ning Shuang with reproach and said.

"I don't have it, you have it!" The frost was unconvinced, and then the voice turned!

"Sister-in, I'm going to see his family in a few days, but I don't have any suitable clothes. When do you have time to accompany me to pick some clothes!"

This is the purpose of her trip. Anyway, they didn't tell her why she did this. They only let her go shopping with a smile. Of course, she can't disobey her cousin's order. Besides, the family has to rely on her cousin to deal with it.

Xia Lei looked at Ning Shuang and said with a smile, "I think you can go with her. Uncle Liu, I'll watch here!"

"That...!" Xiaoxiao opened his mouth to ask about what he had just found Dean Shi.

"I just asked Dean Shi and showed him this photo. He said that Uncle Liu has indeed carried this photo with him over the years, but he doesn't know who this person is. He said he would check the information and tell us if there is any news!"

He really went to ask Dean Shi. Of course, Dean Shi said the name Chen Yishan, but he didn't want Xiaoxiao to hear these three words, so he took the initiative to skip it.

He also knows that Xiaoxiao is not stupid. He must understand that there is something wrong with the four of them coming here, but he can't wait and can't wait so long. Even if she has feelings, let her doubt it!

Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and finally swallowed back what she originally wanted to ask.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. I'll go shopping with Ning Shuang first!"

"Uncle Liu doesn't look serious now! I'll go too. I haven't bought clothes for a long time. It's going to change. I always feel that there are missing clothes in the wardrobe, hehe!" Tan Ru looked eager.

"Then Chen Ming, if you drive them there, let Hong Li accompany me here!" This was originally a part of his plan, which let Tan Ru and Ning Shuang go out laughing and play, dragging Xiaoxiao, Chen Ming protected the three women, and then Hong Li stayed to help him.

Looking at Liu Laosan again, Xiaoxiao was pulled out of the door by Ning Shuang, and Tan Ru and Chen Ming also left.

closing the door, Hong Li turned around and looked at Xia Lei and said, "After this incident, Xiaoxiao will definitely doubt it. You have to figure out how to tell her."

If this affects Xiaoxiao, in fact, you can choose to do it when Xiaoxiao is away, which is better than pulling Xiaoxiao away now.

Xia Lei pressed his temple helplessly!

"The earlier this is carried out, the better the effect will be. One second later, the probability of failure will be one point larger! It's not easy to have something related to Chen Yishan. I don't want to let it go. Let's talk about it at that time. I can only calculate it step by step!"

Hong Li took the album from Xia Lei's hand, turned to the last page, and looked at it carefully.

"It's really Chen Yishan!"

He knows what Chen Yishan means to Xia Lei, so this person's appearance is also deeply imprinted in his mind to avoid missing any small detail.

"We could have checked the place where the photos were taken, but it's been 45 years now. It's not so easy to find. I don't have much hope!"

Having said that, he has already sent the photos to his private intelligence network, hoping to get something. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will try.

As Xia Lei spoke, Hong Li had walked to Liu Laosan's bedside, took out the utensils from the bag he carried with him, and began to roll Liu Laosan's eyelids.

"The pupil is slightly enlarged!"

Then he took a stethoscope and put it in front of his chest. "The heart rate has not accelerated significantly for the time being!"

After making a series of diagnoses, he gently pinched Liu Laosan's chin and turned it to the right and left, and found that the root of his ear also showed a trace of rosy.

"Preliminarily diagnosed as a manic psychopath!"

Xia Lei did not interrupt him. In fact, Hong Li is the most professional doctor. In this field, he is indeed not as good as Hong Li.

"The medical history is long and not easy to recover. The surface of various vital signs is temporarily normal. He can only live for three months at most!"

After a while, Hong Li came to this conclusion decisively.

Xia Lei does not doubt Hong Li's conclusion. In addition, he is also very well aware that the life expectancy of mental patients will indeed be shorter than that of ordinary people. Liu Laosan is already 70 years old. Among mental patients, he should also live longer, which may be related to his stability over the years.

"Will this cause him to live shorter!"

After all, the other party is an old man and a seriously ill old man. He is indeed a little unbearable. Maybe he has been with Xiaoxiao for a long time these days and has become a mother-in-law.

"No, it's just that it will aggravate his crazy condition, but he is already crazy. According to this level, he will be given a tranquilizer when he wakes up. Since he needs to use tranquilizers, according to his current state, there is not much difference between aggravation and not!"

Hong Li also knew Xia Lei and Xia Lei's doubts and gave him the analysis of the situation from his professional perspective.

"I think too much, but I have become a little benevolent."

Xia Lei seemed to have figured out where his magic was and smiled indifferently. Looking at this appearance was also very chic.

Hong Li ignored him and took out an unopened syringe from the silver box beside him, and then opened several small bottles of potion.

Insert a bottle with a needle tube, and then extracted the potion in it. After extracting six small bottles, it was injected into a slightly larger bottle. After waiting for a few seconds, he pulled out one-third of the potion from the slightly larger bottle!

"Muscular injection, arm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Lei helped lift the quilt and rolled up Liu Laosan's sleeves. Because the clothes were relatively loose, it took no effort at all.

After injecting the potion into his arm, they re-adjusted the instrument clamped on Liu Laosan's body and selected several of the lines to be connected to the instrument brought by Hong Li.

Waiting for this series to be completed, the two sat down one left and one right, and saw Hong Li's side with the instrument beating constantly beating, showing Liu Laosan's various life and weights, while Xia Lei sat on the other side holding the photo of Chen Yishan and staring at it.

The time passed minute by, and half an hour later, the instrument fluctuated unusually, and Liu Laosan's eyelids were also moving slowly, as if to open.

Hong Li gave Xia Lei a look. Xia Lei immediately agreed, restrained his emotions and opened his mouth expressionlessly.

"Liu Laosan, Liu Laosan, open your eyes, open your eyes, wake up, wake up...!"

His voice did not fluctuate at first, just like a presentation machine, but when he heard it again, it seemed to be a whirlpool, which made the sick Liu Laosan involuntarily open his eyes.

Liu Laosan's expression was blank, and his eyes were empty but very peaceful.

The medicine they just injected him was to help him control his mood, which was also to facilitate Xia Lei's hypnosis and better control him.

Liu Laosan listened to Xia Lei's words and slowly turned his head and stared at Xia Lei, who stopped moving at all, like a puppet waiting for his master to give orders.

"Liu Laosan, tell me who he is!" Xia Lei did not use doubt, but an affirmative tone.

"Chen Yishan." Liu Laosan muttered.

"What do you have to do with him?"

"He is the younger brother adopted by my mother."

"Where did you adopt him?"

"In the mountainous area north of X City, a small town called Maowang, my mother picked him up in the mountains."