Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 230 Do you want to take a look at the child?

If you are well, I will be a sunny day.

This is the psychological portrayal of smiling at this moment.

As long as the baby is fine, no matter how much he has suffered, his heart will be stable.

I have to say that Ke Qin's endurance is amazing. Under the joint attack of Chen Tong and Lidi, he can still be invincible.

It's just that the efficacy in his body has become more and more rampant over time.

He can't give up this battle, not only to repay his kindness, but also to his life.

If he loses this battle, he will lose his own life.

In order to survive, he must work hard at this moment, because if he doesn't work hard, he won't have any chance to fight for this life.

So no matter what kind of person he was before, he is pure at this moment, pure in order to live.

Unlike Ke Qin, it is Lidi.

She was very upset. In addition to constantly attacking Ke Qin, she also had to observe Chen Tong's reaction secretly. In addition to regret and chagrin, there were also worries in her eyes.

She is not stupid. At this point, she knows that her next road is not necessarily good.

Seeing that Cheng Yinting is about to come back, he can't attack Ke Qin for a long time. If Cheng Yinting knows that he has become a traitor and betrayed the ancient castle, can he have any good fruit to eat?

Just as she was very anxious, she found Yu Chi, who climbed outside at a very slow speed, smiling.

She is not dead yet!

Lidi thought of a lot of things at this moment.

Another very important reason why I agreed with Chen Tong is that Chen Tong promised that she would get rid of Yu Chi's smile, but now she is still alive.

What does this mean?

When her mind was shocked, she looked at Chen Tong again. When she found the murderous intention in the other party's eyes, she was suddenly disheartened.

Originally, she thought that since Chen Tong was going to take Yu Chi Xiaoxiao's child, she certainly didn't want to leave any worries to solve Yu Chi Xiaoxiao, but now she understood that Chen Tong had Yu Chi Xiaoxiao's child in her hands, and she was completely taking the emperor to make the princes. Naturally, she would not worry about Yu Chi Xiaoxiao dared to do it to her. What.

She wants to torture her, not kill her.

But what about yourself? Originally, I thought that only Ke Qin knew and killed Ke Qin, but I didn't expect that there would be Yu Chi to smile.

At this moment, jealousy and love disappeared from her mind. All she knew was to live.

Originally, she wanted to ask Chen Tong why she broke the contract, but as soon as she came to her mouth, she swallowed it herself. She looked at Chen Tong and Ke Qin with fear, and then looked at Yu Chi in the distance.

She thinks it's better not to open her mouth than to open her mouth.

His eyes were slightly restrained, and after a moment, he showed a break and retreated to the edge of the closest battlefield to Xiaoxiao.

Only by killing Yu Chi Xiaoxiao can she survive.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

There is only killing in her heart.

I don't know when a small gun appeared in her hand.

In fact, all three people in the battle have guns, but they have no chance to pull out guns at all, and there is a gap between them to pull out their own guns and give others the opportunity to pull out guns.

They have been waiting for an opportunity to pull out a gun but stop others from pulling out guns.

And now she retreated to the edge of the battle circle and began to turn her back to the two.

She is also gambling with life and death.

At this moment, in addition to gambling that she can still have a glimmer of life, the rest is dead.

She bet that Ke Qin would ignore herself flawlessly because of Chen Tong's interference, and she even bet that Chen Tong would not have a chance to stop herself because of the battle with Ke Qin.

Between Ke Qin and Chen Tong, she ** felt that Chen Tong might care more about Yu Chi's life than Ke Qin.

How to say!

Out of women's intuition, a crazy woman tortured by jealousy and hatred.

Obviously, Lidi's intuition is correct. It's not that Ke Qin doesn't care about Yu Chi's smile, but in comparison, he will cherish his own life more.

After all, Yu Chixiao is not Cheng Yinting. He is working hard for Cheng Yinting. He can lose his life for Cheng Yinting, but he absolutely has no obligation to lose his life for Yu Chixiao. He can at most protect Yu Chi Xiaoxiao under the premise of his own safety.

In addition, under the pressure of the two women, he was already exhausted. It was rare for Lidi to have signs of quitting. All he could think of was how to defeat Chen Tong with the fastest speed.

This is human nature, not dark, but also the most real.

Hmm! Chen Tong sneered in her heart.

She is not a simple and kind little girl. Lidi's change of expression and that little action can't escape her eyes at all.

She can't beat Ke Qin, not to mention that she was with Lidi just now.

What she wants is to eradicate and kill Lidi and Ke Qin together.

Without the appearance of Ke Qin, she would not have thought of killing Lidi, but now with the appearance of the first Ke Qin, there is no guarantee that there will be no second Ke Qin.

She robbed the child and dared to show her true face to Yu Chixiao, so she was not worried about Yu Chixiao's revenge.

She has children in her hands, and she dares not do anything, but others are not sure. In case Xia Lei knows this, her perfect plan will become incomplete, and this defect may be fatal.

She is never allowed to have this situation, and she could have killed Lidi directly just now.

But she believes that this woman will not be so stupid and leave no backhand, which is another important reason why she is masked when she goes out.

She hit head-on. She was afraid that she would cause something. That's the opportunity she was looking for.

A strange pistol appeared in her left hand.

"Wo!" A sound directly hit Lidi's spine.

Lidi, who was pressing the board machine, slowly collapsed the next second when she found the difference behind her. The gun she originally pressed with a smile also changed direction.

Chen Tong, if you don't let me live, I won't make you feel better. This is the last consciousness before Lidi fainted.

She narrowly escaped this disaster, but she knew nothing from beginning to end.

Now she has no ability, let alone the heart to take care of those things.

She dragged her half-dead body, not for herself.

Child, she only wants a child.

When Chen Tong put down Lidi, Ke Qin was a little surprised. He didn't understand why the two women had to kill each other, but this surprise soon became his joy. He resisted two-on-one. Can't he resist one-on-one?

But the next second, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the cold-eyed woman in disbelief. He slowly lay on the ground. Blood flowed from behind his head and soon soaked a large area.

When he died, he couldn't understand why the woman who had just fought to death could kill herself in a blink of an eye.

When he saw Lidi not far away, he seemed to know something, but what's the use of knowing it now?

Glance at the dead Ke Qin, Chen Tong walked to Xiaoxiao's side with a sneer, squatted down, and said in an extremely arrogant tone in his smiling ear, saying:

"You are very strong, yes, I like it. If you continue to be so strong, the child is in my hands. I will live beside Xia Lei instead of you and accept his love instead of you. You'd better learn to be smart. The child is in my hands. You don't need me to teach you how to do it!"

said, pulling the smiling hair fiercely, "Do you want to look at them again, hum, dream."

After saying that, she did not continue to torture Xiaoxiao and pushed the cart to Lidi.

Some effort got Lidi to the bottom of the tool cart. Lidi's figure was much higher than them, which made her frown slightly.

Because the next step is to escape from this place first, she can only escape before she can make the next plan.

The bigger Liddy is, the more unfavorable it is to her plan.

But she had no way back. After putting the people away, she pushed the cart away slowly.


Behind her, Xiaoxiao has never given up her child, but her current movements can't keep up with Chen Tong at all.

Chen Tong's threat is like a brand, engraved in her mind.

She dares not bet at all, because the bet is her child.

But she can't just watch Chen Tong take away the child like this.

Even if she is unbearable and weak, she still does not give up and slowly climbs out along Chen Tong's road.

It's just that the speed of the two is not in the same class at all. Soon, Xiaoxiao could only watch her push the cart and disappear from her sight.

" child..."

In fact, she did not suffer any other major injuries on Chen Tong's hand except for the messy scratched face. The greatest degree of her pain came from the caesarean section.

It is weak after delivery, not to mention caesarean section.

Perhaps with the support of willpower, first with her hands slowly supported, then with her legs, slowly, she stood up, very difficult.

She took a step, and the heartbreaking pain made her face full of blood, and she couldn't help but turn white.

I can't care about this at all. It's only joy and physical pain for her to walk. She may be able to wail there a few times at ordinary times, but it's really nothing at this moment.

With such a stumbling smile, she went to the place where Chen Tong disappeared. The speed was not galloping, but it was the ultimate for her.

After several tossing and turns, she finally walked to the elevator and looked at the location of the elevator without hesitation and got on the elevator.

Outside the castle, Chen Tong's face is gloomy. The car is naturally prepared by Lidi. What she is gloomy is Lidi's weight.

She was not afraid that this woman would fall into Cheng Yinting's hands, but that this woman would fall into Xia Lei's hands.

If possible, I really want to cut her off directly here, but she can't.

After getting Lidi to the back seat of the car, she went to the tool cart, where there were two babies.

The two babies have been in a deep sleep since they were first caught by her.