Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 412 The Disadvantages of the Feudal Dynasty (Explosion II)

"Lord, have you come up with this three-provincial and six-ministerial system from the issue of abundant taxation that makes people's hearts old?"

Jia Xu no longer squinted and looked as stable as Mount Tai, because he felt that Ma Chao, a three-provincial and six-part system, had nothing to do with the taxation and education he mentioned before. It seems that he has been preparing for these three provinces and six-part systems for many years, and today he just uses this question to say it.

"Since this, if you want to continue your education and morality, you must promote education and increase your investment in education; the Ministry of Criminal Justice will formulate commercial fraud codes and punish those criminals according to the law; the prestige of the Ministry of War will suppress those rich families who want to abstain wealth, so that they dare not defy the prestige of the Ma family; the Ministry of Household according to the population And the income is levied and taxed to balance the income of the people as much as possible, and the taxes collected are naturally used by the Ma family to transform the urban area and enrich the people and rejuvenate the country..."

After listening to Ma Chao's answer, not only Jia Fox believed, but also Yang Fu and Meng Da believed that the whole political system seemed to have nothing to do with the above incident, but after Ma Chao's explanation, they found that if we want to completely put an end to the toxic morality of commerce, it must really be started by the five ministries of etiquette, punishment, soldiers, households and workers, and this In addition to the previous official department and the top-down political system of county magistrates, not to mention such business trifles, all political affairs can also be included!

The whole political system of the Ma family seems to be completely laid down at this moment. The rest is to subdivide each specific matter again. After this, even after pacifying the world and unifying the country, it can be completely implemented according to this!

The whole state hall fell into silence here: those who understand naturally think deeply about Ma Chao's unrestrained setting; those who don't understand also think carefully about the advantages of the three-provincial and six-part system in this silent atmosphere.

And Ma Chao was also silent at this time, but naturally he was not silent for the six-ministerial system of the three provinces, but for the root status quo of the whole feudal society. Why did the Ma family have a dispute between Yang Fu and Meng Da? In Ma Chao's opinion, the fundamental reason is poverty!

And Ma Chao comes from the economy and society and naturally knows the importance of business. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose the policy of developing business in Fuzhou County. But what should I do after becoming poor and rich? These ancients did not understand, which led to the differences between Yang Fu and Meng Da.

Yang Fu believes that wealth has led to the collapse of the moral system, while Meng Da believes that Yongzhou is not rich at all. But in the whole feudal society, even any prosperous dynasty, have they really made the people rich?


The foundation of feudal society is the contradiction between large landlords and peasants. After the establishment of the dynasty, what did the rulers begin to do? It is to be stubborn and adopt a policy of fooling the people, so that the people only know how to farm and starve, and endure the exploitation of the landowners for generations.

For thousands of years, people have relied on heaven to feed, the output of land is scarce, and they have to suffer the exploitation of natural and man-made disasters. They have always been the taxpayers of feudal society, but the poorer they are, the more they pay taxes, the poorer they are. In the end, they can't even eat, so they have no choice but to rebel.

The rebellion without the participation of farmers only deserves a rebellion. There is no unbearable rebellion in the feudal dynasty, but once the peasants rebel, it means the end of this dynasty, such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the past few years. And what's next? It is another round of feudal brainwashing.

The key to solving this problem is not, as Yang Fu said, according to the ideas of the ancients, to make every common people in deep water and fire, arouse the pity of helping each other in the midst of hunger and cold. Instead, we should continue to take the road of commercial innovation and invigorate the economy of this feudal society, so that the whole society can enter a rapidly circulating economic society.

In fact, from the tax revenue of the Ma family this time, it can also be seen that commercial tax has gradually occupied the main force of the Ma family's tax. As long as there are enough commercial taxes, farmers' taxes will be reduced. Only when farmers' taxes are reduced year by year, but the economy grows year by year, farmers' lives will get better and better. At that time, the world is the same, Haiyan Heqing, how can the peasants think of uncovering the uprising?

Therefore, the Millennium Dynasty may no longer be a dream. Of course, that time is too long. At that time, I'm afraid it will be a comprehensive economic society, not a single farming feudal society. Ma Chao think that he would not live at that time...

So at present, Ma Chao can only point out this road and use his concept of traveling through thousands of years to lay down the political system of the Ma family, and then guide the development under the whole rule. And if this doesn't make any difference, at least he has no regrets.

"Before entering Chang'an, I had asked Zhongshu Province to refine the evaluation, assessment, process and other systems of the Ministry of Public Affairs. Yesterday, I saw something extraordinary, which can be of great use. As a result, someone announced that the Ministry of Officials was officially established in the Ma family today. And the first minister of the Ministry of Affairs was..." Speaking of this, Ma Chao suddenly found that he couldn't say any more. Because the Ma family seems to have a lot of talents, but when they really want to fill the vacancy, they are still overstretched.

Jia Xu, Fa Zheng and Yang Fu have long had responsibilities, and other civil servants also held important positions. The two newcomers are not qualified enough to convince the public, and Li Ru's poisonous snake... Forget it, let's not mention him.

"Master, at present, there is still a shortage of good ministers and capable people in the Ma family, and the position of secretary of the Ministry of Officials needs to understand the spirit of the reform of the Ma family and promote suitable people to fill the Ma family." Fa Zheng suddenly opened his mouth at this time. He stared at Ma Chao and said carefully, "After the master succeeded to the throne, he has been wise, simple and talented, and the appointment is generous, and his subordinates are brave. This official is also a minister, and he is also held by the master. When there is a person with both morality and ability in the future, he will worry about the Lord..."

Ma Chao sighed and understood the meaning of Dharma. At this time, the Ma family was first established, and the position of the Ministry of Public Affairs was crucial. Sometimes it is more necessary to resist the pressure of the ministers to withdraw or promote talents, and it is most appropriate for you, who currently have absolute power, to have this power in troubled times. After all, Ma Chao has not yet become emperor and cannot go beyond the Han system.

"From this, according to what the Lord Bo said." After Ma Chao caught this stubble, he continued the matter of the political system: "Today, the affairs of the three provinces and six departments are still left to the Central Book Province for careful consideration and drawing up. First, a outline will be drawn out, and then slowly refine it."

"The humble position receives the order." Jia Xu and Fazheng made a statement and couldn't help feeling some pain in their foreheads: When Ma Chao's subordinates, they were really miserable. There were always such tasks in the clouds and fog, which made their heads big for several days...

Ma Chao was not happy to see Jia Xu and Fa Zheng, an old little fox, who had a headache. Then after seeing the generals in the row of the right head, Ma Chao realized that he should be appointed as a military department.

After the expansion, Ma Jiajun has reached a scale of 50,000. However, in the later battle of Qinguan, Fazheng received more than 10,000 Xiliang veterans from Niu Fu. After screening, he left almost 10,000 soldiers to join the army. In the battle of Chang'an, although Ma Chao lost a lot of heavy armored iron horses and light cavalry, he had to come down. Ma Chao also had more than 55,000 soldiers and horses at this time. At this moment, it has become a matter of upgrading the ranks of subordinates and dividing the corps.

From this, Ma Chao said with a smile, "Since I have also served as the secretary of the Ministry of Public Affairs, let's rectify the Military Department today. You should know that it is still a troubled time, the world has not yet calmed down, and the Ma family is by no means a short-sighted family living in a corner of Yongzhou!"