Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 435 Give me another aiming point!

In history, after Dong Zhuo's death, Situ Wangyun had exclusive power. Although Wang Situ's talent is limited and he does not know how to care about the disadvantages of killing indiscriminately, after all, the stormy Han Dynasty has gained a short respite opportunity.

At the beginning of the chaos, the heroes of Kanto, who rose up because of Dong Zhuo, also lost their spearhead for a while. They did not know what they pointed to and entered the stage of keeping a low profile. Although Chinese history will be a little bland when it enters this chapter, it is really fortunate for the country and the people. However, Wang Yun, who was extremely stubborn, issued a chase order to Dong Zhuo's generals Li and Guo Yan.

This is a little coercionable. Coincidentally, at that time, Niu Fu avenged Dong Zhuo and was defeated by Lv Bu. This made Li and Guo Yan also accept their fate. They decided to disband the troops and escape to the northwest separately. If so, although Wang Yun is extremely unwise, he has not planted any bad results after all, and the Eastern Han regime can be temporarily delayed for some time.

But Jia Xu, the 'ghost fox' who ran east in history, stood alone and blocked the road, "You two, why are you in a hurry?" Li Wei and Guo Yan always respected Jia Xu and listened attentively.

"Wang Yun is about to arrest you. If you disband the troops, any small pavilion chief on the road will have the ability to tie you up and give it to Wang Situ for credit. Horizontal and vertical is a death. Why not gather the army first and go back to Chang'an to avenge Dong Zhuo? If a lucky thing happens, it will be majestic to take the emperor to make the world. If nothing happens, it will not be too late to escape to the northwest. Li Yu and Guo Yan couldn't help nodding for this enlightening full of hooligan wisdom.

At this time, Jia Xu was not so much a persuasion as an instigation. Therefore, although the lives of Li Wei and Guo Yan were temporarily saved, the lives of the Han Dynasty were even thinner and dying. Following Jia Xu's enlightened guidance, robber logics such as 'kill one is enough, kill two to earn one' is inevitable.

The city of Chang'an, the capital of the Eastern Han Empire, darkened in an instant. With the counterattack of Li Wei and Guo Wei, the Eastern Han Dynasty never breathed again.

And this incident is the most famous 'literation and martial arts' in the history of the Three Kingdoms. With one person shaking his three-inch tongue and showing the clever trick of attacking east and west, he annihilated the Han Dynasty standing in the history of AD. Such a major event that changes color is the curtain of the counselors to rejuvenate the country.

And what Ma Chao has done today is a great plan to recreate the historical world trajectory with the power of one person. On that day, when Fufeng was discussing the rescue of Cai Yong, Ma Chao flashed and thought of it. Therefore, with this factor in this dispatch of troops, Jia Xu said that the gains and losses of profits are five or five. Because the role and influence of Cai Yong really can't be evaluated by such a cautious and scheming person as Jia Xu.

Now, after half of this plan of one stone and two birds has been carried out, Ma Chao will deal with Chang'an according to the plan left by Jia Xu on that day. Therefore, at dawn today, the county soldiers at the head of Chang'an City found that the Ma army had begun to attack the city!

The first one to appear was not the main Xiliang iron horse in the Ma family, but Xu Huang's heavy armored iron horse. When the more than 3600 metal monsters under Xu Huang's command appeared on the battlefield with the dull sound of horses' hoofs, the county soldiers guarding the city made bursts of inhalation.

Even Wang Yun, who was above the head of the city, couldn't help but change his face and his body was shaky: before, when the Ma family's heavy armored iron horse had not been out of the camp. He only looked at the general idea, but at this time, when the monsters stood in the wind with the cold light of metal, Wang Yun felt as if he had seen the impermanence from hell.

"heavy armored iron rider? Ma Chao wants to use this army as the vanguard of the siege? Huang Wan said in a trembling voice, and his arms tightly supported on the head of the city began to tremble.


Looking back, everyone saw that it was Xun You's words. When everyone focused their eyes on Xun You, Xun Youfu said again, "General Huang, let the county soldiers hide behind the city stacks. Ma Chao should be just a demonstration this time..."

"Demonstration?" Huang Wan was a little disbelieving, but Wang Yun had already ordered: "Listen to the order! After hiding in the city stack quickly!"

Lord Situ? This..." A trace of jealousy flashed on Huang Wan's face, but then he was suppressed by Wang Yun's roar: "Take a good look. The heavy armored iron mount is not a charge formation at all!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked down the city and saw Xu Huang commanding a heavy armored iron horse to set up a battle of crane wings, obviously protecting the siege equipment that the Ma family was about to appear. However, the crane wing array is 500 steps away from the Rosefinch Gate, and even the crossbow of the Rosefinch Gate cannot be shot.

"Gongda, can there be a sharp weapon with a shooting distance of 500 steps in Ma's army?" Wang Yunren is old and refined. Since he can see the strangeness of this distance, he can naturally think of Ma Chao's follow-up.

"My subordinates vaguely learned that when Ma Jiajun attacked the four counties of Guangwei, Anding, Tianshui and Longxi, they had launched a powerful bed crossbow that could launch a distance of 500 steps. However, at this moment, Weichen felt that Ma Chao would not use such a sharp weapon. Xun You frowned and thought for a moment before he said, "Lord Situ, it's better to go down to the city to avoid it. If Weichen's guess is good, Ma Chao should use a more lethal instrument to shock Chang'an.

"Some people are the ministers of the Han Dynasty, and the soul of the county soldiers can't be easily said..." Before the words fell, Wang Yun was as stunned as a duck with a pinched voice. Because at this time, everyone has seen the slow appearance of siege equipment in the Ma army!

"That's... Is that a catapul? Zheng Tai was surprised and couldn't help but look at the slowly advancing catapult under the wall. Then looking at Wang Yun's eyes also showed the intention of praying: Lord Situ, let's go down to the city to avoid it...

Wang Yun had no intention to pay attention to Zheng Tai's eyes at this time. At this time, his attention had already been shocked by the Ma family's catapults: the 20 catapults were fundamentally different from the ordinary siege catapults in the Han Dynasty. Their shape was so huge that it needed 30 or 40 people to push forward, and there were six mules in front of them. Pull.

What is particularly conspicuous is that in addition to the strong and heavy rectangular frame, an upright ejection rod, and two strong pillars with beams on the top, there is also a huge and tightly coiled horizontal winch. The ropes in the winch are tied to both ends of the rectangular frame, which is right in the support frame. The location below.

Wang Yun did not think of the use of the unique winch at this time, but when he saw the launching soldiers of the Ma family army, it was actually six people who twisted the winch together, Wang Yun's voice became sharp and frightened: "You flee quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, 20 black dots gradually turned into stones the size of a grinding disc in the air, covering the eyes of the Zhuque Gate County soldiers. The smell of death under the shadow roared, and there was no time to react at all!

'bang... Bang... Bang...' Several continuous thunder-like sounds resounded through the sky. In the splashing of rocks, Wang Yun felt that his heart and liver trembled a little. He asked the surrounding ministers with a gray face, "Is my life still alive?"

And on the wall, Ma Chao, who sat leisurely on the little black back, shook his head with great wind and said regret, "No... Unexpectedly, two cannons were fired? Come on, give me another aim!"