Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 436 Open the gate!

The counterweight catapult is a siege weapon that makes full use of the principle of leverage. On the basis of the original catapult, Ma Chao listened to Pubrius's advice, adopted special tough animal tendons as ropes, and added a winch to further accumulate power. Therefore, the power and distance of the Ma family's catapult to throw stones are far ahead of the Han Dynasty.

There is nothing we can do. As a descendant of the Romans, Pbubius is proficient in cataping: who let the Romans play this earlier than us Chinese?

The catapults continued to show their power, and the shooters have adjusted their angles after the first round of test throwing. At the same time, the remaining 30 catapults were pulled out, all concentrated on the tower for fierce bombardment. At this moment, the fierce stones could not be heard, like thunder.

The wall of the rosefinch wall wide opened, and the female wall at the head of the city collapsed, and the bursting gravel bricks and tiles flew everywhere. They flew dozens of feet high. Dust and smoke everywhere, and the flesh and blood were flying across the place hit by huge stones. Looking from a distance, it was like a volcanic eruption. The defenders groaned loudly and fell down one by one. Even with Wang Yun's prior order, most of the county soldiers defending the city were caught off guard in the face of sudden and fierce blows, and were killed and injured at that time.

After all, the city stacks have been smashed. What good can they get if they hide behind the city stacks? At this time, Wang Yun and his ministers on the tower had fled to the city wall under the protection of the county soldiers. Seeing this, the county soldiers defending the city were even more demoralized and chaotic.

"Ma Chao is too vicious!" Huang Wan, who went down to the city, roared angrily, "No, we must send troops to fight to destroy those catapults. Otherwise, the Rosefinch Gate will be razed to the ground in five days!"

"Let these temporary infantry attack the heavy armored iron cavalry of the Ma family?" Wang Yun blushed at this time, and in anger, he almost couldn't even breathe: "Thank you for saying such a resourceless word!"

Huang Wan was stunned and then understood the crane wing array of the more than 3600 heavy armored iron riders: that was Ma Chao deliberately waiting for him to die!

Everyone also thought of this at this time and looked at each other in horror. They, who were usually eloquent, had no way to solve this situation. As a result, these people couldn't help but look at Xun You.

"Don't worry, Ma Chao is just a demonstration this time. If you really want to capture Chang'an, you can attack the city a few days ago. Why delay it until today? Although Xun You was embarrassed, he still emphasized the meaning of the 'Ma family demonstration'.

"Gongda, what exactly is Ma Chao's intention?" Wang Yun was already a little crazy at this time. Unexpectedly, he grabbed Xun You's collar and asked in a quick voice.

Xun You was about to answer, but suddenly glanced at a rocket in the sky, immediately bent down and threw Wang Yun down and shouted, "Dodge quickly! Ma Chao has already launched the crossbow rocket!"

With a 'ding', the rocket wiped Wang Yun's clothes and nailed them to the ground, and the burning oil immediately burned Wang Yun's official uniform. Xun You made a decision immediately, tore off Wang Yun's official uniform and hid behind a thick wall nearby.

"Lord Situ, did you anger Your Majesty and Ma Chao because you wanted to kill Cai Suiguan?" It was not Xun You who said this, but the series after hiding into the wall with Xun You.

Wang Yun was overly frightened, but his mind was not slow: he immediately thought that Cai Yong was Liu Xie's confidant and Ma Chao's father-in-law... But the Ma family dispatched all the elites and pulled another 300,000 Qiang people here to demonstrate, isn't it too much? What's more, Cai Yong is also responsible for continuing to write the Book of Han. He would rather die than let the old man confuse right and wrong!

However, take personal honor and disgrace to bet on the delusion of Chang'an, whether the price is a little... No! Even if he died in this Chang'an City, future generations will still praise their loyalty, but if the Ma family save Cai Yong, won't their painstaking management stink for ten thousand years?!

No! Absolutely not!

When I return to the city today, I will kill the old man!

However, Wang Yun suddenly saw the inside and outside of the rosefinch gate, and ushered in tens of thousands of arrows in an instant. The burning rocket is as fast as a meteor, almost dyeing the whole clear sky red!

Yes, at this time, Zhou Cang and Liao Hua's infantry had escorted the crossbow shooters and neatly lined up into several horizontal lines. Unexpectedly, they drove under the moat without cover. Facing the mountains and blood of the left and back, these shooters were all expressionless and stepped on the corpses without care, numb as one. With zombies.

The defenders fought back desperately and shot arrows all over the sky, but then they sadly found that the usually majestic crossbow could not shoot through the huge shield held by the Ma infantry. After several sharp whistles, the soldiers went back and forth, and the drums stopped suddenly. The captain and captain shouted loudly. The crossbow army, like usual drills, once again full of crossbows, shot back at the city under the orders of those officers.

"Bang..." A series of dull roars, the catapults crushed the soldiers who dared to fight back on the wall, and the gravel shot all over the sky, instantly suppressing the firepower of the city. After a few breaths of silence, then the rocket dispersed, passed through the flattened city and fell into the city behind the Rosefinch Gate.

Under the unprecedented and strong fire of the Ma army, the defenders of Zhuquemen were almost killed and injured in several rounds. The corpses fell like rain on the head of the city, and the sticky blood splashed thinly. Unexpectedly, it accumulated a thick layer on the ground and flowed down the wall like a splash of ink, which was as tragic as Shura hell.

If Ma Chao orders to attack the city at this time, it only takes a rushing car to open the door of the rosefinch without hesitation. Then the heavy armored iron horse attack, and the whole Chang'an would instantly become the iron horse of the Ma family army.

"Lord Situ, it's not good!" A small school ran to Wang Yun's bloody side and said in horror, "The Ma army's offensive was irresistible, and the soldiers defending the city and county were killed and injured. I'm afraid that in a moment, they will rush into this Chang'an city!"

" Xun You, you have done a good job!" Huang Wan cursed loudly, as if the loss of Chang'an after his youth was all Xunyou's responsibility.

And as soon as his words fell, almost everyone stabbed their angry eyes on Xun You. Because they remember that it was Xun You who said that Ma Jiajun was just a demonstration and would not attack Chang'an City. And now that the situation is so critical, Xunyou naturally can't escape!

"Enough!" Wang Yun shouted and scolded loudly, but then his voice was drowned by the cheers of tens of thousands of people outside the city. Suddenly, he looked up and saw that the city of Chang'an was full of fire, and the thick smoke covered the sky and the sun. The sound of catapults, the sound of throwing machines, the sound of bed crossbows, crying, moans, and the collapse of masonry collapsed. On the battlefield for several miles, in his ears It was so buzzing that I couldn't hear any sound.

However, another unison shout of tens of thousands of people penetrated these deafening noises and clearly entered Wang Yun's ears:

"General of Hanfu, Yongzhou Mu, Yongding Hou Ma Chao want to enter the palace to see your majesty!"

The sound shook dozens of miles away, really like a shocking collapse. After hearing this, Wang Yun first gave Xun You a strange look, and then his face almost turned purple. Finally, he clenched his thin fingers into fists, gritted his teeth and ordered, "Let't fight, open the gate, and welcome General Fu Guo into the palace!"