Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 950 Religious Madness

With a 'bang', the huge impact drowned out all the noise on the battlefield.

Ma Chao's eyes lit up, and he finally saw the gate of the city being knocked away by a car. What's more dramatic is that at this time, a flying stone happened to cross Ma Chao's head and hit the main flag on the head of the city. The crisp break sound immediately attracted a burst of cheers from Ma Jiajun.

Ma Chao never thought that a small city would take him three days. Fortunately, at this time, he could finally swing the big gun held high in the air: "Warriors, remember that this attack is the best. After entering the city, you must not kill civilians indiscriminately. Only those stubborn religious elements will completely eradicate with me!"

For a while, Huang Yuan's iron cavalry, Zhao Yun's white horse Yicong, and the Ma's infantry with soaring morale ahead rushed like a tide. After the catapult and lathe crossbow stopped attacking, the infantry flew over the city like spiritual apes with the help of ladders and flying vehicles. The trapped soldiers who fought inside cut down the sling for the first time and put down the suspension bridge to welcome the Ma family's most deterrent cavalry troops into the city.

The reason why it has not been captured for a long time is not because of the high walls of the city, nor because there are good generals guarding in the city, let alone the abundance of soldiers in the city. But because Ma Chao really didn't expect that this city was the holy place of Wudou Rice Religion. All the followers of Wudu County took refuge in Xiaben City in advance before the Ma family made a big attack. The Ma family's sudden attack made tens of thousands of believers in the city the most solid wall, resisting the Ma family's army for three days.

In the past three days, Ma Chao saw the letters of his persuading arrows to surrender. After being altered by blood, he was shot back into the camp again. He also saw the madness of those believers who vowed to protect the city to death. He also saw the fanatics who used their last bit of strength to jump down the wall and die together with the soldiers holding the Ma army!

At the beginning of the war, Ma Chao was relatively restrained. He still followed the purpose of attacking the heart, but after seeing the power of religious fanaticism, Ma Chao gradually got angry, completely gave up Huairou's idea, and ordered the slaughter of the Wudou rice cult - this was a battle of faith, and there was no compromise at all!

However, despite this, under the continuous blows of the crossbow cannon and the sea of flying stone people, the city still held on for three days. It was not until this time that Ma Chao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Lord, this is just the beginning. In the lower city, they were completely hysterical five-dows at this time. If such a tough attack goes in and those desperate believers launch a street battle, our cavalry will be at a difficult step and will be killed and injured!" Yang Xiu saw the Ma cavalry that had rushed to the gate and said quickly.

"This is an endless decisive battle, and there is no room for a change. Do you think those followers will coexist peacefully with the Ma family? Ma supernatural also thought of such a result, but he had no choice at all. He had no choice but to lift the rein of the horse and shouted, "What is left by the big waves will never be this group of religious madmen who have broken their brains! Children, follow me and kill all the stupid people who can only live in fantasy!"

"Lord! ..." Yang Xiu still wanted to persuade again, but after the long hiss of the dragon BMW, it was like an arrow away from the string, stepping up the sleepless body on the battlefield, like a black arrow rushing into the city.

"Dezu, the lord is right this time." Li Ru slowly walked to Yang Xiu, sighed, and said, "You are in a famous family, and you may not have much impression of the chaos of the yellow scarf in those years. But you always know what means the three brothers Zhang Jiao used to set off the biggest disaster in the Han Dynasty, right?

"The sky is dead, and Huang Tian should stand?" Yang Xiu muttered and couldn't help asking Li Ru, "Religious brainwashing is really so horrible. Do you have to completely eradicate it physically?"

"Recently, the remnants of the Yellow Turban rebellion in Runan, and the Montenegrin army has been in and across the state for many years. It has been almost ten years since the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Those thugs who believed in Zhang Jiao's teachings still died after Zhang Jiao's death for so long. And the paranoia and fanaticism of those religions who are not afraid of life and death these three days, do you still think that the power of religion is not terrible at this moment?

Seeing that Yang Xiu was stunned and stopped talking, Li Rufu sighed again and said, "The lord is lucky, because Zhang Lu placed the holy places of Wudoumi in the important town of the governance office, and we can destroy them all; but at the same time, the lord is also unfortunate, because if we no longer find Zhang Lu's main decisive battle as soon as possible, there will be a few more holy places, It can consume our army..."


Ma Chao once again exerted his strength in his hand and attacked a member of the believer who had been stunned. The sad and shocking howls suddenly resounded through the sky, and the believer did not die immediately after pierce through his chest and abdomen. Instead, he watched his intestines slide out of his body, and as the elephant and horse were suddenly dragged to the ground, his expression was extremely painful.

After that, what saved him was that the swaying big stalk was finally overwhelmed and suddenly broke halfway. Then, the ruthless iron horse of Xianglong BMW hit the head of the believer, making him end his painful experience while his brain burst.

However, looking up again, Ma Chao saw that all the Ma army and the religious people were fighting fiercely and indissoluble.

After all, these believers are people who have not received formal military training, and their combat effectiveness is much worse than that of the Ma army. Moreover, they did not set any obstacles such as stumbling and antlers to hinder the march of the cavalry, so that the Ma army could shuttle through the streets and alleys and calmly shoot those religious people with the Yuanrong crossbow. In the whole situation, Ma Jiajun is leading a massacre. However, in the situation where all the people are soldiers, there are still many tragic accidents.

A believer had two broken spears in his abdomen, and a piece of intestines flowed out of his body, fighting endlessly. His red eyes were burning like a beast. A hostile Ma army did not stay for a moment and was merging his head like scissors. Cutting off the head of the officers and soldiers, the heads of the followers also fell down like frosted eggplants and died of breath.

A Ma's saber skill and cut off the legs of a congregation with a knife, but the sergeant had no time to relax. The congregation had rushed over fiercely and choked his throat. The sergeant was horrified and poked the priest's chest and abdomen crazily with a knife. In an hour, the believer's chest and abdomen were blurred, but still Yuan opened his eyes angrily, his hands were pinched, and there were red blood stains sliding down from his cracked eyes, as ferocious as a ghost.

A strong Ma army rode a religious man's throat with his hands and was about to die. Several cold spears had ruthlessly pierced his broad shoulders. The sergeant's eyes suddenly stared, and a wisp of red blood had come from the corners of his mouth. Slowly overflowing, from this, the wife and children of the family will never see him return.

The wind roared and rolled up the yellow dust all over the sky, fascination with Ma Chao's eyes. At this moment, his heart is the same as this loess. He can't see clearly and can't say...

It absolutely won't go on like this!

Although the mourners are invincible, there is definitely a way to destroy their defenses. The sword of the Ma family must not be broken in the crazy hands of these religious elements like this!

Ma Chao's eyes were about to crack, and his eyes suddenly saw the turbulent frenzy in front of him: it was the temple of the five buckets of the city. Most of the congregations were concentrated around the temple and fought desperately with the Ma army.

Not bad, that's it!

As long as the last line of defense in their hearts is destroyed, the religious people will no longer have the will to fight!

Suddenly lifting the reins, Ma Chao saw that Zhao Yun, Taishici, Gan Ning, Zang Ba, Gao Shun, Huang Yuan, Huang Zhong, Li Yan and other generals completely led the army to go there: that was the last psychological barrier of the city, which must be broken by the Ma army!