Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 951 Pork

"Don't be greedy for killing, shoot with a rocket!" Ma Chao picked away a member of the believers again, and after that, he found it difficult for him to take a step forward.

In the past, Ma Chao personally made a breakthrough on the battlefield and walked on the corpse. However, today, his personal myth has been broken: the large-scale battlefield is chaotic, so Ma Chao will always find the weakest link, quickly tear it apart, defeat it, and break through it quickly before the enemy reacts. However, at this time, after Ma Chao broke through halfway, he found that those fanatical congregations were crazy and rushed to him layer by layer.

Knowing that it was a moth throwing fire, they went forward and followed. It seems that Ma Chao, whose body has been stained with blood, is a burning blood fire, allowing them to sacrifice their lives and complete the so-called final mission of their humble lives.

Not only Ma Chao, but also other generals. Huang Zhong had no choice but to shoot arrows in the back, while Zhao Yun retreated while killing, attracting those followers one by one. Gan Ning gave up his stunt of sudden vertical killing and shouted and killed with a knife. The other generals also roared and bathed in blood.

None of these congregations are the enemies of the generals of the Ma family and the soldiers of the Ma family, but after all, many ants bite dead elephants, especially the teachings they shouted loudly before their death, which is more like a collection order for death. It attracted other followers, as if they didn't know life or death, and simply rushed to the cold knife and gun with bare hands!

Such a battle can't be fought at all! There are at least 20,000 religious people in the city. And the houses and buildings limit Ma's army from rushing into 6,000 elite soldiers: if the killing continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be clean in the dark!

Fortunately, after Ma Chao's order, those Ma Jiajun, who were still wearing fire oil, had quickly retreated into the rear protection, casually tore off their clothes, poured fire oil, ignited and fired by Yuan Rong crossbow. For a moment, the rocket in the sky, with a sad wind, flew into the temple and went out...

Yes, the first wave of attacks was indeed a little unsatisfactory, but with the gap between the followers to extinguish the fire, the Ma army also advanced quickly. Then a large number of rockets quickly stretched them.

After a time of incense, the fire finally spread. The wooden temple soon became a sea of fire under fire oil and dry weather. The crackling burning sounded, and the huge ** permeated in front of the temple.

Seeing that the temple was about to be buried in the sea of fire, those fanatical followers actually rushed directly into the sea of fire to feed their education. More believers couldn't believe that the temple was swallowed up by the flames, their red eyes turned into a confused and desperate death, muttering something, and there was no previous madness.

"The evil temple has been destroyed, why don't you surrender quickly?" Ma Chao waved his gun and shouted, signaling all the Ma soldiers to shout in unison.

At this time, it is the moment when the religious mind collapses. If they don't seize the opportunity quickly, they will be shocked again. Then you will fall into a more crazy hatred and die with Ma Jiajun!

"General Tian is the god of war in the clouds. Your cult is difficult to resist the general's power!" A strange high shout overwhelmed the turbulent Ma Jiajun shout and came to Ma Chao's ears. Ma Chao looked back and saw that the ugly brother Huang Yuan was sparing no effort to shout.

This ugly brother!

It's too urgent! To deal with these cults, we really have to fight against them with poison!

"When the heavenly soldiers come, why don't you come back soon?"

"General Tian is the reincarnation of the army star and destroys everything*. Do you dare to resist stubbornly?"

"It's God's will that the evil temple has been destroyed. Why don't you surrender quickly?"


For a while, other generals also reacted one after another, and countless mythical auras were completely on Ma Chao. Finally, there was a slogan of 'General Tian stepped on the seven stars, and the world was flat', which made Ma Chao couldn't help stepping on the horse stanchion, afraid that those two fools who respected him would jump up and drag his shoes to test the authenticity.

However, although the slogan is becoming more and more bizarre, fortunately the effect is obvious. The religious people who lost their spiritual faith finally recognized the situation in front of them and saw the blood-stained steel knife in Ma Jiajun's hands. After the fanatical restlessness passed away with the wind, the fear of human nature gradually occupied their minds, making them obediently obey the command of the Ma family army and surrender.

Subsequently, a team of Ma Jiajun calmly entered the lower city, and the sporadic sound of fighting gradually faded away. The whole city of Xiaben City was replaced with the red flag of the Ma family under the reflection of the blazing flame.

After that, Ma Chao was very busy in the religious house, opening warehouses to release grain, maintaining the ground, and extinguishing the fire. Orders came from him and were quickly assigned to every Ma army soldier. It was not until nightfall that Ma Chao rubbed his sore arm and ordered the generals to take a rest before discussing the next military strategy.

Every time, Ma Chaoyue seems to be the most powerful and powerful person, but at the same time, he is also the hardest and most laborious. He did not dare to take every detail lightly after the war. This has nothing to do with trust and decentralization, because with him, he is the leader and soul of this war. With his nodding and signing, the whole war can continue.

The hungry Ma Chao really wants to eat something refreshing and delicious at this time. However, he also knew that everything in the army could be simple, which could only be an illusion. However, when a plate of steaming lion's head came up, Ma Chao's eyes suddenly shined.

swallowed a lion's head directly, and Ma Chao couldn't help chewing with satisfaction. At the same time, he didn't raise his head and said, "It seems that the girl is back, and I don't need to interrogate the Yang Ren fool."

When he saw the lion's head, Ma Chao knew that Duanmu Muming was back. And the reason why these Tianma Chao can't eat exclusive stoves is that this cook went on a mission with Han Mengling. Previously, Ma Chao had ordered Han Mengxu to return to Han's house to investigate something. At this time, the lion's head returned again, which naturally showed that the task had also achieved results.

"Lord, I still don't know. The previous Mu Ming was just a name. Duanmu fat chef sighed leisurely and completely worshipped Ma Chao.

Ma supernaturally knew the reason for such a change - the cook with bad skills, after learning that Han Mengxu could not leave the Ma family. It can only come from the gentleness of nature, succumb to the adventurous woman's character and advance and retreat with her. As for whether there were any heroes saving the United States and seeing the truth on the front line of life and death in the process of carrying out the mission with Han Mengxu this time, Ma Chao is not interested in knowing: what he wants is just important information about the Ma family's Hanzhong War.

"Danmu Ruoyu, Duanmu is unknown....... Tut, the names that came out of your scholarly family are really a little smelly. Ma Chao said vaguely, stretched out his right hand and said, "Can you say it clearly, or do you need to show me something?"

The sticky and bloody feeling came from the palm of his hand, and Ma Chao immediately felt that it was a blood-stained letter. However, he did not show any shock about this. After picking a lion's head again, he ate and read the blood book. After browsing, Ma Chao showed a 'sure enough' look, and then looked up and saw Han Mengxu's surprised face.

"Can you still eat it?" Han Mengxu couldn't help asking when he saw that she couldn't play a prank.

"It's so delicious that you can eat it naturally." Years of bloody battles have already made Ma Chao's nerves very tough. A bloody book can't affect his appetite at all. However, looking at the strange expressions of Duanmu and Han Mengxu, he gradually felt something wrong.

"He never talks about superiority or inferiority. He will give you food first. Only when there is leftovers can I eat it. Besides, you also love this dish the most. Why don't you compete with me today? ...." Ma Chao stopped his chopsticks and finally tasted the taste of this dish different from usual: "There is no pork in the army. Tell me what kind of meat is this?"

"Of course, it's those congregation..." Han Mengxu retreated slightly and whispered.

'Sting!' Ma Chao's face changed sharply when he heard the words, and he directly picked up his throat.

"Hahaha... It's the pork in those religious families!" Han Mengxu saw that Ma Chao finally lost his composure, and the nine-death revenge in the task was also repaid. He laughed freely and said, "The pork in Hanzhong is famous all over the world. I didn't expect that General Tianshen would be so afraid..."