Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1094 Tiger Showing Teeth


Under Zhao Yun's order, this elite soldier selected from the elite cavalry, which is equipped with the Ma family's best equipped blades, this army with energy and anger for a long time swept over the tired Guo reinforcements like a mountain torrent.

Three thousand Baimayi broke into Guo Yuan's army one by one from like mercury - before that, Zhao Yun had received the news of Taishi Ci and Tian Yu's army's fierce attack on Wending City, so he gave up teasing Guo Yuan's exhausted soldiers. What he needs now is Guo Yuan's head.

Guo Yuan was not surprised when he first saw Zhao Yun attacking. After chasing him for so long, Zhao Yun was finally willing to fight a head-on battle with him. He thought that with the combat strength of his army, even if Zhao Yun was unintentional, he could easily pester the other party: "Give the signal, the three armies are encircled, and today is the best time to eliminate them!"

But the next moment, Guo Yuan was shocked. The two armies met and fell to the ground one after another, not their opponents, but their own soldiers.

Da Damn it! Is this their real combat strength? They have such a strong fighting power that they may not fail to fight head-on with themselves, but they have been defeated for more than 20 days in front of their eyes!

What kind of enemy is this?

People don't play like this!

White horse has always been proud of its sharp charge, and only when he can't fight... They have never had a history of fraud!

But Zhao Yun ignored Guo Yuan's shock at this time and rushed forward. He killed the enemies in sight one by one with bows and arrows and long guns nearby. No one was his opponent. Lightning stepped on countless corpses and kept wedged deep into Guo's reinforcements. Under his leadership, it is clear that the same number of troops are fighting, but in every local battlefield, Zhao Yun's army has a local advantage. They divide and surround Guo Yuan's tired army and slaughter them one by one. In a blink of an eye, Guo Yuan's army was killed and injured everywhere. Zhao Yun and his soldiers pushed forward like harvesters, leaving only a sea of blood on the ground.

The infantry will only end miserably when they meet the cavalry, especially before they have a perfect formation. Poor Guo Yuan, after being played around by Zhao Yun, was irritable and thought that he had forgotten the simplest military common sense and thought that he could besiege and win with more people.

"No! Absolutely not!" Guo Yuan is a little crazy. The reason why he is so reckless is that he has the biggest reliance after being angry with Zhao Yun. That is, he has just received an information that the governor has led 3,000 Wuwan cavalry to help him, and he will arrive in a moment!

From this, Guo Yuan dared to despise Zhao Yun so much. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun's Bai Mayi's combat strength was so powerful. At this speed, I'm afraid that my army will be killed before the arrival of the reinforcements.

He decided to solve the war with his own courage.

What's more, killing Zhao Yun with his own hands was within his plan.

With a roar, Guo Yuan waved the crescent halberd in his hand and rushed up.

The horses are flying, Guo Yuan is like fire, and there has never been many generals with strong martial arts skills. What's more, Guo Yuan's reputation is only under the four pillars of Hebei. After provoking two white horses, Guo Yuan's war horse has rushed out of two feet!

Then, only the snow-dressed general was left in his pupils. Looking at the general's disapproving and calm posture, Guo Yuan roared again, and the long halberd came out of the abys like an angry dragon, stabbing the other party's front heart with the sound of wind and thunder.

Guo Yuan did not leave any room for this halberd. He just wanted to solve the battle with this halberd. Let his reputation rise slowly on Zhao Yun's body at the right time. Guo Yuan felt that he had exhausted his life spirit, and all his pride and enlightenment were sublimated under a stab.

That thorn is domineering, fast, indescribable, and has the power of a landslide. Guo Yuan felt that he could not stab such a perfect halberd for a long time to come.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Yun suddenly burst out a brilliant murder in silence. With a swing of the silver gun in his hand, it suddenly sounded like a hundred birds, and the gun flowers seemed to burst out with cold light, making his explosive blow unexpectedly stagnate. Then, a silver phoenix seemed to fly out of the cold light, and the streamer silhouette scratched his neck. Guo Yuan then felt that all the power on his body quickly faded, and the crescent halberd in his hand could no longer release any power. The neck was cold, and in the hot July, there was a bitter meaning of winter.

For a moment, he took the opportunity to release the thorn of the backhand. Light as flowers, flying like snow, without the slightest smoke.

After that, the two horses will be divided.

Guo Yuan stroked his neck as if he wanted to say something, but blood spewed out of his neck, and the surging air from the outside made his vocal cords only make a strange cry. He tried his best to turn around and take a look at the general who stabbed him, but there was nothing he could do.

He fell down.

Zhao Yun still moved forward, swinging his long gun, and stabbed the people in front of him.

It seems that it is just a trivial thing to do.

In the next battle, everything became logical. Bai Mayi quickly broke through the encirclement of Guo's reinforcements with his absolute winning combat strength. And the death of the main general made the Cao army, who had been killed by this group of white demons, no longer have a trace of resistance.

Half an hour later, the whole battlefield has settled. Except for some miserable wounded soldiers, the rest were all kneeling and begging for mercy.

Zhao Yunce patrolled back and forth. He had ordered his guards to take Guo Yuan's head to Tian Yu and Tai Shici. He believed that with that head, Cao Anmin, who had lost his courage in Wending City, would make the right choice as soon as possible.

However, at this time, it is not the time to consider Wending City. A personal guard rushed to Zhao Yun, and his eyes were full of worship: "Lead, our army has won. How should we deal with these prisoners?"

Zhao Yun frowned and looked at these Cao Jun who were kneeling on the ground. The desire to survive in the eyes of the prisoners made Zhao Yun slightly stagnate. However, at the same time, Zhao Yun also learned from the mouths of these surrendered troops that the army had cleverly broken through the blockade of the Ma family front.

Maybe the next moment, the trick will arrive here!

Zhao Yun has never been a kind-hearted person. However, today he took a look at the warlike white horse, and the pride on his face was full of words. He replied with a smile, "Just get off the horse and rest." Seeing some wounded soldiers who did not dare to cry, Zhao Yun added, "Let the soldiers who have participated in the first aid training treat those wounded soldiers on the spot."

"Yes!" The guard did not make any discount and immediately issued the order. Defeat Guo Yuan, whether it is the timing or the use of tactics, whether it is the command of the battlefield or the amazing shot when he stabbed Guo Yuan, all of which made Bai Mayi admire Zhao Yun.

Although they have only gone through a bloody battle and their robes have been damaged, they believe that it is not impossible to destroy another support army under the leadership of Zhao Yun - they have never wavered in this worship and belief in Zhao Yun and have long been more than a golden stone. Therefore, the guard did not ask why he left those prisoners at all, and even did not confiscate their armor.

Next, he saw the reason why Zhao Yun did this in the eyes of the prisoners: when the prisoners saw Bai Ma Yi treating their wounded soldiers, the despair and suddenly in their eyes slowly changed to touching and perseverance.

Each battle is its master, and these big soldiers from Yuan Shao have a little loyalty in their hearts. If someone is willing to lower their body and look at them sincerely, they can die. Therefore, the guard also felt an inexplicable joy. While treating the wounded soldiers, he told the treatment of Ma Jiajun to these newly surrendered Cao soldiers.

Heart to heart, the guards know that these people also need a little honor and belief to live with dignity and meaning.

In a short time, an indescribable affection spread from the battlefield of the corpse mountain. Just now, the two sides of the enemy chieftain felt each other's warmth. However, the previous unpleasant way of meeting made them unable to let go quickly.

The time for a quick change came, and a stream of smoke rose from the east, and the reinforcements finally arrived. At this time, the Cao army, who had surrendered, looked at each other a few times and clenched their blades: they wanted to act to show that they really wanted to join the Ma army...