Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1095 Recruitment

When Qian Zhaofu saw the army, he was very shocked and inexplicably.

The posture of standing majestically and in white like snow. Every soldier on the horse is full of guns and crossbows, with strong momentum and bright costumes. A murderous spirit rises to the sky, which makes people feel an invisible impact constantly coming, as if it is a peerless divine soldier. Although it has not been pulled out of the scabbard, the murderous intention between them has long been broken, touching.

Next to them, there is a heavy body.

The blood stained the dry soil.

Looking at the familiar military uniform and Lingqi, I only felt a chill.

That's General Guo Yuan's army!

But where will Master Guo be?

He couldn't see it. What he saw was just dead bodies all over the ground. He saw the flag with the word "Guo" thrown on the ground and hit the ground by the wind, like a bird with broken wings.

Where will Master Guo be?

Although I don't want to believe it, I have guessed the most correct answer. He looked at the knights who stood like a sculpture of the god of war, felt the invasion and murderous spirit in white, and couldn't help but retreat: against such an iron-blooded division, there was no possibility for his own army to win against the enemy.

While hesitating, the enemy camp suddenly split, and several soldiers came out carrying a body.

The familiar iron helmet and the magnificent figure are telling the story that this body can only belong to one person. However, the neat body was cut off at the neck, and the head above the neck disappeared.

The trick jumps down from the horse.

All the soldiers behind him jumped off the horse.

Everyone's eyes were condensed on this body.

The soldier carrying the body did not squint and walked forward with neat steps.

"General!" Suddenly, he shouted.

The soldier carrying the body stopped, and a snow-white horse stopped in front of the body.

I saw that the horse was as white as snow without a single hair. The horse knight is whiter than the horse. He is not like a warrior, but like a literati. He was holding a long gun, but at this time, he did not have any murderous spirit, on the contrary, with a faint sadness. He looked at the body and looked back at the team.

The heart jumped, and suddenly remembered a person, a person who used to be famous under Gongsun Zan.

Will he be that person?

Is the team behind him the legendary army that frightened the two clans of Xianbei Wuwan?

The mood has been confused. Looking back, the morale of my army has been lowered to a limit. If I attack at this time, I'm afraid I will definitely lose. However, when he saw his own soldiers behind this team, he was moved: if he fought head-on, and those soldiers who had just been surrendered and had not even surrendered their armor could fight back, the battle would win more than 70%!

"General Guo is a brave general of Hebei, with great prestige and kindness to soldiers." He shouted sadly, as if he was mourning Guo Yuan, but in fact, he said to the self-army after the white soldiers on the opposite side: "We are grateful for the general's great kindness, and we will let the general's body return to its roots. Born a native of Jizhou and died as a ghost of Jizhou!"

In the last sentence, the move was shouted at the top of his voice. Obviously, his offensive plan has also achieved great results: those soldiers who shook the blade tightly, after listening to Gao Lan's words, their hands holding the knife couldn't help loosen a little. Looking at the bodies that had not been cleaned up, I couldn't help recalling the crimes of these white demons in the war just now.

However, these white warriors are really a bunch of devils. Their force is not comparable to these people at all! To revenge and resist them?

The soldiers looked back and forth a few times, and they all saw a strong fear in each other's eyes. Even looking at their defenseless backs, they are not completely sure that they can kill with one blow...

"At all costs, take back the general's body!"

He shouted loudly again, and he suddenly turned over his horse with a sad face. His eyes stared at the surrendered soldiers with contempt and hatred, which made those who were targeted lowered their heads in shame. At the same time, he also felt a tragic atmosphere formed behind him - such a result was exactly what he wanted.

The mourners will win, and the mourners will be auspicious!

Moreover, the foundation for the attack is almost the same. I believe that at least those surrendered soldiers will not wave down their weapons without hesitation when facing the self-arms wearing the same armor and speaking the same accent. Even, as long as they are excited in the battle, those surrenders will fight back!

The weapon in his hand was raised, and an "attack" was about to be issued.

At this time, the general on the opposite side suddenly moved. He only destroyed the horse and rushed to a distance of only dozens of steps from the move like a white light. He didn't take the gun, and gently pressed down with his empty hands, signaling everyone to calm down and listen to him.

He couldn't wave his hand. He found that although the knight was still dozens of steps away from him, he clearly felt the faint pressure emanating from the knight, which was only the murderous spirit emitted by the murderous top master on the battlefield. However, no matter how he looked at it, he could not see any ferocity of the knight.

Is he really that person?

The two armies were silent, and they only heard the knight's words: "Shicai, General Guo fought head-on with this general and was killed by me. The two armies fought, and the 10,000 soldiers and horses led by General Guo were destroyed. This happened half an hour ago. His voice was not slow, but it was clear to everyone.

A heart sank, and the army opposite killed Guo Yuan and stayed here for half an hour, waiting for himself to attack. And for half an hour, his army was on his way desperately, and the strong and weak were divided. However, looking at the bright and slightly sastical eyes of the man, he felt that the man opposite had found his clever attack.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice of the population fell, he felt that the momentum of the army behind him to recover was reduced again - he desperately needed strength. Can the other party directly kill the main force led by Guo Yuan? Can his own partial army withstand the attack of the other party?

Everyone thought so at that time. The surrender soldiers saw Zhao Yun's invincibility with their own eyes and completely gave up the idea of participating in the war, while the soldiers under his hand were transformed from mourning soldiers to declining soldiers.

However, the move is still unwilling. If you gritt your teeth, you will die. Fight!

At this critical time, I heard Zhao Yun on the opposite side say, "Although General Guo died at my hands, I have no selfless hatred with General Guo. Death is great and perseverance is long-term. As a soldier, I am here to ask your army to welcome back the bodies of General Guo and the soldiers. Our army will not attack.

"The victory and defeat have been divided. It's not my choice. You can wait and do it yourself!" After saying that, Zhao Yun waved his hand and waited for the body of Guo Yuan to be taken away.

In an instant, there was a trace of enlightenment: I had lost.

I looked at the body piled up like a pile of wheat again, and suddenly I had no strength. When the man's words 'the victory or defeat have been divided, and he has not been taken by beheading' sounded again, there was a kind of stirring emotion. This sentence means that although killing his army is a great achievement, he doesn't want to kill more meaninglessly.

In the world, which general is not committed to killing? In the world, which general is not happy to kill? What's more, the Ma army has always been rewarded with military achievements, and they have always had a paranoid love for military achievements.

However, with this opportunity to win or lose, the man actually let go of himself and all the generals he led?


I can't figure it out.

But he understands one thing.

Since then, he and the army he led no longer have the courage to fight against the knight.

So, will the knight in front of him be that person?

"The general is tolerant and trustworthy, and is good at fighting, but Zhao Zilong is really brave in white?" The lead finally opened his mouth. He immediately bent down and saluted. He didn't want to be defeated by anyone.

"It's right here." Zhao Yun did not have any modesty and calmly accepted the respect for the invitation.

He looked happy, and then said, "I'm willing to surrender to the general. I don't know if the general can take him in?" As soon as the words came out, I was a little puzzled. But after recovering, there was another relaxation: it is absolutely impossible for him to be an enemy of a figure like Zhao Yun, so why not to serve him? Is there such an awesome general as snow in Cao's army?

"I, as a general of the Ma family, naturally can't take you in." Zhao Yun replied. After seeing the move, he was slightly stunned before he smiled again: "However, I think the Ma family is very happy to take you in..."