Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1243 The Robbery of the Imperial Mausoleum

and the collapse and burning of Liang Huang Mausoleum were not only completely out of Mu Yang's imagination. At the same time, it was also suddenly and strange and completely divorced from the expectations of Cao Ang, Xun Yu and others who had found some signs.

Cao Ang remembered that when he had just quietly stepped out of the lobby of the imperial mausoleum, he was still sighing that Xun Yu was indeed the help of his father's humerus. When the matter only showed a little sign, he turned the great disadvantage into the knife in his hand.

However, the ruthless reality is really a little unprepared. At the moment when the emotion in Cao Ang's heart had not turned into a respectful look for Xun Yu, another slight creak suddenly sounded. This voice happened to appear in a gap when Liu Xie spoke, in the solemn solemnity, and this slight creaking sound was too abrupt. All Wenwu were shocked and raised their heads to search around.

Soon, the problematic pillar was found in the southwest corner of the lobby. Cao Ang and Xun Yu's eyes were more anxious - this time it was more serious, and the whole ceiling seemed to be slightly tilted to the southwest. Xun Yu was still weighing, but Cao Ang felt that he could no longer hesitate. He jumped out and shouted, "The imperial mausoleum is not strong. Let's leave quickly!"

This cry was like an explosion*, igniting everyone's shock. However, strangely, when the royal guards surrounded Liu Xie and left, Liu Xie only looked at the ceiling of the lobby and did not move at all: "I don't believe that the imperial mausoleum built by the Cao family and protected by the previous emperor will collapse so easily."

Although today's voice is not loud, it clearly reaches the ears of all civil and martial arts. Since ancient times, the emperor has been a minister, and the emperor has still collapsed in front of Mount Tai, but his color remains unchanged. How can the ministers be birds and beasts scattered? What's more, the civil and military officials also found that at this time that Cao Fei did not hesitate at all when Liu Xie's voice fell, and stood beside Liu Xie with the prince in her arms.

Seeing this, the ministers suddenly seemed to understand the meaning of the emperor's words that day. This time, His Majesty personally said that the imperial mausoleum was built by Cao and insisted on refusing to leave - this attitude was completely different from his previous and untruthful speech, and Yu Feng pointed directly at Cao! Those loyal royalists suddenly seemed to receive the imperial edict of sacrificing their lives and fell to the ground first: "I swear to die with your majesty to learn Cao's loyalty!"

The wind vane of the whole hall changed in an instant under Liu Xie's words, and Xun Yu, Cao Ang and others looked extremely ugly. Obviously, such a situation was not expected by the two. Especially Cao Ang, he thought that the threat of the imperial mausoleum ceremony came from the external Ma family, but he didn't expect that the real head-on attack turned out to be their internal appearance!

At this time, the southwest corner of the lobby suddenly made a sharp sound of a wooden pillar breaking, and the pillar could no longer support it and fell to the ground. The civil and military ministers shouted and dodged nearby, and then the whole ceiling collapsed halfway down, raising a puff of smoke and dust. There are ** mixed with black and blue colors flowing down from above, with a pungent taste and a large number, which soon covered nearly half of the floor.

The "Green Bag Book" written by Hua Tuo, a doctor, says: "People are the most simple when they are in their own." It means that when a person is frightened, his instantaneous reaction best reflects his heart. At this moment, although Liu Xie and other royalists have firmly grasped the commanding heights of public opinion, it is undeniable that there are still more ministers loyal to Cao, or human nature, than those ministers who can give their lives for their hearts.

At this time, many ministers who swayed left and right or simply admired Cao raised their feet and didn't want to touch these things. As soon as someone stepped on the cloth shoes inadtentionally, they found that they were sticky and difficult to wash off.

"It's varnish and tung oil!"

I don't know who shouted completely ignited the clear and chaotic situation in the lobby. Everyone can imagine what kind of disaster these two things will bring once they are stained with a spark! What's more, in addition to the threat of being buried in the sea of fire, this imperial mausoleum may collapse at any time!

"The second floor of the imperial mausoleum is still being repaired, and these varnishes and tung oil should be hoarded by the workers. This time, the lobby collapsed in a corner, and the water quality was low, and these things flowed down the gap. Cao Ang had a guess in his heart and quickly said his guess.

"Son, your majesty's hundred officials came to sacrifice today. Do you think those ceremonial officers and trade unions have made such low-level mistakes?" Xun Yu's face was very blue. At this time, he didn't have time to lower his voice and shouted, "Someone must have mixed into the imperial mausoleum in advance and knocked over these green paint and tung oil..."

Xun Yu deliberately shouted this time, which also meant to mend the lost sheep. However, at the moment of life and death, who else can understand the wonderful sentence of Xun Yu's disaster? Even Cao Ang was also confused at this time, but he shouted out with his heart, "Come on, quickly cover your majesty and the ministers to withdraw from the imperial mausoleum!"

Unfortunately, he didn't see that the corners of Liu Xie's mouth on the stage only pulled a very sarcastic arc.

At this moment, more than a dozen pillars in the lobby made a dense sound at the same time, as if countless spiders were running wildly on it. Cao Ang's face changed greatly. He didn't care about others and turned around and ran to the gate. Other ministers also realized that the situation was not good and moved backwards one after another. For a moment, the figure was scattered and the whole lobby was in chaos.

"I swear to die with your majesty to learn from Cao's loyalty!" Sikong Zhangxi, Yilang Zhao Yan and other last loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty beat fiercely, ignoring the fleeing ministers around them, and interpreted their loyalty to the Han Dynasty with their most precious and powerful weapon - the price of life!

It's a pity, it's still a pity. Liu Xie only gave these people a little regret and compassion, and didn't even reply, so he turned his head to Cao Jie: "Aren't you leaving?"

But Cao Jie did not show any fear. She gently comforted the emperor who cried because of the noise in her arms. There was a most beautiful smile on her face, and she said with almost determination and emotion: "Your Majesty, don't you know that what my concubine wants in this life is this moment!"

Liu Xie was moved for a moment. He looked at more and more out-of-control ministers shouting desperately, and some elderly courtiers were trampled under their feet, moaning and panic. Looking at the virtues of gentleness, courtesy and thrift, everyone seems to be the madness of the sunken mouse. Finally, he put his firm and sincere eyes on Cao Jie's beautiful face and gently held her in his arms: "Don't worry, with me, you can't look forward to that moment..."

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that the upstairs was pressed hard by an invisible hand, and more than a dozen pillars that were struggling to support broke at the same time. The beam that was originally picked horizontally was suddenly cracked, and it broke from the middle after struggling a few times. When the beam folded, the top of the whole Qianlongguan completely lost its support and smashed down towards the lobby. For the ministers in the hall, this is a veritable top of Mount Tai.

Huge smoke exploded in the southwest of Xudu City, whirled in mid-air and quickly spread around. In just a short moment, the Liang Imperial Mausoleum turned into a mass of ruins mixed with broken bamboo, broken wood, cracked stone and a large number of human limbs. Half of the buried body or the thighs pressed by giant wood can be seen everywhere, and some heads protruding out of debris are shouting for help. The only one that is still complete is the bronzing plaque with the words "Han Imperial Mausoleum".

"Fire!! Fire!!" I don't know who shouted bitterly. All the buried ministers panicked to find that the temperature around them suddenly began to rise, and then a fierce flame came out of the cracks in the ruins and began to devour everything around them crazily.

"It's the shadow of the Ma family!!" At this time, Cao Ang finally saw several agile figures like spiritual apes in the chaos. With the help of the ropes prepared in advance, they swung out of the imperial mausoleum at the moment of the collapse of the lobby. Moreover, among the five black swallows, a plain white ribbon was drawn.

That's the plain silk clothes that Tang Xiaomi wore when she entered the imperial mausoleum today. Cao Ang would not think he was dazzling. At this time, Cao Chun, the leader of the tiger and leopard horse outside the imperial mausoleum, looked at the figure of the seven rabbits and ran down and waved his knife: "Chase!!! No matter where the earth is, no matter how much it costs, we must catch up with these people!"