Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 52 Starting from the Potential

The figure kept shaking in front of his eyes, and the enemy was panicking, wailing and running away.

There seems to be a new wound on his body, but Ma Chao can no longer feel pain, only sling the gun and stabbing it out. Blood flowers kept spraying in front of my eyes, which was numbing.

Only kill, keep killing!

can relieve the obsession in the brain like a ghost!

In an hour, Ma Chao felt a shock in the sea of blood, as if countless murderous streams burst out of his body, as if a volcano erupted, forming a frenzy that swallowed everything.

He looked blankly at the big gun in his hand as if it was not under the control of consciousness and moved naturally.

All the colors were lost in front of me, leaving only a piece of blood red.

At that moment, Ma Chao seemed to feel that it was the soul of war in his body that woke up, and it was Xiliang Jinma Chao, who had never put his life in his heart, was manipulating his body for himself!

At that moment, Ma Chao has abandoned his 'potential', because the 'potential' can only integrate all the energy in his body into the front line when he is calm, and at the time of tens of thousands of troops fighting, this 'potential' does not play much role at all.

At that moment, Ma Chao seemed to have felt a kind of 'wu', but this kind of killing's 'wu' is not his own 'wu', but seems to be the Xiliang Jinma Chao awakening in his body, from the 'potential power' of the sword to the fierce attack!

This kind of 'wu' completely turns the situation into an unparalleled strength, which is stained on the enemy's body at will, and then the enemy infected by the strength will immediately usher in a big gun raid. Either stab, sweep, or split vertically. At this time, there are no tricks at all. The only action and result is killing and death!

At this time, Ma Chao also paradoxically fell into a schizophrenic situation: on the one hand, he clearly felt his own action and killing; on the other hand, he seemed to be Ma Chao, who was holding a prisoner in his arms and marching on the horse, looking at a killing god with irresistible murderous spirit and rushing out a bloody road. !

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a huge horn sounded. This huge sound was like a huge hand to forcibly awaken Ma Chao's consciousness that he was about to disappear. Finally, the split consciousness suddenly merged into one, and suddenly the body felt that all the pain was superimposed, sharply pricking the nerves, and the pain that seemed to be torn into countless pieces made Ma Chao couldn't help screaming.

The great pain of the body finally made Ma Chao fully wake up, and he gasped violently. And everything that was predeprectional is constantly reminding him that he is still alive. At this time, blood flowed all over Ma Chao's arms, slippery and sticky, making Ma Chao almost unable to hold the big gun in his hand.

Under the dim yellow sky, Ma Chao was immediately alone on the battlefield, and the living enemies around him had already fled far away. At his feet is a large dark red mud, which extends endlessly to all sides. Countless limbs, broken heads and broken blades are scattered in all directions, just like evil spirits in hell.

Carefully recalling the seemingly confused scene just now, Ma Chao gasped with difficulty and didn't know whether to cry or laugh. At that moment, he seemed to have broken through and actually touched the realm of 'wu'. Unfortunately, this kind of 'martial arts' is not the kind of handsome and elegant in Ma Chao's heart, but only the destruction of pure killing!

Ma Chao blinked hard and finally saw that Pound and dozens of surviving Xiliang cavalry were still tenaciously trying to break through. On the western side, Qingyi Qiang and Baima Qiang have successfully torn through the enemy's resistance and are leading other tribal warriors to take over their own young troops.

At this time, Ma Chao saw an unbelievable scene: the smoke and dust were rolling in the distance, and the enemy was no longer moving forward, but retreating like a tide. The whole regiment of the Iron Qiang League fell into a panic and defeat like a collapsed snowdrift.

What's going on?

Is it...

Sure enough, as Ma Chao expected, vaguely, Ma Chao seemed to hear two angry shouts from the east and the south:

"The thief will leave, and the big man will fly Lv Bu here. You can't die quickly!"

"Don't fight against the tribes, don't hurt my son!"

Has Jia Fox and his father finally arrived?

Ma Chao looked at the southeast with difficulty, and his whole body was shocked. He couldn't help but burst into tears: a few miles to the east, smoke and dust were rolling, and troops were coming. Look at the flag, it suddenly says 'Jiuyuan Lv Bu'!

Is the reinforcement sent by Chang'an the only Lv Bu who is known as the 'tiger of the world'?

Once again, he felt that it was only a momentary. Ma Chao saw a burst of burning flames flying. When he got closer, Ma Chao saw that the flame was a huge red war horse. On his slender and strong limbs, the strips of muscles were like steel cast, smooth and energetic. The skin is as bright as a blazing hellfire, and the red mane swinging in the wind is like thousands of fire snakes, running and burning proudly in the sun.

At the moment when the horse came into contact with the enemy array, it only heard a horse hiss, and the sound did not subsided, and the red light had expanded rapidly until it filled Ma Chao's whole vision. Kuang Lan suddenly rose up, and in an instant, Ma Chao could hardly believe his eyes: Lv Bu in the distance seemed to disappear. Before recovering from the shock, a sharp and murderous atmosphere filled the world. In the enemy's array, those soldiers were like straw and wood, which were destroyed by Lv Bu. Behind him, 30,000 wolves of Bingzhou followed Lv Bu's figure, bloodthirsty and indifference, constantly tearing the enemy's gap. ......

And in the south, it is indeed its own 'horse' flag. The general under his face is big and his body is burly, wearing a beast body swallowing python armor, holding a big gun like Ma Chao, which is Ma Teng. And behind him, the big man with scars on his face is struggling to kill the enemy who dares to block him in front of him with an anxious look. It is the ugly brother Huang Yuan!

Although Ma Teng's combat strength is not as shocking as Lv Bu's, perhaps all Qiang tribes know Ma Teng's kindness, and most of them are unwilling to face Ma Teng and pretend to be invincible. In this way, although Ma Teng's killing is not heavy, the penetration speed is not slow. It seems that he can get to Ma Chao faster than Lv Bu.

At this moment, the wind gently blew over Ma Chao's face, and the strong smell of blood in the air made the whole world suffocate. Ma Chao saw that the two armies had arrived, and Qingyi Qiang and Baima Qiang on the west side also killed those hard-line Tieqiang allied enemy troops, knowing that he finally won the battle...

And at this moment, all the obsessions in his heart were relieved, and Ma Chao suddenly felt dizzy. When he fainted, the feeling in his arms made Ma Chao know that he was still holding a person. Looking down, although the girl who was stunned by Ma Chao had woken, she still huddled in his arms and did not dare to move at all, but the eyes in her eyes were so complicated. It was a light mixed with fear, surprise and intoxication. When she saw Ma Chao glance at her face, she quickly closed her eyes tightly, and her long eyelashes kept trembling.

And Ma Chao seemed to smile bitterly before fainting: this girl actually wanted to confuse herself by pretending to be dizzy... However, she pretends to be dizzy, and I'm afraid she really doesn't want to wake up again.