Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 53 Cai Yan's thoughts

Cai Yan quietly stared at Ma Chao's peaceful and resolute face, and his eyes were more greedy than focused.

Yes, although I have been taught by my father's Confucianism since I was a child, how can the nature of my love for beauty be bound by those dogmatic saints?

Which girl is not pregnant with spring? What's more, Cai Yan's age is the spring of cardamom. In the small heart, there has been an imagination of the future husband.

Before meeting Ma Chao, Cai Yan always thought that his future husband must be a young talent who was rich and full of experience. And for those martial artists who fought immediately, Cai Yan thought that he was a rude and reckless butcher full of blood, and the kind of sinner in his father's mouth!

But since the first time she saw Ma Chao, she was attracted by the white light in the middle of the night. She never imagined that the rude and reckless general in her mind could still be so heroic and handsome. His temperament, like a blade and a sharp gun, went straight into his heart with an invincible posture when he was caught off guard.

After that, when the canyon was attacked, Ma Chao jumped over obstacles to rescue her, and the courage of leading thousands of athletes and warriors to raid were deeply imprinted in Cai Yan's heart and mind. Every night before sleeping deeply, Cai Yan always recalled and tasted Ma Chao's heroic posture carefully so that he could enter safely. Sleep.

Also since that, my father no longer taught himself those classics and historical collections, but began to teach military books such as Warring States Policy and Wei Liaozi. Even more, what my father taught him was the heroic feat of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing across the desert and promoting the prestige of Han martial arts. Between his words and behaviors, he was envious of Huo Yuyao's brilliance.

Cai Yan knew that it was the Qiang looting in Fufeng County that made his father's eyes turn to these. But she didn't know that during this period, Ma Chao led 10,000 Xiliang iron horses and went deep into the hinterland of the Qiang tribe and broke through the Qiang tribe!

At that time, Cai Yan felt a trace of unspeakable pain in his heart. She blamed Ma Chao for not saying goodbye to her before leaving, and she was even more afraid that Ma Chao would never return. When she heard her father praise Huo's great achievements there again, she refuted her father for the first time. She said that even though Huo was the most glorious meteor of a big man, he was not a good husband!

At that moment, Cai Yan refuted his father for the first time, but there was a blush on his face: when did he think of his wife's husband...

But when she heard the news that Ma Chao was besieged in the grassland desert by Tieqiang League, her heart could no longer calm down. The most every day was to look at the gate of the county government and look forward to the latest news from Ma Chao.

Finally, Cai Yan waited for the news of Ma Chao's return to Fufeng County. At that moment, she was ecstatic but tried her best to hide it. But when she really saw Ma Chao, tears dripped on the ground like beads without breaking the line: what she waited for was Ma Chao, who had been in a coma and scarred for three days! Your joy can be concealed, but how can your sadness and pain be concealed!

A few days later, Cai Yan always stayed with Ma Chao's hospital bed and watched Ma Chao's wound gradually improve, but he no longer saw Ma Chao's bad smile.

These days, Ma Chao has obviously lost a lot of weight, and his whole body is wrapped in that quilt, emitting a strong smell of medicine. Until now, his injury has not yet healed.

But the thin lips, two thick eyebrows, and the delicate and straight nose bridge have repeatedly appeared in Cai Yan's dream. The only difference is that he is vague and vague in the dream, but these days, he is so clear.

He is also one year older than himself, but his extraordinary experience carved a mark on his smooth and wide forehead. As his eyebrows were locked in one place, it became more and more profound and shocking. Cai Yan was very worried that the scar on his forehead would destroy his exquisite and unparalleled appearance. Fortunately, the red scar on his temples did not break him, but had a brave masculine charm. In addition, it would be better if those powerful eyes could shoot the hot and sharp eyes again at this moment, revealing the perseverance he has always hidden.

Unfortunate, Cai Yan knew that this was just her fantasy.

After Ma Chao was carried back, Cai Yan heard the most famous doctor in Fufeng County say that Ma Chao fell into a coma because he excessively squeezed the essence in his body and suffered blood all over his body. If Ma Chao hadn't been special, young and powerful, he would have died a long time ago.

However, at this time, even if Ma Chao could take a breath, he was exhausted because the essence in his body had been exhausted. If you want to wake up and turn around, I'm afraid it's impossible without ten days and a half months.

Today is the seventh day of Ma Chao's coma, and Cai Yan also knows that Ma Chao will not wake up so soon. Therefore, when she saw that there were soft and thin blue whiskers on Ma Chao's jaw, she wanted to scrape off those green whiskers with a razor.

Poor Ma Chao, who was bumpy all the way through these days, finally rested for a period of time after arriving in Fufeng County. In addition, his father went crazy and found some elixirs such as mountain ginseng and He Shouwu for him tonic, which improved. But the breath disorder in his body and the confusion in his mind could not be cured by the medicinal stone.

At this time, he only felt as if he was in an infinitely wide sea of hot fire, covered with thick black smoke.

He gasped and kept running in the fire. There were wailing and moans everywhere, and countless people tossing and calling in the sea of fire. After that, these groaning people turned into fierce ghosts who wanted their lives, crying and accusing Ma Chao of killing them!

There are several people's backs in the distance. With his long familiarity, Ma Chao can see that they are Ma Teng, Pound, Meng Da, Brother Chou, Han Feng, Jia Xu, and even Cai Yong, Cai Yan, Zhong Jian, Rigu Deji, Meng He and others. They talked and laughed, and went further and further. Ma Chao ran desperately, but he couldn't catch up; he wanted to greet them, but he couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, my feet were empty and suddenly fell into a fire pit.

Ma Chao was surprised to see himself wrapped in flames, his skin was open, and pieces of land fell off his bones...


Complete destruction!

Is that your own martial arts?

Ma Chao, who had become a skeleton, was still not dead. He howled to see his skeleton, but he couldn't break free from the sea of fire.

Until the scene changed, he suddenly saw the endless crowd, high-rise buildings, BMW cars, the final scene transition to the green plants in the field, and finally to the agricultural base station he was most familiar with, and saw the crop seed vacuum that he hated in his previous life. With the packaging bag, he suddenly remembered that he was not the culprit of troubled times, but an unlucky traveler.

People's lives in troubled times are as cheap as grass mustard. If there is no "broken" that destroys the world, how can we talk about the vibrant 'up' of crops and crowds in his eyes?

Break and stand behind!

Only destruction can lead to a new life!

After figured this out, Ma Chao shouted, and suddenly everything around him became white and foggy. But my throat was dry and painful, my forehead was hot, and my whole body was in severe pain, as if it was still burning in purgatory.

And he was about to call others to take some water to quench his thirst, but he turned his head and saw Cai Yan's flowery face fade, and she was holding a cold shining razor in her hand...

Ma Chao didn't think about it. He turned his head and fainted...