Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 155 Refining Blade

Pu Yuan didn't see Ma Chao's eyes at all, but with a dagger and a long sword in his hand, hurriedly trot all the way and ran straight to Ma Chao.

"All right! Pu Yuan, how dare you to let the Lord be!" Ma Chao looked at Pu Yuan's posture and didn't know why. Pu Yuan looked happy, but he was holding a sharp blade. Such abnormality has stunned Han Ying and Yun'er.

Han Ying made a decision, pushed Yuner back, pulled out a machete from his waist and twisted himself and rushed to Ma Chao. He looked at Pu Yuan with an angry face and guarded carefully.

"Pu Yuan, don't you want to rebel!" When Pu Yuan had run to a very ** distance, Han Ying suddenly shouted coquettishly.

Pu Yuan was immediately stunned, lowered his head and saw the blade in his hand, and he was at a loss. Fortunately, at this time, Ma Chao had slightly pushed away Han Ying and said to Pu Yuan, "What's going on?"

As he spoke, Ma Chao also gave Han Ying a grateful look, looking at Han Ying with shyness and red clouds on his cheeks. And Yun'er's heart is even more admirable: the young master's eyes not only won Pu Yuan's loyalty and gratitude, but also ate Miss Han to death. I'm afraid that a heart is tied to him, and he can't get down... Should I find a way to unite with Sister Yan and never let the young master go out to harm other ladies again?

In his mind, Pu Yuan also reacted, with a grateful look in his eyes, and quickly explained to Ma Chao, "Young master, the arsenal has made what you call an iron knife!"

"Iron knife? What the hell? When did I say that? Ma Chao listened to Pu Yuan's unconcealed surprise voice and asked with a confused face.

This sentence immediately knocked off most of Pu Yuan's **. He said feebly, "Six months ago, the young master told his subordinates that raw iron and cooked iron were trained together, and several nights became steel... Take soft iron as the ridge, bathe with five animals' urine, and quench five animals' grease..."

As soon as this word came out, Ma Chao gradually became impressed. I remember that when I visited the forging house for the first time, I seemed to have told Pu Yuan about this, but later the business of the arsenal became more and bigger, and I gradually forgot this. Unexpectedly, Pu Yuan, the iron master, had been experimenting silently for half a year.

"The iron knife is really the iron knife. Young master, look!" Pu Yuan said and respectfully handed over the cold ring knife.

Ma Chao was immediately attracted by the ring knife. The knife body was shiny and sparkling, which was obviously the best fine steel. Especially in the past year, Ma Chao has seen a lot of often rusty iron weapons. This is really the first time he has seen this steel weapon.

"Young master, Su Tie Changjian, look!" At this time, Pu Yuan carefully handed over a long sword flowing with sword light.

Ma Chao took over the long sword and saw that the blade was thin, obviously sharp, the sword spirit was solemn, and the sword body was slightly heavy. Has this Puyuan really mastered the method of steel filling, and can he smelt the cooked iron into a sword body and refined steel into a blade?

"Is it really Su Tie?" Ma Chao looked up and asked: This is impossible, impossible... This is really awesome. Technology spanning several centuries can be achieved in just two words?

To be honest, Ma Chao is still in a dream at this time and has a great tendency to disbelief: you know, the early emergence of this steel filling method is far more powerful than distilled wine, fried tea, papermaking and so on. In this way, I can really build a good fine steel weapon, and then I will build a heavy cavalry and a fine steel Roman style regiment...

It can be said that with this fine steel weapon, Ma Chao can even sweep the whole Han and become the strongest soldier in Kyushu! What white-eared army, Danyang soldiers, tiger and leopard cavalry, flying bear army, in front of the Ma family army, they are all scum!

"The young master can try his best to know whether it is true or false." Ma Chao still couldn't believe it. Pu Yuan said affirmatively, and then raised a machete and held his hands firmly in mid-air. He continued, "Please test the sword!"

Ma Chao recognized the machete, which was one of the 50 machetes left to Han Sui when he came to Fufeng County and gave five to the arsenal for testing and reference. And the remaining 45, except for the three given to Ma Dai, Brother Chou and Pound, are all locked in Han Feng's warehouse and offered them like treasures.

This Pu Yuan dares to test the sword with this sharp machete, doesn't that mean that the quality of the iron knife forged by the arsenal is still above it?

Ma Chao no longer hesitated, waved his sword in his hand and suddenly split it.

"Dang!" A crisp metal chopping sound suddenly sounded, followed by "bang!" With a sound, the broken knife fell to the ground. Ma Chao hurriedly watched and saw that the machete in Pu Yuan's hand was cut off, but the long sword in his hand was intact, and the blade was not turned over.

Ma Chao planned to curl his hair again and felt pain. When Pu Yuan was not paying attention, he pulled off a strand of his hair, which made Pu Yuan want to cry and dare not scold. After that, Ma Chao put the hair on the blade and blew it gently, and the hair was cut into two pieces.

After trying both weapons, Ma Chao looked surprised: "Really, the arsenal has built fine steel!"

Pu Yuan, Han Ying and Yun'er looked at Ma Chao's surprised appearance, and their eyebrows were full of smiles.

After ecstasy, Ma Chao gradually woke up from the surprise and asked, "When will this fine steel be tempered?"

"Report to the young master, two sharp weapons, today." Pu Yuan replied with a smile. The results of the work have been confirmed by Ma Chao, and Ma Chao is full of joy.

"This fine steel smelting and weapon casting have been great, and the arsenal is all planned by the craftsman Pu! Thank you very much, Master Pu." Ma Chao sincerely thanked him.

"Me?" Pu Yuan saw Ma Chao's bowed body and immediately knelt down in fear: "Young master, this is not the work of the next person. The enlightenment of the young master, the support of Lord Han Feng, Zheng Hun's cooperation, and the continuous proposal and hard work of the craftsmen of the whole arsenal have been exchanged for these two sharp weapons!"

"Okay, okay, Master Pu is very popular, and I already know it." Ma Chao patted Pu Yuan on the shoulder with a smile, which made Pu Yuan flattered, but then Ma Chao asked, "This craftsman also took the initiative to propose a strategy? Very good, very good!"

"Young master, this is your credit!" Pu Yuan was puzzled and quickly explained.

During this period, Ma Chao focused on making money and had no time to take care of it. Then winter came, thinking about people's livelihood. With too much work at hand, Ma Chao tried to forcibly inculcate the management of research and development, proposals, rewards and punishments in the management methods of his previous life into Han Feng, Puyuan and Zheng Hun in popular language, and decentralized the three to vigorously implement it! Unexpectedly, this result came so fast that I was not mentally prepared.

"Young master, I don't know how many craftsmen are fascinated by the establishment of the R&D center. Those skilled craftsmen who have had ideas have made continuous proposals and contributed a lot of inventions. Pu Yuan was clumsy and couldn't figure it out for a moment. Finally, he just said, "The young master can go to the arsenal to have a look."

Indeed, those craftsmen who are in the research and development center do not have to repeat meaningless work in the camp every day. After freeing themselves from heavy manual labor, they concentrate on new crafts.

The craftsmen who entered the research and development center are all senior craftsmen of the red copper grade. They eat well, dress well, and can get rid of their officialdom and even become officials. But there is no strong ability in that place, and there is no way to enter. For a while, the enthusiasm of the craftsmen was greatly improved, and everyone was proud to enter the R&D center.

The R&D center couldn't get in, and Ma Chao didn't block the road. If the craftsmen have good proposals and breakthrough results after implementation, they can get the same rewards as R&D craftsmen. Since the implementation of this system, small inventions and tricks have emerged one after another.

Listening to Pu Yuan's brainstorming and vividly telling of inventions, Ma Chao gradually cleared his mind: "Management can also produce benefits, and management can promote technological innovation!"

"Go, go to the arsenal. By the way, I haven't been there for a long time. Let's see what earth-shaking changes there are!" With that, Ma Chao went to the courtyard to lead the elephant dragon and went side by side with Pu Yuan. After thinking about it, he turned back to the inner room to get a few drawings before continuing to walk: the production of fine steel has made Ma Chao advance his plan to build his invincible army.

Han Ying looked proudly at Yun'er, took her rouge horse, and turned away. Yun'er, who can't ride a horse, can only stamp her feet in anger: she has to pull Sister Yan over quickly, and she can't ride a horse, but the young master will definitely not take Sister Yan with her. At that time, that Han Ying couldn't be arrogant...