Ancient War

Chapter 56 Unknown Dark Hall

The dark underground palace turned out to be the burial place where ancient human beings died in the demon space. Hundreds of millions of captured ancient people, in addition to most of the materials used to exploit the construction of palaces, some strong people were imprisoned in unknown dark halls of the demons.

Countless dead bones, and evil roars from time to time, huge body evil horns, bloody teeth and fangs. With a bone machete wielding a light green firelight, there are not only the bones of the demon gods in the unknown dark hall, but also many dead bones of ancient human beings. The unknown dark hall has always been placed where seven strongest demon gods have cultivated powerful combat power. Whenever countless demons with varying strength are born in the Nether Blood Pool, they will select some relatively powerful entities. Placed in the unknown dark hall, through killing and devouring, it gradually becomes the strongest combat power of the demon clan. These demon gods are only killing machines, and only killing is the value of their existence.

After the first "God and Demon War", ancient people were taken to hundreds of millions of demons, and these hundreds of millions of ancient people had strong people. Therefore, ancient human beings were divided, and many ancient strong men were detained by the shackles of their souls. At the same time, they were imprisoned in the unknown dark hall where the demon clan cultivated strong combat power. At the same time, a large number of new demon gods would be placed at regular intervals, and the unknown dark hall was originally suitable for the survival of the demon clan. Although it is very difficult to survive, it is still a place where many low-level demon gods want to come to think of their heads, such as low-level demon gods who have not died in the unknown dark hall for hundreds of thousands of years. Then when you come out of the unknown dark hall, you will definitely enjoy extremely high treatment.

In order to meet the needs of launching the second "God and Demon War" and the ambition and desire of the supreme demon god Aino to enslave everything. Most of the ancient humans who were captured by the demon clan were imprisoned and in the unknown dark hall, and more new demon gods were placed at the same time. In the continuous killing and battle with demons and gods, there were fewer and fewer ancient humans. But there are more and more demons. In the whole maze-like unknown dark hall, the dead bones of the ancients are constantly increasing, and many demon gods are becoming more and more familiar with the reasons for the strength of ancient human cultivation.

"At the next war, the low-level demon god will go first and do its best. The overloaded transportation of low-level demon gods to ancient times is used to consume the combat effectiveness of the ancient human strong, although the ancient strong monomer is very strong. But endless low-level demon gods will continue to consume the energy contained in their bodies. When they consume almost, they will send the strong men of our demon clan to sweep the whole ancient times. Let the iron hooves of our demon clan trample on the whole ancient times..." Although the first "God and Demon War" lost a lot. However, Aino, the highest demon god, still found some shortcomings in the cultivation of the ancient strong.

Although the ancient strong man was detained by the shackles of the soul, the space energy of the demon clan is different from that of the ancient space energy. The cultivation of the ancient strong was limited a lot. Because of the limitations of soul shackles, the soul power of the ancient strong did not dare to use too much. But the situation in the unknown dark hall is completely different. At this point, most of the strong men in ancient times, the restrictions of the soul shackles have become extremely limited, and at the same time, the cultivation of the ancient strong has also been restored. But the energy contained in this place can't be supplemented too much. Many times. The ancient strongman fought with the demon god in the unknown dark hall until the end. The ancient strongman condensed the remaining cultivation in his body into a real pearl before he died, and continued the fire of life. However, even so, the number of ancient strong people is constantly decreasing. In the face of more and more demons, the ancient strong can only shrink in a narrow area in the unknown dark hall.

The unknown dark hall is full of maze-like corridors, dark. From time to time, there will be pieces of dead bones. There are demon gods and ancient human beings. Although there is a little phosphorus light, it is also some phosphorus fire produced by dead bones over a long period of time. The faint green starlight is like a ghost field. Under the reflection of green phosphorus fire, there will be dead and horrible ancient humans from time to time. The huge demon god waved his wings and split the heads of ancient humans with a long bone knife. After the cloudy wind in the unknown dark hall, you will find that the remnant skeletons hanging everywhere are constantly swaying with the wind. Black blood has already dried up, and the existence of terror is like purgatory...

"Kka..." Dozens of huge demon gods are constantly searching for the existence of ancient humans in the unknown dark hall. From time to time, the remaining dead bones are crushed under his feet.

"Ji Jie..." The gloomy and terrible laughter kept ringing.

"Continue to look for the existence of ancient ants, and I have smelled the smell of ancient ants... I haven't tasted the flesh of ancient ants for a long time. I miss it so much..." A particularly tall demon god, the scales on his body flashed with a strange black and red color. The horns above his head also reveal the color of ghost flames from time to time. Behind him, there are countless runes of the demon clan, and the black runes are constantly absorbing the dead air wandering in the unknown dark hall. One of the powerful monarchs of the Unknown Dark Temple...

"Abey the monarch..." The equally huge demon god waved the bone stick in his hand and led his subordinate demon god to search for signs of ancient humans everywhere...

"We, the ancient people, are trapped in the dark hall of the demon clan, and the intensification of death makes the ancient people more unable to resist the increasing number of demon gods. And the power of the demon god is also getting stronger and stronger in the killing. I wait here with only tens of millions of years of accumulated cultivation. Once the energy in my body disappears because of the battle, it will be time for me to die. But in ancient times..." In the dark hall, the last gathering place of ancient human beings. An old man who has experienced vicissitudes looked at the mutilated sword in his hand and said sadly. Ancient human beings trapped in the demon space have never wanted to return to their homeland for tens of millions of years. The people continued to fall, and those bones were preserved by the remaining ancient people as much as possible. I hope to return to ancient times in the future...

"Senior Xing Chi, our clan and others are in this inexplicable demonic dark hall. I don't know how many years of fighting and killing. Countless companions fell beside us. At first, we could resist the attack of the demon god, but somehow, the demon gods in the dark hall suddenly increased a lot more than before. At the same time, we felt that the soul shackles in our bodies seemed to be much stronger than before. I'm afraid it won't take long. I will turn into dead bones when I wait. In any case, as long as someone can survive to the end, we must turn our bones into ashes. I'm afraid I have no hope of returning to my hometown..." A big man in armor. There was a trace of Xiyi in his eyes.

The gathering place of the ancients in the unknown dark hall actually had some flames. The dead bones of the demon god were illuminated by the ancients. The gathering place of the whole ancient human race. Look at the armor of all the ancient people. Dense knife, axe and sword marks. At a glance, I knew that it was caused by countless battles. At this time, there was no sound in the gathering place. Many ancient people showed their infinite yearning for their hometown in their eyes.

"Boom..." There was a loud explosion in the unknown dark hall.

"Quickly, hurry up before the arrival of the demon god. Take back that clan. Do it at all costs..." Xing Chi said in a hurry.

A body is detained by the shackles of the soul. Although the soul power in the body is constantly disappearing, the skills running in the body follow the mysterious trajectory. Unexpectedly, the energy body slowly condensed into countless starlight points in the body, which seemed to be able to replenish the lost soul power at any time, but the breath of the whole body was very weak, and Xing Chi was so anxious at this time...

In the unknown dark hall of the demon clan for tens of millions of years, only the ancient people died and fell, but no ancient humans entered. Such a dragon's breath against the sky is not one of the ancient human beings who were taken captive to the demon clan. And Xing Chi seems to know something else...

In the dark hall, countless demons waved their wings and ran crazily to the place where the dragon appeared against the sky. At the same time, the remaining ancient people in the dark hall did not hesitate to consume the true energy in their bodies. Also run to the place where the dragon appeared against the sky.

The dragon is trapped in the unknown dark hall of the horrible demon clan. Countless powerful demons can bombard the dragon into ashes at any time. At this time, the only remaining ancient people in the unknown dark hall are also constantly running to the place of the dragon against the sky. After all, the dragon will die against the sky and be saved by the ancient people in the dark hall. All this will continue to unfold as things develop...

Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to know what will happen in the future, please see the next breakdown!

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