Ancient War

Chapter 57 The Power of Punishment


In the whole dark and unknown hall, there are countless maze-like corridors. The strong among the ancients were trapped here for tens of millions of years. Although countless battles have collapsed countless corridors, the corridor will return to its original state after the battle. The only thing that can be felt is that the remaining vitality and death on countless corpses after the war were absorbed by the cloister wall and then slowly returned to their original state. Are the magic runes of countless demons carved on the corridor absorb the life and death that can pass away at any time on the remnants after the war?

At this time, the ancient people rushed to the place where the explosion appeared. Although in the unknown dark hall, the cultivation energy in the body cannot be replenished. One more point is the crisis of death, and all the energy is preserved for battle. Because battles can happen at any time, but at this time, the ancients did not care about the waste of energy in their bodies. In tens of millions of years, while many ancient people in the unknown dark hall continued to die, they slowly formed a centritic force because of the existence of Xing Chi. Because of Xing Chi, the ancient people did not hesitate to consume the strong true qi in their bodies, so that everyone was saved from countless crises of life and death, and in the long years, the remaining ancient people Every time after the battle, they will gather around Xing Chi to listen to the old man... Therefore, the only existence that the ancient human beings in the whole unknown dark hall looked up to...

Under the order of Xing Chi, the ancient people kept rushing to the place where the dragon appeared against the sky. At the same time, countless demons waved their wings and waved bone weapons in their hands. The power of evil surged crazily for a moment, but at this time, the ancient people did not look relaxed at all. Xing Chi is so anxious that in tens of millions of years, even if there is a chance of life and death, he has never seen an old man with extremely firm cultivation appear anxious. However, at this time, Xing Chi was eager for a sudden appearance of the body of ancient human beings, and there must be a reason...


The body of Xing Chi is getting faster and faster, because the powerful power of evil spirits and the breath of demon gods are also getting stronger. If you don't speed up, the consequences are unimaginable...

This is not accidental as the existence of the yearning of countless ancient people in the unknown dark hall. Xing Chi is one of the ancient strong people who were willing to be taken to this place of the demon clan. In order to preserve the ancient times, the Xingxiang Wu clan was willing to be destroyed. What about Xing Chi and many other strong people as ancient people? Hundreds of millions of ancient humans were taken to the demon space by the demon god, and the demon god planted evil seeds in ancient times. The originally weakened strength in ancient times has once again suffered insult to injury. In fact, Xing Chi and others are willing to go to the demon space, mainly to save the lives of the ancients as much as possible. However, the demon space is so simple to imagine. The detention of soul shackles and the energy in the body that cannot be replenished. It greatly changed the faces of many ancient strong people who were willing to come here with the same purpose. However, after being thrown into the unknown dark hall, Xing Chi and others have long known that death is inevitable... Countless strong men died in battle, were dismembered by demons and gods, or swallowed up by the monsters of the demon clan. For tens of millions of years, there is only one Xing Chi left. If there is another accident, the remaining ancient people in the dark hall will soon be destroyed...



"Damn ancient ants..."

While looking for the body of the dragon against the sky, the ancients met the first demon gods. For a moment, in the whole unknown dark hall, the powerful power of evil and the sword of the ancients. There was a fierce confrontation. At this time, the ancients no longer spat on the energy in their bodies. The violent sword collides with the power of evil. The sound of explosions kept ringing, and the swords were woven. The evil and horrible eyes of the demon god who came this time showed a trace of fear.

In tens of millions of years, only demons and gods killed and caught up with ancient humans. Because the power of the demon god can be replenished at any time somewhere in the unknown dark hall. However, if the cultivation of ancient humans is not deep enough, once the energy in the body is exhausted. Only die on the spot, so whenever the demon god meets ancient humans, the ancient people fled after proper resistance. Today, for the sudden encounter of the ancient human body. The ancients no longer cherished the cultivation in their bodies. The sword is woven, and the violent energy constantly hangs the life of the demon god.



"Damn demon clan, I'll let you taste my power..."

"Heavenly Sky..." A burly and strong man has a frequent scar on his cheek. He raised the mutilated long knife in his hand, and the violent knife was extremely wide. The breath of the whole dark hall corridor also caused constant shocks, and the huge knife light was mixed with thunderous momentum, with the incomparable anger of this strong man. The roaring roared to the emerging demon god...

The ancient people discovered the existence of dragons against the sky, and at the same time, the demon god also found that in order to prevent their progress, the violent energy of ancient human beings was constantly sacrificed, and they did not hesitate to overdraw their lives and desperately to prevent the demon gods from coming...


"The hateful ancient ant..."

Under the blow of the strong man, countless emerging demon gods are strangled. The strong man's pale face was replaced by the later ancients.


The strong evil power of evil is getting closer and closer. Under the map of the phosphorus-green ghost fire, a body is nearly ten feet high, and the corner above the head emits a dark blood red light. There are actually two pairs of magic wings behind him, and the scales on the body are dense, and the runes of countless demon clans are constantly swimming on them. The long bone knife in his hand is extremely huge. There are decorations made by the skulls of dozens of ancient humans on the long knife...

"Ancient, inferior and humble ants. The devil regrets the world..." The huge demon god waved his long knife. The extremely strong power of evil, with violent killing power, bombarded the ancient human beings.

"I will die with you..."

The strong momentum is tit-for-tat, and it is the strong man with long scars on his face. Originally, the strong man was replaced by later ancient people. But this demon suddenly appeared. In order not to cause too many casualties to the ancients. The strong man actually bulged his whole body and rushed to the existence of the demon god...

"If I can go back to ancient times in the future, I will definitely bring my ashes back in the future..." While the strong man died together with the demon god, his eyes showed happiness. It seems that tens of millions of years of pain have been completely relieved today...



"Boom..." The violent energy resisted, and the explosion kept ringing. The strong man actually bought some time for other ancient people at the cost of self-detonation.

"Damn ants, I must devour you..." The tall demon god and ferocious face are actually evil. The scales on the body were actually hit by the self-explosion of the strong man, and began to show some signs of damage, and the black blood was constantly oozing out.

"The world is extremely explosive..." At the same time as Xing Chi arrived here. The strong sword burst out and steadily resisted the evil intention of the demon god. Suddenly, Xing Chi unexpectedly bombarded the strongest blow when he was trapped in the demon clan at the cost of hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation. Countless hot swordsmen. With the momentum of sweeping away all evil karma, he swallowed extremely violently. Instantly bombarded the location of the demon god...


There was a faint sound of lightning and thunder in Xing Chi's blow.

The sound of explosions keeps ringing. I don't know how many corridors collapsed under this blow...


Xing Chi and other ancient people carried the dragon's body against the sky and disappeared and exploded in the smoke and dust. After a long time, the evil atmosphere is more abundant than ever.



Horrible screams kept ringing in the depths of the dark hall.

Under the blow of Xing Chi, there were dozens to foot-long blood tanks on the demon god's body. Black blood keeps pouring out. The strong man cost himself detonated, and such a strong blow only made the scales on the demon god only show some signs of being broken. However, the blow of the torture actually added several wounds to his body. At the same time, one of the two pairs of magic wings behind the demon god was cut off.

Xing Chi's cultivation was so strong that under one blow, he even bombarded Orbis, one of the monarchs of the dark palace in the unknown dark hall, seriously injured. This shows how deep the cultivation of Xing Chi is.

After a blow at the cost of hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, Xing Chi seemed to be much older. However, at this time, Xing Chi could not take care of many things, and rushed back to the gathering place with the dragon's body and everyone...

The dragon's fingers seem to move...

As the saying goes: "Xing Chi shows his power with one blow, and he will eventually gain vitality against the sky..."

Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to know what will happen in the future, please see the next breakdown!

Brothers and sisters, please click on the collection and recommendation comments! Thank you, little brother. The end is the hard truth! Your support is the driving force for my brother's completion!