Ancient War

Chapter 385 Response

The Protoss are also carrying out a whole army driven by the god king Sarnaga. A clear hierarchy began between the messenger of light and the arbitrator, because the strength of this war is the most important, and the weak strength can only be used as cannon fodder to consume the other party's living power in the war. Only in this way can the loss of the Protoss be minimized. At the same time, the demon clan is madly promoting the beginning of the war in advance. Judging from this situation, it is estimated that the war will not take ten thousand years to begin. The smell of blood in ancient times became stronger and stronger.

"With such a vision and such a strong smell of blood, it seems that the gods and demons may not be able to live in ancient times for hundreds of thousands of years. According to this situation, we ancients can't sit back and wait for death. Once the smell of blood is strong, the war will definitely start. Although I don't know why the gods and demons do this, one thing is certain is that it must have threatened each other in ancient times. Otherwise, the ants of both groups would not be so crazy. Humph, but this is also good. In this way, we can understand the old feud between the ancient and the gods and demons, and let the gods and demons know that ancient times were not as weak and easy to bully. Ancient sentient beings will definitely pay the heaviest price for the ants of the two tribes. This war will be tooth for tooth and blood for blood..."

In the deepest part of the "knife League", the extreme industry and the broken army appeared one by one. All ten elders knelt in front of the ten old men at this moment. These ten old men were the strong men who helped him build a "knife alliance" after fighting against Jidu. They paid too much in the First World War. If it hadn't been for the confrontation with Protos, they would have touched the divine edge long ago. Fate. As a member of the guardian of ancient times, they are now ready to appear after feeling the sudden vision of ancient times. Their appearance will add a strong strength to ancient times. As one of the ancient strong, they have the responsibility and obligation to preserve the whole ancient times.

"Master, why did you show up? Is it because of the sudden vision in ancient times?

Jiye first asked his master. After all, their master rarely appeared. Unless something great happens in ancient times, they will not appear. However, when there was a sudden vision in ancient times, ten of them appeared one after another. It seems that it has foreshadowed that the ancient war is about to begin. In ancient times, it was once again attacked by the gods and demons. In this way, a bloody battle to the death and the bloody battle to defend the whole ancient times is about to begin.

"Well, the gods and demons can no longer stand their own nature. It seems that this war will start early, so that we can't sit idly by. Therefore, to deal with the changes that may occur in the ancient future, even if the gods and demons are crazy, we should try our best to face them and never let the treachery of the gods and demons succeed. Even if this war starts in advance to ask them and the other two heavenly emperors, their four heavenly emperors and god-level strong dragons will not allow the gods and demons to rage in ancient times. As a member of the ancient sentient beings, we also want to give our greatest energy to the ancient times when this war begins..."

An old man in gray said his angry words with boundless majesty. Yes, if it hadn't been for the treachery of the gods and demons, the ancients would not have ended up like this. Now, after countless changes, the gods and demons actually wanted to start the war in advance. In this way, how could the ancient sentient beings not be angry? These hundreds of millions of years of forbearance, the ancient sentient beings are definitely not easy to provoke. Although on the surface, the strength shown by the ancient sentient beings is not strong, the scene in the exotic space at the beginning is enough to show that ancient times was not as simple as imagined.

"The elders are ready. When the ants of the gods and demons come, they will never return and make them pay the price of blood for everything they have done.

Countless Nuwa people began to appear from the ground. They also felt the incomparable smell of blood in ancient times. When the first "God and Demon War" began, the smell of blood in ancient times was the same, and now it has begun again. How could the ancient hermit people not know that the gods and demons wanted to advance the war for their respective ambitions.

"Humph, Sky Brothers, since the gods and demons can't wait to come and die, how can we not do what they want? As long as they appear, they will be greeted with the feast of death. This time, Gu must let this group of damn ants know that ancient times will never be occupied by them. Whenever and wherever, all sentient beings will defend their homes to the death..."

Taicang felt the smell of blood added from ancient times to time in the magic martial arts sanctuary. This time, an energy eye suddenly appeared on the ancient Qingming. The power of evil became more and more solemn, and this energy eye was also getting bigger and bigger. The strong divine consciousness has been felt from the eyes of this energy, in which the extremely strong arrogance. The increasingly dignified sacrifice of death will make this war start in advance. The madness and arrogance of the demon clan make Taicang feel pressure, and his fighting spirit is also constantly improving, because he believes that in this war, the ancients will defeat the gods and demons and will successfully protect his homeland. Not only the four heavenly emperor, but also the god-level strong dragon against the sky. They will shoulder the survival of the whole ancient times, so under such circumstances, the ancient times will never be easily occupied by the gods and demons. Even if the gods and demons are crazy again, the ancient sentient beings will successfully resist each other in the most tenacious way.

"Brother Taicang, I also feel the problem in the eyes of that energy. It seems that the demon clan is so crazy, but since the demon clan has to start the war in advance at all costs, it must have sacrificed their life to enter the tens of millions of ancient people who entered the demon clan, giving the demon clan a heavy blow, otherwise the demon clan would not be so ashamed and angry. However, this situation also shows an opportunity. The two races of gods and demons are not strong and regrettable. Under the leadership of the Four Heavenly Emperor and the Anti-sky, I can certainly successfully end this nearly 100 million years of years of resentment..."

There was boundless murderous intent in the eyes of the sky. After all, if it were not for the shamelessness and madness of the gods and demons, how could ancient times have paid such a price in the first war? The tragic death of the Wu clan has been the experience of all sentient beings in ancient times, and is still vivid in my mind. In ancient times, all sentient beings did not want to happen again, but it was inevitable. Therefore, since it was unavoidable, let the gods and demons pay for their madness, and they would make up for their mistakes at the cost of death. When this war begins, the ancient sentient beings will let the gods and demons know that their treachery will never succeed.

Huh? King Sarnaga, the demon god Aino, it seems that you really don't pay attention to my ancient times. Although the star map of my universe cannot be perfected, you are absolutely delusional to occupy my ancient times, and I will make you pay the price. My dragon has long said that I will lead the ancients to pay back everything you have done. Since you can't stand it, I will deal with it calmly. Since the whole ancient capital has been crushed, even if all sentient beings in ancient times are destroyed, you can't get any benefits from ancient times, but even if you can occupy ancient times, you have to step over my corpse..."

The dragon transformed by the cold force appears from the deepest part of the "knife realm" when it is impossible to improve the arrangement of the cosmic star map. He wants to appear and arrange the remaining ten thousand years and combine with him. Let me lead the ancient heroes to fight against the invasion of the two races of gods and demons. As the attention of the ancient beings, the dragon against the sky, he shouldered greater responsibility than anyone else. Therefore, this time he will appear and arrange the whole ancient events, combine with the emperor to complete the star map of the universe in the end. At that time, All things in the universe will not be able to shake the ancient times. This is what the dragon will eventually do against the sky.

"You finally appeared against the sky. Now that this situation suddenly appeared in ancient times, I can't sit back and wait to death. And once this situation occurs, it can already explain everything. The whole ancient times will be under the pressure of the army of the gods and demons within ten thousand years. In this way, how should we deal with it? I'm afraid that the Four Heavenly Emperor has not participated in the successful attack yet, so that the pressure of the whole ancient times will be on your head..."

Yan Zhan, Huang Yin and Long Su appeared on the hall of the "Kword Realm". This time, the three of them appeared one after another as soon as the dragon appeared against the sky. In ancient times, and anything that has happened now has heralded the beginning of the war. The appearance of the dragon against the sky made them see the existence of the backbone. After all, the dragon against the sky is now a god-level strong man, and his cultivation is much stronger than that of the Four Heavenly Emperor. It's just that they don't know that after the dragon returned to the four phases, the whole ancient times really stood in the universe under his protection.

"It doesn't matter. Even if the gods and demons let the war start in advance, they will definitely pay for it. The appearance of this ancient vision has shown that the ancient people who entered the demon clan have given a crazy blow to the demon clan, otherwise the demon clan would not be so ashamed and angry, and would have to start the war at all costs. Nowadays, all sentient beings in ancient times only need to deal with it well. As long as the energy eye on the Qingming becomes a huge energy whirlpool, the space portal of the war will appear, but in the style of the gods and demons. What they put into the battle in the early stage will only be some low-level cannon fodder. In this way, if we launched a tug-of-war for them in ancient times, we can delay a considerable time, so that when I return, the ancients will open the horn of counterattack. The whole ancient times are extremely vast, and the ancient sentient beings will not let the gods and demons invade my ancient times at will, so during the period of my departure, you must deal with it well..."

The dragon has disappeared at this time. Before Yan Zhan asked Huang Yin and Long Su, he suddenly disappeared. At this time, the dragon against the sky wanted to make a final fight for the ancient times. He has to go to the place of the Jidu people and make all the pre-war arrangements. Because the Jidu clan is an absolutely strong one of the ancient sentient beings, and all sentient beings in ancient times will not see the ancient people being arbitrarily abused by the gods and demons. After he appeared for a moment, he also disappeared. At this moment, he wants to go to the buried dragon wall in the universe and integrate with me, because he can't become a real god-level strongman by himself alone, and he can't complete the arrangement of the stars of the universe, which is why he must leave before the war. However, the dragon against the sky will never let the ancient and be ravaged by the army of the gods and demons. He will open a new page for ancient times.

"Since we have said so against the sky, we will act according to his arrangement. There are also Sifang Tiandi in this war. Although we don't know what the current situation of Sifang Tiandi is, it is certain that even if the method of joint attack is not completed, they can still defend the ancient majesty. The gods and demons would never have thought that the ancient sentient beings would not let them rage..."

The three strong people of the "knife realm" all disappeared at this moment, because they know. Now the first task is to prepare for all the war, and all the disciples of the "knife realm" should also show their glory and glory in wartime.

Now all sentient beings in ancient times are preparing crazily, and under the eyes of energy, many strong people in ancient times have also begun to gather. Because they want to give them the strongest blow at the first moment when the gods and demons appear.