Ancient War

Chapter 386 Chapter of Magic War


The eighth strongest demon god finally appeared, integrating the strong men on the 72 demon statues of the demon clan into one and becoming a brand-new strongest existence. To a certain extent, his appearance has intensified the madness and arrogance of the demon clan. Once this situation appeared, the demon god Aino was even more crazy to drive the demon god under his command and gave the worst price in ancient times at all costs in the shortest time. Let the ancients suffer from boundless wars and end up in life. Only in this way can the strongest existence of the demon gods Aino and other demons feel the pleasure of enslaveing the ancient sentient beings. Otherwise, they can't bear the anger of being attacked by the ancients. They have to vent all the anger that is more than a hundred times and a thousand times stronger to the ancient body. Up.

"Ji Jie... Wait for the damn ancient ants. This gathering of my eight brothers will definitely make you suffer an incomparable death. At the moment of the war, our demon clan will play the music of death for you. You will bear the pain of boundless death to pay for everything you have done. Now that our demon clan is at its peak, the first battle will definitely destroy the willpower of you ants. Demons will always flourish in space. Whether it is ancient or the Protoss, you can't stop the unbridled expansion of our demon clan..."

The eighth demon god of the demon clan successfully merged and appeared in the "blood demon temple". Aino, the demon god, became more and more crazy at this moment. In his cognition, once this war begins, Aunt Shan will have no place to stand, and the ancient times in the whole universe will become the slave of the demons. Even the Protoss can't stop the expansion of the demon clan, because the demon clan has eight most powerful demon gods, and the so-called eight demons are sad for all sentient beings. However, Aino, the demon god, did not know that even if the demon clan was so strong, the strength of killing the demon god was less than 60%, and the eighth strongest demon god had a broken part of the soul, which was also one of the reasons for the ultimate failure of the demon clan. The demon god Aino blindly despised the ancient heroes. When the eyes of energy opened and the demon army rushed into ancient times, the terrorist attacks of countless swords and swords plunged the whole demon clan into a quagmire and difficulties. However, what the ancient heroes did more ignited the bloody and crazy addiction of the demon god Aino. The meaning of blood keeps hitting the ancient times. This also surprised the Protoss.

"Now that our brothers are gathered together, as long as the war begins, we will give the most horrible shock to the ancient ants in the craziest posture. To make them pay for everything they did, the same was true of the Protoss in ancient times. We can't let them go. We must let them know what is the scariest place.

The demon god Aino is extremely arrogant at this time. Because everything in the whole demon clan is operating according to his orders. With the crazy activation of the Nether Blood Pool, an army of more than 100 billion demons were born. When they knocked on the door of the ancient war at the cost of sacrifice, the whole demon clan would madly show their crazy murderous intent to ancient times, but all this was by no means as simple as he thought. The preparation of the Protos and the preparation of the ancient sentient beings will not let the demons succeed easily. However, the temporary situation shows that the demon clan seems to control the whole situation of the war. After all, it is the demon clan that makes the war start in advance through the method of crazy sacrifice. Once this method appears, the demon clan must rely on it, otherwise it will not be so popular.

"Damn demons, I didn't expect them to be so crazy. No wonder the nature of the demon clan is so evil and arrogant. When this war against the ancient war begins, we don't need to pay too much attention to any action of ancient times. Just send the cannon fod of the Protoss, and send more cannon fodder to exist, so that the demon clan can also know. Our god clan does not leave the army, thus disturbing the sight of the strong of the demon clan. In this war, the demon god Aino will definitely use the strength of the whole clan and send troops to ancient times at all costs. In this way, if our god clan appears here, it will definitely bring corresponding losses and limitations to the gods. After all, after the demon clan is crazy, my god clan will When the right time comes, not only will it not lose too much, but it can also take the initiative to compete for the interests of ancient times. After all, there will be a war between the two races and demons. Therefore, for the glory and great cause of the Protoss, we should always beware of the actions behind the demons. In fact, the opening of the ancient war also indicates that the war between the gods and demons is not far away. You and other brothers can't be careless..."

After feeling the behavior of the demon clan, the god king Sarnaga became more and more aware that the demon god Aino must have a conspiracy this time. Although he felt that the strength of killing the demon god among the strongest demon god of the demon clan was not as strong as imagined, the demon clan was still so crazy. I'm afraid that the strength of the eighth strongest demon god was beyond him. They expected that this was also what the god king Sarnaga was worried about. After all, the war was imminent, and the competition for interests was at that moment. Now the ancient war opened because of the crazy sacrifice of the demon clan. In this case, the Protoss will also plan early.

"Brother Sarnaga, no matter what, we will do our best to maintain the majesty of our gods. Even if the demon clan is rampant and let them bite the dog's hair with the ancient dog, the strong men of our divine clan are flocking out. Aino, the demon god, is such a treacherous person. He will definitely put his card at the end. However, judging from the strength shown in ancient times, I am afraid that the cards of the demon clan will be exhausted, which also gives us an opportunity for us to give the demon clan a crazy blow after the war, and our divine clan will definitely give up in front of interests. I want the demon clan to know that at a critical moment, only the Protoss can determine the direction of this war. The demon clan can't be compared with our progeny at all. In my eyes, what they do is no different from what cannon fodder does.

In the "Temples", the peace of the past has changed. The masters of the four gods are all gathered here at this moment to discuss how to deal with the war that started in advance. Although the crazy sacrifice of the demon clan allowed the war to start in advance. But such a move always makes several masters of the Protoss feel that there seems to be some conspiracy in the demon clan, and the god King Sarnagar even smelled a trace of threat from it. In fact, this does not mean that the god king Sarnaga is suspicious. After all, it can shake the place to kill the demon god. Such a strong existence is definitely a strong enemy to the gods and demons. However, the ancient people just went to find the trouble of the demon clan. Judging from the fact that the demon god Aino was ashamed and angry, the ancient times were definitely small and broad, otherwise the demon clan would not have to pay the lives of tens of billions of subordinates, and also let the war start in advance. There must be something in it.

"Brothers, no matter what. This war is started by the demon clan in advance. As long as our god clan suppresses the array in the rear, even if our god clan wants to send troops, just give more cannon fodder. Even if the strong men of the demon clan are dispatched, as long as our brothers pay more attention, they can let up to 100,000 strong men in the 'Tower of Faith' go. It also shows the sincerity of our Protoss, but we should also pay more attention to the development of the war situation. Once we feel that we have to leave and withdraw. Even if we can't get any benefits in this war, we can't put the Protoss in a quagmire. After all, only in this way can we maintain the status of our Protos forever..."

Sarnagar, the god king, did not think that ancient times could resist the invasion of the gods and demons, but he felt something wrong because of the madness of the demons. After all, this situation has not happened for hundreds of millions of years. When he had this feeling, it was still in the final stage of the first 'God and Demon War', when the Four Heavenly Emperor appeared, he had this feeling. The appearance of this feeling made him more or less cautious. After all, the most conservative plan can't let the Protoss lose too much at the beginning of this war. After all, if the Protoss want to maintain a place in space for a long time, they must be cautious about this and never lose their opportunities because of their own carelessness, which is also the last thing the masters of the Protoss want to see.


In ancient Qingming, the energy eye formed by the power of evil becomes larger and larger. From time to time, there will be terrible screams from it. Once this situation occurs, it indicates that the war is about to start, because the ancient strongmen have been able to sense the crazy fury from their consciousness. The evil energy is constantly improving, and the sacrifice of tens of billions of demon gods is about to be completed. A battle that dominates the survival of ancient sentient beings is about to begin. The master of the demon clan seemed to be a little impatient. Unexpectedly, he began to lead more than 100 million demon troops to prepare as the vanguard force. Once the door was opened, the leading force immediately attacked ancient times.

"Jie Jie... The glory of our demon clan is about to begin, so that the glory of the demon clan will resound throughout the universe, and the iron hooves of our demon clan will sweep all directions. Even the Protoss can't stop the demon clan, not to mention the ancient land of bullets. My brothers, our army is ready to go. When the demon army scattered the ancient attack, it was when our king came to ancient times. In this war, whether the Protoss send troops or not, the agreement between the Protoss and the Protos has always had a binding effect before the end of the war, so that we don't have to care too much about the Protoss will launch a sneak attack behind. You should know that in this war, our demon clan is fully urged, and if the protoism wants to attack behind us, they will also have to pay a corresponding price. In the case of a balance of interests, King Sarnaga will not easily give up the reserved spirit of his Protoss. I don't know what they think..."

All of the demon god Aino is so dependent, not only because of the agreement between the gods and demons, but also because if the Protoss want to sneak up the demons behind their backs, the Protos will also pay the price. After all, the "God and Demon War" is driven by the two clans of gods and demons. Although this demon clan unilaterally made the war start in advance with tens of billions of sacrifices, if the Protos of Gods is treacherous, it will pay the same price. This is also the reason why the demon clan is so crazy. Arrogance and madness are combined together. Even if the demon clan is extremely crazy, they can't bear the anger of ancient times in the end. However, all this is not consistent with the current situation, and unscrupulousness will continue.

"Kill, let the ancient ants know the majesty of our demon clan, go! Destroy the ancient will at all costs, trample on the ancient times with the iron hoofs of our demon clan, and let the ancients know that our demon clan is the place to dominate them. They will always bear the slavery of our demon clan..."

The energy eye formed by the power of evil suddenly expanded in an instant. The billionaire army that the demon clan has been waiting for rushed to the energy eye crazily when the energy eye was opened, because the ancient times were behind the energy eye. When the war begins, the battle between life and death will begin between ancient times and the gods and demons.

A magnificent epic is about to appear...