Bounty World

Chapter 233 I'm here, I think

To clean up the battlefield, the first team organized by Chuanma lives up to its reputation. Under the obstruction of the strongest lineup of the Wild Wolf Group, only two trap masters and one ordinary team member died. Although the Wild Wolf Group did not have a sacrifice, many people were also seriously injured in the short process of fighting.

Instead of cheering for victory, everyone slowly fell into meditation from the beginning of excitement. Even Zhao Min, who had always been unwilling to be lonely, rubbed the deformed stick in his hand. Now the biggest pressure on the field is Mochou. Although they won and hit the first team hard, it is still unknown whether the Sichuan horse organization will raise troops to attack. In the ancient battlefield, a victory does not represent everything. Victory and defeat are often only in a moment. As long as one side does not die, God knows who can laugh to the end.

Gu Lan didn't know when she walked behind Xu Ge. Unlike her always generous, she didn't say anything. She seemed to be able to see that the young man in front of her was a little tired.

Xu Ge is a little tired. He can rampage without hesitation, but he is also a human being. As long as there is someone, there will always be a period of mental fatigue. At this moment, he is tired of treating Cui Ran, tired of fighting with demons and beasts, and tired of the complex situations encountered by the current wolf group. But he has never been relieved, because he can be tired, but he must not give up, which is a natural value since childhood.

Xu Ge has been growing up in this disturbance and under all kinds of pressure, but all kinds of hardships have sharpened his personality more and more maturely. He is no longer like the year when he was 12 years old, asking questions all day long, nor like when he was 16 years old, when he fell into the trap of Lei Kuo because of love, let alone abandoned as a pawn by his life-saving benefactor a year ago. Xu Ge became no longer simple, and his vision of the world was broader. Everything in his eyes was not only good and bad people, men and women, relatives and lovers, and all kinds of complex and uncanny stories.

Mochou in front of him looks like a leader, but there is anger against the Chuanma organization in his heart, and he leads this wild wolf group without a trace of his own self-interest in it. Therefore, although in a wolf group that seems to have a sense of justice and fairness, the relationship between people is also very complicated. No one is absolutely pure, no one is absolutely selfless, but a relatively fair yardstick for people to observe as much as possible between these scales.

The demons who are on the hostile side, those warriors who call themselves the ancient Europeans, in addition to being tyrann and cruel in the eyes of the Sichuan horse people, treat their own people with love and courtesy. Therefore, when Xu Ge experienced more, he could also better understand this society, human nature and the world.

People may not be for power or wealth, but they always need to have a belief. For example, they established a bounty guild to unite lonely bounty hunters, which is a belief. With faith can the organization grow. With faith can people live meaningfully.

The wolf group also has faith, which is the same as the bounty guild, in order to gather lonely people to resist strong injustice. Although this power is small, once it becomes powerful, it must be overwhelming and sparking.

Xu Ge has read the National Classic. He knows the process of the division of the world. In addition to his personal wisdom and the bravery of his subordinates, Lin Jinhe founded the country, but more importantly, he picked up the hearts of the people scattered by the last emperor of the previous dynasty. He pays attention to the grand duchy of the world, measures the country by law, and ends the rule of man, so he can win the support of countless people.

However, decades later, Lin Jinhe's rule of law empire did not appear, but more focused on military and political countries. The main reason is that Lin Jinhe's founding seemed to have achieved great success, but the cleaning was still not thorough enough. Although the belief was put forward, the pace of construction was still getting slower and slower. Finally, in Lin When Jinhe cleared the first enemy, the Tiannan Zheng family of the four families, all the contradictions were intensified, and the seemingly solid and unbreakable system of the empire began to fall apart and shaken.

With the rule of Qinchuan Emperor for decades, although the original problems of the previous dynasty were much less, the unfair distribution of interests became more and more obvious. Because there was no pressure of war, people's preferences slowly moved closer to money, and the strength of the big family became more prominent. Therefore, when Lin Jinhe seemed to completely eliminate the Zheng family, The strength of the other three families not only did not shrink, but became larger, which made Lin Jinhe breathless.

Lin Jinhe is a wise man. He wants to clean up this mess, but the facts have given him too many difficulties. It doesn't mean that Lin Jinhe is not good at making chess pieces, otherwise he will not stabilize the imperial ivory tower that will collapse as long as you touch it for so many years. It doesn't mean that Lin Jinhe is not good at seeking power, otherwise he will not have packaged the whole Qinchuan mainland so beautifully.

I don't know why the word "bounty" is always left in Xu Ge's mind, which seems to be a rather markety word, but there are important points everywhere that can maintain balance in the world. Everyone's efforts require a reward, which is the most basic requirement. Xu Ge and Min Chan once talked about their understanding of bounty. Although they were not very in-depth, both sides agreed that only by providing enough "bounty" to the people around them can their principles be fuller. Bounty is broad, money, rights, freedom, happiness, and so on.

Lin Jinhe is also a master who likes to use the "bounty", but his personality is too tricky, which makes the moves very uncomfortable afterwards. For example, when Min Xi came to help him win the throne, Lin Jinhe promised 50 years of economic and trade freedom and delivered various economic activation goods to the scarce Xiding country through the Zheng family. However, more than 20 years later, Lin Jinhe turned against him so much, and the Xiding power left in the Qinchuan Empire has been deeply rooted and has no reward. Those who can openly betray.

Seeing that Xu Ge was constantly meditating, Gu Lan finally spoke, "Brother Xu Ge, are you still looking back on the battle just now?" She thought that Xu Ge had been immersed in the battle with Bian Yu. Just now, the battle between Xu Ge and Bian Yu shocked the world, and both of them have reached an unfathomable level. Gu Lan originally thought that his strength had made incredible progress three years later, but it seemed a little smaller than Xu Ge's change.

Because of Gu Lan's reminder, Xu Ge finally woke up from his wild thoughts. He smiled and said, "No, I'm just thinking about why we have to fight so much with the Sichuan-Ma organization. Ha ha, this question is a little silly."

Mochou came over from the side and said, "No, Brother Xu's question is not stupid at all. The battle just now is meaningless as you think. But have you ever thought that if we don't resist, we will face death? Ha ha, the wolves once had a bloody lesson.

"A few years ago, the Wild Wolf Corps had to think about negotiating with the Sichuan Horse Organization to jointly rule the ancient battlefield. As a result, hundreds of brothers were slaughtered, which is really a memory that cannot be recalled." Mochou had a deep anger in his eyes, because in that battle, the person he loved most also died. "I can't be sorry for my brothers. Of course, I won't affect you. If you don't want to fight head-on with the Trump-Ma Organization, I won't force you."

Xu Ge looked at Mochou with a trace of painful but clear eyes, sighed deeply and said, "Since we choose to stand with you, we will stand with everyone in the wolf group to bear all kinds of pain." Min Chan, Zhao Min and Yin Lihua, both showed firm beliefs in their eyes.

This is not a big deal. Anyone who comes to an environment must choose role-playing. From the moment Xu Ge entered the wolf group, he was actually ready to be at war with the Chuanma organization. In fact, since being abandoned by the Sichuan horse organization, Xu Ge has made up his mind.

Mochou patted Xu Ge on the shoulder and said, "Okay, from now on, we are real brothers." Xu Ge felt warm, and Min Chan also felt warm. Maybe people have dual personalities, with light and dark sides, but he can be sure that he is not jealous of evil and hatred. He is definitely not a two-faced person.