Bounty World

Chapter 234 Planning

The logistics reserve of the Chuanma organization in the Tiankeng animal field is good. Because it is one of the largest animal areas in the whole ancient battlefield, it has a large amount of food and equipment, and even the rest place is slightly better than the wild wolf regiment.

More than a dozen people are distributed in the guard inspection room of the sinkhole beast area. On the one hand, they should do a good job in dealing with the monsters in the sinkhole beast area, and on the other hand, they should do a good job in the invasion of the Chuanma organization.

Xu Ge and Gu Lan were divided into a place, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Xu Ge looked at the arrogant one on Gu Lan's waist and said, "It seems that the weapon has been returned to you. He has been hiding it for so many years."

Gu Lan was very surprised, "The beautiful monk just now is the grandson of the Zheng family protected by my elder brother?"

"Hmm! Didn't he tell you? When your brother died, he was told that he would take good care of you. There was no smell of flirtation in Xu Ge's words, but Gu Lan's face turned red.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me." She paused and said, "Well, my eldest brother is really a good man. I was taken care of by him when I was very young. I know that I am like her own sister."

With that, Gu Lan's tears fell on her pride. She carefully wiped away the tears with her hands and seemed to see Zheng Xiyan.

Xu Ge said, "Don't worry, I believe that Min Chan will treat you well in the future."

"Because of my brother, did you let me die when Xichuan talked about martial arts?" Gu Lan seemed to remember something.

Xu Ge said, "You're right. When Xichuan talked about martial arts, I knew that he was his little sister, so I tried not to conflict with you head-on."

"Ha ha, you are really a strange person. It's unimaginable that you can turn the tide with the power of one person in such a situation." Gu Lan said in the end, but her voice lowered, "What a real hero."

Xu Ge didn't seem to hear, "How long have you been here on the ancient battlefield?"

"It's been more than two years. After that Xichuan talked about martial arts, I took me more than a year to be promoted to the legendary first level, and then brought in by a senior in the sect. The ancient battlefield was really full of opportunities but dangers. A year ago, my brother was torn off half of his body by a monster in a battle. Such cruel words came out of Gu Lan's mouth, but the listener didn't know how to feel. Xu Ge could only sigh deeply.

Xu Ge said, "Don't worry, we will take good care of you on behalf of your brother."

Gu Lan smiled like a flower, "You still underestimate me. I'm a veteran of the ancient battlefield. Even if I can't compare with your martial arts skills now, it's still no problem to save my life." Gu Lan's words are true. With her strength, she can also rank her potential in the wolf group. After all, this woman has talent and magical power, and her understanding is indeed. Although she is more perverted as Xu Ge, she is also a little outstanding person in Qinchuan mainland.

Xu Ge also felt a little strange. After several conversations, he gradually learned about Gu Lan's personality. He looked a little charming**, but he was still so pure and calm in his bones, so he couldn't help but feel that he wanted to protect her. Before or because I had an appointment with Zheng Xiyan, but now it is an idea that comes from the bottom of my heart and has nothing to do with everything else.

Xu Ge is like this. As long as he feels that a person is worthy of deep friendship and protection, he will promise from the bottom of his heart.

"Haha, I seem to be a little arrogant." Xu Ge touched his forehead and smiled awkwardly.

Gu Lan doesn't know why, or since three years ago, the red-skinned young man in front of him began to take root on his body. Unconsciously, the seedlings began to sprout and even grow into a towering tree. So that day, she ran to Xu Ge's ** and seduced him. Although it seemed to be a trap, if there was no emotional concern, which girl would easily offer her virginity naked.

Gu Lan whispered, "You are not arrogant. Let's put it this way, I'm still willing to let you protect it."

Xu Ge felt the hot feeling in the tone of the beautiful woman next to him, but his heart was tight. After all, he met too many women, but Gu Lan was the only woman who had such close contact. "Ha ha, thank you, Miss Gu, for giving me the steps down."

Gu Lan said, "Call me Lan'er in the future. It's very different to call the girl."

"Good!" Xu Ge did not refuse. He has regarded Gu Lan as his sister from the bottom of his heart.

The sky outside is a little late. Although most of the scenes are false, the sobriety holding the spiritual platform in the eyes can feel the enchanting of the whole ancient battlefield.

Xu Ge and Gu Lan have been speechless for some time. Xu Ge didn't like to talk to Gu Lan, but felt that it was better to keep a certain distance. Although he is not a decent man, he has a commitment to Cui Ranran and owes a relationship with Bai Yi, which is really not enough to provoke him.

"If you are a little tired, you can go and have a rest. Don't worry, I will stay here all night." Xu Ge said after seeing Gu Lan yawning a few times.

Gu Lan smiled and said, "I didn't expect your observation to be very careful. Well, I will sleep for the first half night and you will sleep for the second half night."

Xuge did not refuse, which is considered to be a default.

Although most monsters will rest at night, and even if they are noisy, they will not be crazy, there will still be special situations. Now it is a special situation, so all people need to guard their own caves continuously.

Min Chan has been silent since he entered the ancient battlefield. For a wise man, this is a little abnormal, but this is the only way he can do now. After all, the planer should be able to use his own resources to integrate and make everything develop in the direction he wants, while Min Chan and others have just entered the ancient battlefield and have nothing. It is unlikely that they want some earth-shaking changes.

Min Chan has been waiting for an opportunity. In fact, he has an understanding of the ancient battlefield. The Chuanma organization is a strong party, the second one is the demon man and the third is the wild wolf group. Now I have entered the third echelon and slowly found the direction. The Sichuan horse organization is deeply rooted, and it is not easy to move down, but if the wolf group hides behind the two strong forces, it is undoubtedly a good way to let the Sichuan horse organization fight with the demons, but it is also a slow way.

Min Chan and Xu Ge can't wait. Min Chan knows his fate and knows that his life is not much. Every time he passes quite tightly. More importantly, if Cui Ranran of Beiling County can't save him, then it will be in vain to enter the ancient battlefield this time.

He can't be in a hurry, but he can't help it. Although Min Chan is sure about the situation of the whole ancient battlefield, he has not yet laid out, because he is waiting for an opportunity.


Small frictions have begun to occur far away in the Qinchuan mainland. Li Sizhi, the head of the Li family in Eastern Shaanxi County, under the pressure of the ancestral hall, finally made an important decision to send his army to a county outside eastern Shaanxi for the first time in hundreds of years. Their goal this time is straight to Nishikawa County.

The soldiers of the Li family showed strong combat effectiveness and killed Lin Jie, the guard of Xichuan County all the way, and rushed directly into Longyuan City.

However, Cui Shan seems to have given up Xichuan County for a long time and transferred most of his troops to Tianyuan City. The whole Xichuan County didn't even have any resistance and has fallen into the hands of the Li family.

But the war is always going to kill people. Although the Li family has restrained the soldiers not to kill ordinary people, after the Li family successfully occupied Xichuan, some unremitable loyalists provoked the conflict between the people and the Li family, and finally led to the Li family to kill more than 10,000 people who were regarded as pawns.

On the first day Li Sizhi entered the main mansion of Longyuan City, he received Chen Shuanglang, the * president of the Xichuan Bounty Guild, and provided more support for the growth of the Bounty Guild. After this battle, the anti-Tianyuan power has taken shape. Tiannan firmly guarded the south and forced Tianyuan not dared to use all its power. The Li family attacked Tianyuan from the east and west to death. And Beiling County guarded the north, making it difficult for Emperor Qinchuan to sleep and eat.

The three forces have turned Tianyuan into a circle from southeast and northwest. Emperor Qinchuan knew that after this battle, it became more difficult to break the three-way cooperation.