Young Knife God

Chapter 12 The Beauty of Power

"Lin Xiaomei, the original attribute rabbit, the sky phase attribute fire, the instrument phase attribute is empty, fighting skill knife level." With the strong voice of the thunder elder, a handsome and weak girl lowered her head and walked off the stage with a lost look on her face.

"Poor child, she was a knife-level last year, and this year she is still the same." A white-haired old man sighed in the crowd.

"Miss Nick" can't hide her disappointment. She has tested more than 20 people, but most of them are still only knife-level, and few of them are superior to this phase attributes and instrument attributes.

When I heard Nick's name, there was a burst of ** in the crowd.

"Hey, that's the daughter of Robby, a great engineer. It must be extraordinary," a boy said with anticipation,

"Robby is a great person, but his daughter doesn't seem to be very good?" It was still the white-haired old man who looked brightly at Nick, who had just came to the stage to test, and his tone seemed to be disdainful.

Trai looked at Nick with a smile and said kindly, "Hey, do you remember me? When I was a child, your father and I often drank together. At that time, you were so old!" Drag Thunder narrowed his eyes, touched Nick's head lovingly, and made a strange gesture.

It seems that he met an acquaintance, and his mentality has become much more young.

Nick said with a smile, "Uncle Tuo Lei, you haven't been to my house for a long time. I can't even remember what you look like."

"Well, good boy, put your hand on this sphere. Remember to close your eyes and don't look at what's inside. Tuo Lei told him with concern.

Nick carefully closed his eyes and pressed the palm of his hand on a crystal ball on the ground.

Wow, the temperature soared, and a red flame waterfall in the sphere was as high. Two of several fish of different colors changed color at the same time, and the speed was also much faster.

In an instant, two black and red lights came out together, staggering with the light curtain just now. Form a dazzling solid cloud of light.

The light cloud lasted for five seconds, dissipated and turned into colorful particles of light floating around. Several electric lights were collected from her body.

"Nick, the original phase attribute snake, the sky phase attribute is electric, and the instrument phase attribute is red." Tuo Lei smiled and said, "It's not bad. You still have to work hard."

"Oh, I finally got a red-level engineer. It's not a waste today."

"Red level, the color is so poor. It seems that the color of this year's test conference is very poor. There were several orange levels last year. It seems that the human race has not really awakened, and it is only a dead end to fight against the demon clan at such a low-end level. Nick said a little complax. She has always been arrogant, and there are few people who can be seen.

"Well, why didn't that waste come?" Karina looked around and didn't see Xiao Tie.

"The test has been half done, and if it doesn't come, there will be no chance," Nick said worriedly.

As he spoke, suddenly there was a burst of ** in the distance, and a teenager rode a white wolf like lightning.

The white wolf's height is almost incomparable to the teenager's body, but the teenager on his back is in awe.

Not only is there no resistance, but even the eyes are extremely docile.

There are also two girls on the back of the white wolf, one is a bell, and the other is Meilin, a woman in white, who is only a teenager, although she is handsome, with a hot figure and thin waist and buttocks.

In addition, his clothes were torn several times by the magic wolf, which was slightly embarrassed, but attracted the hot eyes of the disciples present.

Their arrival immediately caused a sensation.

"Ha, it's the waste of the Xiao family. This guy is so vulgar every time he appears. Good boy, the white wolf is also a middle-level warcraft, and he actually subdued him."

"Yes, this boy just sold 1,000 poisonous crossbows a while ago. Hey, I heard that he made tens of millions of gold coins. It's amazing."

"What is it to control a magic wolf? If it were me, I would ride a tiger. Hey, my old man just received a high-level magic tiger a while ago. I don't know how many times better than this magic wolf? A well-dressed dboy boasted to his peers next to him. Xiao Tie followed the voice and saw Raj, the precious son of the urban management. Although this boy has just broken through the knife level the year before last and is smart, he is an excellent woman. Not only was he hollowed out by the beautiful woman, but his fighting skills are far worse than before.

Obviously, a whirlwind fighting skill is only as powerful as the previous half.

"Damn it, what kind of shit did this boy have? He got two beautiful women all of a sudden," the drooling armor said angrily.

As he spoke, he piled his feet heavily on the ground, but this foot didn't want to really step on a bubble of shit. A stench went straight to his nostrils, making the surroundings immediately cause a burst of laughter,

Today, Xiao Tie was in a good mood, that is, he saved a beautiful woman and subdued a white wolf, which was a double harvest. Ha. He was so happy that he couldn't speak.

He held the two beauties left and right, and went to the registration office by the stage to register for the test.

"Mr., please fill in a form here. Each test fee is 3,000 gold coins. A girl in ordinary clothes and braided sheep's horns handed several forms and said blankly. Seeing several people wearing a shabby look, it was a low-level human race, and the smile on her face suddenly became as cold as frost.

Three thousand gold coins, want *!

While scolding secretly, Xiao Tie took out the gold card and handed it over.

Seeing this gold card, which symbolizes her identity, the girl was stunned for a moment, as if she couldn't believe her eyes. Such a hairy child could actually have a gold card in his hand. You should know that the bottom limit of this kind of gold card should have at least tens of millions of gold coins.

Dare to meet a rich man.

Suddenly, a charming smile piled up on her face.

After Xiao Tie filled in the form and handed it back to her, he hugged the two beauties and went downstairs to rest together.

At the bottom of the test venue, there is a row of silver seats, which are specially prepared for nobles.

When he saw Xiao Tie sitting on it, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

"I protest, how can the human race sit in that row? Does he really have extraordinary skills?" An elder of the demon clan stood up and protested loudly. His words were supported by some demon elders.

"Hey, why should I get out of the way? This seat is originally for people to sit. Is there any rule that says that people are not allowed to sit?" Xiao Tie stood up dissatisfiedly. His body, which had just turned ten years old, immediately showed a sharp contrast with those tall demons.

"Hey, boy, what about you? Get out of here. A lowly human race is not welcome here." A yellow-haired young man who was obviously taller than him stood in front of him and clenched his fist,

He is twice as tall as Xiao Tie and his body is extremely strong. He smiled contemptuously while showing his strong chest muscles,

Xiao Tie sneered and was unwilling to show weakness, "Can I win? Can you sit here and pull?"

"Ha, if you can win, of course, but if you lose, these two girls will belong to me." Duck said arrogantly that his level is obviously a few levels higher than Xiao Tie.

As he said, he swept the two beauties around Xiao Tie with a bad smile.

Water flows from the corners of your mouth. What does it mean?

"Okay, let's start," Xiao Tie sneered and clenched his little fist, trying to show him a little.

"Okay, I'm older than you. You can punch me three times first, and then I'll punch you three times." AS HE SHOWED HIS PLUMP CHEST muscles, HE posed A BEAUTIFUL POSE AND stood THERE, INHIBITING THE MAGIC witch present WITH AN earth-shaking scream.

I hate the demon clan the most. It's good. I ended up your life with one punch first. Let's see how you hit me.

Xiao Tie smiled badly and whispered, "Be careful, I'm going to fight." He jumped three feet, and then fell like a meteor, and the fist crossed a flame of anger.

"Tianma Meteor Fist!" He still remembers that there was such a move in the cartoon he had seen before crossing.

After his subtle modification, it is more powerful,

Before jumping up, his arms were as thin as firewood. When he fell, his arms were already several times thick as if they were full of gas. The fist is conical, and the landing point of the fist is Dak's temple.

Dak's expression was fusion. He shouted loudly and put his palms on the circle, "Ice Shield!" His heavenly attribute water, coupled with his possession of middle-level water magic, instantly formed an ice shield in front of his body.