Young Knife God

Chapter 13 Section Competition under the venue

Boom, the ice shield only slightly blocked the fall of the fist, and disintegrated in an instant. The remaining momentum of the fist did not subside, and it fell heavily on his head. Boom, a hot breath came to his face, and the curly hair full of Dak's head burst into flames in an instant.

Although this punch did not hit the temple, it was filled with unknown anger and thunder, so it fell on the body, not only the feeling of being burned, but also the pain of being electrocuted.

Some time ago, he insisted on hitting iron, attracting a large amount of lightning from the iron ore in outer space, and even some ores with some light energy hidden. Fortunately, his dual attributes of thunder and lightning were stored in the astrolabe after continuous absorption and digestion by his body in case of urgent need.

As soon as this move of Tianma Meteor Fist came out, he called two energies at the same time, so there was light in the thunder, and there was thunder in the light. It was not difficult to explain the firelight in the shadow of the fist.

Dark retreated five steps in a row, his hair was burnt, his clothes were shot out of several big holes, and his skin was charred black, which was really embarrassing.

But he was extremely high-minded and refused to bow to the human race. He did not stand firmly and still said, "Come again, this punch is not strong enough. Grandpa is fine. Ha." Although he pretended to laugh, he was extremely regretful and secretly scolded himself for despised his opponent. This seemingly short human teenager can actually accumulate such a strong fighting spirit in such a short time. What's more terrible is that he can actually gather energy at one point. Such a blow, even if it is a few higher. The opponent can't do it. Is this child a human or a ghost? Although he was furious, he still forced himself to calm down. After all, there were countless pairs of eyes looking at him. If he lost in the hands of a child, how could he do it in the future? The elders of the demon clan would definitely teach him a lesson.

Damn, life is really hard,

Xiao Tie rubbed his wrist and secretly said that the demon young man's body was harder than the iron block of the blacksmith's shop. This punch did not take advantage of anything, and the powerful anti-shocking force also shook his fist painfully.

Xiao Tie gritted his teeth and said to himself: The boy will give you a way to live. If you don't go, you are really looking for death.

He gritted his teeth, flew up, and punched another "shattering thunder and lightning!" It is also an electric fighting skill, which is not only as fast as lightning, but also as powerful as a cow.

Boom, a thunder burst out and pounded heavily on Dak's chest.

Oh, boom, Dake couldn't stand it anymore, and his huge body fell down like a mountain.

A mouthful of red blood spewed out of his mouth like a rainbow.

The crowd was again**. The demon clan did not expect that an inconspicuous human could knock down a knife and ghost master in an instant. Such strength was really too horrible.

Xiao Tie also felt a little strange. Although he had two attributes, these two completely different attributes were supposed to be separated, but in his body, almost all these two energies converged in the mysterious astrolabe. Although the gem in the center only reveals a faint light, it contains countless Light energy, while the rings in the outer ring are full of terrible thunder and lightning energy, and a large number of strange fires are stored in the area between the rings and the stars.

Although he is only ten years old, his ability to absorb foreign energy is far greater than that of ordinary people, and the source of these horrible energy is actually hundreds of different energy ores hidden by his father indoors. These ores do not seem to be used to make anything. The only reason for storing them may be for Absorb the energy.

It's just that he didn't have time to teach Xiao Tie the conversion technique of energy before he disappeared, so now Xiao Tie has powerful energy, and less than 1% of it can be used. Nevertheless, the explosion of this one percent of the energy is also quite horrible.

And Xiao Tie's method of using them is also extremely simple, just quietly aimed the center of the astrolabe at the other party and then quietly gathered. In this way, after condensation and then burst, the explosion of energy is completely interpreted, and the way of attacking the whole body is not as good as hitting a little also gives him the ability to knock down the opponent in an instant.

However, it is strange that the sense of emptiness after the explosion of energy is extremely uncomfortable. After all, his control is still extremely weak.

He made a good blow, but at the same time, his face was also extremely ugly.

There is almost no trace of blood,

The body also shook like a flutter in the wind.

Obviously, although the power of energy is much weaker than that of hitting his opponent, it still makes him a little unseat.

"Poor Dak, it's a shame to lose into the hands of a child. Damn human race, let me teach him a lesson. A demon teenager stood up and volunteered,

But she was stopped by a yellow-haired girl. Her blue eyes showed that she was also a very high-level demon girl,

"Hey, it's ridiculous to deal with a child," her beautiful face stunned the teenager and said with a smile, "This person may be able to absorb into our demon academy. It's really a waste for such a good seedling not to learn magic skills." Her words shocked the teenager from his chin in an instant,

"Miss Merlin, aren't you going to avenge Dak? Don't forget that Dak is your good friend. If he is injured, you won't absorb that boy to the magic academy.

Compared with bells, the strange beauty Meilin has received more attention. After all, in the valley, the strength of this clan teenager was still seen with her own eyes. Originally, she killed those people to grab the teleportation ring in their hands. Although the ring arrived, it shocked those bloodthirsty demon wolves. Therefore, although her strength was higher than Xiao Tie, she was still under the attack of hundreds of magic wolves. However, it was dangerous. Fortunately, Lingdang and Xiao Tie arrived in time to save her life. So psychologically, she still owes the teenager a favor.

She smiled, and the spring breeze-like smile dulled the young man's eyes.

Her beautiful face and a beautiful figure that is almost better than that of an adult woman.

is even more because her blue eyes emit strange blue flames. As a witch with pure blood, she is absolutely aristocratic blood on the mainland,

With her white clothes and purple hair, it exudes endless**.

It is really shocking that a witch will appear in the test venue in this small town. In the past, the rare venue of the demon clan, I don't know why so many demon clans poured into this time, which made the second elder Tuo Lei a little surprised.

The riot below attracted the attention of thunder, but what attracted him most was the witch's ** figure.

What is particularly eye-catching is Merlin's charming eyes, which are full of ** blue light, spreading an unknown horror and brilliant beauty.

Her appearance triggered a burst of **. The girls cast envious eyes on her, while the boys drooled, but Meilin completely ignored it and sat down generously beside Xiao Tie while holding hands. It shows intimacy.

"This boy is very lucky, and even the witch is stained with it. Unfortunately, if it's not a waste, what's the use of sending a beautiful woman to his side? It's better to make my brother feel better." The one who spoke was slapped loudly before he finished speaking.

"Who beats me, who is so bold and doesn't want to fool around? Do you know who my father is?" This arrogant noble son looks arrogant. Not only did he not see clearly, but even some people around him didn't understand who took action so fast, a little faster than lightning.

After several months of iron fighting career, Xiao Tie not only absorbed a large amount of alien energy in his body, but also his speed was more than an order of magnitude faster than before. The strength of his arms and legs has been greatly increased. At present, his confusion is that a large amount of fighting gas pours into the sea cave and cannot be connected to the astrolabe. In this way, the capacity of the sea cave is limited. In this way, the attraction speed of fighting gas also slows down.

He once heard his father tell him that the Qihai Cave is just a place to temporarily accommodate fighting spirit, and its capacity is limited. If you really want to make a breakthrough, you still need to try to inject fighting gas into the astrolabe. Relying on the powerful power of the astrolabe, the process of cultivation can be greatly shortened.

But his father has not returned since he left home, so that Xiao Tie has no way to connect with the astrolabe.

However, according to Xiao Tie's strength, it is still more than enough to defeat a knife level.