Young Knife God

Chapter 24 Black Crystal Jade

"Hey, vampire monster, you two have to help me in the future. If you continue to fight, I won't care about your business!" Xiao Tie saw that the vampire was a little hesitant and deliberately pretended not to intervene.

While talking, he also fiddled with the magic knife on his chest,

When the blood-sucking monster saw the magic knife, his heart was tight again.

As a magic knife with super combat power, it is now in front of him. Although the knife has not been sheathed, the permeated Xiao killing still chills him.

He quickly changed his smiling face and said, "Hey, Brother Xiao, we're all up to you. Ha, if there's anything you want me to do, just tell me." After all, holding the devil, the world's first killer, must be a vulgar thing.

"Hey, let's still call me Blood Devil in the future. The blood-sucking monster is not good. After all, I have been the leader of the Magic Mountain. Hey, this is not very pleasant to hear." Xiao Tie laughed secretly and didn't expect that she hadn't changed her leader after being sealed in the jade coffin for hundreds of years. Ha, she wanted to do evil in Moshan. The most hateful thing was the bell. Originally, she was the princess of Moshan, but she had to hide her identity and deceive her innocent feelings.

After this, with the help of these two demons, you don't have to worry about finding a chance to revenge.

Hum, the one who made me bleed, I will let it perish.

Xiao Tie's heart is secretly ruthless. In this place, in addition to Mrs. Yu, the most urgent thing is to strengthen himself, and if this damn astrolabe is not divided and exploded in time, if it is found by the enemy, he can only die worse.

It's like you have a good knife, but you can't use it,

"Okay, blood demon, a beautiful name. You are the boss of the demon clan. Teach me some useful magic skills in the future, ha," Xiao Tie took out his master's style and told this obedient master,

"Hey, of course. Brother Xiao, don't worry, "

Xiao Tie raised his face and snorted, "Now, you should call me Boss Xiao. That sounds good."

Haha, Xiao Tie suddenly had a feeling of being the boss, and his heart was happy.

The blood demon was stunned and wanted to attack, but he suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, you will be the boss in the future, hey."

But I'm scolding in my heart?: Damn, stinky boy, how dare you be so rude? When I break through the seal, I will have your beauty.

Xiao Tie dealt with the blood demon and turned his head to look at the magic shadow and said, "Hey, I'll be the boss. You won't have any problem."

The magic shadow laughed softly and said that the child had no ability, but his mouth was pestering. It didn't matter if he simply agreed to him.

So he said cheerfully, "Okay, since even the blood demon has agreed, if I don't want to come down, I won't say that I will coax again." Her long eyelashes were cut off,

A cute elf looks weird.

Ha, looking at her cute appearance, Xiao Tie really wants to hug this lovely beauty, but he is warning himself in his heart that these are superficial phenomena. If you want them to be obedient, you must make a breakthrough. Otherwise, if they don't see hope, they will eat themselves sooner or later.

"Big Xiao, this is my air refining secret. Hey, this book is for you, and this book, teleportation magic blood palm. Ha, it's all the essence. "Within't wait for Xiao Tie to take the initiative to greet him, he has taken out six or seven books of magic mountain secrets, and turned them into several golden secrets into Xiao Tie's mind. Xiao Tie didn't have time to read it carefully, but he understood that these magic skills are one of the best in the magic mountains today. Even if you learn from a teacher, it will take decades to be refined, but the blood demon was unexpectedly given away, which made Xiao Tie a little overjoyed.

"Hey, you are still good to me, ha,"

Xiao Tie was excited when he suddenly heard an unpleasant voice mocking in his ear: "Mr. Xiao, these middle-level secrets make you happy. It seems that you underestimate the strength of Moshan."

It's the magic shadow who speaks. She is also a person in the magic way, but she is not interested in these magic skills, and she also sneers,

The blood demon was furious, and the finger shadow said, "Well, you are also a person in the magic Taoist. Boss Xiao wants to make a breakthrough. Of course, these middle-level magic skills are indispensable. Hey, since you don't like these magic skills, please take a few high-level magic skills and have a look."

"Humph, blood demon, my things are much more useful than the ones you gave him," as she spoke, she took out a red gem from her arms and didn't look at it. Her fingers flicked gently, and the gem actually shot into Xiao Tie's brain like an arrow.

Xiao Tie was shocked and didn't know what it meant!

But after I realized that after the gem entered my mind, it was actually embedded in the orange ring of the star disk,

Boom, the ring shines brightly and slowly turns,

Less than three feet above Xiao Tie's head, a huge solar galaxy slowly formed, but the source beads of the sun are still dark, but through the cracks on the bead body, several flames have been ejected, reflecting the star disk emitting a dark red light.

With the sun as the center, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and water, seven stars surround it in turn. Unfortunately, except for the slightly split of the sun in the center, the other stars are still dark.

Although the size of this astrolabe is only the size of a palm, the super energy contained in it makes neither of the two martial souls underestimate it.

The blood demon looked up at the astrolabe that had not yet been divided and said with some regret: "Since I saw this thing 200 years ago, there has been no astrolabe on the mainland for nearly a thousand years. Boss Xiao must be a natural genius and can have such a super energy source as the astrolabe. I believe it is only a matter of time to dominate the three worlds."

The magic shadow smiled indifferently and also said, "Although it has an astrolabe, it is not perfect. The two attributes of thunder are far from exerting the energy of the astrolabe to the extreme, so it is better to hide this thing before the astrolabe undergoes fis and evolution."

After all, there are only a few people with an astrolabe on the continent, and the most famous one is the dragon armor that has recently won the throne of the Blackstone, while the astrolabe of the dragon armor is a strange star with only one Mercury body as the source, surrounded by only three different attributes around it, and it is of different sizes and divided only It's just two, so the size of the astrolabe does not depend on the size. The strength and weakness of energy lies in the number and mass of planetary bodies. If enough stars can be differentiated, the energy generated will have a multiplier effect.

"Two seniors, what gifts do you have when you meet for the first time?" Xiao Tie smiled and stretched out his hand to the two of you.

The blood demon frowned and said unhappily, "Those secrets are not enough. What else do you want?"

The magic shadow lifted his hair, stroked Xiao Tie's scalp, and smiled, "Mr. Xiao, I want this and that as soon as we met. If I don't give it to you, you will say that I'm a small device again. Fortunately, I have a gem for you. Let's see if you can use it."

"This gem is given to you to speed up the cracking of the stars. Only when the source beads split will the energy of the astrolabe really work. "The magic shadow sighed slightly and seems to be a little disappointed. After all, this purple jade is a treasure produced on Kunyu Mountain in the demon world. Bei, I didn't expect to invest in it, just a spark, and disappeared. This is really a loss-making business.

"Hey, it's a pity that it's a good gem. Hey, if you give it to me, my jade bracelet will be done. The blood demon laughed, and he held a bead chain made of six pieces of black jade in his hand.

Six blacks and one red can form a decent bracelet, hey,

The blood demon smiled disappointedly and waved his bracelet to Xiao Tie, who was almost stunned.

There are six pieces of black crystal jade as big as a fist. You know, the price of this black crystal jade is as big as a thumb in 300,000 Zixin coins. This round jade as big as a fist is difficult to buy at a sky-high price.

Xiao Tie reached out to catch it, and his mouth couldn't get it together with a smile. Looking closely, I couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that the round sphere was hollowed out into skull skeletons, and the faint black light and terrible shape made people a little scared. Xiao Tie curled his lips when he made such a ghost with good materials. Fortunately, the material was precious, and there was a smile on his face. But I secretly calculated the value of these black crystal jades, ha.

As we all know, black crystal jade has the effect of blessing, stealth and energy transfer. If you bring it on your body, you can avoid it for a while when you are in danger. Ha, these six pieces are integrated and have a wider range of effect.

"Ha, thank you," he said, throwing it into the empty ring.