Young Knife God

Chapter 25 Master of Tiger

After a beautiful sleep, it was dawn, and Xiao Tie was woken up.

"Get up, stinky, I don't want to live. Madam asked you to say something." The two witches were going to get up. Xiao Tie blushed and said urgently, "Two sisters, don't worry, oh, I'll be there in a while, I'll go, I, hey hey."

"Isn't it that you don't wear underwear, little boy, what's embarrassing?" Annie covered her mouth and sneered, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Tie ambiguously. Xiao Tie sat naked on **, but wrapped her body tightly with a quilt and looked embarrassed.

"No, I'm used to #sleeping."

Haha, "If that's the case, we'll have a look." Hearing Xiao Tie talking about *sleep, Rick opened his fat and sexy red lips with a bad smile in his eyes.

Reach out and grab the end of the quilt,

With a hard pull, Xiao Tie couldn't hold it and was suddenly seen naked in front of the two witches.

He covered the ** part with one hand and shouted, "What are you doing? I'm still a virgin." Regardless of those provocative eyes and wearing his coat quickly, he slowly got out of bed, cleaned his face, and said lazily, "Have you two seen enough? I'm going to see Mrs. Yu. You must keep it a secret about my sleeping habits."

He made the two witches laugh in a serious manner.

Hey, this is really a joy,

I wanted to suck his blood a few days ago, but now I'm a little reluctant.

The two followed Xiao Tie to the outside of the cave,

Rick suddenly remembered something and asked, "Did nothing really happen last night?"

She looked at Xiao Tie with a puzzled face,

Xiao Tie stretched out and said indifferently, "Ha, this jade bed is really comfortable, warm and comfortable. If it hadn't been a little hard, it would have been a natural home, ha,"

Thinking of Simmons at home, he couldn't help swallowing.

After all, this is incomparable, but he has learned the strangeness of this jade bed.

The two looked at each other and became more and more confused.

Anne said reluctantly, "This jade bed has a history. Hey, if I say it's not a bed, but a coffin, what do you think?"

Her eyes are a little blurred,

The teenager actually had such magic that she was so attracted that she couldn't help telling him the secret of the coffin.

"Coffin, hey, sister, don't scare me. I slept well yesterday, and I didn't see anyone blow up the body."

This boy actually laughed while talking. I don't know whether he deliberately pretended to be stupid or was born bold.

Hearing what he said, Annie was dumbfounded and bold. She had never seen such a desperate one.

"You boy has insight. Let me tell you, there is a blood-sucking monster lying in it. It is said that he is also a demon-level figure. Ha, if you stay for a long time, I'm afraid your boy will be anemic." Annie told the truth.

Rick also smiled and said, "What Anne said is true. If you want to live, don't sleep there."

Xiao Tie smiled evilly and said, "I have a lot of blood, so I'm not afraid of vampires or something. Hey, as far as I know, frequent blood donation is good for health." Thinking that there is often such a saying at the blood donation station, he can't help moving it now.

Anison smiled and said, "If so, instead of letting the vampires suck, it's better let our sisters faint."

opened his mouth to bite. Xiao Tie's arm was held in the palm of her hand. Seeing the sharp teeth in her mouth, Xiao Tie had a fear of dying in his life.

"No, I'm kidding, Sister Anne, just let me go. With my little physique, this little blood is not enough for you to stuff your teeth. Besides, Mrs. Yu will see me later." Xiao Tie's face changed slightly, and he didn't want anything to happen.

Annie also just wants to scare him and stop when it's good.

He reached out and twisted his ass heavily and said anly, "I don't want to suck your blood. Sister, I love you very much. Ha, maybe there will be something else for you in the future?"

Oh, my God, the relationship seems to be reversed,

Xiao Tie has a big head,

I laughed all the way and came to Mrs. Yu's mansion in a blink of an eye.

In the room, the fragrance hit the nose, a column of fragrance slowly rose, and a basin of jade bamboo sprouted for the first time. The beauty sat on the jade couch with a smile, waiting for the arrival of Xiao Tie.

Her clothes are very revealing and casual, as if she had just woken up.

But the smile on his face was slightly chilly.

"Today, you are responsible for going to go to the back mountain to cut black bamboo. After cutting five bamboos a day, you will come back to be responsible for cooking. There are also a few tiger-skin pheasants in the backyard, which are also your service. By the way, there is also a little tiger. Ha, the living things I accidentally hunted a while ago. If you are interested, you can also raise them together,,,, ,,,, "Damn, after listening to her talk for a long time, Xiao Tie stopped when she was about to be drowsy,

waved his hand to him to go down.

Xiao Tie lowered his head and scolded in his heart: He wants me to do everything, and I'm not as good as a servant. What else do you want to feed, little tiger, when did I serve others?

As soon as she came out, Annie came up and said with concern, "What's the matter? Are you so unhappy?"

Xiao Tie said feebly, "I still sucked my blood and ate me. After a while, he asked me to cut the bamboo and asked me to cook, but I couldn't even feed myself."

Oh, Annie stretched out her claws and gestured on Xiao Tie's face.

"Go well. In fact, the demon clan doesn't like to eat people. Ha, I scared you before. We have to eat just like human beings. By the way, there are several chickens and a naughty tiger in the backyard, which is very difficult to deal with. Hey, especially the little tiger, who pours eggs very much. As soon as he sees people, he pounced on his body and scratched all my clothes. She turned around and showed her broken skirt.

Xiao Tie stared at it. Sure enough, he saw that her buttocks and clothes were torn, revealing a piece of snow-white skin, and there seemed to be shallow scratches on the clothes. He reached out and pressed it on the snow skin. Annie was so scared that she quickly escaped. While covering her buttocks tightly, her face turned red and said, "What are you doing, little pervert, one We have to eat other people's tofu when we meet.

Rick also smiled, held Xiao Tie in his arms, and deliberately teased him, "What's delicious about tofu? Don't always say that you are bullied if you make a fool of yourself, haha,"

Xiao Tie broke free from her control and said angrily, "You think I'm still a nursing child. Humph, look at people." He snorted and stood up. Although Xiao Tie had the courage to collapse in front of Mount Tai and not change color, he was really scared. I struggled to break free, but looked at it unwillingly, "Hey, but I haven't eaten any milk yet. It's not bad to taste it."

"Go to hell," Rick raised his foot to kick, and Xiao Tie smiled and ran away.

According to the instructions, he came to the backyard and looked around. On a flat green land, four pheasants with bright hair than Xiao Tie's head were chasing and fighting on the grass.

According to his previous experience of raising chickens, except for one with a peacock-like colorful tail and gorgeous feather crown, the other four have gray feathers.

Damn, one male and three female,

According to experience, as long as the male is subdued, the rest will be obedient.

Looking to the other side, a red tiger about one meter long rushed out from under the tree and pounced on the chickens with its teeth and claws.

Although it is nominally a tiger, its combat effectiveness is not as strong as those chickens. In just a moment, it was bleed on its head and defeated in confusion.

Xiao Tie was so interesting that he couldn't help laughing.

Damn, a tiger can't even beat a chicken in this place. It's really a coward.

The young tiger found a stranger and suddenly couldn't hang on his face. He roared and rushed to Xiao Tie crazily.

Bullying human beings may be his favorite thing to do.

Xiao Tie flashed and avoided its full attack. A phoenix circled and easily jumped on the tiger's back. Damn, it was really cool. It was definitely a cool and chic thing to ride a magic tiger across the continent.

The magic tiger rolled sideways and tried to shake Xiao Tie off his back.

Xiao Tie jumped gently, flew in mid-air and landed on its back again. The magic tiger was completely angry and roared shockingly. He turned his head and bit Xiao Tie's throat.