Young Knife God

Chapter 92 Sunflower Point Hand

Xiao Tie said solemnly, "If there is a purpose, then teaching this magical acupuncture point to everyone is also one of the purposes. If you are willing to learn, you can also throw it under my door at any time. Maybe in a few days, my club will officially open. At that time, you can come to me, "Although it opens the club The matter has not been put away, but Xiao Tie is full of confidence. His statement instantly made the crowd around him exclaim, followed by a thunderous applause.

Xiao Tiexiang is a very speaker and has been sought after by everyone in a very short time.

and became popular,

Fare to his disciples, there is even Princess Zha of the orcs. This explosive news spread throughout the city in a very short period of time, which encouraged all the demoralized people.

"I just saw Princess Zha also fall under his pomegranate skirt. Oh, no, he is a man. "A second-hand man came up with a little limelight, but the exit caused a burst of laughter,

"Ha, Jerry, you're really home. Brother Xiao Tie is a male compatriot. Why did you become a woman when you said it? Haha,"

When Jerry saw his mouth, he suddenly turned pale. Although he didn't have time to talk back, he said sincerely to Xiao Tie: "Mr. Xiao, your skill is too powerful. I really admire him. Can you accept me? Oh, I'm not good at it, but I'm smarter than others. , learn faster than others and master more skills than others, haha,"

Xiao Tie smiled, but secretly said in his heart: Although this young man is a little slippery, such a person is indispensable for publicity in the hall. At present, he nodded and said, "Okay, you are one. In the future, you can be my publicity specialist. Ha, you will have to ask for your help in the future."

turned his eyes, looked at Hagrid again, and said, "There is also the Hagrid brothers, who will be responsible for the management of the hall in the future. Of course, the level of the Haig brothers is higher than me. Ha, if I have something to do, he can also come to teach everyone magic skills."

Haig was excited with tears in his eyes and responded with a smile, "Okay, Mr. Xiao looks at me. I will definitely manage Mr. Xiao's hall in place so that all the brothers who are willing to learn some acupuncture skills can learn real magic skills. After everyone learns well, they will no longer be bullied. Everyone says, okay?"

Under his encouragement, there was a burst of warm applause from the crowd.

"Okay, count me in, I'm Jack,,,"

"And me, Krian, my brother Faros,,,,"

Xiao Tie was very busy and happy, but Klina on one side shook her head with a wry smile. She was originally here to recruit students for the School of Magic. Looking at this scene, she became Xiao Tie's guest star.

Xiao Tie was busy all day. When it was getting late, he rented an abandoned manor with the help of Colin. The original owner here was a man named Benjamin. Since it was rumored that the orcs wanted to annex this beautiful place, his master fled with his whole family.

In this way, Xiao Tie almost didn't spend any penni and got a very satisfactory training ground and an excellent place to open a meeting hall.

After three days of preparation, his sunflower hall finally ushered in the opening day,

The people who come here actually include demons, orcs, elves, and human races. Although the proportion of the human race is far more than that of other races, the proportion of demons and orcs is also increasing. In order to avoid conflicts between human beings and orcs, at this ** moment, Xiao Tie decided to establish the orcs and demons respectively. A class carries out the training of acupuncture points in their respective training fields,

As the first VIP member, Princess Zaza was arranged by Xiao Tie in a separate courtyard to form a class with the demon clan and senior members of the human race. Xiao Tie personally taught.

When Xiao Tie entered the luxuriously decorated VIP class, he brought some special wooden people,

The whole body of these wooden people is marked with acupuncture points and uses, as well as the attack points,

Oh, the cutest thing is that these wooden people are not only the same as real size, but also divided into men and women. What is given to female members is a male puppet, while men are given to a plump female puppet.

"Oh, dear Mr. Xiao, we are here to learn acupuncture. What do you send to us wooden people? Do you want us to use it as a game?"

A noble orc with loose hair and light blue eyes took over the wooden man in his hand in surprise. While sighing at the exquisite workmanship of the wooden man, his hands stood up uneasily on the puppet.

"Hey, waste Jack, this puppet is not for your YY, ha, this is the training tool Mr. Xiao sent to everyone, ha," on the first day of class, Haig was stunned by Xiao Tie's amazing masterpiece,

He not only bought a lot of exquisite utensils, but also prepared some pictures for everyone. In addition to marking the accurate position of the acupuncture point, he also marked the purpose of each acupuncture point.

So even if you are a beginner, you can see it at a glance,

But as for the use of this wooden man, most people are still at a loss.

"Hey, students, today I will tell you about this magical acupuncture technique, which is a new subject independent of magic skills, so learning this skill requires not only enough patience, but also the courage and ability to forget everything.

Otherwise, people who combine this technology and magic skills will not be able to learn all the essence of this technology.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao Tie, just tell me how this wooden man is used. I've been hugged for a long time. Hey, if you don't say anything, I'm about to react, all,,,,,"

Jack YY's head was sweating, and his face was intoxicated, attracting a sound.

"Hey, Jack, please put away your dirty hands. Although this wooden man represents a woman's body, he will not allow you to be so unscrupulously insulted. If you refuse to stop, please accept my challenge?" He had a hot temper and pierced his sleeves and made a fight with him.

When Jack saw that it was the princess, he was also very big for a moment. After all, he was worried about Zha, and his position in the orcs determined the right to speak, so Jack suddenly blushed and softened.

"Princess Zaza, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, haha,"

"Hey, useless things, ha, I provoked Zha and carefully cut your little JJ, haha" burst of laughter,

Jack blushed to his ears and was about to attack, but he interrupted Haig in time.

"Don't mess up. Next, we will ask the respected Mr. Xiao Tie to teach you this interesting course. You must pay attention to the lecture and don't disturb the class, otherwise you will be kicked out of the class."

After listening to Haig's words, the atmosphere in the classroom began to quiet down.

Xiao Tie smiled and stretched out his finger to a female fruit wooden man placed on the podium.

He first marked the position on the wooden man's body, then turned his back and didn't look. He turned his hand back and pointed to point accurately on the wooden man, and the power of his fingers was even more amazing. With one finger, he actually fell deep into the wooden man's body and pulled out again, and a red light in his fingertips was permeated.

It scattered in a circle, which shocked all the people present.

"Haha, this is the basic skill of learning acupuncture, that is, to have super finger power. Each of you has different levels, and the strength of fingers is also different. Therefore, in close combat, if you want to give full play to your strengths and limit the enemy's shortcomings, you have to explode the power of the finger end in a very short time. Extremely, as we just performed, one finger attack should not only be fast, but also accurate, and never allow deviation, because if there is no acupuncture point, it is likely to hurt yourself. After all, close combat is an effective but dangerous way of fighting, so today everyone should work hard to practice fingering and be fast. It's exciting, ha," Xiao Tie said, which made the students below suddenly feel open-open.

"Oh, that's great, I'm going to attack here and here," a student made a smart move. Under the instantaneous attack, there were suddenly a few terrible finger holes on the wooden man around him.

His strength is stronger than Xiao Tie's strength, but his accuracy is much worse, so although he hit the target, he seriously damaged the wooden man's body.