Young Knife God

Chapter 175 Guards

Marlowe looked a little tired. He knew that the bones and meridians on his body were almost broken, and then he lost the red spirit knife in his hand, so he had basically become a useless person. He looked at his men worriedly. When they first came, there were 300 people, but now, There are only more than 100 people left, and most of the rest are injured, so there is basically no fighting ability. At this time, it is extremely difficult to complete the task and protect themselves.

So when a teenager similar to his own strength appeared in front of him, his heart was still full of vigilance,

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to your mercenary regiment. At present, your mercenaries need medical treatment. You'd better send them to me for treatment and repair. As for the cost, even if it's on my head," Xiao Tie's statement moved Marlos. After all, there are people in urgent need of help. Stand up generously. What if such a person is not a friend?

"Friend, I don't know how to thank you,"

"You're welcome, Maros. I also have some herbs here, which are homemade recovery potions. There are only a dozen bottles here. Give them to the mercenaries to treat injuries." After Xiao Tie made good arrangements, he stood up.

"Friend, what do you want to get from us so much help?"

"I, as long as you promise not to harass it again, after all, this dragon has been here for many years and has not taken the initiative to attack human beings before, so I hope it can be peaceful,"

Maros's eyes flashed with surprise and said indifferently, "Well, this was just a task issued by the union, but unfortunately, we didn't complete it. It seems that my people have to go back to recover for the time being."

"Well, where is your regiment stationed?"

When he heard this, Maros' eyes turned red and he couldn't speak.

A big mercenary around him said rudely, "Mr. Xiao, we are homeless now. Previously, our regiment had been stationed on a wasteland in the city, where a camp was built. Now that place has been occupied by the evil spirit regiment, and we have become homeless. If Boss Xiao is willing to help us regain the lost land Then we are willing to join Boss Xiao and work for Boss Xiao. After all, the reputation of the Hungry Wolf Group has always been a topic of discussion within the mercenary regiment. Now that the leaders of the Hungry Wolf Group are standing in front of them, they have missed such a good opportunity. After all, Xiao Tie's character is also very fair. If they can be treated equally, then there is still a lot to do something for them to join Xiao Tie's banner. .

Xiao Tie looked at the mercenaries at the scene with satisfaction. Although there were still more than 100 people left, they were all soldiers with rich combat experience, and most of them were about the level of swordsman or knife emperor level. Although the equipment was a little poor, the mental outlook was still considerable.

Xiao Tie turned his face to Maros and wanted to hear what he meant. After all, he was the leader of this regiment. If he didn't say anything, everyone's advice would be useless.

Marros nodded in pain,

said, "Okay, I agree. You are free to choose. If you are willing to join Xiao Tie, just stand on his side. If you want to stay, just stand behind me."

Although he was seriously injured, his face still showed rare majesty.

Sure enough, the mercenaries in the team watched and acted quickly. Some of them stood behind Xiao Tie, and a few others remained behind him.

There are nearly 100 people standing on Xiao Tie's side, most of whom are veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles in the team.

"Okay, that's it. Maybe we will meet again in the future. These brothers will be handed over to the Xiao Tie brothers. In the future, you must take good care of them so that I can be relieved." When he spoke, there was a rare sadness on his face, his eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears.

A steel-like man also has soft fingers in his heart.

Xiao Tie sighed secretly in his heart,

After saying goodbye to Malos, he took the nearly 100-person mercenary brigade to the city. Xiao Tie found a few carriages, pulled up the brothers, and drove directly to the racecourse training camp at the other end of the city. Since the relocation of the headquarters of the Hungry Wolf Group, except for some guards, it has been deserted for a long time.

If you hear the call of the horse outside the door, you will almost drop off the horse,

I saw Xiao Tie walk inside with nearly 100 mercenaries,

Xiao Tie pointed to this green grass and said to the mercenaries, "This will be your new home in the future. Your name is the Guard Mercenary Regiment. Ha, independent of the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Regiment, it may not take long before I will lead you to a special mission far away, oh, so this paragraph Time, you should take good care of yourself and practice more."

"Hey, Boss Xiao, stop talking. We're hungry. Can we eat something later?" A tall and thin young servant joked and coaxed, which immediately attracted a burst of laughter.

Xiao Tie also smiled and waved his hand. A person trotted to his side. Xiao Railway said, "Go and prepare the food. Be better. Today, I'm going to have a few drinks with my brothers."

My men agreed and quickly went down to prepare. There was nothing to do today. Xiao Tie simply came to the playground to chat with the mercenaries.

"Hey, what's the name of that tall man? Come and talk." Xiao Tie saw the tall young man who had just spoken at a glance,

The young man scratched his head embarrassedly, came over and replied, "The leader of the report team, my name is Tuba. I am a powerful warrior. His original attribute is electric, and his favorite weapon is to throw a gun."

"Oh, throw a gun, which shows that you must be very powerful. Let's go and compare." Speaking of throwing guns, Xiao Tie, who had not practiced for a long time, suddenly became interested. He took Tuba's hand to the edge of the weapon rack, reached out to take a throwing gun from the rack and handed it over to Tuba's hand.

asked, "This standard iron material is made of iron and weighs 3,500 grams, which is the heaviest of them. Can you hit the humanoid target 300 meters away?"

Xiao Tie's test questions seem to have difficult the young man,

"Oh, my God, 300 meters is too far away. My figure can only throw a bidding gun of about 100 meters. My figure is not much better than me, so I bet he can't throw so far."

A mercenary behind him said disdainfully while betting on his companions,

His companion, a little old man with white hair, smiled and said, "Okay, I bet he can throw 300 meters and 20 gold coins,"

"I have thirty,"

"I bet on winning! Fifty, hey, this is all my belongings,"

"I bet on Xiao Tie to win, 15 gold coins, hey, I only have so much."


A group of mercenaries quarreled behind Xiao Tie, one after another*, but it became lively for a while,

Tubal looked at the javelin, took it in his hand, weighed it, and said confidently, "I can do it, but 300 meters away, there is no accurate head, so it is still difficult to hit the target."

Seeing that the young man who claimed to be a divine power had the intention to retreat, Xiao Tie sighed in his heart. It seemed that the young man was still a little too proud.

Tutu took the price in his hand, aimed at the largest position, ran a few steps, threw the javelin out, and roared, tearing the air with a sharp roar.

The javelin throws a low-flat fox line, and the tip of the gun points to the bullseye,

Finally, when flying more than 200 meters, it fell less than 30 meters away from the humanoid target and plunged into the ground.

do not move.

"Oh, good job, Tuba!" Some people cheered and sighed behind them. Almost everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Tie. At this time, Xiao Tie's performance was the final drum beat.

Xiao Tie smiled, took another same javelin from the shelf and took it down in his hand.

I looked at a humanoid target 300 meters away, and with my right hand, a blue star force instilled it, and suddenly emitted a faint blue light from the gun.

With a roar, the gun flew out of his hand, like a blue lightning blowing out of the air, cutting through the void and flying to the head of the humanoid target in the distance.

The humanoid target is 300 meters away. Even if it is shot with a crossbow, the probability of shooting is very small. If it is a gun, the probability is even lower. After all, the weight of the gun is extremely large. Such a weight is already very good if it can be thrown dozens of meters away, and it is necessary to hit the humanoid target 300 meters away. Think about it.

Boom, the mercenaries stretched their necks one after another, watched the javelin fly high, drilled into the blue sky, then hung the sound of the wind, drew a beautiful parabola from the sky and fell down, accurately bombarded the head of the humanoid target, bombarded, and the humanoid target was smashed into pieces in an instant.

The remnants of this huge force have not subsided, and it has deeply penetrated into the soil. The earth shook, and a humanoid hole appeared on the ground, which is dozens of meters deep. The iron shooting gun has turned into a rectangular iron block less than one-third of the original length.