Young Knife God

Chapter 176 Selection of the Head

Seeing such a result, the mercenaries were shocked and unbelievable for a moment.

"Oh, my God, is this still a javelin? It can't be the transformation of Xun Tie, who fell from the sky." The exclaims were endless. For Xiao Tie's performance, not only was it unexpected, but even the mercenaries were shocked. Think about it, such a teenager whose physical development has not yet fully will burst out such a strong energy. This is really It's an incredible thing,

"Oh, my God, it's a pity that my 30 gold coins are all bet on Tuba. I'm disappointed," a guy who lost money muttered something, which made the mercenaries around him laugh again.

"Mike is willing to bet and lose. Who made you have no vision to choose to win? Now that you have lost money, you should have no wish to say."

"I also lost 30 gold coins, and now I have no money to drink. It seems that I can only endure it for a few days," a gray young man licked his dry lips and sighed,

"Oh, today I will buy you a drink, and each of you will give you 30 gold coins. Oh, in the future, the new head of the regiment here will be Tuba. You all have to listen to him. Ha, I, Xiao Tie, promise to provide you with a fixed salary of 30 gold coins per month. Do you agree?"

Xiao Tie saw that the time had come and shook his arm.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, it caused a burst of applause and applause.

"Great, Boss Xiao, we'll listen to you. Ha, everyone will have a salary in the future. We all have money to spend and drink. Haha, that's great. Thank you, Boss Xiao."

"Great, thank you,"

A group of cheers, a man's voice came extremely cold,

"I don't intend to be the leader. I want to compete with him."

A mercenary separated the crowd and came to Xiao Tie and Tu Ba,

The two fixed their eyes and saw that it turned out to be the beautiful woman Tosia. Behind her, they were followed by several tall and powerful demon hunters. These more than a dozen demon hunters were about five meters tall on average, so they stood tall in the crowd.

One of the demon hunters said, "We also want to compare. If anyone with great strength can be the regimental commander, then we must be determined."

When Xiao Tie saw that someone put forward different opinions, he was also happy to mediate.

"Well, since someone disagrees, let's have another competition. The winner can be the head of the regiment. If you lose, don't disagree any more."

"Okay, we agree," a demon hunter buzzed.

"Big Xiao, I'm convinced of you, ha. No wonder you can lead a mercenary regiment of 10,000 people at a young age. It seems that you are really in awe-inspiring strength."

Tutu rubbed his hands with some disappointment and patted Xiao Tie's shoulder,

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently and said to the mercenaries, "Then I will announce the start of the test."

The first game was played by the demon hunter Jeddah,

In the second game, the beauty Tocia plays against the demon hunter Lapon,

Two games at the same time,

Boom, on the central field, everyone sat in a circle, and the two sides of the duel fought one-on-one,

These four people in the field suddenly fell into a dangerous battle,

"Hey, come on, Tuba, haven't you eaten yet? Why can't you exert any strength?"

"Beat him and fight hard. The demon hunter can even eat the loss of the little girl, which is too shameful,,,,,,

For a while, the field was lively, and almost everyone was shouting to cheer for their favorite object. Compared with Tuba, the beauty Tosia paid relatively high attention, so at the beginning of the battle, almost everyone's cheering went to Tosia. Such a scene was unexpected by the demon hunters. At that time, he was extremely angry, and his fists were as fast as the wind, and his hands were as fast as lightning, whistling and buzzing.

After more than half an hour of competition, the situation on the field gradually became clear. First, he reversed his back, and then a fierce Luohan punch hit his opponent's back. As a result, his opponent's mountain-like body collapsed and failed to get up for a long time. It seems that the defeat has been decided. Seeing such a scene , Lucio, the middle-aged mercenary in charge of referee, was busy announcing the victory results loudly,

"This game is to win, KO opponent, complete victory."

Boom, as the referee's voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause at the scene,

"Good job, I'm optimistic about you, Tuba, I support you to be the head of the regiment, haha"

"Support drawing."

In contrast, another game on the field entered a state of stalemate. Compared with the powerful demon hunters, Tosia, who did not have the upper hand in stature and strength, was very passive. Fortunately, she had a flexible mind and used her dexterous body to avoid fierce attacks. Instead, she repeatedly made her opponents futile. In this way, she slowly seized some opportunities and launched a counterattack from time to time. As a result, the other party was hit repeatedly. For a moment, she staggered loyally. Finally, she was unprepared and kicked Torcia cross-legged in the lower part, fell to the ground in an instant and ended the battle.

After a short break, the final will be held,

The two sides in the final are Tubal and the beauty Tocia who just won,

The mercenaries outside the field saw the beautiful Tosia and Tubal standing opposite each other. Before the war, they politely saluted each other. Such behavior seemed extremely rare. After all, in the demon continent, it is different from the etiquette of the human race.

"Hey, are you two in love? Why don't you start yet? We're going to have dinner later.

A young mercenary said helplessly. His voice was very sharp. No matter how far away he was, he could hear it clearly. Sure enough, he heard the word "eating", and the two young men standing opposite him on the field looked anxious. After all, he had fought for a day and had not even eaten. Hearing the words of eating, his stomach suddenly mumbled. Shout out,

Hu, Tu pulled up and said, "Sister, be careful. I'm going to take action." Like Dapeng spreading his wings, his body shook, pulled out several feet in the sky, clenched his fists, and a black fighting spirit converged from the inside of his body to his arm. A punch fell down and fell heavily.

When Tocia heard the bad wind hitting her face, she knew that it was not good, and she also flashed quickly. Her body withdrew a few steps away from this blow. A silver light flashed in her hand, and a metal bucket between her fingers turned into a new light and stabbed Tubal.

This kind of magical combat skill that can be refined as a substance in a blink of an eye is not common in the magic continent. Many people also saw it for the first time, and there was a round of applause for a while.

"Okay, Tosia, my beauty, knock him down, ha, the regiment leader is yours." There are four voices,

"Ah, not necessarily," the figure pulled his body in mid-air, but his heart was horizontal, and his hands were increased. A black aperture quickly spread around with his arm as the center, instantly forming a hammer and smashed down heavily.

Bang, and a violent gas explosion exploded. After the gas explosion, the two people's bodies were shaken back three steps at the same time. At this time, it seems that neither of them were seriously injured, but in fact, the most seriously injured was Tosia. After all, her fighting spirit cultivation is not as good as Tu Pull. In the battle of confrontation, injury is inevitable,

Wipe off the blood oozing from the corners of her mouth, Tosia laughed miserably,

"You won, Tuba, you are the leader of this regiment," she retreated from the court with a gloomy look,

Xiao Tie greeted her with a smile and took her hand and said, "I still lack a deputy picture chief here. Everyone said that you would have no problem with letting Tosia be a deputy regiment leader, right?"

"Okay, we agree,! | Another burst of applause, which made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fall into a high tide,