Young Knife God

Chapter 201 Kill

The rain silently dripped from the sky on the eaves and turned into a trickle from a high place to the ground, wet the memory and made Xiao Tie slowly wake up.

The cold wind blew from outside the door, and the west wind rolled the curtain, which made the indoor temperature drop in an instant. Xiao Tie got up from **, wiped his fishy sleepy eyes, and then stretched out and walked out of the door.

The ground is extremely wet, and it seems that the rain of the night has aroused life. Countless green grass poked their heads out of the ground and grow crazily.

Behind the light green is the long river like a silver belt at the foot of the mountain.

It flows and rushes to the east,

Boom, on this smoky morning, a fast ride passed by the mountain road in the distance,

The horse stepped on the stream and splashed all over the sky, so that the future human shape was completely covered. From a distance, I only saw a mass of water atomization into a human figure, galloping at the extreme speed of cutting the space and the atmosphere.

The electric light keeps swimming and shining in the fog,

But that person did not mean to stop at all, but went further,

The man's direction is facing the mountain where Xiao Tie is located,

"Stop, who?" The roar of thunder shocked the wolf sergeant stationed on the stone barrier. In the shooting of a row of crossbow arrows, the man smashed the arrows with the momentum of destruction. He had several violent fighting protective bodies, so that these iron arrows were only in front of him and were lost by a group of invisible fire, so the only those who fell on his body were left. It's just a tiny mass of iron ash,

"The speed is fast enough, and the body strength is strong enough, but the body protection light of the comer does not seem to be strong enough, otherwise, he will not be injured by arrows," Xiao Tie praised in his heart. Seeing that after avoiding most of the attacks, he had already hit the stone gate under the stone barrier,

Boom, the stone pillar was destroyed in an instant, and large pieces of stones fell from above and flew around.

The person burst out and climbed the stone like an ape. In an instant, a few iron arms came out of his hand, and the sound like cutting paper came into his ears. The dozens of close wolf sergeants were instantly divided into two by a mysterious force, and the blue blood splashed,

"The crazy guy not only has excellent physical strength, but also has several iron arms to help, so the lethality should be stronger, but he usually does not easily show his strength in the face of ordinary sergeants.

But he is sharp and domineering,

Boom, a punch exploded a hundred steps away, a stone pillar fell down, another flaming palm, and several wolf sergeants turned into a barbecue under the flames,

This series of killings is extremely accurate without any mistakes,

Under his crazy attack, these powerful wolf warriors actually became lambs in his hands, slaughtered by others. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people fell under his attack.


Three figures flashed again. On a mountain less than 500 meters in front of him, several people in black were holding their shoulders to watch the young man's action.

Every move of his moves seems to have been specially rehearsed. It is not only accurate, but also makes no mistakes. It is simply a killing machine.

"All-kill, the number one killer in the demon empire, he finally took action, "

The man in black standing in the first position on the right said indifferently, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes,

"Well, if this boy hadn't heard that his biological parents were killed by werewolves, he would have been too lazy to deal with werewolves. After all, these werewolves violated his core interests."

The slightly short woman standing in the middle said quietly, and her eyebrows were full of sympathy.

"You are all wrong. He did not take action this time because these werewolves killed his parents, but because he was ordered by an interest group to eradicate the hostile forces that blocked Lun from squatting outside the city."

"Who can afford such a price? If he is so capable, why don't you send him to Ozawa in the West to show his skills, but to the Black Wind Valley? Isn't there another mystery?"

The woman standing in the middle sneered,

"Maybe we all guessed wrong. Remember, what is the purpose of our coming here?"

"Well, didn't we come to find Xiao Tie to regret? We just happened to see a wonderful performance, so after he eradicated some werewolves, we will take action to deal with Xiao Tie, and it won't make him have any fatal misunderstanding of our appearance."

"But if we wait any longer, I'm afraid we will miss the opportunity. After all, the general means to let us seriously injure Xiao Tie, and then pave the way for the rest of his actions. At present, as far as we know, Xiao Tie's ability seems to have recovered, so even if the three of us deal with him, we may not have any chance of winning."

"So, do you mean to borrow Tongshou's hand to deal with Xiao Tie?"

"Yes, only by contacting this person can we really pose any threat to Xiao Tie, otherwise we will die. Maybe we are not worth Xiao Tie at all."

Wow, three figures suddenly rose together and swept into the field. The joining of the three of them immediately attracted the attention of a large number of wolves. When a group of wolf warriors saw the arrival of reinforcements, they turned their heads and rushed to the three people.

Light sword, wind blade, Thunderbolt leg, pipa palm, three people showed their ability, the attack power unfolded, and dozens of wolves were killed in an instant,

But more wolves have always been staring at the killing, because his threat is the greatest, so as long as the killing is solved, these three people can easily solve it.

The wolves around the killing seem to be gradually increasing. After all, the wolves have a strong force in the mountains in this area, so in response, in the whining of several male wolves, countless wolf reinforcements suddenly poured in from the mountains on all sides.

In this way, hundreds of wolves were surrounded again before and after the killing,

Roared, a giant wolf with two heights roared from the distance, and his sharp claws grabbed the killing door.

Under this heavy blow, the momentum was great, and the surrounding space was oppressed, and a huge mountain-like wolf claw fell from the sky and roared down.

The claw edge flashes faintly,

After killing, he gritted his teeth, and his body suddenly rose. He punched the wolf claw above his head. After a roar, he saw the head of the killing splashing blood, and the wolf claw also seemed to collapse a few claw bones.

The bright red wolf meat is exposed, and the blood is flowing down the fingers,

Wet the ground for a while,

A blood pool is formed in the low dust.

The blood angered the wolf, and more wolves shouted crazily and surged from all sides.

All of them are fierce and come crazily,

But the killing did not show any fear, and two pairs of iron arms stretched out from the back again,

thick as an arm, three feet long,

The hammer head of the arm has five steel bones. Such a steel arm can not only attack from far, but also turn a knife into a fist. Therefore, the attacking enemies are scared for a moment.