Young Knife God

Chapter 202 Tsunami

Boom, smashed the skull of the giant wolf with one punch, chopped the leg bone of the wind wolf with another palm knife, and then swept it out and smashed the side bone of a wolf. For a while, he killed one after another and killed the wolves around him. However, unlike before, he was mainly killing and no longer took the wolf's life, so in this way, he often Disintegrate the offensive of an adult male wolf in one and a half moves,

The result is that a large number of disabled wolves, either lacking arms or legs. These wolves have lost their combat effectiveness after being seriously injured, but their howling attracts more wolves to rescue, so the wolf's heart is in turmoil for a moment.

Half an hour later, a wall of wolf corpses two meters high and three meters wide was built around the killing.

At this moment, the wolves had no fighting spirit, howled and retreated one after another. Even the seriously injured wolves fell to the ground no longer care about it, so they fled one after another.

Two people stand side by side on the mountain in the distance,

A yellow-haired and blue-eyed young man said to the silver-clothed and black-haired young man beside him, "Your Highness, do you think we can use this person?"

Prince Figo looked up at the sky, sighed and asked, "How many of the most loyal warriors in the empire?"

The yellow-haired young man looked at the prince in surprise and thought about it and said, "There are 12 warriors in the list. This kill ranks seventh, but it is the strongest one."

"Oh, why is his combat power so strong, so what about the first?"

The prince's smile is full, and there seems to be a few heroic and calm in the corners of his eyes.

"It is because of his strong will to fight, far more than ordinary people, so for such a person, if he is not smashed, he will definitely fight unremittingly until he kills more and stronger enemies, or makes the enemy forget and has to retreat. Maybe today's battle is a good battle. Example, "

"Rainaud, do you know why I want the general's people to fight with the generals?"

Although the ninth warrior around the Reno Demon Emperor is ranked after the general killing, his strength cannot be underestimated. He has always been deeply appreciated by the Demon Emperor and sent him to the prince's side to protect the safety of His Royal Highness. "

"This subordinate doesn't know anything, but this time it seems that the emperor is very concerned about this emerging teenager. Maybe he saw the amazing force of the teenager with his own eyes in the general's mansion, so this time he asked us to go out for a few moments to explore the real strength of the teenager, but now it seems Although he killed all the wolves for us, this boy was very calm. At this time, he did not come forward. It seems that he is very calm. If he can be used for me in the future, it will be a blessing of the empire.

"Yes, the teenager's strength is indeed extraordinary, but his father is concerned about the astrolabe and two dragon balls in his body. According to his own eyes that day, the teenager opened the sunset crossbow dozens of times in one breath. You know, this crossbow was used by his father several times hundreds of years ago, but with his father's skills, he actually He only pulled it three times in half an hour, but in contrast, the teenager's arm strength was amazing. He actually pulled it up effortlessly and pulled more than 20 times in one breath. As expected, this magic power is unparalleled in the world. It seems that the only person who can restrain this teenager is to kill him. Oh, these two are chess opponents and will meet good talents. Ah, but the emperor also told us not to hurt him, "

"You mean that since we can't hurt him, we have to explore his real strength, which doesn't seem easy to do." Figo walked a few steps gently, lowered his head and meditated for a moment before saying, "If that's the case, let me deal with him in person. This crazy guy must have amazing means, so even if it is a general killing, it is inevitable that he will be hurt. Oh, but I am free to receive and will not be like this crazy guy. Fight to the end, "

"Your Highness, what should we do to attract this boy?"

Figo thought for a moment before saying, "This seems easy to do. Tomorrow we will pretend to be a group of robbers in the nearby official road, and he will definitely pass by from now on. If he refuses to take action, we will force him to take action."

"Haha, that's great. It seems that's the only way."


Crazy night, a night of breeze blowing wild flowers,

The fragrance of flowers and plants in this valley is mixed with the smoke-like flame, which is particularly eye-gracing.

Xiao Tie didn't sleep all night because he was refining the stunt he had learned in a closed room.

Wow, after he rushed forward, his body quickly circled in place, and then slowly fell down.

A red glimmer flew out of his hand, like a firefly light that penetrated to a pine branch less than 50 steps away,

There is a red lantern hanging on the branch of this pine branch. This blue flame accurately hit the head,

Boom, the whole lantern turned into ashes in an instant,

When it dissipated with the wind, Xiao Tie slowly calmed down the residual flame in his heart and swallowed the galloping flame of the world back into his stomach.

The red fireball crossed the distant sky,

Then another one, the third, the fourth, a series of fireballs running in a circle above Xiao Tie's head like beads,

The first of these beads are the size of a fist, and the whole body is blue, spiraling around Xiao Tie's body,

Gradually, a blue flame emanated from the beads and slowly connected into a fire ring. The blazing light rose to the sky, and the power of the fire light pushed out was amazing. Booming, Xiao Tie's living alone in the middle of the mountain where he was located was instantly blown off the roof, pushing away the doors and windows, and a purple tree in the yard was also In an instant, all the green leaves were lost and turned into a dead wood.

Xiao Tieyan saw that the blue flame was indeed extremely powerful, and he was excited, but when he saw that its destructive power could turn these purple trees that had grown for more than a hundred years into dead wood, he was heartbroken for a moment and couldn't help shouting,

"Oh, my God, is this what I made? It's almost the same as demolishing a house. If you continue to practice like this, I'm afraid there will be no more suitable houses on this mountain, he laughed at himself.

The yard was not too big. The movement just now obviously shocked several mercenaries who were working outside. Several mercenaries quickly ran over and were stunned for a moment when they saw the scene in front of them.

Xiao Tie smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, it's okay. Let's go back and have a rest. Oh, I accidentally caught fire. Oh, it seems that we are going to change my residence tonight."

For goodly, those mercenaries were clever and had heard of all kinds of abnormalities on Xiao Tie, so it was not surprising to see the scene in front of them, but they were a little surprised by the terrible destructive power.

Several people left quickly while talking to each other,

"Hey, Ma Si, you didn't see that Xiao Tie's clothes were burned out. I think it must be a fire of desire when he was sleeping, which caused a fire. Hey, "A bad smile on his face was immediately slapped by his companions to whisper,

"Nonsense, everyone was blind just now. The golden light that burst out of his room was really terrible. It seemed to destroy the whole house in an instant. This power is really the only one I have seen in my life, right?"

"Haha, Boss Xiao's magic skill doesn't seem to be ranked first much,"

: "Humph, what are you talking about? If he is the first, what's the first one? A faint figure appeared behind everyone,

Several mercenaries felt that the situation was wrong and drew their swords one after another, but when they were halfway through the swords, they were gently waved by a pair of powerful hands and swept by a black light. Several people fell to the ground as if they were hit hard.

I didn't even have time to hum, so I fell to the ground,

The air instantly becomes quiet like a night,

The eyes radiated a terrible luster, looking straight at Xiao Tie, who was packing in the house,

Xiao Tie's red back suddenly burned like electricity, and immediately became aware of it. His body moved like a rabbit. His feet kicked on the wall and swept back like an arrow. He drew his sword in mid-air and stabbed a sword into the throat.

The sword light flashes blue, and the light is faintly blue. In this **, it is particularly eye-catching,

Bo, the man in black punched together and abruptly docked with the blue flame,

Boom, the blue flame exploded in the fist, bursting out a mass of light the size of a human head,

But the dazzling light disappeared in an instant,

Next, it was the man in black who strode towards Xiao Tie. He took a step by step, but before he arrived, he punched the door,

Xiao Tie already guessed his identity at the moment he punched,

Kill, this empire is known as the seventh master, but the actual combat power is not too much.

He is cold-blooded, cruel, calm and brave to persist.

If you can't beat it, you won't die,

But he has a disadvantage, that is, he can't stand others saying that he is better than himself. He has a competitive heart,

Once the attack occurs, even the brother will have to make bile to taste it.

Xiao Tie's palm knife stood, and it was also like a sweeping sweep like mountains and seas,

With a roar, the head-on punch hit this [a magnificent tsunami,

Boom, countless water flowers turn into a mass of fog, lingering,

Covered by the fog, the two figures separated, closed and separated, and after the shadow of the sword flashed,

Finally calmed down,

But in front of people are two smiling people, standing facing each other, with no murderous spirit between the corners of their eyes, leaving only a faint smile,

"What a strong fist, the wonderful use of this mountain tsunami is actually a wonderful trick that I have been thinking about for decades, but I am not as good as you." Tong Killing with a simple smile,

Watch Xiao Tie's performance seriously and show him,

At this moment, they became close friends. Such a strong contrast change actually stunned several people in black outside the venue.