Young Knife God

Chapter 224 Life and Death

Xiao Tie was extremely angry for a moment and said that he could not correct it. I'm afraid that the hundreds of cavalry behind him will lose more than half of it.

The heart was horizontal, and the magic knife in his hand cut a flame, and the black light soared in the air in an instant, and then cut down heavily and violently.

With a bang, it hit its back,

This blow was too tragic, and a deep bone-to-bone scar was cut out behind the monster, and the blood cooed out. For a moment, the monster let out a sharp cry.

The body retreated rapidly and seemed to want to escape, but Xiao Tie's move was successful and his moves were continuous. For a moment, the knife light was like a smoke chain, and he kept chasing and killing him.

For a moment, the monster screamed repeatedly, and the scars on his body kept appearing, and new wounds kept appearing in his body.

The monster fled cleanly in a blink of an eye, and the scene was still full of danger, and it was as calm as before in an instant.

Xiao Tie seemed to be unwilling to follow, but he stopped Tuba and Tocia.

"Big Xiao,"

"Brother Xiao, don't chase it. It will be dangerous to chase it any more."

With the two people's abruptly blocking the road, Xiao Tie was also happy to take a break. After all, he still knows the truth that he can't chase. After all, these high-level warcraft attack capabilities are outstanding. Once there is a bloody fight, I'm afraid that he won't take advantage of it.

"Fuck, this monster is really a pervert. As soon as it appeared, it sprayed fire on the brothers. Fortunately, Boss Xiao injured it, otherwise we would be in danger."

Fang Qing, a disciple of the Dulong School, who had been standing behind Xiao Tie to observe the whole process, suddenly stood up, stood behind Xiao Tie and quietly said, "Mr. Xiao, our Dulong School has a skill of killing dragons. I don't know if Boss Xiao has seen it. If Boss Xiao wants to learn, let me demonstrate it."

This young man in black is only two meters tall, but his figure is far stronger than ordinary people, so he waved his fists and walked around with a sharp spirit, roaring,

Boom, a tight sound of air machine breaking through the air came, which surprised everyone,

Turn a few lightning-like lights, then gather all the light into one place, and then split it down from the top,

Boom, a violent gas explosion exploded,

For some reason, a huge stone under his feet exploded and broke into countless fragments.

Xiao Tie couldn't help but talk slightly,

Dragon Slayer, indeed, has a good hand,

He looked at it and asked, "So what do you want in exchange?"

"If Mr. Xiao can consider it, give us the treasure you get."

After Fang Qing said a word, the mercenaries behind Xiao Tie made discontented one after another.

"Fuck, I want to share the baby. There is no way. It's really too much with this magic skill in my hand."

"Yes, these people take themselves too seriously. After all, these people's skills are only equivalent to middle-level strength. They don't have the ability to kill warcraft, but they have to share a cup of ointment, which is really abominable."

I heard a harsh scolding from the mercenaries around me,

Fang Qing's face suddenly changed, and he glanced at everyone like a wolf and said, "Well, although this dragon-killing skill is only a middle-level magic skill, it is a secret skill of my unique dragon door, and it is rarely spread to outsiders. Now the five of us have taken out this treasure selflessly and shared it in order to get the baby. Humph, I am not grateful. Well, those who want to dismantle the stage will come up and compare with our brothers to see if the dragon-slaying skill is worth the price, "

He looked horizontally and glanced at everyone present, but the mercenary team seemed quiet. Everyone glanced at the two with strange eyes and evaluated the victory or defeat.

"Is there really no one? Some unconvinced brothers, please stand up. We Dulongmen like some powerful people as friends. If no one dares to stand up, are you all soft bones?"

This sentence is enough to hurt everyone's self-esteem,

Soft bone,

"Who are you talking about?" Before the end of a sentence, a thin figure flashed and swept into the circle.

The fearless eyes look at the doormen of the Dulong faction,

"Young man, you are too thin. Go back and change to a little physique." Seeing the young man in front of him, Fang Jie was speechless for a moment, and the corners of his eyes were a little disdainful. After all, it is not easy for such a courageous person to appear in the talented mercenary brigade, but the person in front of him is really Too thin and weak, maybe you can't beat your own fist attack,

If such a battle takes place between two disproportionate people, he would rather not quit the battle,

Because not bullying the weak has always been one of the rules of the Dulong School,

"So you look down on me, so let me show you the stone strength."

The young man straightened his chest,

The muscles on the body immediately shifted, and the bonesy chest muscles immediately soared like gas, and one arm was several times thicker than before.

Arms open, two laps, three laps,,,,,,

Each round, the arm will be thick. After more than a dozen rounds, the arm of the thin young man has changed dramatically.

It's a little thicker than the waist,

In the nearly transparent skin, there is a white** flowing, and the bones and blood vessels are clearly visible.

A series of pale fighting spirits scattered from the fingers like a stream of white smoke, spreading a light and strange smell.

Hey, he jumped high, and when he fell again, his fist was already aimed at a black stone under his feet.

Boom, a punch fell with lightning,

Son of a sudden, a spark exploded along his arms,

Boom, a pale white flour-like stone foam rose under his fist,

The smoke floats around the body, roars, and a series of gas explosions around him. Around the young man's body, there are several purple smoke like fireworks eggs.

As he slowly collected his work, these purple stone spirits were slowly absorbed into his body.

Slowly, the skin has returned to its previous color,

In addition to the slightly thick arm, there is no other abnormality. The vigorous collapse of the stone is really extraordinary.


In the face of such a powerful attack skill, everyone was shocked. After all, in the eyes of everyone at this moment, this stone-shattering boxing skill is just a primary attacker, but such a low-level attack skill can have such a great attack power, which is really embarrassing.

"What's your name?"


"Okay, you can be my opponent. Have you decided to fight?"

"Yes, please make a move. I will definitely let you taste my strength,"

Joseph looked at his opponent with a sneer,

The two people's faces lost their smile in an instant. They looked at each other and slowly entered a state of war. Xiao Tie couldn't help nodding and looked at the two slowly swimming bodies. With the appearance of a fighting rooster, there was also a burst of excitement in his heart.

Huh, Fang Jie finally couldn't help taking the lead. A dragon jumped ten feet and flew five feet high. When he fell, his palm drew a white light, faintly forming an air wave hovering overhead, and his body disappeared into this energy, falling like a dragon.

Boom, cut off with a palm knife and cut the throat heavily,

Joseph didn't expect that at this time, the enemy would be so desperate. As soon as he took action, he hummed for a moment, and a silver light in his hand was drawn, abruptly facing the opponent's fierce dragon-killer.

Two powerful streams collided in the air, and after a loud noise, a quiet scene appeared in front of everyone. The two people's two hands were tightly glued together. Fang Jie's palms were imprinted on the opponent's chest, and Joseph's single palms were also printed on Jie's forehead, bombarded, and his body The electric flower shines, and the two of them tried their best as soon as they took action. No one was willing to take half a step back. In this way, the palms of the two sides, the body to the body, the strength of the body and limbs have been exerted to the extreme.

Zi, a burst of electric current surged through their bodies, and their faces were somewhat distorted. A nosebleed flowed out of Fang Jie's nostrils and slowly dyed his clothes red, and Joseph was not much better. With the other party's powerful attack, the flesh and bones on their bodies shrank little by little, and their breathing became embarrassed.

Okay, you are cruel. The two of them look at each other with hostility,

No one wants to let go first,

Boom, a flame of war ignited. At this time, Xiao Tie stood in front of them, as big as a demon god, horrible,

Boom, he stepped forward and squeezed into the middle of the two, and a big hand hit the gap between them.

"Let go, "He shouted loudly, and a black light shines in the space,

Countless black breath rushed down like a long river, hitting him in the chest, and another huge flame hit him.

Under the attack of this horrible black flame, the two separated their bodies, fell more than a dozen steps left and one right, and sat on the ground with one buttocks, unable to speak for a long time.

Just look at Xiao Tie, as if they are two cockfights who have not won or lose.

Xiao Tie ignored the eyes of the two of them and smiled indifferently, "You two are tied. You don't have to compare. You are both brothers. If you hurt your harmony because of this, it will be very inconvenient." His smile was very infectious. In just a short time, it made several people feel a kind of spring-like warmth and concern. < /P>

For a moment, the two looked at each other and smiled, no longer arguing,

Xiao Tie patted Joseph's shoulder and whispered, "Although your fist strength is good, your endurance is not enough. If you continue to stalemate with Fang Jie, I'm afraid it will be you who will suffer losses." After listening to Xiao Tie's words, Joseph couldn't help patting his forehead and admiring, "Yes, I know this is difficult, but I have been unable to get out. Thank you for saving me. If you don't do it, I'm afraid I'll really die under his palm. After all, his palm hit my heart, and it's my most vulnerable place."

Joseph recalled the dangers just now and couldn't help shaking his head.