Young Knife God

Chapter 225 Realm

Joseph showed his strength. On the surface, he was evenly divided, but in fact he fell down. Fang Qing said with a sneer:

"Friend, you should have a new understanding of our single dragon faction after my secret, right?"

Joseph said with an unconvinced face: "Although the Dulong School has some outstanding features, it does not mean that everyone is so excellent, so I still dare not compliment your level." His words made Fang Qing's face sink again, and the men and women behind Fang Qing also cast resentful eyes on him.

The old man behind Fang Qing roared and finally came to the front of everyone,

After clearing his throat, he said slowly, "Several, you may have overlooked one thing, that is, the underestimation of physical strength. Although the mainstream of the mainland is ranked by the god of knives, in fact, we have some divisions of physical realms in the gas refining world. You know, the physical realm is also a very profound realm. , it is divided into six levels. One is the body. The symbol of strength is that it can smash big stones with the power of one punch. This realm is not difficult to reach. Many people here can easily reach this primary realm, but the second level is much more difficult. The second is called the god. To reach this state, you need to vaporize the true gas in the body. In essence, between waving, you can take people's lives. The third level is called Feidu, which means that people who reach this level can easily complete the art of flying in the air with physical strength, while the fourth level is much higher. This weight is called bone shrinkage. People who reach this level can complete bones in a very short time. The transformation and compression of the skeleton to enhance explosive power. The fifth realm is the beast transformation, transforming the beast shape in the body into an entity and fighting in the original shape of the beast. Only in this way can it have a devastating blow to the enemy. The highest level is the realm of ethereal. At this level, you can incarnate into the invisible and swim in heaven and earth. Meanwhile, looking at the history of the mainland, no one can achieve it. Even if someone barely reaches the knife god period, he can't reach such a deep level in the realm, let alone talk about the breakthrough in cultivation. It's really a pity. "The old man Luo Li Basso talked about this a lot of things, but Xiao Tie's face changed slightly.

The realm is something he has never heard of before. At present, when someone tells him in person, there is still a strange impulse in his heart.

Oh, the knife god, it turns out that it is not the highest level, and there is such a realm distribution. Although his own realm has not been tested, it has been subjected to beast change. It must be the so-called beast change. Such a realm is actually easy to reach for himself. I really don't know if I am a genius or something? Xiao Tie couldn't help but be proud when he thought of this.

There is a little smile between the corners of the mouth,

When Fang Xiao saw the guy opposite, he was still laughing while looking at him. He knew that he must be in YY, and he was furious for a moment.

"Well, if we don't accept it, we can fight again. If anyone loses, he will drill over from the bottom of the Lord. That's all right."

Fang Qing didn't say anything. This time, it was the slender woman who had been standing behind him.

She is called Fang Xiao. Although she started on the same day, her cultivation is obviously above Fang Qing. Although she is younger than Fang Qing, her ability is far from comparable to Fang Qing.

Seeing the girl taking the initiative to fight,

Fang Qing's face was smiling or crying. He looked at Fang Xiao affectionately and said with concern, "Sister, the strength of the other party should not be underestimated, so don't be careless, otherwise, it will be very dangerous. "Before he finished his words, he heard a cold hum: "Hmm, you are growing other people's ambition to destroy themselves. Her majestic style, "Her words were a little sharp, which made Fang Qing a little unable to hang on his face. At this time, dignity seemed to be a piece of white paper for him.

"Qier, don't talk to the eldest brother like this. After all, he is your brother, so when he went out this time, the master also made it clear that we should listen to his command and not make trouble. If so, we will have constant trouble."

Fang smiled and stared back at the talkative Fangqing behind him. For this cousin from the same clan, his words were still a little restrictive for him.

Fang Xiao turned his eyes to Joseph opposite, as if with a disdainful expression,

Joseph is in a dilemma for a while. If he fights, I'm afraid he has little chance of winning, but if he doesn't fight, he will lose his reputation and make people laugh. In this way, he really can't advance or retreat.

Xiao Tie saw his embarrassment and smiled indifferently, "Joseph has just fought for a while and is tired, so if the girl has to fight, let me pick up your high move."

After listening to Xiao Tie's words, everyone was surprised and gathered around. Although Xiao Tie's cultivation has always been not bad, the winning or losing of the fight is not the focus of attention, but because of fighting with a beautiful girl, the content is still quite interesting,

"Haha, our boss Xiao is going to take action again. His stunt just now is very powerful. If it is used to attack his opponent, it will be extremely ornamental."

"Yes, if Boss Xiao is willing to take action, this little girl must have lost. I bet that a hundred gold coins will be soon, oh, "a short mercenary made a big deal and let everyone pay for a while,

"Sura, you are really good at doing business. You have to gamble on this barren land. Yesterday, I lost all my money to you. Today, I really don't have money*. If you want *, use this golden machete on my body for 100 gold coins. What do you think?"

While talking, he took out a big golden knife from behind and put it in front of him, 100 gold coins,

For a moment, there was a lot of cheering, and all the people took out their pockets one after another. This fifty, that hundred, soon, Sura's face was full of all kinds of treasures and gold coins,

At this time, Xiao Tie and Fang Xiao had already entered a state of war. Originally, Fang Xiao wanted to beat Joseph to vent his anger for Fang Qing, but he didn't expect Xiao Tie to take the initiative to take over. In the face of this unfathomable teenager, his heart was uncertain.

But once you enter the state of war, you can no longer worry so much. You can simply take a punch first, and a flying dragon storm from the top of your head.

The petite figure turns into a light and shadow in the sun, and the speed is incredible. Her body turns into a dragon shape. If there is a dazzling fireworks between her fists and flames,

The sound of dragon roaring faintly came from the flow of the body,

All four were shocked for a moment, and this girl's cultivation is obviously more profound than what everyone sees.

Xiao Tie's inner disk flowed and rotated, and a black flame hovered above his head, forming a shield to block the attack wave that was about to be destroyed.

Boom, a heavy blow hit the shield, and the shield immediately opened violently. At the same time as the light shield was fierce, Xiao Tie's body turned into a green light and rushed up. His big hand stretched out and grabbed Fang Xiao's neck.

Fang Xiao won a blow. He thought that his opponent was bound to be hit hard, but to her surprise, the enemy abandoned his shield at this time and grabbed himself with his backhand. In this way, he could not dodge, only to shrink his bones.

It turns out that her realm is actually the realm of bone shrinkage. In this realm, it is divided into junior high school and senior high school. Although she is now in the early stage of the realm of bone contraction, in fact, her strength is still lacking, which is not enough to compete with Xiao Tie.

This hand capture method came very fast, and seemed to grab the back of her head in an instant. At this time, her body actually shrank her head into her body like a turtle, forming a faint ball of light on the surface of her body, and a gust of wind-like escape.

Xiao Tie grabbed and fell empty, but touched the edge of the light ball. He slipped in his hand for a moment. The ball actually had a magical power that could completely empty his power.

One move failed, and the sphere flew away,

This surprised Xiao Tie. Could it be that this state of bone shrinking really has such a detached ability?

In the midst of thinking, the light ball flew back again and turned into a sword, pointing straight to Xiao Tie's eyebrows.

This blow came suddenly, quickly and fiercely,

Even after the capture and failure just now, the momentum of attack and defense has changed. This eyebrow has always been the fate of the practitioner. Once attacked, even if there is a strong local atmosphere, it is difficult to resist.

Only defeat,

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Tie became extremely dangerous. As soon as the girl took action, she seemed to kill him.

His life is not so easy to take. Xiao Tie rose up with his power, and there was a faint black atmosphere in his body, which disappeared in an instant, like a smoke