Young Knife God

Chapter 226 Spiritual Pearl

A pearl appeared in her palm,

Boomed, the palm of her hand, and the pearl immediately turned into thousands of powerful lights and flew up, and hit it down with excitement.

Bounded around Xiao Tie's body,

After the tragic burst, countless wisteria were entangled on the ground. These wisteria were demonic, and countless murders appeared as soon as they appeared. For a moment, Xiao Tie's body was covered with plants, and countless purple vines climbed up, like countless arms flying in the air.

"Thousand-armed wisteria!" Xiao Tie panicked. He didn't expect that there was such an evil thing in this woman's hand, and he was fierce. As soon as he made a move, he would kill himself.

"Humph, you woke up too late. You should know that my purple vine is a thousand-year magic barrier. Although it has fallen into my hands, it has been rarely used. Now I take this thing out to deal with you and let you know my strength."

In the conversation and laughter, Xiao Tie's body swept up like an arrow, and the silver light in his hand swept away. After several times of killing, he cut several vines sealed above his head. His body method changed repeatedly, and he actually rose to a hundred steps high.

The residual smoke followed the shadow, and with the spitting between the flowers, it kept approaching Xiao Tie's body one after another.

A choking fragrance penetrated straight into the nostrils, making Xiao Tie scold several times in a row,

"This monster is really terrible. Even the flowers on the vine are so strange. If this flower flutters down, I'm afraid we really have no way to escape."

A strong excitement surged up at the bottom of his heart, and Xiao Tie's eyes suddenly turned a little fearing green.

The star disk in the body is running crazily, and a beam of flames spewed out, reflecting a bright sky and earth,

Outside his body, five transparent air barriers were formed in a row to protect his body inside,

The knife in his hand burst out and killed the horrible vines that were tracked one after another,

After an ups and down, his figure fell again, but changed to another posture.

Head and lower legs,

The legs spiral, constantly rotating, and a white blade appears on the head, cut from top to bottom,

The target was facing the bottom of Fang Xiao. Fang Xiao's face changed greatly. He just hit it with all, but it didn't work at all. Instead, he lost all his internal strength. At present, he saw that Xiao Tie's powerful attack was about to be destroyed. Then he thought of escaping, but his body seemed to be blocked, and even the power to escape was completely gone. ,

Boarding, several strong gas explosions bombarded from top to bottom. Each bombardment made Fang Xiao's body tremble,

As her body becomes smaller. When it shrank into a ball again, the bombardment really stopped.

Xiao Tie, with a sunny smile, stood beside Fang Xiao, who shrank into a meat @ group, and whispered softly, "Fang Xiao, you have lost. Now you should be convinced. Although the children of the Dulong School are extraordinary, their cultivation is still worse than mine, so you'd better restrain yourself. ,”

Listening to Xiao Tie's words, a faint smile flashed on her face, as if responding to Xiao Tie's mockery,

"Master Xiao, if you underestimate our Dulong faction like this, it's your fault. After all, our Dulong faction has existed in the mainland for thousands of years, so the masters in the faction are not as bad as you think."

Fang Qing's dissatisfaction,

Just now, he used the dragon-killing skill to show the super martial arts skills of the Dulong School. Unexpectedly, this dragon-killing skill did not attract Xiao Tie's interest at all. On the contrary, it made the other party have a connoy look at the Dulong School. In this way, it really embarrassed him.

Xiao Tie glanced blankly at the forest behind him. At this time, a white smoke permeated the forest. Xiao Tie glanced into the forest and slowly said, "Below is an excellent skill field. We divided into two groups and entered the forest in an hour to see who can hunt it. The most Warcraft shows that the strength of the other party is stronger. Is that good? Xiao Tie heard the indignation in Fang Qing's words and knew that he would never admit defeat like this. He simply let go to the forest and fight might convince the other party.

Sure enough, Fang Qing listened, nodded and said in a loud voice, "Okay, I will promise on behalf of the children of our Dulong School. This forest is not small, so let's go into the forest and experience the fun of hunting."

Before the words were finished, the group rushed to the forest. When Xiao Tie saw it, he couldn't help smiling bitterly, exerting his strength, and then rushed away like an arrow. Behind him, two dark shadows chased him.

"Hey, Boss Xiao, wait, since we are in a team, we can't be without them," and the two figures soared out,

One is Tuba, and the other is Tocia. There is a person in the distance who chased after him.

"And me, hey," the two looked back and saw that it was Joseph. Several people looked at each other and smiled. There were four of them on this side, and eight on the other side. Fortunately, the four people around Xiao Tie were not bad, so they may not lose with a pair of two.

The fog in the forest slowly dispersed with the wind. Seeing the black flame slowly light up in the depths of the forest, several people quickly approached the black flame, but found that on the black flame, there were three huge black bears sitting around, and the black flame in the middle of the three black bears turned out to be a spiritual bead. It is thought that the black bear monster has practiced in this mountain for many years and actually practiced the spiritual pearl. At this moment, the spiritual pearl flew up and down among the three people and shined. Xiao Tie didn't expect to be so lucky. As soon as he came in, he encountered such a good thing. He did not hesitate to fly to the black bear present, 50 steps away from which was high. The jump,

Gently jump over the top of a scarlet tree, stand on one foot and look around,

The forest is quiet and terrible at this moment, but the ensuing rustling sound attracted the attention of the black bear monster. Roared, a black bear roared and turned around, but it was almost opposite Tubal and Tocia who came later.

The Xinman in the black bear's eyes is staggered,

Roared, a violent roar swung away from the forest. The black bear monster stood up and looked five meters tall. Fortunately, these two bold guys were able to stop, otherwise they would hit the black bear's belly like a bullet.

Wow, the black bear turned around violently and slapped the two of them like lightning. The majestic palm was like a surging country, swinging all over. Huh, a nearby space was almost distorted by this force. The edge of the space was under its powerful wave, blooming a beautiful flame, red, purple, cyan, black Color, and white, the brilliance of five flames slowly rose in his palm,

Wow, the giant bear's palm split, and the two avoided it in time. The power of the palm hit the air and hit a hundred-year-old tree behind him. With a bang, the palm fell deep into the trunk. Seeing a black flame rise, the old tree broke from it and divided into two.

When the old tree fell, the huge shock wave shook the ground,

Seeing such a scene, the two were almost stunned. Their bodies flashed and swept up the treetops one after another. They dared not take a step closer to the black bear.

Xiao Tie stood on the treetops alone, put his hands together, and a blue light ignited in the palm of his hand, which was particularly eye-catching.

Boom, the giant bear bombarded the trunk like crazy. With the giant bear's paw, the trunk broke, the black light overflowed, and the black light rose up, which made everyone extremely horrible for a moment.

Only two of the three bears surrounded, and the remaining one is still carefully guarding the spiritual bead. You should know that this spirit bead is condensed by the aura in the body before the black bear's elixir. It is the size of a human head, the center is liquid, and the outer layer is a white film, and the outermost layer is completely burning gas. Like a big fireball, burning brightly,