Young Knife God

Chapter 244 Dragon Hunting

After listening to Ralph's words, Yuefeng said coldly, "These things are all decorations for dragons. After all, dragons are much more flexible than eagles, and their attack sensitivity is much higher, so they will still suffer from the fight."

Laff asked, "So, what are you going to do?"

After listening to Ralph's words, Yuefeng pondered for a moment and said, "In fact, the most effective weapon against dragons is flying thunderstones. These flying thunderstones have been produced very little since ancient times. Some people say that the origin of thunderstones is in the far east, but I found his place of production in Ozawa in the west, and in my pocket Just prepare some. As long as the dragon shows up, I will use these thunderstones to bombard me fiercely. As long as I see these thunderstones, these strange dragons will restrain a little. If they don't refuse to retreat, I will use more powerful amethyst crossbows to deal with it. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard the name of amethyst crossbow. After all, this kind of magic weapon-level crossbow has not been seen on the mainland for a long time.

So almost everyone was shocked when they heard the moon wind say something about the amethyst crossbow.

The amethyst crossbow is said to be made of ancient magic crystal nuclei, and the crossbow string made of Tianxuan crystal silk. With such a powerful combination, the arrows launched are so powerful that they can often shoot a magic eagle in a space 30,000 meters away.

However, 3,000 years ago, the last young master Ji San, who appeared with an amethyst crossbow, died after a comparison with others, and the best work in this magic world disappeared.

But what I didn't expect was that 3,000 years later, I would say this from the mouth of such a half-human and half-demon person, so it surprised everyone here for a moment.

"Well, it seems that you have heard of the amethyst crossbow. In fact, there are many theories about the whereabouts of this crossbow. Interestingly, this crossbow really exists in my body, connected with my flesh and blood, but a pure and kind human girl, just to get a magic weapon, and was killed like this?"

Moon wind pointed to his almost horrible face, and this semi-xu hua face showed a light cyan luster in the sun,

The shining early morning, such a beautiful and warm morning,

When Xiao Tie was drowsy and heard about the amethyst crossbow, his mood completely became as if he had been ignited.

He looked around and looked back at the moon wind carefully again, but found the problem.

Half of the face of the moon wind is hidden in a nihilistic light, making the whole body talk dim,

The white dress is about to fly, like a white dream,

"Is this world-famous crossbow really in your body?"

Xiao Tie pointed to the body of the moon wind, and his eyes flowed, as if he had seen a crossbow shadow, as if it was shining in the moon wind's body.

Yuefeng smiled glancholy and said, "Fifty years ago, on my way to Western Daze, I met a group of robbers unexpectedly. These robbers took a fancy to my beauty and wanted to rob me up the mountain. I had no choice but to go up the mountain with them. They wanted to bully me, but they did not succeed under my strong resistance, so With their anger, they destroyed half of my face and threw me into a debris room. I stayed in this room for ten days. Within ten days, I found this amethyst crossbow. It seemed to have been pressed on the grass by me, but I accidentally found that it would shine, so I was curious and took it from the ground. I dug it out, but I didn't expect that it was actually a crossbow. I was very happy. On the same day, I took this crossbow, shot the door with one arrow, and then shot down their leaders with another arrow,,,,, hey, hey, in short, I was happy that day. I killed all the day and night, used up all the arrows, and then burned the mountain with a fire. The house just went down the mountain with this crossbow, but I didn't expect anything to happen. One morning, I found that this crossbow had melted into my body, as if I had the same heart. After that, I took this crossbow and began to take revenge. "I was fascinated by her words. It was not until it was getting late that I went back with her.

After this conversation, the two of us have become friends who talk about nothing.

"Moon shadow, can't this crossbow really be taken out in your heart?" I am concerned,

"Yes, not only can't be taken out, but it also poisons my health all the time. Now you can see that my body is extremely weak. Maybe after this war, I will die, but if I die, the amethyst crossbow transformed into essence in my body will be entrusted to you," said, in her eyes Unexpectedly, tears gushed out,

I know it must have touched his mind,

"After this time, if we succeed in hunting dragons, I will personally send you to where you want to go, sit on my red flame ox, and travel around the world proudly. "I don't know why, my heart is moved and heartbroken,

"Oh, you are a very good person. Don't care about me. Let's take care of the sister who came with you. It seems that she has fallen in love with you. If you don't love her well, I'm afraid you will lose a happy marriage.


Unconsciously, three days have passed. In these three days, the magic dragon has never come.

This is strange. Obviously, the magic dragon that will come once in the first day has changed its rules. This is really abnormal.

The magic dragon doesn't come, but the training has to continue,

"Now a stone card 150 yards in front of the target shot me with an arrow. If I smash it, I can pass the level and practice a new subject, but the pass will come back." Tosia, an instructor, is not only super capable, which makes his subordinates admire, but also innovative training methods. For a while, everyone is happy. This is not tired, just like a game,

In the morning of my sleep, I felt a violent shaking of the earth, and the sound kept coming from the distance. I looked up and saw a dragon falling from the sky, with huge claws hitting the ground, and the shaking ground constantly trembling.

With a big mouth, a few flames soared, burning the whole space everywhere in an instant,

Pedestrians on the street ran around, burning, screaming and falling to the ground, quickly swallowed up by a more violent flame,

Wow, the flames are spewing constantly, and the pedestrians on the road keep falling,

The dragon is also moving step by step, and gradually coming out of our residence,

A harsh sound cut through the void. Hearing the emergency gathering, everyone in the team rushed to the scene in a very short time.

"Ruff, go and arrange the crossbow, prepare the armor-piercing arrow, and use this arrow to deal with it at close range. I believe you will definitely hurt it."

"Yes, I'll go right away," he waved his hand. Soon, a huge crossbow was ready. A huge arrow made of fine steel was stringed. As Ralph pulled it away,

The armor-piercing arrow has been on the string, aiming in the direction, and waiting for an order to be launched.

He frowned and looked at the approaching dragon. The dragon was extremely large, hundreds of meters long, his waist as thick as a few meters, and a pair of eyes as big as copper bells, shining with strange cold light. As it kept approaching, the fierce face gradually appeared in front of everyone,,,

"Escape quickly," as it kept getting closer, a member finally couldn't calm down and screamed and fled back,

The movement of his body attracted the attention of the dragon. When he opened his mouth, a flame of anger flew out and burned his body into coke.

"Arrow,!" Xiao Tie originally wanted to wait for it to get closer and fight, but when he saw that the team members had a limited ability to withstand it, he was afraid that his attack wave would be affected as the giant beast approached, so he issued an order to attack in advance.

"Whistle," the crossbow flew out of the air,

Accurately hit the armor on the abdomen of the dragon. The armor here is pale yellow, which seems to be much weaker than the scales on the back. After this arrow was shot fiercely, it actually passed through the body.

flying to infinity,

There was a huge hole in the dragon's abdomen, and with a painful howl, he turned around and flew away, and was about to escape.

"Kill it, hurry up," Xiao Tie jumped out first, and Yuefeng chased after him and pestered the giant beast.

Oh, the dragon roared, regardless of the scars on his body. The power of the mountain dissipated and shook Xiao Tie back a few steps. It was not until he was supported by a pair of gentle hands that he fell to the ground.

It was Tosia who came behind, and the dragon killed her like crazy,

The eyes are fierce and murderous,

Boom, a burst of flames spewed out of its mouth, but the distance between strength and attack was greatly reduced. It could be seen that it had no intention to fight, and its body was about to escape as soon as it turned around.

But the moon wind stopped him in time,

Boom, a knife hit its back heavily, and a horrible light and shadow appeared,

With the sound of broken scales, this knife has been cut into the dragon meat. Although the meat is not deep, it also causes great damage to the dragon.

Boom, the moon wind arched his body and instantly turned into an amethyst crossbow. The amethyst crossbow was pulled away, and an arrow shot out. Boom, the iron arrow cut through the air in the air, leaving a light flame, slowly extinguishing,

A whirlwind suddenly rose on the ground and rolled up the blue sky,

This fine steel arrow broke through the air and shot the dragon rising into the sky. The dragon let out a sad cry and fell heavily from mid-air. One-third of his body was shot by this arrow.

The purple dragon blood surged out,

Moisturizes the earth,

"Oh," the dragon screamed again. He didn't care about it. With an injury, he left the other half of his body and fled in confusion.

Xiao Tie's eyes flashed with a sneer and muttered, "You run fast. If it's slower, I'll peel your skin."