Young Knife God

Chapter 245 Black Light

Xiao Tie let the dragon escape and did not chase it. The black light superior smiled strangely and said, "No one wants such a good magic crystal. It seems that I am the only one." After saying that, he left like lightning.

The speed is amazing. At a glance, you can see that you are going to take the dragon to get the magic crystal.

The magic crystals in the dragon's body are generally extremely expensive and priceless. Xiao Tie didn't expect that the black light superior would do such a thing. For a moment, he was anxious. Thinking that the dragon might fall into the hands of these people, he was also anxious. Originally, he wanted to release the dragon and let it leave safely, but he didn't expect it. Yes, at this moment, two figures flashed behind him, and two figures shot out like arrows and chased after them.

Don't ask these two are Zidian Taoist and Feiyun monks,

The three monks, Taoism and customs are mixed in one place and are in collusion, which really opened everyone's eyes.

However, Xiao Tie was also shocked when he saw them leave. Although the dragon was injured and left, it was not necessarily decadent to the point of being bullied.

But Xiao Tiexin was uneasy, so he quietly followed him

Sure enough, after turning over a hill, Xiao Tie saw a surprising scene in front of him. The dragon's body was blown into two pieces and had lost the ability to fly and could only hover at low altitude.

The three villains chased closely, inspired several treasures from their pockets from time to time, and attacked the dragon together. The scales of the dragon were suddenly punctured several places and howared for a moment, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not escape the pursuit of the dragon.

"Hey, brothers, I can't pull this giant dragon. Hey, I used a little strength. As a result, it, not to mention magic crystals, even the dragon blood and dragon meat will be sold for tens of thousands of gold coins. Ha, buddy can be regarded as sent today,"

The excitement of the black light,

Zidian real person sent out a flying sword and flew to the fleeing dragon and said, "It's okay, but this guy is too big. Even if we want to kill it, it's not easy to do. After all, this guy's flight speed is still not low."

The monk Feiyun smiled treacherously and said, "I'm afraid of a bird. I have always used a ox knife to kill chickens. Naturally, I will use a dragon knife to kill dragons. Hey," he laughed and took out a pedicure knife from his arms. Although this knife is small, it is heroic. He sacrificed in the air and suddenly gave birth to thousands of colorful lights and a dazzling knife. The light escaped from this colorful light,

He cut to the dragon, and there were several more scars on the dragon's body. He was struggling to escape. Suddenly, he saw a pedicure knife above, which quickly became bigger and became a ghost knife, swinging from top to bottom. At this time, his nerves were suddenly tightened and his heart was sad.

After this dragon roar, a purple glow appeared on the surface of its body, quickly filling the gap in the vacuum in the body. A full dragon gas boiled up and turned into a knife light in the air, roaring against the knife light.

Boom, a violent gas explosion came from above, and in a blink of an eye, it scattered around with the dragon's body as the core,

Boom, an invisible energy wave swept everything around him. The black light upper man and others under the dragon were shocked. They did not stand firmly and threw out a huge force.

The huge air explosion turned an open space under the dragon's body into a huge hole, more than 500 feet deep and 200 feet wide,

The dragon fell into this hole,

hong, the remnant tail gently swept when passing through the hole, and the hole was closed, while the dragon hid underground. For a moment, the three of them were stunned. They looked at each other in connoy and didn't know what to say.

" boss, how did this dragon get in? Shall we open this hole and let the brothers see where the dragon is hiding?"

The flying monk glanced at the mouth of the hole and said with a wry smile, "Well, the giant dragon has obviously been calculating to enter the hole for a long time, and this hole seems to have been prepared for a long time, so when we want to enter it, the huge stones on it will fall down and seal the hole, making us unable to move. That's all. This Although the strange dragon is seriously injured, it seems that the strength of the three of us is still not enough. If we play with it, only two will be injured. Even if we get the magic crystal, we will have to pay a considerable price."

As soon as the pessimistic argument seemed to come out, it seemed to have been recognized by several people. The black light man also sighed and blamed his own life and turned back. Unexpectedly, he met Xiao Tie after a few steps away. Xiao Tie saw several people returning empty-handed, presumably he would have failed, so he put down the string in his heart.

Hehe smiled and said, "Dears, you must have nothing to gain. Hey, you must not feel good about coming back so far and getting nothing, right?"

Xiao Tie's words were somewhat sarcastic, but when several strange people heard it, they did not respond at all. The black light superior stared at Xiao Tie fiercely and knew that Xiao Tie's boxing skills were so powerful that they did not dare to make a mistake. He only snorted and walked over.

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently and said that it would make these ignorant guys suffer a little, so that they would have nothing to do all day long and do something unreasonable.

At present, I don't know where the dragon is going. I still need to explore where it has gone.

Xiao Tie opened the astrolabe at his chest and maximized his energy.

buzzing, a black air slowly flashed in front of him like a mirror,

In the mist, several figures and dragons fight vividly.

In this way, Xiao Tie will save him from asking again, and it will save a lot of trouble.

When he came to the cave where the dragon was hiding, Xiao Tie stood on the mouth of the cave and already felt the powerful breath emanating from the cave.

He was a little shocked that the dragon would still maintain such a strong breath after being seriously injured. He thought that its combat power was so powerful that it was far beyond his imagination.

After all, this dragon was hurt by him in arrogance. If he fights face to face, he may not be his opponent.

There was also a group of brothers behind Xiao Tie, some carrying guns and some holding crossbows. Everyone surrounded this place and looked at the dark red ground stained with dragon blood in a daze.

Oh, at the moment when everyone was still in a daze, there was a passionate cry in the deep underground space,

Wow, a strong fire spewed out from the inside and hit the cave above.

Wow, a strong force spread out, and the shaking shook like an earthquake,

The gravel flew all over the sky, and the dozen brothers hidden outside the cave scattered around to escape.

Several brothers who couldn't dodge were bombarded by gravel for a moment, and their bodies suddenly surged like a spring of blood, screaming in pain,