Young Knife God

Chapter 246 Colorful Dragon Ball

A brilliant flame spewed out of the hole and dyed the sky red,

Xiao Tie saw that the dragon was only hiding in the cave and spitting fire, but did not appear. He was happy. He wanted to be here as the dragon's hiding place. There must be a lot of treasures hidden in this secret cave. If you can go in and have a look, even if you don't kill it, it will take some treasures out.

Thinking of his body shaking, Tosia and others only saw his body turn into a flash of lightning, and there was a low sound in the surrounding space.

Boom, the powerful air machine broke into the void, and Xiao Tie's body broke through the barrier of space. The edge of his body drove a brilliant thunder and lightning light. After the rattling sound, his body actually flew into the newly broken hole like an arrow.

Although this hole is small, the area inside the cave is extremely large.

Even if there are 100 people again, it won't feel very crowded,

In the process of falling at a high speed, Xiao Tie constantly shook his body. Every time he shook, the air was resisted and the friction increased, and his falling speed weakened.

The speed keeps slowing down, but at the same time, I feel that the temperature below is getting hotter and hotter,

Boom, when the dragon saw the guests coming, he did not get up to greet them. Instead, he spewed out a flame of anger and spewed out of his mouth. In an instant, the temperature of the space was raised by dozens of degrees, and there was a pungent smell of burning things in the air.

Some plants and unlucky animals in the cave have been sublimated in this flame,

It turned into black smoke and went into the air,

And Xiao Tie also turned on the protection of light in time to make himself temporarily safe,

Despite this, the outer layer of light protection was originally about six meters in diameter, but at present, after the baptism of this flame, it has been sharply reduced to less than three meters, and the space has been greatly compressed, which makes Xiao Tie feel uneasy. After all, this is a face-to-face, and it will be made like this. If the fire dragon is one after another Come here, it will take time for him to build another protection of light,

Fortunately, after he was attacked by this colorful flame, the fire dragon actually paused for a long time and did not send out the second one. First, its body was seriously injured, and the broken half of the tail caused great damage to its vitality, and most of the remaining part was also excessively weak due to excessive blood loss. In the face of Xiao Tie A difficult opponent, the heart of the fire dragon also lacks a little confidence, so even if there is some breath accumulated in his body, he dare not send it out. After all, the strange energy in this teenager's body is too horrible.

Roar, people and dragons confront each other at a distance of less than 100 meters on a ground the size of a football field,

No one dares to take the first step,

When people look at the dragon's eyes, the atmosphere is extremely tense for a moment,

Huh, after a long time, the dragon exhaled a turbid breath and said, "Young man, what on earth are you going to do? My old dragon only has half his life. Why don't you let me go and have to take my magic crystal?"

Hearing the dragon's words, Xiao Tie was very surprised for a moment. He looked up at the dragon and stepped back half a step. He was sure that it was the dragon's voice and said, "Friend, are you talking?"

"Yes, it's not a secret that dragons can speak. Most of the dragons that can refine crystal nuclei in their bodies have the ability to speak since ancient times. They not only become smart, but also advocate force, so the higher the level, the stronger they are, but I am an exception. I only It's just that the crystal nucleus has been refined and formed, and it hasn't reached the level where you can do whatever you want, so you are hurt by your armor-piercing arrows. Hey hey, I can see that your cultivation should be the highest in this group of people, but if you don't come, they won't do anything to me? You should understand this truth, so only you have the courage to walk into my room. If you are willing to let me go, my baby in the cave, you can choose one to go. If you want the crystal nucleus on me, then I can only fight to the death. If we fight, it is not certain who will kill the deer, hehe. The dragon's body slowly curled up into a ball, like a python. He raised his head and looked at Xiao Tie wary.

Xiao Tie took a look at this giant dragon. It is too big. If he let go, I'm afraid he can't take advantage of it. He thinks that it has been injured and the physical pain is still very serious. If there is peace talks, it will be beneficial to both sides.

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently and said, "Of course it's okay for me to let you go, as long as you promise not to arrest beautiful women and harass people's safety in the future. Otherwise, I will never let you go. With these blades in my hand, I think it's not difficult to deal with you, but I feel sorry for your thousand years of practice, and this time I was seriously injured. You are just a warning, so you still have to think about where to go."

Listening to Xiao Tie's words, the dragon slowly became excited.

But when it tries to stand up, it is powerless. After all, the injury on its body is slowly depleting its vitality. If it doesn't reach an agreement in time, I'm afraid it will be in a coma without waiting for it.

After thinking about it, he said, "Okay, little brother, according to you, I won't come out to make trouble again in the future. Of course, you can also pick out any thing in my cave, wo,

While the two were talking, suddenly Xiao Tie heard someone screaming in the distance.

"Save us, save people." Looking in the direction of the sound, Xiao Tie saw a group of girls locked in the cave by dragons. The door of the cave was closed. It was a huge iron gate. The smell from the iron gate showed that there were at least hundreds of women hidden in it. Most of these women were untidy clothes and exposed their snow-white skin. And sexy and charming body,

At this moment, he opened his hands without shame and shouted together,

It seems that they are more like a group of horrible hungry wolves,

I really don't know what terrible things will happen when I open the door. Xiao Tie's heart is sad. I think that this color dragon imprisoned these sisters and enjoys them by himself every day. Maybe he will swallow one or two when he has a good appetite. Looking from an inconspicuous bone gang outside the hole, a lot of white bones have been piled up. The wind blew, emitting a disgusting stench,

When Xiao Tie saw this scene, angrily flashed on his face and said, "Fire dragon, I didn't expect you to be a lust dragon. Come on, how many innocent girls have you killed in the past few years?"

When he said this, in anger, the flame of the devil in his hand soared and circled overhead. The faint black light was like a dark cloud, quickly devouring a large space around him.

Seeing the magic knife, a sad look flashed in the dragon's eyes and whispered, "Mr. Xiao, I have only swallowed dozens of people in the past few years. The rest are here. Many arms and legs are healthy. Little boss, you don't know that the world of dragons also needs to be nourished by people, so every dragon is I will eat something to replenish my strength. Since I came to this bitter place, I can't find anything to eat here. In desperation, I have no choice but to do this,,,,,, "

After listening to the dragon's far-fetched explanation, Xiao Tie's anger slowly calmed down.

I think so, these noble dragons have always regarded themselves very highly and have always eaten very little people, but looking at this bitter place, there are not only few monsters, but also very few people, so he came up with the idea here just to get something to fill his stomach,

With the knife, Xiao Tie has completely overwhelmed the dragon in momentum,

Looking at the obedient appearance of the evil dragon, Xiao Tie is really happy.

He ordered, "Why don't you let those innocent girls go and send them to the ground for me?"

The dragon looked at Xiao Tie with some hesitation,

Xiao Tie stared at him and said, "Why, my order dares to be violated. It seems that you are going to fight with me."

The dragon hurriedly said, "Why, I'll go right away, oh, I'll do it right away." After saying that, I went to the top of the fart,

In a while, those women were released, and then a big storm was brought into the spiral eye. Hundreds of people were sent out in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Tie secretly praised that this eye of the storm is really a little powerful. If I can also learn this skill, then the future war against the demon clan can play the role of a strange soldier.

Looking at the dragon returning like a gust of wind, Xiao Tie turned his eyes and had an idea,

Xiao Tie nodded and asked, "So where do you put your things? Can you take me to have a look?"

"Well, if you want to take something, you can't find it by yourself. It's just a place of size. I believe it won't be so difficult to find a treasure. After all, you have got a dragon ball in the Western Daze, and two treasures of heaven and earth treasures. If you want anything else, just look for it yourself. I don't have time to accompany you."

The dragon is a little angry,

It seems that it is still indignant that it has been threatened by a human. Usually, it has always caught human beings to eat late.

"So, are you still unconvinced?" Xiao Tie's face sank and said sadly. One hand control the heavenly demon again. When the pure yang spirit spread in the cave, the dragon's eyes lit up. He actually saw a colorful dragon ball embedded in the handle of the heavenly demon's knife. After the blessing of the colorful dragon ball, the attack power of the heavenly demon knife has increased more than three times. If it is so sharp Cutting a knife on your own body is not as good as cutting tofu,

Thinking of this, the dragon has no temper at all,

I had to lead the way in front of him, reluctantly took Xiao Tie to a cave and stopped, cast a forbidden spell, and moved away the giant dragon at the mouth of the cave. Xiao Tie walked into the cave with him. There were no more than a thousand large and small treasure chests, and countless treasures in them, which made Xiao Tie extremely excited for a moment.