Young Knife God

Chapter 294 First Failure

Under the crazy counterattack of the orc army, a fire suddenly burst on the long front that had been silent. The long-range fire crossbow arranged by Xiao Tie exerted its absolute power at this moment. In a very short time, several crossbow arrays were arranged 300 meters away from the front line, and each array of square crossbow arrays There were 300 people up and down, two people had a crossbow, and 150 crossbows that were several meters long were half buried in the soil. After pulling the strings with horses, they put on the crossbows, buckled the crossbow machine, and waited for the order to attack,

Boom, a violent gas explosion slid down from the distant sky. The orc's wolf horse had already attacked the embankment and began to give full play to the advantage of cavalry to launch a deadly attack. The orc warriors of the brigade, wearing heavy armor under the cover of fierce crossbow arrows, were swelled up and immediately launched a crazy fight against the garrison of the hungry wolf empire. ,

"Kill, kill all these despicable human races, for the glory of our orcs, rush, kill them without leaving behind," a tall wolf cavalry battalion commander, waved a shiny long knife in his hand, roared, rushed to the infantry, bombarded, and rushed to the front of him and fell into the trap one after another. , the trap is full of bamboo sticks, and people and horses fall down. Naturally, there is little hope of life.

I saw rows of wolves fall down, and the battalion commander Snoopy shouted,

"Come back and don't move forward," but his voice could not stop these crazy warriors at all. The wolf riders let out a earth-shaking howl and rushed away crazily.

Seeing that it was approaching the infantry's defense line, the infantry in the front row were holding long guns and in a daze. After all, the wolf warrior's attack power was really strong, so he almost messed up their front with a random rush.

Seeing the horrible wolf rider opening its mouth and faint green light in his eyes, they were about to attack their front. Almost all the hungry wolf warriors were stunned. After all, at this time, they were not facing an ordinary wolf clan, but a super-strength wolf rider. This kind of wolf rider is generally about five meters tall. The length has reached an amazing length of 10 meters, so it is really ordinary to be equipped with several soldiers on each wolf.

A wolf rode in the front, and even jumped gently over the five-meter-high antler firewood laid by the hungry wolf soldiers,

This kind of Xiao Tie deliberately laid thousands of deer-toothed firewood from the forest of Warcraft, each of which is covered with purple wood thorns, and this kind of thorn is highly poisonous, so as long as it is touched a little, the skin will immediately be red, swollen and itchy, and immediately lose half of its combat effectiveness, but the wolf riders ignore it. Life and death, with only a gentle leap, flew more than ten meters. Such a super ability really stunned every hungry wolf mercenary.

After all, people are too short in front of the devil wolf, and even confrontation is not at the same level, so some soldiers even lose their weapons and have to flee to the lower trench,

But at this moment, someone shouted: "Shenji Camp, shoot arrows,"

This sound is shocking,

When the shout stopped, I heard a terrible sound of crossbows breaking through the air, which shook the whole space and bombarded. Countless sharp arrows flew out of the air, with a long tail flame, reflecting a red line of the sky.

"Kill them all." As soon as the crazy orc leader made a call, he gave a crossbow arrow several meters long. The armor that was several inches thick could not prevent the attack of the crossbow arrow, which made the wolf riding team in chaos for a moment.

"Don't go, and you will be shot to death any later. "Next, the overwhelming crossbows shot like mountains and seas, which suddenly made the wolf riders exposed to the attack howl one after another and fell down one after another.

hong,hong, waves of attacks, almost non-stop, and the soldiers in the front row fell down in groups in an instant,

Seeing the beasts around them slowly retreating, surging like a tide and retreating like a tide, leaving only a large number of bloody dead bodies on the beach, which is particularly horrible,

"Your Excellency, our attack has failed, more than half of our brothers have been killed or injured, and we have lost our confidence to attack," an undecided beast soldier shouted to General Bree before returning to the river bank. Although he understood that General Bree was just an executor of the attack, who was good at launching the attack? , which led to another big defeat, all of which made Bree very confused,

"Fuck, who let you attack? You know, I'm your commander. If you don't listen to us, you deserve to die." After saying that, the knife flashed, the beast soldier who escaped back to the front line gave this round of knife light two points. The blue blood flew, and the rest of the beast soldiers fled to the river bank one after another, and then I dare not launch an attack easily,

Bri Yu was furious and grabbed a beast soldier who had just fled around him and said harshly, "Tell me, who issued the order to attack? If you don't say anything, I'll kill you."

His eyes with evil fire almost scared the beast soldier and stammered, "Report,,, report to the marshal. It was an order given by the battalion commander, Lord Maher. We only attacked after hearing his order."

Hey, damn it, the knife flashed, and this beast knife also became a ghost,

After Marilu cut several people in a row, he stabilized the camp. After the defeat of this battle, the beast cavalry camp was full of horrible expressions against the crossbow.

"Oh, my God, it's so horrible. I just saw the firelight, I thought it was a meteor falling from the sky. Oh, MYGOD, it turned out to be a crossbow. These human beings seem to have underestimated them. Their crossbows are too powerful. I saw with my own eyes the soldiers around me fall in the arrows, and those long crossbows passed through the body. At that time, a fist-sized hole was blown up in his body. Even our powerful wolf rider was injured by this crossbow arrow, and a magic wolf was even shot in the head with an arrow. "

"Yes, we thought that with the strength of the human race, some arrows could not penetrate our heavy armor at all, but we didn't expect that this magical crossbow was so powerful. Next time I dare not launch such a random attack, "

The orcs are talking about it, and their eyes are full of fear of war,


It is precisely because of doubts about the arrangement of the other party that Bree has not issued any offensive instructions for a long time, but the arrogance of the beast soldiers led to their defeat.

But this defeat, like a *, ignited the conflict between Bree and Battalion Commander Maher. This Anrieo has always relied on himself as a cronin of the Lion King, and has never paid attention to himself as a marshal. Now his own attack has led to a great defeat, which is what led to The deepening of the contradiction between the two,

"Hey, this damn Maher is so bold that he doesn't even listen to my orders. This time I must see how many heads he has?"

After saying that, he picked up the blood-stained knife and walked out of the barracks.

The leader of the beast horse retreating into the camp is Mach. This close relative of the royal family has always been alone, so even in the face of Marilue, he is as proud as before.

When he saw Marius coming towards him with a big knife in his eyes, a horrible expression flashed in his eyes.

Oh, he stopped riding the wolf and said coldly, "Dear Marian, what are you going to do?"

He looked at Marian, who had a little strange eyes, and felt faintly uneasy in his heart. After all, no matter how arrogant he was, Marian would laugh and give way to him, but now, he had a murder on his face and raised a big knife, as if he wanted to kill himself.

Thinking of this, he choked and pulled out his knife, looked at several orc captains around him, and said, "You guys will be responsible for protecting my safety later. If the old guy comes, he will kill him. In the future, I will be promoted to marshal, and you will all be battalion commanders."

"Hey, this is natural,"

"Of course we are willing to follow you, hey,"

Several orcs around the captains also pulled out their knives and fanned, secretly surrounded Marian in it.

Seeing such a scene, Marian's anger can be imagined. He roared, and the big knife in his hand cut through the anger, and chopping it down.

Mah's face was cold and knew that he was coming to kill himself. For a moment, he was also furious. He raised the knife grid and choked. The knife light in his hand burst, and the tiger's mouth cracked.

He panicked and shouted, "You guys will give me a big reward for getting rid of this terrible old guy."

He roared and killed angrily with a knife, but after a few rounds, he was already injured, and the knife flew out of his hand. He didn't know where to fall?

And several squadron captains on both sides who were responsible for responding to themselves have completely lost their confidence in resistance under the supervision of the angry soldiers.

"If you want to die together, that's just bullshit. It's important to save your life."

Marian snorted coldly and saw that there was only one enemy left, and his accomplices were as dull as chickens.

He was overjoyed. The knife in his hand rose again and cut it down with a knife. Maher couldn't dodge. He actually split the horse in half, and the blood flowed. For a moment, everyone on the general's court was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

One by one, cast horrible eyes at Marian,

Marian said proudly, "Today, the battalion commander of Mach is good at commanding the whole army to cross the river to attack the enemy without obeying the order, which led to a great defeat. Now it has been done by me. The rest of the people must learn a lesson and never follow his old path, otherwise I don't care who his mother is and kill him."

"General is powerful,"

"This boy should be killed, support"

After a moment of silence, it suddenly boiled, and a large number of people shouted loudly on the field, as if cheering for Marian,