Young Knife God

Chapter 295 recovering the French city

Xiao Tie did not expect that such a direct confrontation with the orcs would break out at this time. After all, the war is imminent, but his understanding of the orcs is still in the impression of the past.

Git also accompanied Xiao Tie to the high place in the forest. Through a watchtower, he watched the movements of the enemy in the distance and saw the enemy on the other side of the river slowly retreating to their territory. It was thought that it was because of some unknown factors or setbacks of failure.

At this time, the brigade's orb soldiers stabilized after Marian successfully killed Maher, who did not obey the command. Marian's eyes were as red as a wounded beast. While gasping, he looked at the area on the other side of the river and shouted, "How many enemies are there and why are our generals? It will be so vulnerable,"

After the defeat, the beast riders who had been placed with infinite expectations will be so vulnerable on this battlefield. Looking at those frustrated and extremely decadent subordinates, his heart has a crazy rage,

"Stand up and shake a little. You are all elites of the empire and the glory of the orcs. If you are so vulnerable, then there is no need for my people to fight with the human race. I just want to prove to you why my beast horse returned to this place, our beast horse Will it be inferior to ordinary human cavalry?'

As soon as his words fell, those deeply damaged orc warriors revealed the original blood of the orcs, roaring one by one: "Kill them, we will take back the glory of the orcs"

, "If we charge again, we will prove to you that we are the strongest warriors."

The shouts came one after another, which shocked countless people,

Those humiliated orc warriors asked for war one after another. This result made Marian very happy and mobilized morale, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Okay, immediately, we will launch a round of attacks, and we have just suffered the enemy's losses. This time, we must destroy the enemy's magic machine camp first and let the enemy be completely defeated. Only in this way can we get everything we want. Hey hey, fight across the river, there are countless beauties and treasures for you to choose. Choose, in that place, you can* at will, and everything you get is yours,,,,,,,"

After Marian's agitation, the orc warriors summoned up their courage to stand straight one by one, with bright eyes. After all, wealth, beauty, and killing are what they have been pursuing in their lives. Hearing Marian's words, tens of thousands of orc warriors roared one after another. Kong's voice was particularly horrible. In just a few minutes, a large forest came out. There was a panic in the forest, and a large number of monsters were disturbed. As if they had seen the end of the world, they fled out crazily.

When Marian saw that the time had come, he personally put on his gold armor, rode a huge wolf, waved a long knife, and shouted wildly, "Everyone, follow me, rush across the river, and defeat the enemy in front of him. If you are afraid, you can kill it. "With an order, those orc warriors who were still worried. , one after another summoned up their courage and rushed to the other side of the river again,

The sky is a brigade of black eagles, and the ground is a wolf riding, forming a sharp contrast for a moment,

The rolling torrent rushed forward unstoppably and rushed through hundreds of yards of defense in an instant. Xiao Tie was shocked when he saw such a scene.

I secretly thought that the leader of this orc must be a great person who can restore the vitality of an army that has just been defeated in such a short time. It seems that we must deal with it carefully.

Thinking of this, he forbade him to say to Gate beside him, "It seems that there will be a decisive battle between us and the orcs today. What are the number of us here and how many cavalry are there?"

Getter thought for a moment and said, "There are only 30,000 horses on the front line, and there are some crossbow soldiers behind, adding up to a total of about 40,000, while the enemy is nearly 80,000, twice as many as us. Once we start the war, we will be at a disadvantage, which is one of the reasons why we were on the defensive in the previous month."

"You're right. If we don't make adjustments in time, I'm afraid we will be defeated by the enemy. After all, the enemy's brigade is attacking. If we let it go, I'm afraid we won't support it for too long."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tie suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Seeing that this tide-like orc army was crossing the river again, his mind suddenly sank and he said harshly, "Order our crossbowmen to prepare quickly. When the enemy is halfway across, launch an attack, and never shoot arrows in advance."

Hearing Xiao Tie's words, Gator was also under pressure. He picked up a horn in his hand, gave it to a guard beside him, and shouted, "Go down the order. The brothers below us should be ready. The infantry in the front row should also prepare crossbows to fight against the enemy's beasts. The magic machine camp behind should be careful of the black eagle in the sky. ,”

A harsh sound came out, followed by a continuous relay on the nearby tower. In a very short time, it spread all over the whole front line. For this kind of wooden tower, Gate has a lot of experience. On the one hand, it is easy to build, and on the other hand, it has a good vision, and the order is accurate and convenient, so as long as he appears, There will always be a few soldiers to follow,

Sure enough, after hearing the order, some of the infantry on the ground attacked the black eagles that dived into the sky. Arrows shot into the sky to kill the enemy who dared to approach. The other group of people focused on the beasts crossing the river. After all, the threat of these beasts was far more direct than these black eagles. ,

So killing these beast riders is their most important responsibility at the present,

Wow, a row of dense rain of arrows fell, and the leading beast rode an arrow, making an earth-shaking roar,

rushed forward crazily, but fell to the ground and died under the dense rain of arrows fired by the soldiers of the hungry wolf empire.

What Marian didn't expect is that the material of this black crossbow arrow is actually expensive black crystal basal iron. You know, the price of black crystal basal iron is almost equivalent to gold, which is not only rare, but also expensive. Because this material has extremely strong penetrating properties, the lethality of people with this kind of crossbow is almost average. Five times more than the soldiers,

Wush, the enemy army of the brigade rushed like locusts. The black eagle in the sky circled and dived, occupying all the prestige for a moment. The black eagle kept approaching the ground, stretched out its huge sharp claws, tore the soldiers who were still resisting on the ground, and the rest were completely engaged

The attack on the divine machine camp in the distance, the four times of the divine machine camp also temporarily arranged some professional crossbowmen. These shooting super accurate shooters constantly shoot the black eagles flying in the sky with perfection. These black eagles are huge, and their size is actually ten meters long and wide. About three meters of huge things, on the riverbank, the crossbowmen shot crazily and fired one deadly crossbow after another,

not far behind them, the Shenji Camp is also doing the same thing, but at this moment, the Shenji Camp is much more nervous than usual. After all, some well-equipped beasts have crossed the river and are attacking the river embankment. This river is almost a life-and-death line. Once the enemy crossing the river stands firm, then They will be slaughtered, so as an important fire support on the front line, the Shenji Camp is really indispensable.

The new battalion commander of Shenji Camp is White. He is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He has a beard like a curved hook, but he has a beautiful face like a literati. His clear eyes seem to see through people's hearts. He stands in front of Shenji Camp on a red cotton tree and leads his neck to look far away.

This red cotton right may be the most powerful tree species on the mainland. Each plant is about 50 feet tall on average, and the trunk of each tree is as thick as a house, so it has naturally become the home of many animals and people,,,