Young Knife God

Chapter 312 Harassment

Gibi walked down from the basement. The entrance of this basement was repaired in a corner of the training place, but he went straight to the secret room dozens of meters deep underground. Because the orcs have always had a tradition of caves, they have always been extremely loyal to the construction of underground castles, so in a very short period of time, a large number of super luxurious underground was built. Facilities, so this basement is only one of them,

The sound of footsteps came from a distance. After walking through a staircase that was almost 60 degrees from the ground passage, Gibby finally came to the entrance of a basement about 150 meters deep underground and slowly opened a heavy stone door with his hands. Gibby walked into the room and found that this There were a few moans in the room, and there seemed to be a woman's arrogance.

A rare ** smile appeared on the face and strode into the room,

This basement is made of a large amount of black light rock stone, in which at least dozens of different human prisoners are imprisoned. Except for some beautiful women for him to vent, other people are imprisoned in several huge stoms as his favorite blood food.

When he approached the dungeon, he saw dozens of fat human prisoners eating in it. The food here was excellent, which were the bones and flesh of some dead animals. He usually didn't eat these things, but it was a good idea to give them to the prisoners to eat. These people are all short. In time, he is rapidly fattened and fattened. In such a flesh, there must be a lot of blood he wants, so every day after lunch, someone will hand him a bowl of thick blood in time to drink, and what he likes most is to mix the blood into white wine and drink together, so as not Only the taste is more delicious and makes him more excited,

On one side**, there are several thinly-dressed women, and almost everyone's wrists are tightly tied with chains, so, except for being able to walk around, they spend almost all their time **,

"Hey, little babies, I'm back," Gibby laughed shamelessly and stretched out her hand to find some cheapness on those girls.

"Well, don't, let me go, don't torture me," a girl's moan made him almost forget everything. Just as he rushed to his body and pressed her under him, he found that there seemed to be a light in the dark to greet him.

His reaction was extremely fast, his body was crooked, and his big hand like an iron fan waved out and held the white light in the palm of his hand.

At a glance, it turned out to be a short blade. Such a sharp short blade was held in the palm of his hand, and there was a tingling pain.

After this pain, his hands were already bleeding,

"Hey, what a poisonous bitch, dare to assassinate this general, see if I don't kill you,"

Like an enraged beast, he pulled the man hiding in the dark, and a pair of bear claws patted the person's chest heavily. With a muffled sound, blood was shining. A person's heart was actually pulled out by him, and blood gushed out like a spring.

The man's head was lowered and he was already breathless, but a pair of eyes still stared at him, making his heart suddenly sink.

"Damn, I'm dead, and you still have to stare at me. What a bad luck." Thinking of this, the knife in his hand rose again, and even nine knives were stabbed into the body of the coming person. These nine knives were stabbed out in a series, but they were very regular distribution. After the nine knives, the body of the person came. The body is rigidly divided into three parts,

Gibi stretched out his tongue and sucked it like a straw on the body of the visitor. The blood fell into his mouth, and the dead bodies fell to the ground one by one, rising fresh dust.

Those women who were stunned and almost like wood showed a devilish horror in their eyes, which made him much happier. For a lot of time, he was angry with others and would generally sprinkle on human slaves. Only in this way can he be happy and happy.

Just as he was enjoying himself and was about to pounce on the woman just now, an abnormal vibration on the ground came from the top to the bottom.

For a moment, the sound of drums and gongs sounded from all around, making the world on earth suddenly become a mess.

Wake, a violent vibration sound came from above,

This changed his expression. He didn't know what had happened. He couldn't care about the beautiful woman under him and ran up to see what happened.

But as soon as he appeared, he saw a large group of flying chickens flying around in the sky. Xiao Tie was directing dozens of flying chickens to shake on it. When he saw Gibby appear in sight with a big belly, he immediately laughed and said, "Marshal Gibby, I heard that you lacked stones for building houses, so I specially asked someone to prepare some. Haha, free of charge, haha, if it's not enough, we will come again," after saying that, several chickens swooped down and threw huge stones from above. The huge stones fell on several buildings on the ground, and suddenly a burst of smoke and dust suddenly collapsed, and the strong fortress collapsed in an instant. Come down,

Countless beast soldiers swarmed out of it and rushed around,

Xiao Tie saw it and was in a good mood. While throwing stones, he kept shouting down.

"Brothers, dare to surrender. Haha, the human race will attack here in the future. If you are obsessed, we won't be polite."

Sw, countless stones flew down from above, and some exposed beast soldiers suddenly smashed into meat cakes, and some injured people shouted for help from time to time. The miserable appearance was touching,

Xiao Tie returned with a great victory. When the orc's flying eagle troops came, he had already led the heroic flying chicken troops and quietly left.

"Damn, what kind of tactic does this boy use? He throws big stones here all day long. Hey, I'm not easy to play, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to throw it here." Hee, Gibby stood up and called a few sergeants to clean up the stones discarded everywhere on the ground, but these stones are not his I want the black light stone, so I'm somewhat disappointed,

"Report, Marshal, more than 50 people were killed and injured in the air raid just now,"

"Damn, this is a horrible place. I don't know what's wrong with this boy. He actually goes against us like this."

After several times of harassment, Xiao Tie has achieved his goal, which is to create a kind of unwarranted terror in the minds of the beast soldiers and magnify the horror of the human race, so that the human territory can be safe for a few more days. Otherwise, the army of the orcs will be swept up again, then it is still a threat that cannot be ignored for him. ,

"Fuck, afraid of a ball, attack me and destroy the orcs in the black valley, so as to keep one side safe. Otherwise, it won't be long before these orcs will come back again, so that our good days will come to an end, do you know?"

In Fak City, an elderly middle-aged man said to a young man around him,

That young man seems to be his son,

The two are arguing fiercely,

The young man said calmly: 'Father, it is unreasonable for you to say so. After all, the power of the orcs is still strong, and it is not easy for our human race to achieve its current status. Do you still want us to devote our lives in the battle? That kind of life is too cruel. "The young man's eyes swept away, and the two of them quarreled for a moment.

At this time, a young man came slowly by shaking the feather fan from one side,

He smiled and said, "You are arguing again. Now the orcs outside have been beaten away by us, but it does not mean that we can enjoy happiness now. We have to constantly harass them. When they are really afraid of us, we will get the same rights as others, otherwise we can only be slaves. , "

His words hit the nail on the head, so after hearing the young man's words, the white-haired old man's eyes suddenly glowed strangely. He grabbed Xiao Tie's hand and shouted, "You are Xiao Tie, the emperor of our hungry wolf empire. Haha, I've met you. I'm so happy to meet you on the street today. , what a lucky life, "

His expression was inexplicably excited, and he took Xiao Tie's hand and did not let go.

Xiao Tie looked at him with a smile,

There seems to be a little strange look in the eyes,

"I saw your majesty, "the two people knelt down for Xiao Tie one after the other. Xiao Tie hurriedly picked them up and whispered, "Now I'm just going out on a cruise to check the people's conditions. You don't have to be courteous,

"Let's go, there is a teahouse. We can sit in it and chat casually.

After saying that, he took the two of them to the teahouse. There were already many people sitting in the teahouse. Everyone was talking about something, but in their speech and behavior, they seemed to deliberately lowered their voices for fear of being heard.

When they saw Xiao Tie and the three, everyone glanced at them first and saw that there was nothing abnormal before returning to the previous topic.

"Hey, have you heard that our hungry wolf emperor is a genius? I heard that yesterday he personally led a brigade of flying chickens to Montenegro, where he dropped countless big stones, not only smashing the orcs everywhere, but also promoting the prestige of the human race. Haha, in the future, our human race will also have flying weapons. It seems that the orcs are out of the way, "

A yellow-haired young man shouted that he was in a very good mood and seemed to be one of the many bombers. At this moment, the water and saliva were flying everywhere, talking to the point of fierceness.

Listening to his words, everyone's expressions showed a rare pleasure and clapped their hands and cheered.

"Good talk, another paragraph." Boom, a burst of laughter came, making everyone's face full of laughter,