Kill God

Chapter 750 Gather the light of the moon!

The amethyst chariot rushed out of the sky... like a purple lightning, tearing the sea of clouds and reaching the cold and dark outside the country.

He stayed in Ziyao Star for less than a month. Because of Ziyao's departure, he had to go out again and sail outside the country again.

Sitting indifferently on the chariot, Shi Yan looked at the vast starry sky. The divine consciousness was uncertain and his thoughts were scattered. He was so unconscious and thinking about something.

The amethyst chariot does not need to bother him, and it is speeding at an electric speed according to the predetermined trajectory.

The road between Ziyao Star and Purgatory Star is not too far. Judging from the speed of this chariot, you can reach the Purgatory Star in half a month at most and participate in the so-called extreme purgatory field.

In the barren sea of stars, he felt lonely and desolate in vain, and his tough nerves couldn't help softening.

The Flame Star is extremely vast and endless. However, here, he is just an outsider, no relatives and friends, no familiar things, no lover.

Everything here seems to be far away from him. He wanders alone in this star field, subconsciously thinking of tyrants and thorns.

I don't know if you are well?

Only the strong men of the two demon clan came with him. For the continuation and prosperity of the race, he did not hesitate to let go of everything and find a solution outside the country.

From now on, the way to solve the energy depletion of the divine continent has been found.

It's just that I don't know whether the violent and thorny life has been destroyed. In that battle, he and Feiji quietly fled. The violent and thorny and others will inevitably stay to participate in the war, and it is very likely to become cannon fodder?

Shi Yan was helpless in his heart and looked at the sky star with a wry smile, "Don't blame me. Even if you stay, I can't help you whether you are still alive or not. I promise you that after returning to the land of God in the future, I will give those demons a place to settle down and let them escape from the

The purpose of leaving did not dare to forget that for the sake of his relatives and friends in the mainland and those who miss him, he wanted to find a star of life in the Flame Star as soon as possible and accept those who were close to him.

Ziyaoxing is a good place, provided that he wants to solve the invisible trouble of Oglas.

A cold smile appeared from the corners of his mouth. Shi Yan meditated for a long time and suddenly frowned.

A soul thought went straight to the sky fire altar and locked the true fire of the rosefinch. "How long will it take to go to our homeland from the Flame Star Domain? Well, I mean, in the amethyst chariot, you give me an accurate number.

"Ah." The rosefinch Zhenhuo was obviously shocked and nervous for a while before slowly responding: "It will take a long time, at least decades. At the beginning, I left my hometown and followed the breath of a rosefinch all the way here for at least a hundred years. The speed of this chariot, full start, it will take about 20 years to drive to the mouth of the homeland, which is still going well.

Shi Yan's eyes shrank, and his heart was awe-inspiring, "It's going to take so long?"

"At least 20 years." The rosefinch is sure, "If you are unlucky, it's normal to spend a hundred years."

"What do you say?"

"From the homeland to the Flame Star Domain, you need to shuttle through many cold and silent star domains. Those star domains have no life to survive, no stars of life, and have long been depleted. In those areas, there is great danger. If you are not careful, your soul will be destroyed. I am in the form of a pure soul, and there are still many dangers along the way. If you take advantage of the amethyst chariot, as long as you encounter a bad danger, the chariot will burst. And you will also be easily destroyed by those extraterritorial terrors.

Shi Yan was silent and frowned deeply.

He knows that the true fire of the rosefinch is not nonsense. Since he arrived at the Flame Star Domain, he has a clear understanding of the dangers that can often be seen outside the region. He knows that in many areas, there are extraterritorial violent places such as the Sun Star Explosion Field.

What's more helpless is that you have to pass through those areas along the way.

If you are accidentally stirred by the great horror, it is not impossible for the soul altar to be smashed.

He was suddenly silent, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He felt that it seemed to be infinitely far away from his homeland, and the policy that had been set long ago had also become out of reach.

"If you want to go back, there is a simple way. You don't have to travel such a long distance." Suddenly, in his knowledge of the sea, the soul fluctuation came from the nine ghost-eating soul flame.

In the sky fire, the nine ghost soul flame is not the highest level, but he has always ranked third. Naturally, he has his strength. His understanding of various situations is also deeper than other sky fires.

Shi Yan's eyes lit up slightly, "What's the easy way?"

"If you understand the meaning of space power and reach a very deep realm and height, you can condense the bridge of space, connect you with your homeland, and form a space channel." Jiuyou Soul Flame responded casually, "As long as you can sense it, know the general direction, and have a stronger understanding of the meaning of space, you can cross layers of space, like building a space transmission array, and directly communicate between the divine continent and the flame star domain!

The stone rock's body shook wildly, and his eyes burst into amazing light.

Not bad!

The nine ghost flames do give a simple solution, and it is very likely to be successful. The power of space is one of the most wonderful power mys of this time. For the cultivation of space mys, it is not difficult to communicate with space at all.

The premise is that the understanding of the meaning of space should be reached. A high level of realm also has its own strong power.

After seriously thinking about the possibility, Shi Yan meditated for a while, and suddenly laughed. One of the biggest problems that troubled him seemed to have been solved suddenly.

He settled down again.

Amethyst Zhanmou continued to rush like electricity.

On this day, he closed his eyes and secretly tried to perceive the mystery of space. He suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and his face was full of surprise.

In front of him, the huge moon star is like a disk, and the bright moonlight is like a stream of water, flowing out from not far away, like countless streams, rushing into the outer region and falling to the surrounding stars of life.

This is one of the moons he has seen on Ziyao Star, and together with the other two moons, it is in the Kingdom of Heavenly Nirvana, bringing light to the Star of Life for more than ten years! Bring the brightness and holiness of the moon, so that those stars of life will never be dark and will always bathe in the cold moonlight.

In his eyes, the moon is extremely huge, which seems to occupy everything in his eyes. He is so close to a bright moon.

Close to the light of the bright moon, it was like a cold river pouring down his head, making him cool and comfortable all over, and he couldn't help shouting.

Zhong opened his hands, Shi Yan closed his eyes slightly, secretly condensed his thoughts, echoed with the soul altar, and tried to gather the moonlight.

Both the sun and the moon are part of the vast stars. For the mystery of the stars, understanding the mystery of the sun and the moon is progress and breakthrough in the realm.

In the sun star explosion field, with the help of the generation and existence of the sun star by the sun source essence, he has his own unique understanding, so he can absorb the sun's fire energy and control the sun meteorites in the sun star explosion field, thus making those predators with a higher realm than him embarrassed.

The sun is part of the stars, and his understanding of him is also the driving force for the purification breakthrough of his star mystery.

Similarly, the moon is also a part of the stars. The evolution and formation of the moon and the change of the moon energy is a new understanding of the mystery of the stars.

He was so quiet on the amethyst chariot, motionless, the soul altar trembled slightly, and the imprint of the star power in the soul seemed to have been activated.

Close your eyes, let go of the pores all over your body, bathe in the moonlight like running water, feel the coldness under the moonlight, and see the energy changes inside the moon.

In the bottom of his heart, in the sea of his knowledge, in the altar of his soul, there seems to be a round of reflection-like moon in the water, suspended, releasing a faint moon energy.

His breath became long and continuous, and there seemed to be a faint moonlight in his breath.

Gradually, the moonlight shining on him seemed to have really become water, and mysteriously sank into his body along his expanding pores. On his body, it was also quietly covered with a layer of white light, mysterious.

Outside the desert, under the bright moon, a amethyst chariot is stuck, like a purple crystal.

On the chariot, a man stretched out his arm, as if to hug the bright moon, his face was intoxicated, as if he had entered the devil, motionless, only the extremely indifferent moonlight breath, the scene of his aunt overflowed little by little from his body, which seemed to be fixed, and in the light of the moonlight,

More than a dozen warships nearly a kilometer long, made of strange white bones, arranged in the form of a bunch of spears, slowly galloping beside the moon.

Above each warship, there are powerful warriors sitting and guarding. On the deck, many warriors flash from time to time, either laughing, or gambling, and some throw away the food residues they eat at will and turn into extraterritorial scum floating around.

Many warriors on the warship saw the stone rock under the moon stretching out their arms in a strange posture. Those people sneered, with sarcasm and disdain in their eyes, and did not care too much.

Battleships, ten tens of thousands of meters away from the amethyst chariot, sailed slowly and gradually approached.

Suddenly, the amethyst chariot under the stone rock, somehow flashed out a circle of purple waves. Within those waves, there was a little blue light, which slowly became larger, and the faint energy breath soared by hundreds of millions of times in an instant!

In front of the warships, an extremely cold and violent female voice suddenly came: "Avoid the amethyst chariot! It's a dark magnetic explosion! Damn it!"

Her loud voice spread all over every warship, all the powerful warriors on the warship, such as ghosts, with a blue face, desperately urging the warships, and quickly avoided the amethyst chariot where Shiyan was located.

What she called "dark magnetic explosion." It seems to come from the amethyst chariot under the stone rock.
