Kill God

Chapter 1311 Unparagraphed Trolls!

Widson is like a disaster of extinction. Wherever he passes, the stars melt, the creatures are empty, and all tangible things are melted.

No one knows what happened to Wedson. After this man went crazy, the power of the instant surge was simply earth-shaking. Even the spark was as afraid of snakes and scorpions, and hurried away.

However, the speed of Viderson's impact also surged with the surge of strength.

Sorton, Pago and other first god realm warriors, because of their own strength and superb realm, can anticipate the danger one step in advance and leave in time.

But those who are below the original god are not so lucky. They are suddenly stared at and never get out again.

Widson's "field field" spread and enveloped this area of people. Those people were the elite of the two families, both of whom were in the realm of virtual gods, but no one could survive and were all melted.

Before they were shrouded in the field, an evil shadow suddenly disappeared from them.

In an flash, the shadow shook and changed its position again, rushing towards the thickest place where the two families gathered.

He wants to bring Wedson into the core of the Breckle and Austins families, and use the power of Wedson's corrosion to erase the elite core of the two families in one fell swoop.

Thornton's eyes were red, he screamed hysterically, and the sound was like thunder, rushing to Widson one by one.

But somehow, Wedson was completely crazy, completely irrational, and turned a deaf ear to his shouts. In Wedson's heart, there is only one idea left: kill the rock.

He locked the smell of the stone rock early. Where the stone rock people are, he will pursue them.

When the rock shifted its target again and came to the dense place of the two families of the Protoss, Widson naturally followed.

"No!" Suddenly, the spark found something abnormal. He just has a slight perception. His face changed and he said, "Shi Yan! Shi Yan was the reason why Wedson was crazy, and that guy secretly influenced Wedson. Let Wedson keep chasing him!"

The spark saw through the truth.

Wedson, I didn't dare to go crazy to the point of losing my mind. It shouldn't have lasted so long.

That's why it is like this. As the spark said, the rock work that is secretly urged is indispensable.

The negative power of Shiyan's acupuncture points all over his body is an evil force that can make people hysterical and crazy. He stimulates the negative power, forms a negative torrent, and rushes into Widson's mind in the way of spiritual evil power, making the crazy Vidson more and more violent.

If you add fuel to the fire, it completely ignites Wedson's rage and stimulates the barbarian blood of his barbarians. Make him completely lose himself.

At this moment, Widson, not to mention Thorton's violent drink, even the spark can't wake him up.

Wedson, who was penetrated by the negative torrent. It has become a killer beast. There is only the simplest killing of 60xs left, and there will be no more reason at all.

"The bloodthirsty new lord?" Thorton was stunned.

Xinghuo nodded. His eyes flashed and said, "It was he who made trouble in the dark. It was he who made Wedson continue to rage with negative evil power. Only by holding it can Weedson return to normal."

After saying that, the figure of the spark shook and suddenly disappeared.

Thornton and Pargo ignored a glance, and their eyes showed raging anger. They also suddenly operated the soul altar and rushed in the direction of the rock.

In that direction, it is the fortress where the two families gathered, and the large troops who attacked the fire and rain star field were among them.

When Thornton and Pargo went, they each released their soul thoughts and let the clansipate immediately disperse, so as not to be shrouded in Widson's field again and suffer heavy losses.

A shadow flashed between the huge battle ships of the Protoss, and a wisp of consciousness was released.

This consciousness is the key to explore Widson and make him follow the pursuit.

However, only when this wisp of consciousness was released, he moved his expression and sensed the invisible crisis.

His face changed slightly, and Shi Yan snorted coldly and frowned a little.

The blood mark of the eyebrows turned into brilliant blood light. The blood light merged with each other and condensed, instantly turned into a sea of blood. The initial surface of the sea of blood was positive and small, but it spread in an instant, like endless, drowning many warships here one by one.

Those Protoss in the warships were stunned in their eyes, and immediately the low-level people lost their minds.

The evil spiritual power is filled with a sea of blood, quietly penetrating into the sea of every Protoss. In a very short time, the Protoss roared irritablely, and their eyes were full of endless killing.

The mystery of the blood soul sea was supposed to work, and it took a lot of effort to use the enemy's blood as the introduction to integrate its own magic power.

However, now, after breaking through the first god's double heaven, he has absorbed a lot of energy into the acupuncture point this time. He can directly take the soul mark as the introduction, take the divine power as the source of energy, and directly urge it, and the formed sea of blood soul is not only wider, but also the evil spiritual power is more terrible.

Those negative forces precipitated in the acupuncture point are all injected into the sea of blood soul, making the sea of blood soul boil, if you want to swallow the blood basin of life.

As soon as the sea of blood came out, many Protoss had a mental breakdown and killed each other.

When his mind changed, the blood shield turned into a close-fitting armor, and the immortal body was perfectly integrated. He also clenched the blood sword tightly and scratched it casually. The blood pupils on the blood sword opened one by one, and a breath of the source of evil burst out with him as the center in an instant.


The blood sword in his hand swayed, the tip of the sword pointed in the direction, and the blood exploded, causing the sea of blood to be like a tsunami.

A brilliant galaxy turned into a clear and holy stream, shooting from a distance. The elder of the Protoss star fire was in the galaxy and shouted fiercely, "How dare you!"

The icy starlight suddenly shot out of his initial world and turned into a frozen python condensed by six stars. The python was crystal white, with its fangs open and lifelike. It had his breath of life. The six pythons turned into six directions, carrying horrible deterrence and biting together.

I want to bite the stone rock in one bite!

Shi Yan suddenly looked up, and cold and cruel appeared on his face. He smiled gruefully and said, "When the Giant Lanxing, you can hit me hard or even kill me, but now, you don't have this ability!"

The blood sword in his hand suddenly flew out, and the pupils on the blood sword suddenly broke away from the sword's body. The scarlet demonic eyes emerged on the sea of blood. With the demonic blood pupils as the center, they suddenly condensed the bleeding flesh and turned into ferocious and evil ancient demons.

Those ancient demons are as tall as mountains, or blue-faced tusks, or wings like stabbed knives on their backs, or with curved horns on their heads. They look different, but they all have a terrible atmosphere of destroying the world.

From the giant star to the void turbulence, he gained insight into the subtlety of the blood sword and blood shield through the transaction with the "Ringling". Now he breaks through the first god's double heaven, absorbs a lot of power and body, and has a thorough understanding of swallowing the mystery. At this

At this moment, he is not afraid of the spark. Unless he is truly immortal, he is confident that no one can kill him!

The ferocious ancient demon gods, like evil mountains and rivers, released endless horror and fierce momentum, roared silently, rushing to the six crystal pythons.

The ancient demon god directly bit the crystal python released from the beginning of the spark, and the sky was dark. The ancient demon god did not show any trace, and it continued to strengthen its strength.

"Kill him!" The spark roared.

A golden spear suddenly flashed out of the sky. The long gun carried indestructible golden sharp power, like a golden lightning, piercing the heart of the stone rock eyebrows.

Almost at the same time, at the foot of the rock, countless star sea meteorites were suddenly piled up. Pago's figure appeared strangely on the meteorite and reached out. The huge meteorite was like a star of life, like hundreds of peaks stabbed at him, going to powder him to pieces.

This is a mysterious magic power of the mystery of the earth, called the thrust of meteorites. It takes the ubiquitous meteorites of the Star Sea as an attack, and takes the magic power of the earth as the source, which can smash the stars.

The terrible strength of the meteorite thrust, if it hits a star of life, it can burst a star of life.

The patriarchs of the Blakel and Austins family, afraid that the rock would attract Wedson again, made a trump card as soon as he appeared, trying to destroy the rock with one blow and send him to the bloodthirsty.

"Swallow heaven and earth!"

Shi Yan smiled ferociously, and his initial world suddenly flashed, like a brilliant sea of stars, like boundless floods, like a reckless universe.

A mysterious dark abyss, almost identical to the bloodthirsty holy land, suddenly emerged in his original world, immediately out of the original world, and emerged in the sea of blood. The black hole suddenly came to swallow the adsorption force of the sky, and all the surrounding breaths were abnormal.

All the strong men suddenly have a feeling of soul collapse, as if the main soul and the altar are uncontrollably out of their minds and fall into the black hole.

Spark, Thornton and Pargo are no exception!

Xinghuo's face changed dramatically, showing a look of dis astonation, and screamed, "It's not good! He has insight into the subtlety of devouring the mystery! Don't deal with him with the things of the beginning, attack him with divine power!"

Ten thousand years ago, Xinghuo was an outstanding warrior of the Protoss. He had seen bloodthirsty, knew that the fierce flame of this unrivaled troll was terrible, and knew the ferocity of devouring the mystery. Now he sees that Shiyan will "swallow the sky and the earth" magic power, and his Submerged.

When Thornton and Pargo heard him shout, their souls trembled, and their faces were pale and changed again.

The golden spear and the thrust of the meteorite stabbed the power of the soul, and the subtlety of the initial world was forcibly pulled away by them. Instead, they poured more divine power into it and bombarded the stone rock.

Shi Yan snorted, and the majestic divine body shook. The natural armor formed by the blood shield, the blood-colored clouds bloomed like buds, forming a blood-like pattern on his divine body.


The golden spear and the thrust of the meteorite hit his divine body. The blood of his armor was like a tooth, biting the spear. The meteorite bombarded him directly, but it could not cover all the blood light.

In the gap of the base meteorite, the dazzling bloodlight is still dazzling!

Just like the sharpness of stone rock today! ( To be continued)

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