Kill God

Chapter 1312 Collapse!

Spark, Thornton and Pago joined hands to urge the mystery and bombard the divine power, but they can't hide the light of the rock.

At this time, the three people of the spark were shocked and finally realized that although Shiyan is not bloodthirsty, after being passed on the bloodthirsty mystery, it will definitely be the biggest hidden danger of the Protoss in the future!

"Maybe the threat of this son in the future is greater than that of Ming, Xuanhe and Frederick, and it must be eliminated quickly!"

At this moment, Spark, Thornton and Pago made up their minds to destroy the stone rock and clear the obstacles for the future of the Protoss.

With determination, the rock submerged by the meteorite flow suddenly burst out the hegemonic force that shattered the void. The huge meteorite instantly turned into powder and became dust in the sea of stars.

Shiyan came out. The blood-red armor on his body was flowing with scarlet evil light, and the blood-colored clouds on his chest squirmed like strange mouths, chewing and swallowing up the human body. It was the natural array of armor, which could absorb all kinds of forces bombardment on the armor.

The sharp force infused by Thornton's golden spear and meteorite hit the armor and was swallowed by the strange blood mouth.

Increase the strong momentum of the rock!

"If this son is not eliminated, our family will eventually be restless."

The star fire's face was cold, he spit out his tongue, and the tip of his tongue burst into a nail-sized ice chip. Although the ice chip was extremely small, it was cold, and the stars inside were dotted like a galaxy miniature on a piece of ice, forming a mysterious and unpredictable array.

The small ice chip, called "Star Ice Jade Piece", was found from the interior of a bursting star when the spark was freed on the edge of the "Sea of Nothingness".

Between the vast galaxy. There are all kinds of ancient rumors. It is said that the universe has been in Hanoi for hundreds of millions of years and has experienced one era after another. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Protoss, the undead demon clan, the demon clan and the underworld have been the protagonists. But in a longer era, there are more mysterious and ancient civilizations between the stars.

Just because they were too powerful, and because of their inexcessive campaign, their star domains were smashed and annihilated one by one, disappearing into the "sea of void".

Rumor has it that earlier, the star domain of the universe was endless, and the star domain was like water droplets in the sea, countless. Unfortunately, they all gradually burst and disappeared with the strong.

Today's star domain is less than one ten thousandth of that era. In those eras, many magical weapons disappeared in the "Sea of Nothingness" with the extinction. Only when you reach the immortal level can you happen to encounter the wreckage of some sharp weapons in the "Sea of Nothingness".

The "star ice jade piece" of spark was only obtained from the outer layer of the "virtual sea". He regarded it as a treasure. According to his secret guess, this "star ice jade piece" should be in that ancient era. Fragments after the explosion of a strong man's weapon.

So far, he can't really break the magic of "star ice jade". In order to refine this thing, he has spent more than 700 years. Only then can you send and receive as you like.

As soon as the "Star Ice Jade Shard" came out, the void in front of the Star Sea quickly froze. The sea of blood souls released by Shiyan suddenly became a bloody ice.

Both Thornton and Pago's faces have changed. He looked at the spark in horror and immediately retreated one after another.

At the same time, the ancient demon god on the head released by the stone rock, after the "star ice jade piece" was released, suddenly turned into ice debris, becoming a burst of collapsed energy dissipated, and all kinds of negative energy dissipated together.


The sound of dysfunctional sound came from the stone rock's soul altar, and there was strong uneasiness in his heart, and the blood in his body was shaking.

He looked at the small fragments with a surprisingly solemn expression. The breath from the small fragments could cover the whole fire and rain star domain, which would cause great changes in the fire and rain star field.


He shouted in a low voice and forcibly stimulated the change of space with magic blood. The tip of his tongue was sweet, and a mouthful of magic blood burst out in his mouth.

The stagnation of the divine force suddenly moved, connecting the change of the void to break a gap in the void.

"Not enough!"

The star fire had a gloomy face, suddenly shouted, and a stream of consciousness shot through the "star ice jade piece".

A layer of icy light lines suddenly sprinkled out, and the void illuminated by the light lines was held down by a towering giant hand, and the cracks in the void could not open!

"I got this 'star ice jade piece' from the 'sea of nothingness', and it took more than 700 years to refine it. As soon as this ice jade piece comes out, I dare to fight against the real immortal strong. How can you stop it?" At this time, Xinghuo's face was cold and arrogant, and a wisp of soul actually emerged from the jade piece, like a baby shadow sitting in the jade piece.

He suddenly refined the "star ice jade piece" as the most precious treasure of his life, nourishing the soul with blood, so as to release the maximum power of the sharp weapon.

The refining of the original treasure is extremely difficult. Generally, few strong people will refine it, because once the original treasure is completed, it is linked to the life of the master. If the treasure of the life is crushed and burst, the owner's most fortunate case is also the soul altar smashed, but most of them are the altar and the main soul body

Condense your life with the same magic soldier. It is not that ordinary people dare to gamble, but they will refine the most precious thing. That thing must be extremely precious and regarded as a life by the master!

The "star ice jade piece" of Xinghuo is the treasure of his life, which is linked to his life and treated by him as his life.

Now he has released his life to deal with the stone rock, which is to see the horror of the stone rock and is worried that the continued survival of the stone rock will bring the destruction of the whole race.


One by one, voices sounded in the void, and the space around the stone rock was frozen one by one. It is impossible to escape with the help of the power of space.

Seeing the original treasure of the spark flashing cold light, slowly drifting over, Shi Yan trembled slightly all over, and there was a strong uneasiness.

From the small piece of jade, he sensed the terrible power that could smash his altar!

"Take the source!"

At this critical moment, Shi Yan meditated for a while, and suddenly roared in a low voice.

Sendlessly, his soul altar, which had been stagnant for a long time, rotated crazily again!

Almost at the same time, far away in the Divine Continent of Maya, there are many lush forests outside the continent. If the power is extracted in an instant, it suddenly becomes silent and desolate, with the collapse of peaks and the fusion of glaciers, all of which is due to the great changes in the energy of heaven and earth.

And in the rock, a vast power of ancient times emerged in the depths of the soul, and a divine idea suddenly came out.


The previously disappeared and turned into a blood sword of the ancient demon god on his head, like a bloody electric light, suddenly flashed above his head, like a blood-red lightning shuttling through the tiny space at a high speed.

The blood shield on the stone rock is also like a fresh life. The blood-colored cloud squirmed, releasing a stream of sticky cloud cotton as thick as blood and falling into the blood sword.

At the same time, the magic power, negative energy, magic blood power, and star power of the stone rock are merged into the blood sword one by one.

surprisingly, the blood sword did not swell up, but shrank quickly. After absorbing the power of terror, it became only the size of a palm, like a small shuttle. One eye pupil on the blood sword was all opened, bloody, and the corners of the eyes were bleeding, which was extremely strange!


Shi Yan looked at the jade piece.

The little blood sword suddenly disappeared.


A crisp sound came, and the void suddenly collapsed here. The fragments of the void were shot, and hundreds of warships disappeared in the blink of an eye. Thousands of Protoss disappeared one by one. The shattered void cracked the turbulence of the void. From then on, they threw themselves into the fire and rain star field

This is the change of the star domain caused by the collision of blood sword and jade.

After a crisp sound, the jade piece and the blood sword shuttled through the void turbulence, and the seven holes of the stone rock bled, looking ferocious and terrible.

The star fire's face and the divine body seem to be nothing different.

But his soul altar cracked with the appearance of the "star ice jade piece", and there was also a crack...

This is a heavy blow to the soul!

Inside the spark pupil, such as porcelain, was hit hard and there were cracks. He endured the terrible pain of the altar and roared, "What are you waiting for! The fire rain star domain can be unwanted and can be turned into nothingness, but this child must be killed! If this son lives for another thousand years, he must be another bloodthirsty rebirth!"

After saying that, he couldn't care so much. He got into the void and turbulence, followed the soul perception, and went to find his "star ice jade piece".

On the surface, he is still calm, but his heart is burned by fire, because there is a crack in the "Star Ice Jade Shard", because now it is stirred in the void and chaotic basin. If he can't take it back as soon as possible to repair it, not only will his realm regress, but his altar may gradually collapse.

He fights every minute!

Thornton and Pago stared at the collapse of the void here and watched the strange storm gushed out of the void turbulence, and they were shocked.

"The fierce battle of the immortal strong will lead to the collapse of the star domain, making a star domain disappear and integrate into nothingness..."

They both remembered the words of their ancestors at the same time.

The blow of the star fire and the rock actually reached the immortal level. There was a great horror that the aftermath caused the collapse of the star domain, which made the two of them stunned.

After the roar of the star fire, it suddenly rushed into the void turbulence, which made them secretly shocked, so they did not dare to rush to kill the rock as he said and take the opportunity to destroy the rock.

Because they are afraid.

They absolutely can't imagine that the stone rock is in an extremely bad state at this time. As long as they dare to strike, the stone rock will be scattered!

Their hesitation, their immobility, gave Shiyan a God-given opportunity to recover quickly!

"Kakaka! Kaka Kaka!"

Like the huge glass smashed, the sky and the earth collapsed, everything around it was crushed, and many Protoss turned into nothingness.

All this happened too fast, too fast, and the crazy Weedson has not yet attacked. Because of the full-out blow of sparks and rocks, it has led to the gradual collapse of the star domain. If the collapse spreads, a large fire and rain star domain will be completely erased from the star sea.

At this time, the stone rock that reaches the second heaven of the first god and cultivates the mystery of space, which is the only one that can rectify the space, is in the worst state.

The most desperate thing is that at this time, the crazy Wedson poured fuel on the fire and shouted, with the corrosive field of heaven and earth, and drilled into the most chaotic place.