Kill God

Chapter 1431 Divided Action

On the blue seabed, colorful reefs are scattered, cicen corals are inlaid with blood-colored crystals, and unknown marine plants such as octopus tentacles are stretched out, which is beautiful and intoxicating.

The thick blood gradually diluted and dissipated, and bright masks, like goose egg shells wrapped in human bodies, gathered in a reef area.

Three arrow-like long fish slowly passed by the crowd. I don't know that at the previous moment, they experienced a bloody slaughter here.

"If it goes on like this, the boy will be completely crazy and must find a safe area to stabilize." Minghong lay on Audrey's shoulder. "Of course, there is a more appropriate way."

"What method?" Audrey's eyes are slightly bright.

"Abandon him and use him as bait, so that we can leave calmly. After all, the main goal of those people is precisely him. Once he falls into a crazy mess, it will attract everyone to come out and regard him as the first task of killing, and we... naturally can return to the domain gate comfortably. What do you think?

When he spoke, Minghong's eyes flashed, paying attention to Audrey, God, Ming Hui, and paying attention to the stone rock in the distance.

Shi Yan is now a distance away from them. Because she didn't trust them, Meiji also chose to lean on Shi Yan and did not take the initiative to get close to them. In addition, Minghong deliberately restrained his voice. He believed that Shi Yan and Meiji over there would definitely not be able to hear his words, so he made this proposal.

"No way!" Audrey took the lead in speaking and had almost no hesitation.

"Why not?" Minghong frowned.

Audrey was stunned. When she thought about it carefully, there was a strange luster in her eyes. "He saved my life. If he hadn't protected me in the sea of nothingness, I would have died long ago. I came with him and wanted to go. Let's go together. I will never give up on him!"

Minghong curled his lips and said, "A woman is a woman. As soon as the word of love moves, the reason will be destroyed."

"No, it's not what you think." Audrey retorted, her tone was a little weak, and her expression was a little trance.

"Are you really moved?" She asked herself blankly.

"What do you two think?" Minghong said again.

"If there is no Aoyi Fu Tower. I don't care about him! I heard from you that the Aoyi Fu Pagoda is so precious. He is holding it again now. I can only do my best for the first source charm. God was calm and shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I find that the situation is not good and there is a crisis in my life, I will avoid it far away. First of all, let's focus on saving lives.

"What about you?" Ming Hong asked.

"Let's look at it for a while." The expression of the dark is complicated.

Shi Yan is nominally a bloodthirsty lord. As one of the eight followers, he must serve wholeheartedly according to reason. Even if there is no Aoyi Fu Tower, in principle, he should protect the stone rock, because he knows that it is on the stone rock. With bloodthirsty hope and will.

Now that the stone rock has an amuyifu tower, the cave is full of dark energy, and he has entered the realm of immortality. He found that he gradually needed to rely on the stone rock, so it was difficult to give up.

"You all decided to follow for a while. Then it's better to find a solution, otherwise we will be the first to suffer when he is crazy. Minghong made a suggestion.

The three of them nodded together.

"I'll talk to him." Ming Hui pondered for a while, then stood up and went to the stone rock.

Almost at the same time, the scarlet stone rock of the eyes also came towards them.

God and Ming were all surprised. They all stopped for a while and looked at him doubtfully.

At this moment, the stone rock strode wide, surrounded by a strong smell of blood. The blood evil spirit was like a blood-colored flame, covering his whole body in layers. Even his long hair was burning like a flame. Every foot he fell, and the blood flame splashed, which was amazing.

Those scarlet eyes, if there is blood to overflow, it makes the soul tremble at a glance, if you want to indulge in boundless killing.

"Strong negative domain field! His field spreads, which will not only lose his mind, but also affect all the creatures around him!" Minghong screamed.

Audrey was also stunned.

She noticed that when Shi Yan came, thousands of swimming fish not far away went crazy, fighting together and biting each other. The most ordinary fish turned into a violent piranha, and the situation was extremely shocking.

With the approach of the stone rock, her qi and blood also soared. In a trance, if she saw the boundless sea of blood coming, she couldn't wait to kill.

"As he kills more people, the absorbed soul altar and death essence become stronger, and this magnetic field... will be more terrible." The Lord's expression was solemn, "I personally experienced that when the bloodthirsty died, the negative magnetic field spread, which led to his death. After his death, our people still killed each other for dozens of days, and the participants died."

Hearing what he said, Minghong looked more and more frightened.

The movement of Shi Yan also shocked Mei Ji. She also stood up and was ready to come over to see the situation.

However, only 20 steps closer to Shiyan, Meiji felt that the blood was burning, and her eyes were like seeing thick blood rushing on her face, as if she was covered with the blood of killing.

Meiji is proficient in spiritual charm and has a deep understanding of the mystery of the soul. She immediately realized that those negative fluctuations contain terrible spiritual magic. The influence of the spiritual magic is very terrible. Even she can comply with it. She believes that many people may lose their minds.

"I think you can also see that I'm not in the right situation now..." Shi Yan took the initiative to stop when he was ten steps away from Audrey and Ming.

"Shi Yan, what's going on?" Audrey said in a hurry.

"It's over-negative." Shi Yan's eyes were still red, "From Gan Fu, then there were Tergah, Yebole, Faloni, the bodyguards of the Xuantian clan, Batum, and then there was no rest all the way, no leisure to stabilize and purify, continuous killing, and absorbed the soul altar and divine body disability of hundreds of people..."

After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "My devouring black hole and acupuncture points all over my body, such as the Tantan Avenue in all directions, is blocked by the influx of too much traffic, such as sophisticated artifacts injecting too much power of different attributes, and the operation is stagnant. So much so that... the speed of purification is getting slower and slower, so that I haven't even digested the power of Gan Fu until now, and let the negative breath gradually overflow, constantly surging out, into my mind and out of my body..."

His explanation was concise and clear, and everyone heard it clearly, and then his expressions were solemn.

Even the first power to devour Gan Fu has not been digested. From this point of view, the situation is indeed relatively serious. According to this trend, Shiyan will be dominated by negative emotions and may turn into a pure killer beast, completely lose his mind until he runs out of all his energy and dies.

"What do you want to say to us?" The underworld was thinking about it secretly.

"I need time to adjust the abnormalities in my body, but I also know that if we stay in an area for a long time, those who disappear after being killed by us may become fuses that expose our position." Shi Yan kept taking deep breaths to make himself appear sober and rational. "You continue to rush in the direction of the domain gate and continue to kill people along the way. Those who disappear will become the key to the other party's tracking in the future and can attract attention. And Meiji and I will temporarily disappear and separate from you first. I will take the opportunity to adjust my abnormal body.

"Do you want us to be the bait and buy you time?" God sneered.

"Even without both of us, don't you want to return to the domain gate?" Shi Yan was not angry. "And as far as I know, the other party just affirms that Me and Meiji are the target, and they don't know your existence, so you are very safe. Even if you really meet someone, others may not know that you are the target. What I need you to do is that no matter who those people know who you are, you all go on. If many teams disappear in a row in a region, it will naturally attract the attention of people with intentions and suspect that we are in it.

"He's right." Minghong nodded, "Those people are looking for Shi Yan and the local woman. They don't know our existence at all. Anyway, we all have to go to the domain gate and continue to kill people on the way to attract him, which is much better than following him. When he loses his mind, we will be in trouble."

"That's it." Ming Hui also agreed.

"Why do you take Meiji with you? Do you believe her? Audrey's face was cold, "I'm with you!"

"No way!" Minghao and Minghong shouted at the same time.

Following Shiyan, the possibility of an accident is higher. He may be killed by the crazy Shiyan before he is found. Minghao and Minghong both treat Audrey as the hope for the future of the Ming royal family. Naturally, this will not be allowed to happen.

"Tranch the position of the domain gate on this fantasy star compass. Maybe we can reunite on the way. Even if not, as long as I am safe and sound, I will return to the wilderness through the domain gate." Shi Yan handed it to Minghong's compass.

Minghong didn't think about it. He immediately branded the exact location on it, and specially marked it as "the entrance to the wilderness". When the stone rock was taken back, his soul consciousness moved, and he immediately knew the precise location of the gate of the wilderness.

"Ts take care." He glanced at the three people and turned into a starlight. On the way, he pulled Meiji up, refracted to the distance, and blinked without a trace.

"I'm with you!" Audrey shouted, but was stopped by Minghong and Minghao, and she was not allowed to take risks.

"Don't go! Maybe there will be a possibility of goodbye in the future!" Minghong shouted.

"That boy doesn't have an accident so easily. It's really going to happen. It's also that woman who has an accident." Ming Hui's eyes flashed with a strange luster. If he knew what Shi Yan was going to do, "Don't worry, he has a way to solve that problem quickly. This guy has been in our wilderness for many years, and he has used the devouring mystery many times, and he didn't really play himself to death."

"Yes, what method did he do before?" Audrey was surprised.

Mingxi smiled secretly, "Anyway, he has his way. Don't worry, he is measured. As long as we kill more people on the way and attract us, he will be able to calmly and stabilize his mind. Maybe he will catch up soon."

...(To be continued) RQ