Kill God

Chapter 1432 Soul

Mei Ji was secretly happy.

Shiyan took her to the rare sea and separated from everyone. She was not worried at all - because Shiyan, together with her, did not choose to go all the way with Audrey.

Such a separation made her inexplicably happy and physically and mentally happy.

Layers of star streams wrapped around her side. In the starry light mask, Meiji looked lazy and quietly clung to Shi Yan. She didn't care about the plump legs and Shi Yan's close to each other. She said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to rush to return to the wilderness. Yes, now The white bone clan is not aimed at you?"

Shi Yan's breath was heavy, he frowned, his eyes were red, and he shouted in a low voice, "What do you want to say?"

"As long as you want, our Phantom can accept you, and we can quietly return to the Phantom headquarters. I believe that with the Aoyi Fu Tower in hand, our Phantom family will definitely regard you as the most noble guest! Don't worry, I know some secret routes, and I should be able to avoid many strong people!" Mei Ji insted and said.

"If I reach the realm of the domain ancestor, I can come and go freely in your phantom clan, and I can go to the phantom clan with you now. But now..." Shi Yan shook his head.

Meiji was stunned and immediately understood, "Are you worried that we will be against you?"

"Now I don't believe anyone except myself! According to what you said, the Aoyi Fu Tower is so precious that any clan of the seven clans will be kind to know my whereabouts. I don't believe that your Phantom clan finds that I am just immortal and can be killed easily. Can you stand it? Shi Yan snorted coldly.

Meiji was silent. After thinking about it carefully, she didn't think that the predecessors of the Phantom clan could handle this matter properly for her face.

"You're right. Only when you are in a good position can you negotiate with others." She is not stupid. It's just that as a phantom, I didn't turn around for a while.

"What did you talk about before you separated from them? Why do you want to separate? She asked again.

Shi Yan looked at her deeply, and her eyes flashed with an inexplicable light that made Meiji's mind tremble. The light was strongly aggressive, which made Meiji a little uneasy.

He didn't answer.

Meiji didn't continue to ask. She always felt that it might have something to do with her, and felt that Shi Yan didn't seem to have made up her mind.

That's true.

Because of the greed for the pleasure of devouring Aoyi, he did not stop swallowing it. Finally, the divine body and soul were extremely uncomfortable. In a very bad situation.

He has had a similar experience.

In the past, he released by venting his desire, which was definitely an effective way for him. The current situation gave him a new idea.

He had two choices, one was Audrey. A charming girl.

In these two choices, he quickly made a decision to target Meiji.

As for Audrey. Because Ming Hui and Ming Hong are all there, especially Ming Hong is the fierce soul of Audrey, all the time. He can't beat the level in his heart, so he can only give up.

Then it can only be Meiji.

But even if it is a charming girl, if you force her ** purely on the premise of rectifying the divine body and soul, it will also make Shi Yan a little embarrassed.

He has another choice. In a short period of time, if he meets some female warriors, he can take them out.

He is in a very bad situation this time. Judging from his previous experience, there are too many soul altar and death spirits this time. With his divine body, he may not be able to bear it. Those who are with him ** will be able to get great benefits, get mysterious energy to refine the body, and even refine the soul altar...

In an undersea stone forest area, strange stones stand like colorful crystals. Those stones are strange, shining with a bright luster on the bottom of the sea, which is quite magnificent.

Shiyan looked at it from afar and found that this stone forest is quite vast. I'm afraid it covers an area of about a hundred miles, but it is an excellent hiding place.

Let go of the spiritual consciousness and extend the sense with the meaning of space. After a few seconds, he withdrew his consciousness and rushed straight into the stone forest.


A thick stone pillar was chiseled out and dug into a hollow from the inside, and the stone rock flashed into it with Mei Ji.

Meiji's charming face was full of doubts. Looking at Shi Yan's abnormal behavior, she was thinking about Shi Yan's intentions in her heart, thinking that he was going to sit here to practice.

The stone pillar is like a huge tree trunk. After the interior is hollowed out, it is like a small jade secret room, which can accommodate three or five people standing side by side.

The chiseled entrance was blocked by the rock from the inside with a spatial boundary, and he condensed the meaning to isolate the breath to prevent someone from detecting the abnormality here.

"Do you want to practice calmly? Don't worry, I will pay attention to your surroundings, and someone will come to remind you. Meiji said naturally. "

However, Shi Yan just looked at her without sitting down, and his red eyes were getting hotter and hotter.

"You?" Mei Ji is getting more and more uneasy.

"I want you." After a long silence, Shi Yan suddenly opened his mouth and said concisely, "Your body can help me solve the trouble in front of me and help me release my negative emotions."

Meiji's body trembled, retreated in panic, and retreated on the jade rock wall. The charming face of all sentient beings was full of panic, "You, what are you talking about? What time has it been? Even if you are greedy for my body, you should find another excuse, right? The timing is not right..."

Under the eyes of Shiyan's scorching**, Meiji retreated in an all-round way, with a kind of inexplicable panic.

"I'm not kidding."

Shi Yan breathed heavily. He found that when he made up his mind to take this way, the attraction given to him by Meiji in front of him was suddenly increased by several times, which completely ignited the fire of desire in his heart, and there was no way to suppress it.

At this time, Meiji, dressed in a rose-red narrow skirt, undoubtedly showed her perfect ketone body. The graceful and hot curves, the full and swollen peaks, the sexy and rich rosy lips, and the charm of all sentient beings made Shiyan's mouth dry and dry.

"Say it clearly!" Meiji screamed, her buttocks were against the jade, and her delicate face changed color.

"The devouring mystery of my cultivation, with..." Shi Yan speaks very fast, focusing on the impact of negative emotions about devouring the mystery, and saying that the power after purification is of great use for ** women. "This matter is also beneficial to you. You may not suffer losses, and I have no other choice... ..."

"What other options?" Meiji was surprised.

"I can choose any woman**, but you also know that I will definitely kill her afterwards and will not reveal my position. This will waste part of the power in vain. This part of the power may be valuable, which is of great benefit to the quenching of the body and the transformation of life!" Shi Yan shouted.

"You chose me, is there anything else besides these reasons? You have to give benefits to the good, why don't you choose Audrey? Meiji gritted her teeth and her cheeks were red. She felt that her body was getting softer and weaker. She could feel the heat and uneasiness on her body and the inexplicable surprise in her heart.

"I just want you! You are beautiful, you know charming, and you can give me unparalleled enjoyment!" Shi Yan roared, and there was a way in his body that the beast had been rushing out, and his expression was ferocious.

"If I don't misunderstand, do you mean, I'm more beautiful than her? Are you more satisfied and moved than her? Meiji squeezed her lips and couldn't help licking the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were full of spring.

"That's it! Are you satisfied?" Shi Yan shouted in a rude voice.

"I'm satisfied." Meiji smiled charmingly, and her watery eyes turned with a wave of light. "For the sake of your correct answer, I will, I will..."

The rose-red skirt slowly faded, and a snow-white hot ketone gradually appeared. The unique fullness and sexiness of mature women can make any man crazy.

Shiyan is naturally a man, and naturally he is crazy.

After a fierce beast-like roar, Shi Yan suddenly pressed on Meiji's seductive warm body, tore her long skirt that had not completely faded into pieces, and his big mouth gathered at her heavy intoxicating peaks and gnawed freely.


Meiji made a bone-eating and ecstasy cry. She felt hot all over and closed her straight legs tightly. She was ashamed to notice that her lower body was already wet.

In a trance, she remembered that when she was on the Skull Island, Shi Yan's little movements of her fingers in her private place, and her whole body collapsed.


Shi Yan's clothes broke into pieces in an instant, and his strong and majestic physique was immediately ** exposed. The body was made of steel, full of men's unique masculinity and domineering. The beautiful eyes of the charming girl flowed out of the color, secretly biting his lips, and his heart was melted by the fire

Although she has practiced charming skills in the clan, she has not really been so close to men. Looking at Shi Yan's majestic body, her mind was also swaying. She couldn't help it, and her snow-white body gradually covered with amazing blush.

She is also emotional...

"Serve me! Use the charm of your phantoms!" Shi Yan grinned, straightening his body like a long gun, and slapped his big hand on Meiji's plump buttocks. The ** buttocks trembled gently and rippled charmingly. "You know how to do it."

Meiji's beautiful eyes** are extremely charming, and she whispers shyly, "I have learned all those charming skills when I was an adult, but I haven't really used them. I may be a little astringent..."

Saying this, she slowly squatted down and squatted on the crotch of the stone rock, with her hair scattered on her snow-white waist, and her plump buttocks slightly upturned.

She stretched out her delicate fingers, grabbed the thing together with both hands, and put the rich red lips over...

The stone rock took a cold breath, and the pores of the whole body spread out. It was impacted by the indescribable beauty, and the divine body was about to explode.

At this moment, he deeply realized the praise of the phantom woman, - every phantom woman is a sexy beauty, an endless dream of men.

Mei Ji buried her head in his crotch, half squatted, ** slightly upturned, moved her tongue, and from time to time brushed the messy hair covering her cheeks, and looked up at him charmingly.

That look hooked away the whole soul of Shiyan... Er, give me a monthly ticket if it's hard~~~(To be continued) RQ