Kill God

Chapter 1433 Accidental Hit by mistake

Deep under the sea, an area full of strange rocks, and many unknown fish swim leisurely.

Those stones are like colorful crystals, standing like pillars on the bottom of the sea, emitting a bright halo, magnificent and mysterious, full of intoxicating bright colors, which is a very unique undersea scenery.


The divine body was covered with halo, and suddenly disappeared into this stone forest. They were seven men of the ancient demon clan. They were strong and strong, and their bodies were full of thick fluff. Only their faces were smooth and fierce and ugly.

There is a beautiful sea woman in their light mask. The seven sea women are dying, their clothes are torn and tattered, and there are obvious signs of whipping on their bodies.

Seven ancient demon men swept all the way into the stone forest and found a position at will. The first middle-aged tiger's eyes flashed with ** blasphemous light, pressed the sea woman in the light mask on a stone pillar, and pressed it up with a ferocious smile. During the happy expedition, he still hummed: "Meiji **, kill you! I'll kill you!"

He fantasizes that the sea woman under him is Meiji, and obviously has a very hot ** for Meiji.

This man's name is Hussein. He is the immortal strong man of the ancient demon clan. He is Yeborough's cousin. He is the person in charge of the ancient demon clan in the sea of destruction.

After Hussein was sent to the sea of destruction by the ancient demons, he was fascinated when he saw Meiji for the first time. He had visited the island of the Phantom Clan several times, and he showed his admiration for Meiji in the open and secretly.

Unfortunately, his realm is only an immortal triple heaven, slightly inferior to the immortal peak of Meiji, and was sarcastically rejected by Meiji many times.

He also used the power of the ancient demon clan to propose to the Phantom clan, hoping to make the ancient demon clan and the Phantom clan closer through marriage. Of course, these are all his one-sided words. His main purpose is to get Mei Ji.

Originally, the Phantom clan had considered this matter. Later, Batum also saw Mei Ji and began to pursue it crazily. He immediately covered up the glory of Hussein. Batum had insight into the dark energy and was the ancestor of the domain. In the eyes of the Phantom clan, he was much more important than Hussein.

Therefore. The Phantom clan is measured by many parties. Treating Batum as a candidate, he politely rejected Hussein.

This is the eternal pain in Hussein's heart.

So much so that when he saw Meijie again in the broken sea in the future, he never said a good word in his mouth. He maliciously slandered Meiji, said that Meiji ** is extremely, and said that Meiji has countless faces.

Because of his bad words. Meiji once visited the main island of the ancient demon clan in the shattered sea, injured Hussein with her own hands, and beat him with blood all over. This incident once led to the bad relationship between the ancient demon clan and the Phantom clan.

After that, Hussein was honest for a period of time, and he didn't dare to bother Meiji again. It is said that he raised more than a dozen female slaves in captivity. Those female slaves are somewhat similar to Meiji, and he used them to play with them to vent their inner **.

It is said that it was not long before those female slaves were tortured to death by him...

This trip, Hussein received the above message. He also went deep into the bottom of the sea under the command of Deli to find Shiyan and Meiji, and came to take the lead in hunting the news of Aoyi Fu Pagoda. The real master of the ancient demon clan has just entered the sea of destruction recently and has contacted Hussein, so that he must determine the general position of Shi Yan and others.

Through his way, Hussein knew that the sea area belonging to the Sea Shark Emperor had disappeared one after another recently, so he thought about exploring here.

After several days of investigation, he didn't find anything and gradually became depressed and irritable. At this time, he happened to meet a few beautiful sea women who went out. He immediately had a lot of sex. He thought that there had been chaos at the bottom of the sea recently, and no one knew what he had done to kill a few sea women, so .

The realm of several beautiful women of the sea clan is extremely low, but it's just the realm of true gods. They can't bear the long-term flogging and expedition, giving them a crazy destruction to these immortal realms, and they will soon be exhausted.

Not long after, when Hussein shouted the name of Meiji, the sea girl under him was bruised all over his body.

At the critical moment, the girl below died, and her body became cold and stiff, which made Hussein extremely unhappy. He cursed, punched down, punched the woman's body in the chest, and then threw the woman's body out casually.


The corpse of the miserable sea woman hit a huge bright yellow stone pillar. Under the impact, the stone pillar suddenly emerged a burst of space ripples, and the whole bright yellow stone pillar also emitted an amazing luster.


Husern shouted softly and removed the dark brown protective mask. As soon as the sea water rushed, his semi-** body was immediately clean. He frowned and walked towards the stone pillar, shouting impatiently, "Are you all right?"

"All right, all right!"

"Your Excellency, you are all right, and we are not good."

His ancient demons were under his command, and he was simply a virtuous person. He smiled strangely and began to pull his trousers.

"Throw the body over and hit the stone pillar!" Hussein ordered..

Those under their command did not know why, but they did not dare not listen. They threw out the body of the sea woman ** that had been tortured and hit the stone pillar fiercely. When the body of the sea woman's body was blurred, the luster on the stone pillar became more and more obvious, and the layers of spatial ripples emerged.

"What? What's the situation?"

"How can there be space fluctuations in that stone pillar?"

"Is it possible that you found the fragments of the magic soldier at the bottom of the sea for us? Haha, the luck is coming!"

"It's very possible that many people search for the strange materials left by Taichu at the bottom of the sea, and they often find them by chance!"

These ferocious means of the ancient demon clan are all in high spirits, and they don't even look at the bodies of the fallen sea women, all around the stone pillar that released the space fluctuation.

"Be careful! If it's really a treasure, it must not be damaged again. You have to dig it slowly!" Hussein said to his command, and he was also excited. He said secretly: I'm really destined to do it. Even if I have a woman, I can also make a Taichu strange treasure. Meiji's bitch doesn't choose Laozi. Sooner or later, I will let her know what the consequences will be!

"Your Excellency, let me have a try. I practice the mystery of water. The mystery of water is gentle. I will be cautious. There should be no accident. What do you think?" An ancient demon man with a huge head took the initiative to ask for it.

Husern nodded, "Be careful. If it damages the baby, I will cut your **!"

"Lord, don't worry!" The man's face trembled and carefully walked to the stone pillar. He was just an immortal realm. He pressed his hands on the stone pillar, and two streams of ice and blue water gushed out of his palms. The magic power of the water in the stream slowly disappeared into the center of the stone pillar, like a flowing spring, and he had to integrate into the


A violent, crazy, murderous and brutal breath gushed out like a torrent of floods, and the divine power of water released by him was suddenly injected into his mind.

In an instant, the man was full of irritability to kill all living creatures. He roared "kill", like a fierce beast that was driven crazy. The most cruel side of his heart was infinitely pronated. He suddenly turned around and killed one of his closest companions. The water gushed out of his chest, like a rapid water arrow,

The ancient demon man leaned in front of him and paid attention. His attention was on the stone pillar. He was killed by his companions and was immediately hit!


The man's body shield exploded like glass, and his chest was hit by a water arrow. With the sound of bone bursting, his chest was obviously sunken, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Duck! You are fucking crazy!" Hussein roared.

"He seems to be really crazy!"

The ancient demon man, known as Dak, was full of rapid water, turning into water arrows and hitting in all directions.

Those ancient demon warriors screamed and avoided, and they all saw that something was wrong with him.

"That stone pillar is weird!" Someone shouted.

"Crap the Dak! Control him for me!" Hussein screamed.

The ancient demon man who was hit hard, with a sunken chest and blood in the corners of his mouth, was severely damaged all of a sudden. His back smashed several stone pillars and his face was pale.

Those ancient demon men, except Hussein, immediately did it with all their strength, regardless of whether they would hurt Dak or not. They bombarded him to the end and tied him up, making him unable to move.

"Let him wake up!" Hussein ordered..

A person's cold face and a cold consciousness watered into Dak's mind. Dak was shocked, and his eyes gradually returned to clarity. He pointed to the stone pillar like a ghost, "What's wrong there! Strong sense of killing! It can directly penetrate into the sea of soul knowledge, among which... there may be evil weapons, adults must be careful!"

"It's time to break the stone pillar." Hussein pondered for a moment and said coldly.

"Let me do it!" One person took the initiative to stand up, and the mystery turned around. A golden sharp blade was like a 100-meter-wide sword. In the golden light, he slashed to the stone pillar.


The fire splashed, and the space blades splashed out of it and cut everywhere at the bottom of the sea, making these ancient demon warriors stunned and dodged one after another.

"Damn it! How can there be a space forbidden!"

"It's not right!"

"No! There is someone who has the breath of life. Although it flashes away, there must be!"

The ancient demon man who was injured by Duck and rested in the distance suddenly changed his face and screamed suddenly.

"Not bad! There is someone inside the stone pillar!" Hussein was also shocked. When the sharp blade of the space splashed, he also sensed a familiar breath, which was accompanied by a smell of **, which made him a little trance.

"Break it with all your strength!" Hussein roared. "

"It's up!"

Those warriors of the ancient demon clan suddenly took action with all their strength. All kinds of light soldiers flew into the mountains and rivers, and hit the stone pillars one by one.

Under the impact of many mysterious treasures, the internal space prohibition finally could not be supported. Under the gaze of Hussein, it burst violently.

Hussein's eyes widened and looked at the scene that flashed after the stone pillar exploded. As if he was hit hard on the chest, his chest was full of breath, and a mouthful of blood almost spewed out.


ps: The first update, there is an outbreak today, and the monthly ticket is doubled on the last day. Please support me and thank you!!