Killer Princess: handsome and cold prince

Chapter 5: Iceberg Fury

Hearing what the maid said, Lan Ruoyan not only looked up at the maid, but also saw that although she was simply dressed, she was also bright and beautiful. The important thing was that she was careful. On this day, Lan Ruoyan had already secretly observed a maidservant. She seemed to be cautious and honest everywhere.

"What's your name?" Lan Ruoyan asked that she had the intention to reuse this maid. The king's mansion is so big that she can't manage it well just by helping her.

"The maidservant is called ripples." The maidservant answered respectfully.

"Why haven't you told me what your name is before?" Lan Ruoyan asked.

"The Empress did not ask, and the maidservant did not dare to tell the Empress on her own initiative." Lianyi bowed and replied, "Forgive the maidservant for speculating. If you really want to know the name of the maidservant, I think you will definitely ask."

"Smart." Lan Ruoyan smiled and said, "I remember, your name is Ripple."

"Thank you. The maidservant went to pour tea for the mother first. After saying sincerely, Lan Ruoyan nodded and left the house.

For a moment, there was only Lan Ruoyan left in this room, holding his hand on his cheek and looking straight at the door. When will he wait? In a daze, the quietness of the room only heard the regular and rhythmic sound of knocking on the wooden fish.

Su Mu heard the maid's words in the evening and immediately rushed to Fahua Temple. However, Fahua Temple is not close to the royal palace. It's just arrived, and it's not early. He smiled at his nervousness and asked the passing Sami. Knowing the large courtyard where Princess Chen lived, he walked away with a trace of luck.

Lan Ruoyan still didn't sleep, and the candlelight in the room was still swaying. Su Mu walked in the yard and looked at the dim candlelight, and part of her heart was filled with a heat current. Looking at the hazy moonlight, it's really late tonight. It's inevitable to cause misunderstanding to go to see her at this time, but I'm a little reluctant to leave like this. Entangled again and again, walking back and forth in the yard.

With a creak, the door opened. Lan Ruoyan poked out of his head and saw a man standing there in the yard and saw his face unbelievable.

"Brother Su?" Lan Ruoyan asked curiously and looked around. There was no one.

"I heard that you are in Fahua Temple, so I came to have a look. It's just that it's getting late and it's inconvenient to disturb you, but thinking that you have something to ask me, I'm afraid it's something urgent, so I came to see if you're asleep?" Looking at the bright moon on the black curtain.

Lan Ruoyan just wore a single dress without a cloak. From the warm room to the cold yard, the temperature on the mountain was lower than that at the foot of the mountain. At this time, she sneezed.

"With so little clothes, you'd better go first. If there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow." After saying that, he took off his black cloak and put it on Lan Ruoyan's shoulder.

"No, it's so cold. You will be frozen if you give it to me. I want to take off the cloak and hand it back to him. In the middle of the night, when others saw an isolated man and a lonely woman, they inevitably misunderstood. They touched their fingers and felt the coldness of his fingertips. Instead, they changed their minds and said, "Let's sit down first, heat up and warm up your body." It's so late, no one should see it.

"Well, all right. I'll sit for a while and then leave. He was afraid that it would be inappropriate at this time. When he saw Yaner, he didn't care much. Thinking about the clear self-clearing, he followed in. I still can't rest assured that she has something to tell him.

The two entered the room one after the other, closed the door, and dispersed the cold outside the house. Su Mu felt that every pore on his body was opening, revealing warmth and comfort all over his body.

Lan Ruoyan thought that Su Mu was late at night and came to Fahua Temple to find her. There should be something wrong. He was not the kind of person who came to look for her for no reason, so she asked, "When did Brother Su come here?"

"It didn't take long to meet a maid outside the Lanxin Pavilion in Wangfu and said that you were here and had something to discuss with me. I was worried about something urgent, so I rushed over." He took a sip of hot tea and exhaled.

"I have something to discuss with you?" Lan Ruoyan looked at Su Mu doubtfully and thought about it. It's not right!" Brother Su! There is something strange about this. I didn't ask any maid to inform you to come to Fahua Temple.

Huh? That's--" When Su Mu heard the words, her heart was also uneasy.

"Okay, Brother Su, don't worry about this matter." Lan Ruoyan thought for a moment and pretended to smile easily, "This may be a trouble in the royal palace. Brother Su, you should pretend that it didn't happen--"

"Yan'er, how can you say that?! Since it's your business, how can I ignore it!" As soon as Su Mu heard Lan Ruoyan's words, she stopped her words without waiting for her to finish.

"Brother Su, you--" Lan Ruoyan wanted to say something else. Suddenly, there was a sound of locking outside the door. She got up to see what was going on. Su Mu stopped her and walked in front of her.

"Yan'er, don't move there. I'll just go and have a look." Su Mu quickly walked to the door and tried to push the door, but he couldn't open it. It seemed that it was really locked.

He turned around and was about to tell Lan Ruoyan about this, only to find that she had also checked the window. Looking at him, he said, "This side has also been sealed."

"What's going on..." Su Mu can't figure out what's going on.

Lan Ruoyan's hand suddenly felt weak. He turned around and leaned his back against the wall. The clothes slid across the wall and made a rustling sound. Su Mu exclaimed, "Smoke!" and ran to her.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you?" Su Mu held Lan Ruoyan and asked worriedly.

"I seem to be poisoned. Brother Su, help me go there. Lan Ruoyan pointed to the position on the other side of the bed. She always felt bad about such close contact with Su Mu.

"Okay." Su Mu held her, laid Lan Ruoyan in a more comfortable position, and was ready to check the situation in the room again, but his feet only took a step, and he suddenly fell down unsteadily.

"Brother Su!?" Lan Ruoyan was surprised. Is even Su Mu poisoned?

"Yaner, I seem to be... poisoned." Su Mu tried to use internal force to force out the poison in his body, but unexpectedly, the internal force could not be used at all, and the more he wanted to exert force, the more he lost his strength.

"Yes, it's ten fragrances of soft tendons!" Lan Ruoyan analyzed her current situation, my God! Is it the legend that ten fragrant soft tendons are scattered?

"This poison is colorless and fragranceless. The poisoned person's whole body is sore and weak, and he can't use internal force. The surface of poison and antidote is the same. If the poisoner take the poison again, he will die. Su Mu held the edge of the bed and tried to get up, but he couldn't move.

"I'm afraid there are other things besides that." Lan Ruoyan only felt a dry heat inside, and her heart was itchy.

"Damn! Who the hell is it?!" Su Mu hit the ground, and he also sensed the unusual drug.

At this time, in another room, another woman, with a luxurious and beautiful face, raised a successful smile. Qiu Chan, do you think the princess likes that special gift very much? Ha..."

"Yes." Qiu Chan replied with a smile.

"What is it?" Nangong Jinzhi looked awe-inspecting, and his eyes became sharp in an instant.

"Ah! The maidservant knows nothing or nothing. He knelt down and said in fear. She is just a pawn, played by others at will, and she has to have no complaints.

"It's good to know. Now go back to your room and pretend that you don't know anything. Tomorrow, just watch the play." He waved his hand and motioned her to go down.

"Hmm~! Lan Ruoyan, don't think I will let you go like this! What I'm doing now is all caused by you. Sooner or later, I will get the evil created by you and your father~!" Saying these words viciously, she laughed in a low voice, "I just don't know if you will like the gift I give you tomorrow..." Now she is a completely irrational madman, trapped in the quagmire of hatred and can't help herself.

Fahua Temple, ethical meditation, the only pure land in the world, will also be stained with the filth of the world.

The next day. Early morning.

Xuanyuanchen got up early and played a set of swordsmanship in the yard as usual, which was his habit for many years. It was like running water, pretending to be a dragon, spreading its wings in the air. The sword was about to be sheathed, but it found an arrow shooting at him.

He quickly waved his sword and cut it away, and the arrow turned to one side and inserted it deeply into the tree. The tip of the arrow is still shaking, making a slight hum. Xuanyuanchen just wanted to chase after him with his sword, but he saw who could have such a great ability to come and go freely in the palace. However, he found a ball of things tied to the arrow. When he was about to come forward to check, the housekeeper Liu Ya came in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty, is there something wrong? I just saw a figure running there, and I moved very quickly. I'm afraid that my thief is unfavorable to the prince, so I came here in a hurry.

Xuanyuanchen didn't say anything. With a finger, the tip of the arrow still shook slightly. Liu Ya looked in the direction pointed by Xuanyuan Chen and saw that there were still things tied to the arrow. He hurried forward to take down the things on the arrow, respectfully handed them to Xuanyuan Chen with both hands, and said, "Your Majesty, please have a look."

Throwing the sword in his hand to Liu Ya, Xuanyuan Chen wondered who tried so hard to send him something. When I opened it, it was a piece of paper. The white paper was very ordinary, without any special marks. Spreading the paper ball in his hand, his eyes swept quickly, and his eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper. Holding the letter tightly in his hand, he raised his hand and rubbish all over the sky.

"Your Majesty, is there something wrong?" Liu Ya asked worriedly when she saw Xuanyuan Chen's angry appearance.

"Liu Ya, prepare a horse for me. Hurry up, I want it immediately!" Xuanyuan Chen waved his hand and said eagerly.

"Yes. I'm going to do it now." Liu Ya felt that the prince was suppressing his fierce anger and exuded uncontrollable anger all over his body. He didn't know what was written on the paper, which made the prince, who was usually happy and angry. I didn't dare to slack off for a moment, so I immediately ran to prepare.

"Sang Er, you... actually met with Mu in the middle of the night at Fahua Temple? Is there anything I can't know? Why do you still want to do so if you don't say that you have even told me the most important thing? Xuanyuanchen was hurt and angry.

"Drive~! Drive~!" Xuanyuanchen, who was riding on a horse and running crazily, is like a demon at this moment. He wants to rush to Fahua Temple as soon as possible. What others said is never as good as what he saw with his own eyes. He wants to confirm in person whether it is someone deliberately spreading rumors to make himself misunderstanding or true.

However, the words on the paper always appeared in my mind. The princess and Lord Su met alone in the middle of the night at Fahua Temple. I can't help feeling ridiculous! The news was reported early in the morning, which made him angry, especially Mu's pursuit of Yan'er these days. He is not confident in Yan'er, but himself...

Fahua Temple

"Mother, someone told me that the news has been passed on to the prince, and the prince is on his way. The door lock of the princess's wing has been opened, and the princess and Lord Su have not woken up yet. Qiu Chan whispered to Nangong Jinzhi.

"Hasn't anyone found it?" Nangong Jinzhi asked in a good time.

"It's very secret. You can rest assured."

"It's so good. It's still early now. Let's go back to ** to sleep. Nangong Jinzhi yawned gracefully and returned to ** with a smile in her closed eyes.

In the morning bell and evening drum, the incense of Fahua Temple is still as prosperous as ever. People who are busy with their livelihood every day place their good hopes on the gods to seek spiritual comfort.

Xuanyuanchen did not bring any servants, and there is no need for this kind of thing to be noisy. He came to the temple, rampaged, pulled a small sami, asked the room where the princess lived, and ran directly.

"You! What's going on!? Xuanyuanchen opened the door without hindrance and saw Lan Ruoyan lying on **. Su Mu's clothes were sleeping on the side in a messy way, and she was having a good dream. The only reason was forced to collapse by the reality and roared loudly.

Lan Ruoyan opened her eyes and listened to Xuanyuan Chen's familiar voice. She was awakened. Last night, she and Su Muquan survived with their will. Fortunately, the two of them are strong, otherwise they really don't know what will happen. I felt that my strength slowly recovered and the effect of the medicine decreased. What happened last night? She also understood. She couldn't help lowering her eyes and following the sharp eyes. Is this the only way for Nangong Jinzhi?

Su Mu also woke up. He only knew that Lan Ruoyan had ten fragrances of soft tendons at that time. He wanted to find the antidote, but suddenly he couldn't move and fainted. The next day, when I woke up, I had to face such a scene. Things were really strange. I looked at myself, and then at Xuanyuanchen, who was so angry, I just wanted to open my mouth to explain. He misunderstood himself, but it was related to Yan'er's reputation. He couldn't let Yan'er bear such an unknown name. Even if there was really something, it was under Yan'er's promise, not designed by others.

Lan Ruoyan gently pulled the corners of her clothes and shook her head slightly. She understood Xuanyuanchen and explained at this time that it was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire and causing a deeper misunderstanding. It will only set off other people's hearts.

Although Su Mu didn't know Lan Ruoyan's intention, she still followed Yaner's mind and kept silent.

Xuanyuanchen's eyes have never left Lan Ruoyan. He wanted to hear an explanation from her, but what he saw was her and Su Mu's tacit eye contact. Did they say anything that they didn't finish last night? Or do you need something to recall? Will the feeling change after only one night?

"Princess, are you up? Ah~Your Majesty, why are you here! When did you come here?" Nangong Jinzhi came gracefully and looked at Xuanyuanchen standing at the door of the wing room and pretended to be surprised. The door has been opened. Why don't you stand at the door and go in? Isn't the princess here?

"You..." Xuanyuan Chen wanted to stop it, but saw Nangong Jinzhi easily avoid it.

"Ah~! Princess, Lord Su, you..." Nangong Jinzhi shouted loudly, for fear that others would not know what happened here.

"Fe Concubine Ye, go back first! Half of the things here must not be leaked. If I hear a short and long sentence outside, only you will ask!" Xuanyuan Chen shook his sleeves, took the lead in, went straight to Lan Ruoyan, carried him directly on his body, and strode away.

Lan Ruoyan was shocked by this sudden move and forgot to struggle. When she reacted, she was already on Xuanyuanchen's back. She struggled and whispered, "Let me down, my clothes..."

Xuanyuan Chen ignored half a sentence, which was both angry and funny. What's the situation? Even if he wants to break his head, he doesn't expect that he will not lose to others when he is impulsive.

Whenever Lan Ruoyan looked back on the past, she could always recall this scene. She kept asking Xuanyuanchen why he had this reaction at that time. Xuanyuan Chen will say mysteriously every time, so that I will win you, won't I?

This is not the best love story she has ever heard, but it can warm her heart. She still remembers that journey, she buried her head in Xuanyuanchen's arms and listened to his strong and powerful heartbeat, and the rhythm beat quickly, "plop, plop."

Returning to the royal palace, Xuanyuanchen went straight to Lanxin Pavilion, threw Lan Ruoyan into the quilt and said fiercely, "It's time to tell me everything!" Sonny..."

Lan Ruoyan is not a fool. She knew that Xuanyuanchen took the initiative to explain to her at this moment. She chose to believe him instead of being blindly overwhelmed by what she saw.

"Don't you doubt me?" Lan Ruoyan pretended to ask, and she was also curious about what made Xuanyuanchen suppress her jealousy and anger, so that she could solve the problem face to face with her face.

"Do you think I doubt you?" Xuanyuan asked, "Song Er, have you forgotten what I said? Let you believe me, and shouldn't I also believe you?" Looking directly into Lan Ruoyan's eyes, as if he wanted to see the depths of his heart.

Lan Ruoyan plunged into Xuanyuanchen's arms, buried her head deeply in the solid chest, and said, "Thank you..." Then she told Xuanyuanchen what had happened.

Time is not tight or slow, and the sand of the hourglass flows with time, counting the warmth.

"It seems that all this was planned by Nangong Jinzhi! Just wait for me to drill into it!" Xuanyuanchen clenched her hand into a fist and said hatefully. Fortunately, she calmed down at the critical moment. She clearly wanted to cause a misunderstanding between herself and Lan Ruoyan.