Killer Princess: handsome and cold prince

Chapter 7: Ashima: First acquaintance with you

Perhaps many times, when we pursue our own happiness, we are too passive and forget that we should do our best to pursue it.

"If I have time, I will take you back to have a look. As long as it is what you want, I will try my best to satisfy you. As long as you feel happy, that's what you want. Zanpu put his arm on Xuanyuanlin's shoulder and whispered that his words were satisfying and fulfilling his long-cherished wish.

"That day...maybe there will be." Xuan Yuanlin looked at the faraway team and Asma, who brought joy to herself, was as free and simple as her former self. She wanted to stop her leaving, but she knew that she couldn't stop it. People always learn to grow in setbacks to gain something. Just like, she never knew and never thought that she could get a love here.

The team went from one place to another in a hurry and didn't have time to stop. Ashma was extremely excited in front of the horse, raised the whip, and waved the warm-up of this freedom.

"Your Excellency, who is this Tubo woman? How could you go back with our team? On the side, an official muttered that he was curious about who this extremely lively woman dared to run around so unruly. There is indeed an obvious difference between the state of barbarians and Xia Qi's state of etiquette.

"She is a friend of the princess in Tibet. The princess told Lord Su to take her to Xia Qi for a trip. After all, this girl is different from the tradition we accept. Don't use our rules to restrain her. The man with a bookish appearance looked at the woman who laughed unscrupulously in front of him. This bright laughter, which he had seen in a woman, was a curiosity and desire for new things. He explained.

"So it is, but in my opinion, our journey may be different from when we came, and it won't be so dull." The official touched the sheep's beard and nodded.

"However, I don't think I have this chance. I want to experience it alone, and we will say goodbye. Thank you for taking care of me all the way. Ashma suddenly rode over and said to them. She just needs an excuse to go away, leaving, but she doesn't want to be bound and tied up by things.

The eagle that spreads its wings and does not want to be bound. It wants to find its own sky and the pure land. Every story, everyone affects everyone and is involved with each other. We use force to pull them and can't separate them. This is the wonderful thing.

The burning flame occasionally makes the crackling sound of branches burning. On this cold night, it is the only source of heat to warm people. The sky gradually turns white, and the sleeping people slowly wake up. And those who have dreams are about to embark on a journey.

The passing years are flowing with messages, and wandering hooligans continue to go into exile. This is a dream about the world, just like everyone has such a dream in their hearts. Some people bravely realize it, and some people find too many excuses to escape because of timidity. But I don't know that as long as I take the first step, the most difficult part of life has been completed, and most people don't understand it, just like love.

Maybe they will eventually meet in one place or another. Lan Ruoyan, Xuanyuanchen, Su Mu, Wen Yao, Lan Ruofeng, Ashma, Murong Zijin...

Ashima left the team and came to the most prosperous place of Xia Qi alone. She didn't know why Lord Su, who had walked with them, left before them. She was a little curious, but it was difficult to inquire about other people's private affairs. Knowing that the capital is crouching with tigers and hiding dragons, I'm determined to come and have a look

She didn't want to be bound and decided to walk alone. The capital is a prosperous place, and there are many people everywhere. Compared with her poor terrain in Tibet, it is much more prosperous.

In the face of all kinds of people and all kinds of things, she felt that everything was so strange and fresh. All of a sudden, her hands were full of big and small bags of things, and she kept looking around.

Su Mu came out of the royal palace, with an unusually low heart and walked aimlessly on the street. The street scene retreated step by step behind him, and the prosperity and noise slipped away from him, and everyone woke up alone, like that feeling, wandering away from everyone.

The two came head-on, but they were unaware of it.

"Hey! ~" Ashma was shocked by the sudden collision, and the things in her hand were hit everywhere.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Su Mu was finally recovered and hurriedly apologized.

After being hit in place and turned around, Ashima stood still and was about to scold who didn't have eyes. After seeing clearly that Su Mu took care of himself from Tubo to Xia Qi all the way, and then looked at the messy things in his hand had also been lost, and he simply lost all of them.

"Lord Su, why are you here?" Ashima asked curiously, "Shouldn't you be in the palace?"

"It's you." Su Mu pointed to the sky outside and said, "At this time, it's not surprising that I'm here, right?"

Only then did Asma find that it was not too late to wander around all the way. Oh, yes. Well, it's good to see you here. I want to tell you that I want to go out by myself. I don't need to send someone to follow me. I'm used to being alone.

"Is there anyone who can't protect well? The world is sinister, and your family is not safe. The princess entrusted you to me, just to believe you. If something happens outside, how can I explain it to the princess? He knew what she was thinking all the way, but he didn't expect that she would bring it up so soon.

"There is an original saying among you that you can only grow when you have to practice. When my mother let me out, she also wanted me to grow up in the training. Doesn't Lord Su want Ashima to do something meaningful? Ashma asked mischievously.

Su Mu saw that she was unruly, which was not what he could restrain. In this case, I can't say more. It's just that if something happens to you outside, you can come back to me."

"I only know you here. Don't worry, even if I leave, I will say hello to you." With this sentence, she waved her hand and left gracefully.

The original beauty, and the appearance is very different from that of Xia Qi's people, so it is very eye-catching along the way. But she didn't realize it at all and was completely immersed in her curiosity about this novelty. Unconsciously, he was stared at secretly by lustful people.

Ashma has lived in a simple environment since childhood, living in a segregated, and often lived a nomadic life. The ignorance of people's living habits here is just a simple heart.

Behind Asma, the two men were talking about something. With a treacherous and ferocious smile, he stared at Ashima in front of him with bad intentions.

Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums, you can see Nanshan leisurely. This is Tao Yuanming's ideal paradise, a pure land that those who are rolling in the earthly turbidity are eagerly needed. Murong Qingqing took Xuanyuansheng to hide in this pure land after Lan Ruoyan's help last time. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Murong Zijin rarely came here to visit them. Coincidentally, he had just heard that the envoy of Tubo had returned to Beijing, and he wanted to tell his cousin the news.

When he walked to the path, he saw the two men talking to the woman in front of him. Those words happened to come to his ears. He looked over and saw that the woman in front of him was dressed in an alien dress, with small braids on her head, and her clothes were also very different from Xia Qi's. With only one back and jumping pace, it could be seen that the woman in front of her was unprepared against the upcoming danger.

Murong Zijin just wanted to help, but when he thought about it, this place is not far from his sister's seclusion, which makes a big deal and exposes the place. After hesitating, the two men were ready to put the prepared sacks on Asma's head.

Ashima suddenly saw a shadow above her head and looked up curiously, but saw three men fighting with each other not far away. However, in a short time, the two men were beaten by a beautiful man and knelt down and begged for mercy. Seeing that it was ineffective to ask the man for help, the two knelt at Ashma's feet, grabbed her skirt, and pretended to cry, "Girl, help! When our two brothers passed by, this man rushed out for no reason and beat us violently. The girl was kind and saved us! ~!"

"Alas~How can you pull me away~" Ashma pulled her skirt vigorously, but obviously underestimated the strength of these people. Seeing that it was useless to deal with these two people, Ashma put her hands on her waist and said to Murong Zijin, "What's wrong with you? Bullying people who can't do martial arts because they know martial arts? Are you from the world?

Murong Zijin sounds a little funny. What is bullying? Does this woman understand? Did you kindly help her, but you have become a bully?

"What do you think my behavior has anything to do with whether I am a person in the world?" This woman's problem is so strange that she is obviously not deeply involved in the world.

Asma was not used to holding her skirt in the hands of other strange men. She pulled hard and did not move, and said, "You two big men have lost the man's face like this! Let go of my hand!"

The two men let go of Murong Zijin's fierce eyes and Ashima's dissatisfaction. Seeing that these two people were entangled, they ran away.

When Murong Zijin saw the two running away, he also turned around and left.

"Hey!" Murong Zijin did not stop and continued to walk forward. I said, stop in front of me! Bullying people just left like this? You haven't answered my question yet!" Ashma shouted in the back.

"I'm from the world, and there is nothing to explain about the behavior just now. However, if you have to explain, you can thank me."

"Why should I thank you? You are really arrogant. If you bully people, you still want me to say thank you. Is this your rule?" Asma is puzzled and doesn't believe Murong Zijin's inexplicable explanation. She just came to this wilderness on a whim, just because she knew nothing about Xia Qi.

Murong Zijin happened to visit the queen's mother and son there and extended a helping hand to save her. But she is so ugly that she thinks that she relies on her good skills to bully others and wants to stand out for others. This is the first person Murong Zijin has met since he grew up, who is more ridiculous than himself. For the first time, my good intentions were regarded as donkey liver and lungs.

"I'm really helping you, as for whether you believe it or not. Look at you, you are not from here, are you? I kindly remind you that the world is not so easy to fool around. Go home as soon as possible so as not to worry about your family. Murong Zijin kindly persuaded him that he was always treated as a child. This time, he finally spoke righteously about others.

The sky is high and cloudy, the clouds are winding, and the wormwood is overgrown. A man and a woman are facing each other on the sheep intestine path. Ashima stood angrily opposite Murong Zijin. No one will be in a good mood if she is denied the opportunity she has finally won.

"Who do you think you are? I won't be cheated or bullied by others. Asma said angrily, and suddenly the words changed, "I've never... no, why should I tell you where I came from?" You are not bad, are you? I don't know you, so I won't tell you~"

"You..." Murong Zijin was choked. What kind of woman is this? She is not very stupid to say that she is stupid. She really belittles the word smart. "What do you think, but I still want to remind you with my good intentions. Those people are good people and bad people, and you will know sooner or later. I'll go first. At that time, when those two come back to you, I can't control so much.

Ashma wandered outside alone for the first time. Although she was not a weak woman, in Tubo, the woman was also good at riding and shooting. In this regard, she was no worse than the man, but the two just now... "Wait! Where are you going? Ashima's heart was hairy by what he said. Looking around, there was a thick wormwood and there was no family. At this time, she realized that a girl was in this barren mountain. This is not Tubo, but Xia Qi.

"What? Are you afraid?" Murong Zijin approached Ashima and asked with "concern".

"No, it's not. Aren't you a hero? I often hear that people in the world are not righteous. Do they help if there are any difficulties?" I don't quite understand it. Anyway, that's what it means.

"I'm curious, you, an alien woman, how can you talk about the world? Your words should be called, sticking a knife into your friend's ribs. That's what friends do. Don't you know me? Or is it because I'm afraid now that I find such a reason? Murong Zijin waved as he walked. He wanted to see if she would still be so hard to keep up.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just lost now. Don't you think you are a hero? Isn't it too much to take me, a weak woman, from this place?" She said stubbornly and didn't want to admit her fear. And she doesn't want to show it in front of outsiders. This is just the beginning. She doesn't want to be denied so quickly.

"Ha." Seeing that her mouth was still hard, Murong Zijin raised his eyebrows and turned around with a smile on the corners of his mouth. He just wanted to say something, but when he thought that he was now going to see his cousin, who was the queen, and he hid here with the prince, the better it would be better for fewer people to know. Turning around, he just looked at Ashma. There was a clear hope in her eyes, but he still chose to leave alone.

"Hey! You really plan to leave alone like that. What kind of hero are you? Hello!" Asima is helpless. Only when she runs after Murong Zijin, she doesn't want to stay alone in this place. Wouldn't it be more horrible if she can't go out late?

Feeling the footsteps behind him, Murong Zijin smiled and didn't say a word, but quietly slowed down his pace. Keep up. This alien girl, who looks stupid, should not find anything. In this way, Ashma said behind Murong Zijin, sunset, wormwood at dusk. The two slowly grew up one after the other.

After walking for some time, Ashima felt that she was getting more and more remote, and there was no half a human figure at all. She was a little panicked, a lonely man and a woman, and a man she met for the first time. She didn't know why she followed her stupidly at that time. What if this man and the first two collude? From time to time, there are wails from animals.

"Are you going the wrong way? How long will it take to get out?" Asma asked cautiously that at this time, she had no choice but to trust the people in front of her.

Murong Zijin stopped and said nothing. He just stared at Ashima and said, "I think you are very strange? Didn't you say I'm a bad person? Why did you follow all the way? Besides, I never told you that I was going to get out of this place. After saying that, he continued to move forward and walked the road under his feet without hesitation.

Asma suddenly lowered her head and was a little frustrated. How could this kind of person make her meet? Thinking of Su Mu, who has taken more care of himself these days, the two are really different, one in heaven and the other in hell on the 18th floor! Why is it so plain to let others play~

"So, can you tell me where you are going now?" He asked feebly, and his stomach protested seriously. Today, I haven't eaten anything except some special snacks.

Murong Zijin heard the sound of someone who was hungry behind him and cooed, covering up his smile and said, "I'm going home now. As you know, people in the world usually use knives and guns, which has provoked many enemies. Now, I avoid debts. You follow me, and when the enemy chases you, I can't bear the responsibility..." I deliberately raised my tone to scare her, cooperate with the atmosphere and scare her.

Murong Zijin is kind-hearted, but no one has a fun time. For such a long time, he hasn't met a funny person for a long time. Naturally, he naturally wants to play.

"enemy?" Ashma muttered in her heart, "Can we still see the bloody scene in the world later?" Are you really lucky to see the real world so soon? It seems that God is not bad for me. I bumped into him by mistake. It's just that I can't tell this idea clearly. At that time, what if he suspects that I have a bad intention?