kill immortals

Chapter 223 Kill Back

Pingjiang deliberately advanced a few days. Although he did not leave enough time for Qian Zhen to heal his wounds, the existence of Yan Peng and others finally made Pingjiang dare not be too careless. He had to rush to Tongtian Jedi early. First, he had to find the Lingshan that covered the secret cave, and then he had to figure out how to deal with Yan Peng and others.

Now Qianzhen's lips are still a little pale, and his eyes are not as sharp as before, and Wei Yujing's strength is undoubtedly the weakest among several people. If Qian Zhen hadn't insisted again and again, I'm afraid she wouldn't be qualified to come to look for treasure at all. If you come, you will be in extreme danger at any time.

The last time, Pingjiang and Wei Wu urged the escape pattern with all their strength. In more than an hour, they flew thousands of kilometers and threw Yan Peng and others far away. This time, they flew back, but it took them nearly half a day, because he didn't know where Yan Peng and others would appear. Pingjiang and Weiwu must ensure internal breath and full of energy.

When he arrived at Tongtian Jedi, Pingjiang, under the guidance of Qian Zhen, looked for a while before finding the position where Yan Peng brought them. This position is covered by the surrounding fog and other rocks, and indeed looks much more hidden than other places.

Pingjiang didn't say much nonsense. He asked Wei Wu and saw that his energy had hardly been consumed, so he flew directly in the direction of Xuanshen and his wife from his memory.

"Fly directly, you may not find anything in that Lingshan, but as soon as I see it, I can recognize it immediately. You don't have to look for it like this. In this case, the speed is too slow."

Pingjiang listened and naturally fell in the middle of his arms. Instead of carefully exploring the handsome and strange spiritual mountains, he roughly circled around, and then continued to fly back to the spiritual mountains under the guidance of Qian Zhen.

"Wait a minute!" Qian Zhen's voice was a little surprised, but Pingjiang had also seen what surprised Qian Zhen. It was a light rainbow that had been hovering beside a spiritual mountain and quickly approached them after finding them.

The breath of Pingjiang River was transported to his eyes, and he immediately found that there were two people in Guanghong, who were the Huo Yixun couple of Li Xuanshen. I didn't expect to be found by them so soon, but since the couple appeared here and wanted to come to the Lingshan Mountain, it should be near here.

Li Xuanshen was in the purple rainbow, with surprise on his face. He quickly threw two purple bright spots behind him. These two light spots flew to both sides of a spiritual mountain, one left and one right.

"No, they are blocking us here! Pingjiang, they are sending letters. Don't let the four of them join hands. Now either leave immediately or kill the two people. When Yan Peng and Yue Laomeng come, it will be troublesome.

Pingjiang looked at the mighty with a cold face and saw that he was licking his tongue with an excited face, so he swallowed what he was going to say.

"Mighty, solve the battle as soon as possible. These two people will have some joint attack skills and try to separate them as much as possible."

As soon as he heard this, he knew that he had been killed. He couldn't help but sighing, wrapped in a blue light and greeted him to the purple rainbow.

Pingjiang Neixi kept running. In the purple rainbow, a blood-red soft belt suddenly appeared on Huo Yixun's hand. After one end of the soft belt was wrapped around Huo Yixun's wrist, the other end also quickly wrapped around Li Xuan's wrist. Suddenly, the purple rainbow flame controlled by Li Xuanshen increased fiercely, and the speed also surged a lot, rushing to the mighty.

"Is this the art of joint attack?" Pingjiang suddenly burst into laughter. What kind of joint attack is this? It is clear that the couple didn't know where they got such a treasure, which can pass on the mana of both sides of the soft belt to each other. In this way, Li Xuanshen, who has greatly increased his mana power to control the magic weapon and mana against the enemy, can naturally be much more powerful. No wonder it can compete with Yue Laomeng. In this way, after borrowing Huo Yixun's magic power, it is indeed more powerful than the two of them fighting separately. After all, if there is no special powerful means, the fire Yixun in the early stage of Yangdan can't exert any power in front of the mid-term monks of Yangdan. At most, it can play a little role in restraining harassment.

Pingjiang knows the strength of the mighty. Although Qian Zhen knew that the mighty had easily defeated a mid-term monk of Yangdan, he had never seen it with his own eyes. Therefore, seeing that Li Xuanshen came aggressively, Qian Zhen looked a little solemn. However, Pingjiang focused most of his attention behind Li Xuanshen and his wife. Pay attention to the appearance of Yan Peng and Yue Laowei.

After the sudden expansion of Xuanshen and mighty, the purple rainbow beside him slowly became bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye. Obviously, it was Huo Yixun's mana, which was still passing on to him.

Under the gaze of Pingjiang, although the purple rainbow has become bigger and stronger, he can still clearly see the situation inside. Seeing that the power was only ten miles away from the couple, a simple hammer suddenly appeared in Li Xuanshen's hand, but the front end was like a drill, extremely sharp hammer.

Pingjiang could faintly see Li Xuan's deep mouth closed, as if talking. His face still showed a ferocious look, but unfortunately what he met was mighty. From beginning to end, he was just excited and ignored his words at all.

In the purple rainbow, Huo Yixun just stayed quietly next to Li Xuanshen, expressionless and his eyes closed. Obviously, it is not so easy to pass on mana to Li Xuanshen.

The speed of the green arc and the purple rainbow is extremely fast. Qian Zhen saw that with the roar of Li Xuanshen, a huge purple wave, which was more than ten feet thick, suddenly spewed out, like a purple dragon, and hit the figure flying rapidly.

"Open!" The mighty also roared, and as the blue light suddenly flashed on his body, a fiery red light suddenly rushed out, like a dozens of feet red giant sword, rushing into the purple waves. Then, under Qian Zhen and Wei Yujing's staring eyes and opening their mouths, the huge waves were brazenly split from the middle by the red sword, divided into two, and flew to Lingshan on both sides. When they met Lingshan, Zilang seemed to encounter a layer of invisible cover, colliding and scattered, and quickly turned into countless scattered vitality.

After splitting the purple wave, when the red giant sword appeared again, it had suddenly shrunk by more than half, only a dozen feet long. It seems that the collision with Zilang has consumed the giant sword a lot. However, after all, it completely covered the purple wave.

Li Xuanshen is naturally the deepest one among the people. He was determined to kill the young boy in one fell swoop, and then slowly clean up the money and others. Originally, the person he feared the most was Qian Zhen. After all, Qian Zhen has always been mysterious and his means are extremely strange. Even Yue Laowei was attacked and injured by him, and he was robbed of the seal bracelet. However, Li Xuanshen knew more that Qian Zhen had been seriously injured by Yan Peng. Now, in his opinion, it was clear that several of them sent the three spiritual treasures to their hands without knowing whether they were alive or died.

"That mighty boy is not simple! Be careful." Li Xuan's deep heart suddenly flashed Yan Peng's solemn words of advice. At this time, the powerful boy had rushed about three or four feet in front of him.